Hi everyone. Sorry again about the recent delays. Jbg97 had it partly right (I also fell down a rather large hill on new years, was sprayed with champagne by a Ukrainian after a long speech about how he had never once spilled so much as a drop of champagne in his life and had a two day hangover), but I have also effected by other factors. I'll repost part what I said to Inithis in a PM to better explain:
"Basically, IRL I'm a starving writer, who amongst many, many other projects writes scripts for a bunch of animators and independent film people I know. We even have a "Production Company", or what would be one if we had, say, some clients and paying jobs. All that's changing right now as we've been asked for a quite specific show real by an Ad agency. They've seen some of our stuff and want something to show their clients. So I'm actually working (not for any hard currency as yet), which means that not only do I have much less free time than usual, but that I'm also using up my creative energy."
Just after New Years I got a call from the lead animator that went along the lines of "Hail Wordmonkey, you know those drunken dreams we've been talking about for years? Well I've had this meeting and we've got work to do." So for the next couple of weeks I'm writing scripts like it was a real job, doing my part to make three minutes of animation that is not only awesome, but says to potential corporate clients "you should hire these guys and recommend them to your friends, even though they're just getting started in this crazy business in the middle of a cutthroat recession". All very specific yet nebulous stuff.
Obviously, me being very busy with IRL things is going to mean that I can't really update this properly, so I am turning over GMship temporarily to Inithis, who is well prepared with my cryptic clear and well written notes and insane ramblings rules outlines.
*Wayward Device commands you to Obey the Authority of Inithis while he is detained on Meatspace Business*
This is not permanent and I'm not disappearing forever, nor do I want this to die off. It won't die, we haven't even had the first chaos war yet. So be nice to obey unquestioningly Inithis, who has bravely volunteered to shoulder the mighty burden of running an ever expanding universe while I'm busy.
EDIT: Oh, and Happy Year of the Land Shark New Year!