You accept the challenge. The duel will commence the third day before the journey begins...
The area is fenced off. It's been approximately a week, as Alca prepares for the journey by learning the Eastern languages, or at least the most commonly spoken. They're odd, polysyllabic languages, but are structured similar enough that You and Alca have grasped a working knowledge in so short a time.
Raun One-eye stand before you. He has already earned the title Khet for himself, so you harbor no illusions that this will be an easy fight. His one eye hinders him little, as he lost his eye as a small grub.
He's dressed in fanciful wooden armor, emblazoned with funguscap pauldrons and a helm coated in the emblem of the Sunsetter gang, a Flying Star. The armor is more than for show; it gives him protection from your spear, where you have no protection from his. But that is not to say you have no advantages.
Ulla-sha gave you a set of herbs to give you a more robust stamina. Your best route at this point is to wear down Raun, then strike when he is slowed.
The fight begins. Alca is watching, clearly hoping for a draw so she can weasle out of having an escort at all. Ulla-sha watches, face as stony as ever, but she's told you she's rooting for you. The Champion is watching, obviously looking for Raun's victory. This has become bigger than a simple contest.
The Sunsetters are watching. They look... calm.
HP 25/25
Skills Heroic (Defeat follows closely, but Death lags behind)
Weapon Plantwood Spear (stonetip)
Armor Thick Furs (-0 Damage taken)
HP 27/27
Stance Slight left lean
Weapon Plantwood Spear (stonetip)
Armor Wooden Sunsetter Armor (-1 Damage taken)