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Author Topic: The Last Night Troll  (Read 227145 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #450 on: November 25, 2012, 09:01:02 pm »

Guys, seriously. We have a workable plan here. Convert the wife, make her disenchant the bracelet and let the man-elf go. Let's not complicate this by letting our new minion keep her free will or having qualms about converting people. For goodness sakes, she has skill at enchantment, sword fighting, dark manipulation, animal empathy and a bunch of other useful stuff. We aren't going to find someone better!

Yeah, sod it.  She'd make a good mate.  Let's get our forcible conversion on.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #451 on: November 25, 2012, 10:01:58 pm »

Guys, seriously. We have a workable plan here. Convert the wife, make her disenchant the bracelet and let the man-elf go. Let's not complicate this by letting our new minion keep her free will or having qualms about converting people. For goodness sakes, she has skill at enchantment, sword fighting, dark manipulation, animal empathy and a bunch of other useful stuff. We aren't going to find someone better!
^ This
Chaos rises, as all Order dies.

Instinct, Intellect, Intuition

Walk always in the Shadow, and both Darkness and Light will follow.

Ukrainian Ranger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #452 on: November 25, 2012, 10:39:42 pm »

Yep, she is a great mate. It's not time for risky tricks, go to the house and take our prize
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #453 on: November 25, 2012, 11:11:51 pm »

Guys, seriously. We have a workable plan here. Convert the wife, make her disenchant the bracelet and let the man-elf go. Let's not complicate this by letting our new minion keep her free will or having qualms about converting people. For goodness sakes, she has skill at enchantment, sword fighting, dark manipulation, animal empathy and a bunch of other useful stuff. We aren't going to find someone better!
^ This
As spake the reasonably ancient sages of Amanereli: thiiiiiiiiis
Compromise position: Turn the mother bear, train the babies to use pyromancy and then eat Alice.
Right, the !!☼ARMCHAIR☼!!. I forgot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #454 on: November 26, 2012, 02:25:43 am »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

You turn to the elf and nod. "I have made my choice. If I hear that you are blabbing about our deal to anybody, I will hunt you down and slaughter you!"

With that you leap onto a branch, check to make sure the elf is indeed headed for the barn (he is), and vanish into the protective cover of the thick leaves.

Inside many branches have been coaxed into forming floors and shelves. The place is messy and definitely lived in, but by no means a chaotic pile like the one on the first floor of your tower. You spot Gwendolyn herself, hanging upside-down with her knees locked around a thick branch and snoring lightly.

You aproach your prize quietly for a better look. Although it is tough to tell with elves you suspect she is young. Under 150 is still considered adolescence for members of her race. Her hair is dimished by jets of flame red; to have hair of a color other than blond or white suggests that an elf had non-elven, or worse, spiritually depraved ancestors.

Her body is lithe and unblemished, as all elf bodies are supposed to be, and her face is narrow and pointed. Should she chose to wear a sneer she would indeed resemble a bandit queen or obstructive bureaucratic.

The single article of clothing that she wears emits a looping psyonic message.

-I'm enchanted to prevent easy removal by outside parties. Don't even try it.-

You breath a sigh of relief. Several of your family members emphasized the fact that conversion need not entail contact of that nature, and your still boyish mind is glad the option is currently off the table.

Drifting back you recall your fathers brief lesson on the ins and outs of conversion he gave you before sending you to the present.

"Get her in a position where she can't fight back, make contact with her, and let your instincts take over. It could take awhile; so do it somewhere secluded and bring a few meals. Once you are done she will be instinctively loyal to you and your family until her first son is weaned. If you wish her to stay longer than that make them feel important like I make your aunts feel, or dependent on you like your useless mother."

Moving carefully so as not to wake the elf, you unhook her from her branch and place her face down on a solid section of floor. You then place her in an armbar hold. 1d20 = 13 + 4(Stealth) + 5(Sleeping Target) - 1(Damaged Arm) = 21

She wakes up and begins to struggle powerlessly against you, and sure enough your instincts kick in.

You first begin to whisper to the woman her fate. You explain that she will be shunned by her old kind and compelled to love you, whether or not you chose to return the sentiment. You explain that you are trying to frighten her; bleed the fear from her so that you may remove the weaker emotions, and then her soul. She is informed of the monster she will become, and of the fact that the future she planned for herself is now void.

