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Which faction do you like the most?

The Loyalists (Led by Pan)
The Revolutionaries (Led by Grimnir)
The Radicals (Led by Brewster)

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Author Topic: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.  (Read 49672 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #390 on: December 26, 2012, 05:55:30 am »

Well, if theres no interaction with Oddmask then hes kinda useless to have as a dwarf. Hes caged so I can't do anything. If you don't want to deal with the character anymore, just kill him.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #391 on: December 26, 2012, 01:37:29 pm »

Entry 8 (Part 2)
Mid Limestone

Grimnir listened as Pan explained this to him, Reaver and Nav standing by. Shinn stood at the doorway of the barracks, his pair of brigadiers flanking the entrance outside. The barracks had been bustling with sparring and demonstrations. Now it was silent. Grimnir’s eyes flitted between Pan, who explained, Nav, who grunted in approval, as well as the gleaming, silver specked copper bolt on the table. He made no sound. Reaver, on the other hand, visibly showed his rage, while Tirion frowned deeply at a corner.

When Pan was finished, Reaver pounded the stone table with the pommel of his axe, sending the bolt clattering to the floor. ‘Grimnir! This is gone too far! The Blackdiamond and their halfwit commander will pay for their treachery!’

Without a word, Grimnir grabbed his axe, and headed out the door. He paused briefly at Shinn and the two dwarves exchanged a look… before Shinn nodded at him, parting aside for Grimnir to pass before following him. The assortment of soldiers advanced up the corridor, their destination united: to Blackdiamond Hall.


A commotion greeted them as they left the barracks.

 ‘Captain Skyfire. Look there.’ One of the Skyfire marksdwarves gestured. Up ahead in the corridor, a crowd has gathered. The unrest and anger in the air was plain. She started to draw her crossbow.

'Sheath it. No weapons until commanded.' Shinn commanded sharply.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

‘No hesitation, we follow Grimnir. ’ Reaver ordered. ‘Skins, clear the corridor.’ Nav, Nix and two other soldiers locked their shields and advanced. The Skyfire brigadiers formed up behind the line of Skins.

The column of Laborious Skins and Skyfire marched the corridor, the crowd moving aside into corridors to get to Grimnir’s ear. The crowd of dwarves did not have a single unified chant, nor were they of unified beginnings (there were dwarves of all types - masons, carpenters, engravers, peasants, drunks) but the chatter indicated, aloud and collectively, that they were to broach the issue of Blackdiamond. As they approached, Pan could hear the clamour and mutterings.

‘We need the Blackdiamond! Who will protect us?’

‘Release them, Grimnir! Reaver! We need them.’ one said to Grimnir aloud as they passed by.

‘Safety to all citizens!’ a chant took up, ‘Blackdiamond security to Hammerscar!’

‘Brewser! Brewster Elf Slayer!’ one of Gavakis’ Wraiths among the crowd took up, even as Gavakis himself manned the walls above. Two other Wraiths among the crowd cheered to that.

‘Beer! Bring back Husk’s brews!’ one drunken dwarf yelled, largely ignored.

‘Silence!’ Reaver yelled across the hallway, thumping his axe on the stone floor, the rest of the Skins following suit. As the corridor silenced, Reaver pointed his axe at the crowd in anger ‘I will have names! Who began this disorder! Look at yourselves, for Armok's sake!’

‘Most humble apologies for this ruckus, commander.’ The Guild Leader of the stonemasons pushed past one of his sturdy workers. ‘Merely a gathering gone past control. We meant no disrespect, and it’s regretful some of us decided to take it to the hallways.’

Reaver nodded respectfully. The Guild Leader of the masons was no common rabble. ‘In that case, Founder Grimnir and I will allow you to dissipate quietly… We are on the way to further apprehend the criminal Brewster, who has seen fit to murder, lie and cheat. Even now, he conspires with captured goblins within his own Hall, to further upjump his position and degrade those who oppose his madness.’

Although some of the crowd looked confused at Reaver's words, mutterings breaking out anew, the Mason Guild Leader was unfazed. Rather, he seemed slightly apologetic.

 ‘Pardons, Founder and Reaver, but our point remains, and I see no better place or time to do this…’ the Guild Leader gestured at the crowd, well over half of the civilian population. ‘The people of Hammerscar are worried. The recent tragedy of the child and the mother, and the human caravan attack… It’s past time the Blackdiamond are released, out of necessity. It’s been barely a month, and already we’ve lost a dwarf and her good child, right beneath the very fortifications we have carved! Hammerscar needs security from greenskins over minor squabbles, Founder. Enough is enough. We want peace.’ Several of the rioting dwarves echoed his sentiment with cries of ‘Peace!’ and ‘Security for Hammerscar!’

