Welp, time to download my turn and have a look, right? What could have goooonnneee wwrrooonnggg?
** Starts normal, powering up on my end, undead being summoned and death gems burned on his end.
***Made the mistake to hit "n" for next turn, cause it was boring. Nearly melted my pc.
Aha, so here is my mistake. My pans would cast Strenght of Gaia and then a bunch of other spells.
What they did do is cast strenght of Gaia - and then pass out right away. When they wake up, they choose to ignore ALL orders and proceed to self-buff and cast low cost spells, ignoring all there gems and posibilities.
(Meanwhile, somewhere at the flank of the map, a single archer kills 3 wolfs in melee and causes a wolf-rout).
******I checked, strenght of Gaia is actually only 20 fatigue, wtf... 'It seems that giving them some blood slaves made them think they had blood magic skill - one blood burst (Which did nothing) - and they where left out cold for the rest of the fight. Must be all that heavy armor, right?
I had some Lamias in there, they did suprisingly well. Honestly, it was lost utterly and only because all pans passed out from STrenght of Gaia and then ignored there scripting. My stupid mistake.
(Oh and most of the suriving sauromantian troops have 1-4 afflictions).
The earth 9 god casting Flying stones kills like 20-30 mandea a turn, its rather ugly. My own pans casting poorly placed earth melds (Sometimes not even hitting a single enemy) do there own part.
Cockatrice only have percision 8. Today I learned what exactlly that means. Ouch.
The % of army lost caused a rout before any of the good troops (or earth elementals) made it to the front line.
The frustrating part is that most pans litterally only got 2 spells off in 10-15 rounds of combat and then where laying there, passed out, to be killed. Seriously, strenght of Gaia was the end of me. Never again : I
As the fight ended, 6 of the sleepys where laying there. 1 of them made it out.
My prophet actually would have gotten away, but decided not to (??!?) and stoped right at the end of the map, then took a good 2-3 rounds of being beaten while surrounded utterly to go down. He even cut a path to the exit free and didn't use it. - I assume he got hit by a arrow near the end and went berserk, so there was little I Could do. This is fairly frusting, not only because the pans could have easily won this if they had cast there spells and used there gems, but also because I lost two shields to Sauromatia.
But, lessons learned, right? I'm still doing fairly good for my first mp game and I have plenty of renforcements around.