Respawn as bacon
Kill whoever killed my past life
(2) nope, that defies the original too much.
(2) Well should it be onyxjew who caused slowpoke to become a nuke, or slowpoke that you kill?
>Respawn as a Void-elemental Dragon.
>Assist Xantalos's second action.
(5) Sure
(1) You manage to kill yourself attempting that.
"Yes! I'm in the nuclear power plant! None will expect me!"
Suddenly, his plan worked. Much faster than anticipated. The meltdown occurred the moment he pressed the inexplicable button.
"Oh dear..."
Gain superpowers!
(4) You gain the power of being Immune to Heat, Temperature Resistance, Cannot tolerate Heavy Metal, and 125% the balance, strength and flexibility of an ordinary human. (yes I used the metamorphica)
Respawn as a puddle of orphan meat filled with toxic diamond slivers.
(1) No you don't. Respawn?
Respawn as my state one second before the explosion.
(3) You respawn as your regular self right as you morphed into a nuke. You are weirdly metalloid and constantly beep.
>Respawn as innocent bystander selling baked potatoes.
(2) Why?
Run like the wind would run if it ran.
(5) You run very very fast
and are near a hotel
(4) okay (6) The cops arrest you and start towing you to jail.
Onyxjew: Dead
Zanzetkuken: Dead Void-energy elemental dragon
Xantalos: Deciding who to kill
GWG: Immune to Heat, Temperature Resistance, Cannot tolerate Heavy Metal, and 125% the balance, strength and flexibility of an ordinary human.
Yoink: Dead
TopHat: near a hotel
LordSlowpoke: nuclear bomb human hybrid
Nosaneinme: Ommision, Dead Crazy tech priest
Mullet Master: Dead
Tavik Toth: Tank, under arrest.