Reaver made to speak, but Grimnir stepped forth. The dwarves immediately quieted, as Grimnir began to speak.

‘There's snake in our bosoms. I let him in, I fed him, and I trusted him. I made him my successor, the son I never had, the prodigy of Hammerscar, the wielder of the Iron Vengeance, the Sword of the Revolution, the tenth and the hundredth cut. But he betrayed me, Brewster, -you- betrayed me. Betrayed US! He turned my own against me, let the fire of justice become the pyre of tyranny. I weep for you, the ground weeps for you, it cries out in pain, terror and suffering.

I have tolerated long enough. I convinced myself that he were merely misguided, that he would turn back from the path of injustice. I was wrong. Enough is enough. Hammerscar is open, but there is an end to all things. I'll stamp out the fire I have lit. He, and only he, was responsible for the senseless murder of our human allies. He and only he, in his eyes I see a madness burning, a madness that will consume us all, if we do not put it out.

This is not what I wanted. This is not what Hammerscar wanted.

The time is past for negotiation. It is time for Brewster to pay his debts to the Dwarves of Hammerscar. Or we'll take it from him, cut by cut.'

Partway through the Reaver and the Skins began to pound their weapons on their shields, and many revolutionary or neutral dwarves within the crowd instantly forgot the physical need for protection, caught in their reverance for Grimnir, joining in the clamor. Only a few, like the few of Gavakis' Wraiths stayed quiet. Even the Mason Guild Leader nodded and folded his arms, as many of his stoneworkers joined in the chant.

The Founder and first Regent of Hammerscar strode forth, the dwarves parting aside for him. As the column of soldiers rallied and formed up behind him, so did most of the crowd. As a single, unified army of Hammerscar, the people and the soldiers, they moved to cut out the heart of darkness from Hammerscar.


Part 2 of 3. No updates, please. Next part coming soon. Had to sort through something rather unexpected.

Masked Hunter, refer to my PM.  ;)
« Last Edit: December 26, 2012, 01:43:25 pm by Pan »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #392 on: December 29, 2012, 03:49:46 am »

Yo, Alfred, what do you want to name your squad? (update being finished as I type this and fix some small issues here and there)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #393 on: December 29, 2012, 06:28:51 am »

Sorry, I had a very busy week.
The name? maybe The Sword Brigade.
What's the news on the squad's barracks, are they finished? if not, I suggest a place near Skyfire's barracks if possible.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #394 on: December 30, 2012, 10:47:50 am »

Entry 8 (Part 3) Limestone


The doors of Blackdiamond Hall was thrown open by the pair of recruits, Zanzetkuken and Littlebear. The vanguard of Laborious Skins marched in, shields held aloft, followed by the trio of Reaver, Shinn and Grimnir, stomping into the archery hall of the Blackdiamond. Behind them, the procession of other soldiers and civilian dwarves alike followed suit, eager in their reverence towards Grimnir.

The army of Hammerscar, of true Hammerscar.

However, the lavish training room was deserted. No hail of bolts greeted them. The normal procession of Blackdiamond soldiers training were nowhere to be seen, and neither was Brewster.

‘Come out and pay for your treachery!’ Grimnir bellowed, his voice no doubt carrying into Blackdiamnd Hall, into it’s dining quarters and the prisoner holding cell. ‘The blood of the innocent demands JUSTICE! Come forth from hiding, coward!’

There was a minute of silence, before the doors of the Blackdiamond inner dining quarters were thrown open by two Blackdiamond, who held it as Brewster walked out, an amiable smile upon his face. However, the maniacal fire was within his eyes, and he looked every the mad dwarf. His Blackdiamond filled the room, six of them in total, along with Brewster's pet giant leopard. Their crossbows were drawn, some loaded and some unloaded. Upon noticing their crossbows, the Laborious Skins and Skyfire brigadiers tensed and some raised their shields. The Blackdiamond marksdwarves, however, took no notice of that, and Brewster held his unloaded crossbow casually in one hand, pointed at the ground.

‘Founder Grimnir!’ he exclaimed with a grin, much to the puzzlement of Pan and many other revolutionary dwarves. Pan had taken his place behind the loose shield wall that was the Laborious Skins, as he had expected crossbow fire filling the room. Instead, Lorbam continued to chirp amiably, ‘Our apologies for our presentation, we were not expecting a visit from you so early.’

