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Author Topic: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing:Derm has entered the Booze Dimension  (Read 993777 times)


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I am a Goober.


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    • Stuff

Turn the key! Same words.

((My bad, I just sent them. Timing!))
You turn the key. The Bull starts clomping around in slow circles. This is unhelpful.

Your left arm becomes very muscular and quick.

"Huh...considering my normal daily routine I would think it would be my right arm that would bulk up."

Anyone got a word for shield? I could use defense. As in the sort of shield that you can throw at someone, not a shield generator shield.
Say Hathic. Test how tough it is on my blade. Stabbity stabbity!


You spawn a big old lump of crystal. Your sword cuts into it fairly well, although the crystal is quite hard and you're not exactly the type of Herculean Exemplar who can just cleave stones in half, regardless of the sharpness of your blade.

This is turning out amazing.

Time to enchant up in this biotch.

Hold ranged weapon in right hand, sword in left.

Dorbaelo Harialltontal
Doncarteallel Zzers Harialltontal

Well that first one is a no.
A mark appears on your chain blade. Cool. Now it is sure to murder men even more. 

Jixiu grins, then nods in approval while making a 'Not bad' face. Grab that mother, then see if I could potentially dual wield it and my staff.'s kinda really heavy. It is a giant metal sword sword after all, and you're  just a normal, very weak sorta guy.

((Oww.. Ah well NEW CHARACTER))
Spoiler (click to show/hide)
When I spawn I want to head to Yo-drell of the Deep's alter and pledge myself to him. After that leave the building and say "Hathic Hael-ton" then pick it up and head towards the path.
You cut your finger and drip a bit of blood into the bowl. The flesh around your cut begins to harden and become darkish gray and dusty in appearance. The effect spreads across your whole body.

Spoiler: Oh nevermind CROWS (click to show/hide)

Fire glassbolts at the Crows. Defend myself with the sword if I can. Shout Cainthalsaz Cycallozion while staring them down if they still live, if they're dead before those words, use the spoilered ones.
[crow spd:2]
You successfully murder some clouds with an errant shot from your bow, but the Crows remain unhurt. They swoop down in a tight cluster, straight toward you.
You dodge out of the way as they go screaming by, and shout your words at them as they disappear back into the clouds.
Your magical eyebeams prove to be less then effective at doing anything more then further murdering some innocent clouds.

Get out of the spawn room, explore until I get to a room with an altar

Well you make it to the hall of the gods but there are 8 doors here. You want me to just pick you a god at random or what?

Well, I'm pretty sure I don't want to stab a lightning bird with a steel spear, so Throw spear at a bird and say Shareeb Shaazeshelial, then if a mark appears instantly activate it.
[crow spd:5]
[Crow dex:6]
The Crows sweep in like a black cloud and release a burst of electrical discharge straight into your skull. You go stumbling back, your nose burnt off and your vision a cloudy mess of blood and pain. You shake yourself back to your senses and speak your words while hucking your spear at the birds.
Your words fail, you accidentally lob your spear backwards, and in the wrong direction, off the cliff.

Everything is terrible forever.

screw it im off to perform SCIENCE, walk back towards the temple and say WORDS and procure the necessary reagents.

You wander over to the area just outside the temple and try yourself some words.
You become more buff and quick. Sweet. Hope this doesn't have any sort of horrible, unforeseen side effects that come back and totally fuck you to death!

You send Mr.Big off on a secret mission.

Look for loot and/or enemies.
Well, there's booze around here. Lots of lovely booze. And that bartender guy, but he looks pretty scary, actually. Hmm. So no great big old enemies for you to fight and no mounds of treasure. Then again, exactly what treasure you expect to find in a burnt out, ruined mountain village is kinda beyond me. No big piles of gold around here; well not unless you make them at least.

Continue down the path, punch enemies in the face, unless they seem to be a spellcaster, in which case attempt to remove their jaw.
"Damned lack of co-ordination."
You continue down the path, past Sven who is flexing, past the village center and it's scattered bodies, until you hit a fork in the road. One side branches off and follows the curve of the mountain south toward the sea. The other heads north, toward the raider encampment and eventually the forest down below.