It takes hours, but eventually every ounce of fear she could possible feel in your presence is purged from Gwendolyn's frame. You then move onto extracting her pain, which you begin to do by tightening your hold and breaking her arm. You add emotional pain to the physical by informing the elf that her husband willingly handed her over to her fate and fled. You lie and tell her that he sought you out explicitly to make such a deal. This not only bleeds her of pain, but eventually of sorrow and wrath as well.

Without their main 'defense' feelings, Gwendolyn's mind and soul begin to call fourth her remaining emotions out of context in a last ditch attempt at self protection. Joy passes in a matter of minutes without a proper catalyst. Disgust and lust take a bit longer, but not nearly as long as fear or pain did.

Finally only love remains. You release her from your hold and help her to her feet, before asking her to marry you on the spot. She has no remaining response available to her other than to accept. The deal is sealed with an awkward kiss and her soul becomes your property to do with as you please.

You then hold your bride close for hours as your instincts and unnatural nature begin to do their sinister work. Her soul is first melted down and then used as raw material to modify her body and mind. Eventually she oozes from your grasp and falls to the floor as a featureless blob of magically charged organic material, knowledge, and memories.

Her panties, now separated from their master, continue to broadcast their message every couple minutes.

From here you must begin to reconstruct her as a proper mate, using a gift. You know this process could take awhile... hours or days, and you are starting to get VERY hungry.

It is night already, and you are sure she will keep in her current condition for at least a few days. Perhaps you should attend to your needs before picking a gift and getting back to work.

"I wonder if dad would be proud of me? I wonder if I would want him to be?"

Ukrainian Ranger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #455 on: November 26, 2012, 02:43:54 am »

Well we are at ranch, time to go out and have a snack, then return and use the displacement gift...

We should waste no time, sooner or later Vindel will visit us if we don't return with souls
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #456 on: November 26, 2012, 03:09:34 am »

Well we are at ranch, time to go out and have a snack, then return and use the displacement gift...

We should waste no time, sooner or later Vindel will visit us if we don't return with souls
Yep, get to it.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #457 on: November 26, 2012, 03:12:33 am »

Agreed. I wonder if he can magically track us?

Ukrainian Ranger

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #458 on: November 26, 2012, 04:32:19 am »

Most likely, we carry two magical items. His magical items
War must be, while we defend our lives against a destroyer who would devour all; but I do not love the bright sword for its sharpness, nor the arrow for its swiftness, nor the warrior for his glory. I love only that which they defend.


  • Bay Watcher
  • The Androgynous Nerd
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #459 on: November 26, 2012, 05:42:36 am »

Once we've created our mate i think we should treat her with genuine kindness, being the Last Night Troll in the world seems lonely business.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #460 on: November 26, 2012, 04:19:37 pm »

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Well we are at ranch, time to go out and have a snack, then return and use the displacement gift...

We should waste no time, sooner or later Vindel will visit us if we don't return with souls

You leave the deconstructed former elf on the floor before exiting the tree and hopping down to the barn.

Inside you count 18 pairs of horse sized lovebirds, and another 7 roosting as singles without a mate. Although you doubt they are bred or trained for any sort of combat, that many creatures of that size could easily destroy you. You suspect the ranchers use Animal Empathy magic. Seeing little other way to get a meal, you do the same.

Taking a deep breath you open a channel into all of their minds and begin to broadcast with authority. -Your old master has deserted you! I rule this ranch now. OBEY ME IF YOU WISH TO LIVE!-

The birds all turn their attention to you, beaming back affirmations of loyalty of servitude and asking for orders. You can't believe that worked so well. 1d20 = 20 - 3(Untrained Skill) + 1(Tattoos) = 18 (Natural 20!)

You order four pairs of lovebirds to hunt down Alice and tell her of your plight. Once you leave you loot their nests, feasting upon melon sized eggs until you are full. You then bid the birds good evening and return to the tree where you get to work on Gwendolyn.

The deconstruction progress has left her body and mind a chaotic yet potential laden mess, so you quickly bequeath your Gift of Displacement unto her, to serve as a foundation for her reconstruction.