‘Spare us your condolences.’ Reaver said coldly. ‘We’re here for the coward who caused the deaths of dwarves and humans.’

‘Ah yes, that was most dreadful.’ Brewster sighed, taking this in stride. ‘The food haulers have made this incident known to us. I never trusted these humans, and I am not one bit surprised that they turned their blades upon us. You’ll be glad to know we’re remedying the situation regarding those involved right now. Blood for blood.’ Brewster flashed a grin.

‘Do not play the coy deceiver with me.’ Reaver growled. ‘Your plot is discovered. You are the traitor of which Grimnir speaks of. You consorted with goblins, and used them to carry out your scheme of terrorism upon Hammerscar – resulting in the death of the humans and two of our very own dwarves! Your very bolt, of which we possess and know, slew one of he humans, and Grimnir himself condemns you, traitor!’

Plot...? What...’ Brewster’s smile melted away from Reaver’s accusations. ‘I… Grimnir, this is an outra- a mistake, surely!’

‘The only mistake,’ Grimnir spoke up. ‘was that I have upjumped your position so high. I took you as the savior of Hammerscar, who could deliver my promise of Hammerscar. Of true Hammerscar. Instead, you took the sword of justice, of freedom and of Hammerscar and turned it to senseless murder. CONFESS, MADLING!’

‘No! Grimnir… I…’ Brewster almost turned pale.

The civilian crowd began to fling things at the Blackdiamonds, booing and chanting ‘CONFESS! CONFESS! CONFESS!’ The bombardment of withered plump helmets and stones lasted a minute or two, careening off copper armor and raised crossbow stocks before ammunition ran low. Then, when silence once again took over, Brewster cleared his voice.

‘Grimnir’ He stated respectfully, head bowed, in a tone of confession ‘I confess that I have been stationing the culprits of the incident within my Hall… It is indeed my fault that I have not seen this earlier… My fault in this was my own incompetence and in that, I have failed you in that, Grimnir.’

Confess! Pan thought to himself. Confess that you were the one! The one who caused the suffering and death of innocents! The one who sought to doom Hammerscar!

Instead, Brewster raised his voice, strong and sounding every bit a trained public speaker ‘But better late than never, and that is why I have taken the liberty of punishing them this very day, and presenting their traitor heads to you! Lorbam, bring them forth!’

Four more of his Blackdiamond emerged, completing the ten dwarves that made up the Blackdiamond, and threw what they carried onto the floor before Grimnir. The rank scent of blood and feces filled the room, as murmurs and groans of disgust filled the room. Before Grimnir lay four goblin corpses, each sprouting multiple bolts. The giant leopard of Brewster made to step forward, but Brewster held his pet tight.

Brewster has executed his goblin captives! Pan realized, severely disappointed. He had hoped that interrogating these prisoners would no doubt reinforce Brewster’s involvement with them… but Brewster had already executed them. No matter, Pan decided. There was evidence aplenty. Brewster's demise will follow.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Grimnir looked upon the corpses with cold eyes, understanding dawning upon him as well. ‘What do you mean by this? What has this to with anything?’ he demanded.

‘Everything, Founder. They plotted to escape, and one of them did, stealing a crossbow and a handful of our bolts and wrecking Hammerscar from within.’ Brewster gestured, with his almost-genuinely confused but earnest look. ‘My stockpiling, rather than ready and quick executions of these greenskins, allowed them to escape, and led to this avoidable tragedy, hence why my loyalty, and the competence of Blackdiamond, has been put to the question. For that, Grimnir, I am to blame. It makes me no better than the meek fools of the Mountainhomes, to be sure.’

Liar! Pan could tell Brewster was playing at being coy and contrite to avoid blame and reinforce his paper-thin alibi. However, a part of the crowd murmured in agreement at the bodies, clearly buying into Brewster’s farce. But surely Grimnir was not fooled! Pan hurriedly glanced at Grimnir and Reaver, and was relieved to find that they, to their credit, were not convinced.

‘I told you,’ Reaver threatened, scowling ‘not to play the coy deceiver with Grimnir or I. Your crimes are far worse than keeping about some potential saboteurs, and your lies and fool’s show is fit only for children. You cannot mean to tell me that the goblin snuck past three rooms of Blackdiamond Hall, stole the bolts, went up the central stairwell without notice?’

‘What?’ Brewster looked genuinely shocked at this direct suggestion. ‘Are you suggesting that I actually worked with these goblins? Conspired and allied myself with them? Surely, you don’t think that of me or the Blackdiamond!’