Say words, then leave the clothing store.
...Well the words I got were "Say words, then leave the clothing store" So I'm kinda fucked there.

But you leave the clothing store and walk back out to the village center. I can do that much for ya.

More runic fun!
The first rune activates and it's form changes; its lines rearrange themselves to form the shape of a sword. The second one doesn't even activate, and the third forms something...well it's a quadruped. That much you can tell.


Scream words of painful magic at him!  Chuck my lightning in a bottle at him if he's still not dead/incapacitated.

[mage spd:2]
[mage pot:6]
[mage dex:4]
You shout your words at the same time the mage does, but your shot isn't nearly as well aimed. He puts another iron spike straight into your chest and reduces you to nothing but a severed, electric head.

"Well. This is unfortunate."

Seeing as there isn't any written information to be had, Ozzy decides to study each of the alters and draw what conclusions he can about the gods they represent and afterwards he grills the monk for additional information about any gods whose goals and gifts are not immediately obvious from what he saw downstairs.

(( From search I've found the following, there are eight gods:
Yo-drell of the Deep, whose alter is a boulder with 3 silvery cubes embedded in it.
Sha-calun the Everflame, whose alter is an eternal flame burning above a bowl.
Flux, whose alter is a font of mercury.
Parathun the Fleshsmith, whose alter is a constantly changing lump of flesh.
Scarlon the Mask, whose alter is a stone statue of a cloaked man wearing a bright white mask.
Blastel, whose alter is a live woman chained to the platform with a blade driven into her chest.
Nul-sheal the Green, whose alter is a tree with leaves of every element.
Shub-shalsheil of the Inksea, whose alter is an enormous book, it's pages filling with text and magical symbols as you watch.

I figure Sha-calun is for pyromaniacs, Parathun is for shapeshifters/transmuters, Shub is for runic scholars but the other are more vague to me.  I guess Nul-sheal could be plant based, but the the leaves of every element might mean it's helpful with all elementals or maybe both.  Blastel is confusing, though I'm guessing it has something to do with torture, or perhaps self-sacrifice.  Yodrell might be an earth based elemental or just dealing with any sort of metal.   Scarlon and Flux I'm kinda stumped on though Flux could be a god of chaos or simply change/movement.

Anyone may feel free to affirm or deny my conjecture based on your own experiences. ))
From what you can gather:
Yo-drell is the god of survival and of stone. His gifts have to do with keeping you alive and protecting you from damage.

Sha-calun is the god of fire and magical potency. He's about...well fire and making you more potent.

Flux is the god of change and movement. She's about moving fast, dodging shit, changing things and otherwise warping the material world for fun and profit.

Parathun is god of flesh and bone. He is all about making you into a crazy mutant.

Scarlon is god of the mind and will. He's all about controlling minds, gaining secret knowledge and generally being a sneaky, manipulative bastard more then a straight up murder dude.

Blastel is god of violence. He's the one you want to take if you plan on fighting with melee or not using magic. All his stuff revolves around charging into battle and murdering dudes.

Nul-sheal is god of the elements and grants control over specific ones. Good if you want to specialize, but your element is randomly chosen.

And Shub is all about the tattoos and circles.

((Oops meant to hit the villagers... sorry bout that (I will try and use smaller lasers in future) :-\))
Ok then +1 Dex then apologize to the two I nearly vaporized and go look about town some more and do magic
The mark on your forehead burns.
You get a pair of Diamond-obsidian Greaves. Neato. Those will go well with the rest of your armor.

((lol you forgot my +1 to pot... well I don't mind. 60 bolts is plenty.))

Double sweet! Now for a back up weapon other then this knife and some armor.... hm.... I got an idea to solve my armor problems!

Take off my robe a hold it in my hand. Then say "Dorbaelo Adamenstiar". Activate the mark when done.

((Robe of diamond/crystal for armor, here I come!))
Your robe changes from rough fabric into solid diamond. This makes it completely solid and unmoving; two traits that are not usually associated with good robes.

Silica aims away and says "Clo-caltel Ratheale"
You get a great big old sphere of clockwork junk. It looks like it's a big complex mechanism but it doesn't seem to do anything but turn it's own gears and look impressive.

