Ye Diearie of Yon Alfredde Lichenstien
Parge 45
Alas, through mine journeys throughe this danke worlde, I hath encountered a rase o' foule beens. Verily, Forsooth, ye appearance is resembled to thy metal beasts of floores above, butte yet thee are spiritus.
Each claimes herritage to the Rool of Yon Realm of Thee Skieshippe; ye red won intrigeth mee the moste. Alas, I cannnot aproache to convers withe thee, red metalle spiritte. I musts staye in the shades of darke, observing ye creatures of Yon Warren.
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Thee Red Spiritte of Spitting Flame, as I have so deduced thatte thou art called, I wishe to know thine self. Thy stands tall above thine brethren, even when thine Grey Bro talkes in a downeward direction towards thine self. Thine confidence inspires mine self.
I claime to you, thou art the truue moste deserving of thine throne. Mine self desires you, and though thou ist too hot fore mee, I wilst have you.
But Insanity is doing ye samee thing twice, and expecting a differente outcome. I cannot leave mine shadows to pursue romance thine towards. I musts observe only; I regrete trying to speak once already.
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Oh, my heart beats to return to this floor! Mine desire, yon Spitting Flame, Forsooth I have returned to thy!
A cattelogue of beasts far and deepe I hath dokuemented, and I return to observe thy glory again. Thy shal not die thy dubble deathe, whilst I watch and protect thine from mine darc.
Thine brothren of blue is gone from here now, and thine grey sibling is parted from you. Yon shroom and womman of redde hair hath taken thou abbusive brother away, and we art alone now. Tommorow, I will try the insane. On the morrow, I wilst talk to you, mine hearts desire.