‘Madness brings one to all manner of deeds, even the spilling of dwarven blood.’ Shinn declared hotly.

‘Traitor!’ One of his brigadiers yelled.

‘In any case, the evidence is clear.’ Reaver continued ‘The goblin holds Blackdiamond issued bolts, Nav the smith confirms this, and it is without a doubt that you set him loose, equipped him and brought him up through some secret tunnel. Then, you took the shot that started the fight and let the goblin through the melee, where either you or a human would have killed it and let it’s corpse be discovered.’

‘No!’ Brewster tried to smile and recover, but the civilians once again began to scream murder and ‘traitor’ at him. His Blackdiamonds looked shaken and uncertain at the joint verbal assault of the civilians and Grimnir loyalist soldiers. Eventually, they quieted, and Brewster and the Blackdiamond stood, awaiting judgment. Brewster looked defiant, but Pan could see this was the defiance of a man sentenced to the gallows.

‘The Crown’s caravan arrives this month.’ Grimnir intoned, and Pan knew this would be the final verdict. ‘When they arrive, the truth of your treachery and murders will be revealed. Then, you will hang, in sight of witnesses from the Crown. Brewster of the Blackdiamond, I hereby – ’

Gavakis squeezed past the crowd that gathered behind the revolutionary crowd, sweat upon his brow.

‘Goblins! The enemy is upon us!’

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


Pan did not personally see what happened after all dwarves, Laborious Skin, Skyfire brigadier and even Blackdiamond rushed past the crowd to man the walls of the arable compound. He only heard about it afterwards, when the victory cries bore word.

The Laborious Skins, Gavakis' Wraiths, Skyfire brigade and Blackdiamond descended the spiral stairway up onto the sun. The dwarves massed behind the wall, with Reaver ready to give the word to pull the lever, open the gates and charge. The archers did not descend upon the walls, not at first. Instead, the brigadiers and Blackdiamond waited till they were within range so as they may pop up and have the first shot.

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As the goblin squad approached, they held their ground just out of arrow range, calling for the dwarves to come out. The lead goblin, a hulking hammer wielding brute, had then taken a dwarven head out of a bag, and hurled it towards the gates, to the cheers of his archers.

The year's merchant caravan! Cries of anger rose, to the goblin's delight.

The goblins, bold and blooded as they were from ambushing a guarded caravan, must have thought a dwarven outpost their next easy pickings, hence why they had not come in ambush. They jeered at the arable compound's walls for a second before, finally, they charged the dual double doors, no doubt with an intention to smash it down with his hammer while their bowmen gave cover.

And that had been when Brewster stepped up the steps, before the goblin bowmen could react, and fired a single shot.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The goblin brute crumpled to the ground, hammer falling from nerveless fingers. The Blackdiamond, upon hearing Brewster's exclamation and the goblin's demoralized cries, had cheered and chanted his name, shoved past the waiting Skyfire brigadiers, rushing up the steps and unleashing a hail of hell at the goblin bowmen, who stood surprised at their incapacitated leader. The hail of arrows struck them, and two goblins went down, incapacitated. Some of the goblins fired back, but some instead made for a retreat, while the fired arrows clattered against the walls in vain.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

The dwarven tide knocked the goblins down, even though the hurried shots grazed Littlebear's lower body and crippled a Wraith's leg. The goblins who found themselves running away were subject to crossbow fire, downing many as the soldiers gave chase. As the last fleeing goblin was caught up to and slain, a cheer erupted. The cheer, united, in almost all civilian dwarves of Hammerscar. However, Pan's heart has sank when he heard it, and the faces of the Laborious Skins and Skyfire brigadiers were grim.





Part 3/3

I'll build the squad's barracks now, Alfred.

Comments, plots, schemes, criticisms, people I've ignored and plot holes being pointed out appreciated.

This took awhile cuz I really wanted to make sure the goblin siege go as planned, and for Brewster to 'headshot' that goblin like he's been begging to. I figured the bolt that makes the entire squad flee should be good enough, after multiple tries  ::) Also, at one point, I had to frustratingly deal with a lack of bolts.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #395 on: December 30, 2012, 11:23:08 am »

Nicely done. So, this was our first siege? A single squad of bowgoblins?
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #396 on: December 30, 2012, 11:37:21 am »

Yeah, pretty much. No ambushes or anything before this, too. I feel the goblin attacks are really going to be ramped up as time goes on (future overseers keep this in mind). We seem to be located really close to their civ or something.