((I figure Sha-calun is for pyromaniacs, Parathun is for shapeshifters/transmuters, Shub is for runic scholars but the other are more vague to me.  I guess Nul-sheal could be plant based, but the the leaves of every element might mean it's helpful with all elementals or maybe both.  Blastel is confusing, though I'm guessing it has something to do with torture, or perhaps self-sacrifice.  Yodrell might be an earth based elemental or just dealing with any sort of metal.   Scarlon and Flux I'm kinda stumped on though Flux could be a god of chaos or simply change/movement.))

((Scarlon is related to mind control and resisting it, Flux is the god of dodging, essentially. Nul-sheal might be responsible for elemental control in general. The rest, not so sure.))

"~Yee-hee! It-works! Percussive-maintenance-works! Making-mental-note.~"

Hand the cleaver to Tod-2A. Look around for some locals.
You hand the weapon to Big Tod and look around. No locals around here, but there looks like there might be some a little further down.
kill the birds with their own bones
fly to avoid attacks.
blast the other people down the cliff with the rock control
continue down the road if succsessful.
Try words Dalthcael,Conshael,Horothel(seperately)

i might die today. Yaay!
Your left leg  breaks in about 8 places. This is not pleasant.


Win gulps and retracts his head.
He mumbles "Dem kids always ruining everything...".

Say "Clo-Caltel Gathel-Lereth Shoshashzel".

E: Oh, and the gods probably have something to do with it. If somebody reaches a high enough level with their god, we may be able to ask them.
Before you can say your words, Mr.Big, the homunculus under the control of Sven, wanders over and tries to grab you.
[Mr.big dex:3]
You dodge out of the way of his grasp but he keeps coming after you. He seems very intent on giving you a big hug.

"Fair enough, and just twice now I believe. I have a feeling it will be sadly more common... But regardless. Lets see if this works... I'm going to try to create, what I hope, to be a mind link between us. If it works, I should be able to help you nudge things into shape mentally, or exert your will on things. If things look like they're going wrong, I'll just disconnect." Glassco concentrates on John and tries to use his powers to get into John's mind. No mental domination, none of that and if it looks to be that terminate such link immediately. Attempt to make it to where Glassco can use his will instead of Johns, or perhaps help him out. "Alright, lets try it out. Activate the mark and try to fly it." Will myself to will for John to will the ship upwards.

[Will doesn't look like a word anymore.

Also, who knows. I for one believe him, but you could be right. They use the powers of the eight gods to hold the avatar in place, and they want us to kill the avatar, which they acknowledge will kill them. Which is what they want, I believe, as well as the world to not be ripped to shreds.]
You point at him and his body tenses up, moving under your direct control.

You both simultaneously shout "MOTHER FUCKER!"

Kin didn't drag his feet, almost falling head over heel. "Hope you don't mind me jumping in helping you? Don't want to kick you while you are down. Oh, wait. Sorry, foot in my mouth." Making sure that Thrakor understand that Kin won't solemnly make jokes under the belt he tries to figure out the best way to kick ass.

Garstopit the mage if Thrakor doesn't kill the mage. Take the metal rod if the mage is dead.

Here you go Unholy_Pariah. Filled one in for you.
Quote from: Sven's Super Secret Science Script
Gathel-LerethRight Arm
Je'raelLeft Arm
Con-telRight hand
[mage aware:1]
[mage end:5]
A burst of greenish haze appears around the mage and then vanishes. The man looks rather sick but not overtly hurt. Although he does look very mad at you now.


Continue heading out of the village.
You make it all the way down to  the intersection in the road where one way splits off toward the sea and the other continues down the side of the mountain toward the raider cages and the forest below.

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  • Bay Watcher
  • "Hello again"- canadian stalker
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Test same words.Clo-caltel Hobitaeaod Contallthelthel
Try to grow your exploded foot into a mechanical-bone one.

« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 02:37:05 am by magmaholic »
I am a Goober.


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Well, ouch.
Say Shareeb Shaazeshelial and activate the mark that appears, if the mark works correctly try to knock the next crow who attacks me out of the sky.