Your instincts take care of the rest. Her new body is built tall and lankey: She is more than twice your height, but her trunk is barely thicker than her limbs are. Her hair remains gold with jets of crimsion, but her once unblemished skin begins to sprout moles and tumors that flicker with displacement energy, which causes her to glow a soft blue in the dark.

As soon as she sprouts a functioning mouth and ears you begin the process of mental and emotional reconstruction. Gwendolyn feeds you her life story. You learn that she is 97 years old; born in Port Breeze, a large tropical cosmopolitan city that is both an independent human city state, and the capitol of the High Queen's Elven Alliance. In her early years she enjoyed spending time with human men, a fact that prompted her family to marry her off very young to an ancient elven isolationist named Goldtuber; the old man who sold her to you.

Goldtuber at the time was a wandering preacher, who would fire up elves with impassioned speeches against the High Queen, the local human government, and all who chose to live in a fashion that wasn't traditionally elven. Gwendolyn's father, a wealthy trader, decided to kill two birds with one stone and lured the blowhard out of town with the promise of his ranch near traditional Everpine and the hand of his unruly daughter.

You instinctively play off her story, and earn her trust by telling of your similar background. Your father beat and belittled you, up until the very day he discovered that you were the last hope for his race, because you were too delicate and elven. You promise to treat her better than either her father or yours would treat their child, and she quickly promises the same.


Midnight passes, then dawn, then mid-morning and high noon. As the sun begins to bring itself low to the western sky Gwendolyn rises, reborn as a night troll consort. She stretches her long arms and legs and awkwardly stumbles around a bit before finding her footing.

Once she has basic motor control restablished to ask her to check out your bracelet and see what she can do about your Vindel problem. She wraps you in a gentle embrace with her long legs and grabs your right arm with her own.

"...Hmm. This is very well done. This Vindel is far more skilled in the art of Item Ensouling than I am.... But I still think I could get you out. I could very well be able to just break the curse and remove the damn thing, but he might have easily designed to bracelet to cause you harm should somebody try to tamper with the curse."

She kisses you on the cheek before continuing. "The safest route would be for me to just modify the bracelet to do something else. But I would need a soul for that. Multiple souls in case I fail. I don't yet have the finesse to do multiple enchantments from a single soul."

You shudder, wondering how badly your mom would have gotten beat if she brought up the idea of modifying or destroying souls for non-reproductive purposes. Gwendolyn continues. "I'm not sure I'm confident enough as a consort to go out and do it, but should you order me to do so I could head to Oakworshiped and end your problems by simply bumping off Vindel. That right there would solve most of our problems honey."

The newly minted consort then drops your wrist to allow herself to embrace you fully with all her limbs, and you allow her to romantically lick the wax from your ear as you weigh the options before you.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Sane, by the local standards.
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #461 on: November 26, 2012, 06:13:26 pm »

Once we've created our mate i think we should treat her with genuine kindness, being the Last Night Troll in the world seems lonely business.

Anyways, let's ask what kind of souls she'd need. If rodent or canine souls are sufficient, even if it requires lots of them, we could catch some wolves or rats or something.
Are you a GM with players who haven't posted? TheDelinquent Players Help will have Bay12 give you an action!
[GreatWyrmGold] gets a little crown. May it forever be his mark of Cain; let no one argue pointless subjects with him lest they receive the same.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #462 on: November 26, 2012, 06:24:01 pm »

we know it needs sentient souls. just kill someone, if our afterlife hinges on a single soul then we aren't much of a night creature are we?
Compromise position: Turn the mother bear, train the babies to use pyromancy and then eat Alice.
Right, the !!☼ARMCHAIR☼!!. I forgot.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #463 on: November 26, 2012, 07:38:52 pm »

She could just break it, she has the gift of displacement and could zip backwards in time until we get a good roll


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Last Night Troll
« Reply #464 on: November 26, 2012, 08:21:03 pm »

Awesome story, just read through it.

I think we should just kill someone and take their soul as well.

Once we've created our mate i think we should treat her with genuine kindness, being the Last Night Troll in the world seems lonely business.

I concur.
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