Anyway, synopsis for those who didn't read it all or got lost or whatever:

1. Confront Brewster with all of the revolutionary strength and evidence of Brewster's treachery. The civilians are all on Grimnir's side to arrest Brewster and put an end to him.
2. Brewster plays dumb and tries to play out an alibi. He has had the goblin thieves killed so they cannot be questioned.
3. Grimnir condemns him as consorting with goblins anyway, even though questioning the thieves would have been a big asset. The bolt + the shot + a tunnel or whatever that allowed Brewster to access the surface (soon to be discovered) would ensure Brewster is a proven traitor. Grimnir plans to act when the Crown's caravan arrives.
4. However, before Brewster is arrested for good, a goblin siege arrives.
5. Brewster fires the shot that turns the tide of the battle.
6. Brewster is a hero! The Blackdiamond rules! This once again highlights Hammerscar's need for them as protectors.
7. Also, the caravan that is scheduled to arrive is killed/turned around (off screen) by the goblin bowmen squad. It'll be a year till they arrive again.

So basically, the goblins ruined everything by interfering with the Crown's caravan and then dying and making Brewster look like a hero and make Hammerscar rethink (they think he is loyal, given how he just saved Hammerscar!) just how loyal Brewster is (he isn't).

Kalemyr Skyfire

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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #397 on: December 30, 2012, 12:03:25 pm »

Leave it to the goblins to ruin a good build-up everything
Umm... -Generic praise-.
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:06:07 pm by Kalemyr Skyfire »
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #398 on: December 30, 2012, 12:30:12 pm »

So, revolutionaries, loyalists, radicals harboring closet doubts... any bright ideas? Throw me a PM if it's something big and secret, or just put it here if it's a general idea.

Kalemyr Skyfire

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #399 on: December 30, 2012, 12:34:38 pm »

I have a question, what was Alfred and his squad doing during all of this?
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:38:50 pm by Kalemyr Skyfire »
Quote from: Confucius
Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.

Quote from: Isaac Asimov
People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #400 on: December 30, 2012, 12:36:54 pm »

Rearguard in the battle, and during the confrontation with Brewster they were part of the crowd, since it included 'revolutionary dwarves' which Lt Alfred claims to be part of. I can't really change anything now, but I suppose Lt. Alfred can make something up, an entry about this  :) It's a large crowd of dwarves. Anyone who isn't a Blackdiamond could have been in it.

But yeah, might have neglected them a bit...  :( But no fear, they will appear next update if all goes well!
« Last Edit: December 30, 2012, 12:43:56 pm by Pan »


  • Bay Watcher
  • Was too long. Sorry Urist.
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #401 on: December 30, 2012, 01:08:00 pm »

Too bad there isn't a friend-enemy thing going on with Brewster and Grimnir considering they were once friends.
Oh wait...


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #402 on: December 30, 2012, 01:11:15 pm »

Too bad there isn't a friend-enemy thing going on with Brewster and Grimnir considering they were once friends.
Oh wait...

Please elaborate further. I'm interested in what you have in mind.  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #403 on: December 30, 2012, 01:26:04 pm »

Tirion's Personal Log

Entry 22

Investigation of caravan incident met with general strike. Unfortunate, hopefully love of food and booze would prove superior to love of Brewster.
Suspicions about goblin sniper noted, shared with Grimnir. Should confront Blackdiamonds as soon as evidence found, caravan presence also preferable. Standing with Mountainhomes needs clarification, perhaps King will accept Hammerscar as distant autonomous colony to save face?

Entry 23

Brewster accused and found guilty, but redeemed himself in battle. Evidence decimated, his popular support regained, caravan delayed. At least Brewster's deals with goblins were individual, not with government. Hope production will resume soon. Goblin armor also useful, bad quality, but potentially better than copper. Bows and arrows can be melted, make more bolts.
"Fools dig for water, corpses, or gold. The earth's real treasure is far deeper."

Zanzetkuken The Great

  • Bay Watcher
  • The Wizard Dragon
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Re: [Succession Game] Hammerscar - Politics, rebellion and war.
« Reply #404 on: December 30, 2012, 08:58:57 pm »

Entry I

This place is a time bomb, just waiting to be set off.  These people can bring about a return to the old ways.  Brewster could bring about their complete destruction.  I still have my iron equipment, and my steel shortsword hidden away.  I could kill him and escape easily.  But that is not the way that my master had taught me.  Instead, I shall use scare tactics.  I wonder if I still have a few of those potions that make me look like Death, along with making my body non-corporeal, that I got from that necromancer I slew...
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon
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