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Re: Perplexicon: Magic is Confusing: Everything is Terrible Forever
« Reply #3469 on: March 29, 2013, 01:54:22 am »

Glassco curses, then sighs. "Well then John, time for a round two? By the way, if you find my mental presence stifling, just say so and I'll terminate the link. I'll only keep it for as long as you want it." Glassco attempts again to make the ship rise through John. "Rise damn you! I brought you into this world and I'll damn well make you fly over it!"

[Shouldn't I have two successes now? First was from shaping the stone wall/floor into a bowl, if I recall.]
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 02:01:05 am by Xanmyral »


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Head north down the path, punch enemies in the face, unless they seem to be a spellcaster, in which case attempt to remove their jaw.


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((Piecewise unless you want to change my turn I will take this as a second action rather then including it in the first))
Leave the building and say "Hathic Hael-ton" then pick it up and head towards the path.
Nevermind the disturbingly knowing look that kobold has on her face. That dwarf SHOULD be embarrased!


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okay Miauw... you have avoided my attempt at abduction, but i implore you to let me use you for science, i promise if it works it will be VERY useful for upgrading yourself and your minions and i will share with you the knowledge of how i did it...

Perform actions that entirely depend on whether miauw submits to science, runs away, or retaliates against his attempted abduction.

Miauw has submit, enter his building and carve the circle into the floorboards or whatever.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 06:03:50 pm by Unholy_Pariah »
Clearly running multiple missions at the same time is a terrible idea.  The epic battle to see which team can cock it up worse has escalated again.

And Larry kinda gets blueballed in all this; just left with a raging bone spear and no where to put it.


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"Well then time for some exploration"
Put on the gloves grab my sword and continue looking around, if I run into someone/thing that wants to kill me then murder words otherwise if I don't find anything say less murdery words.
So it was like a binary search, except the question is "Has the input been brutally murdered?", and it only ever returns True.

Harry Baldman

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"~Onward-Tod-2A! To-glorious-victory!~"

Ride Tod-2A toward some locals. Gauge their disposition from my lofty perch atop the nine foot man. If they are completely ordinary (hungry, insane and unreasonably violent) peasants, have Tod-2A teach them a fatal lesson. Not literally, mind you. Just kill them.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 04:15:42 am by Harry Baldman »


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((Piecewise: do beams, projectiles and bursts all require dex rolls to aim? Is there any way to get points without killing things?))
Silica places her right hand on the sphere and says "Dorbaelo Aels"
Quote from: Caellath (on Discord)
<Caellath>: Emp is the hero we don't need, deserve or want


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((Um... what happened to my bonus +1 to Pot rolls? I should be getting it since I have 3 points in my pot stat right?))

Hm... I was hoping if I was powerful enough, it'd be like diamond cloth.... Wait... this might still work. Maybe I can have instant armor when I get attacked....

Try to deactivate the mark on the robe and see if I can keep activating and reactivating it.

If I can't and it's not back to normal, hold it and say "Dorbaelo Szahell". Then put it back on.

If I can activate and reactivate the mark at will, or it's back to normal, put it back on with the mark off and say "Shareeb Hael-ton".

If I have time to move and attack, head for the clouds and go bird hunting with my pimped out crossbow. If I don't have time to move but to attack, attempt to shoot at anything flying in the clouds... that is if I can see anything in the clouds.

((Anybody know if you can activate marks at long range? I got a sweet plan where I can trough a object at someone with a Arcane mark on it and turn the object into arcane energy at in mid air and then turn it back to normal when you want to pick it up again. If marks don't work like that, maybe it'd be possible with circles since I know they work at long range.

Also anyone wanna share the secret to having living moving limbs of metal and stuff? I wonder if I'm missing something to make my robe less solid and unmoving.))
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 11:37:12 pm by superBlast »
"Come oooooon, a little insanity never hurt anyone.... Well except for that one guy, but never mind him." -superBlast

I gots a new livestream! Check it out here at


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I go along with Glassco's plans again.


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Roll close enough to bite his ankles just Rothon him to death.  Failing that, yeah, bite his ankle.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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"Wasn' really sure magic could do tha'. But steroids is steroids, right?"

Greater Collection
Quote from: Steel Resolve
I shall be ready! My head is full of disturbing but useful information. And all it cost me was my peace of mind and sanity. A bargain!
They told me to aim higher, so we dug deeper.
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