Outside the Demonic Studies Department...
Vincent decides to knock on the door again! Maybe they didn't hear him the first time, mages being the deaf bastards Vincent knows them to be! He knocks three times!
[Reaction roll: 4]
A squeaky female voice answers!
"Yes? What do you want? I hope you're not one of those... those savages!"
Inside a strange tomb...
Jordan needs some action! And if approaching some horrible thing in the darkness inside a tomb is the only way to get it then, by the gods, some very angry approaching is about to be done! He readies his axe and steps forward!
"Ri-ight, goo-ood. You-ou are wi-ise to do as I tell you!"
[Approach roll: 3]
Jordan feels a sort of vague darkness encroaching on his very being as he gets closer!
In an alley of some kind...
Samuel tries to find a streetwise urchin to grill for information!
[Search roll: 6]
However, there is no need, for he is already surrounded by them!
"Eh, who are you? What you doin' here?"
[Nonverbal communication roll: 4]
Samuel writes down his need to find the Royal Palace!
[Literary eloquence roll: 5]
I require the location of the Royal Palace. If you can point me in the right direction, I will give you money. If you don't, let's just say that I am a wizard.
[Reaction roll: 5]
"Royal Palace, eh? Alright, we'll take ya there, never fear!"
Samuel is escorted through multiple alleys, streets and even buildings for the better part of an hour before the entire group stops in front of a truly magnificent stone structure that towers over the rest of the city! At least a dozen guards are posted in front of it!
"'Ere we are. Royal Palace, no questions asked."
Samuel hands the children six copper pieces!
"Thanks, man. Pleasure doin' business!"
They run off, presumably to spend their ill-gotten gains!
Somewhere on university grounds...
James decides to look for something else! Damn that Theology Department!
[Building choice roll: 2]
He chooses the Fayte Deppartemennte!
[Search roll: 3+1]
He finds it without much difficulty, since the building is far easier to spot than the Theology Department! Or at least that's what James tells himself!
[Security measures roll: 2]
This place is barricaded up to the roof! Holy hell.