So my computer is kind of crappy, I'll admit that. I can only run 500x500 embarks, which sucks - it isn't enough for a proper megacontinent run like Planetfurnaces (seriously, did you read that stuff? They quantum stockpiled tectonic plates WTF). But I did have a nice laugh recently.
So because I'm somewhat of a biology nerd, I decided to build some Genetic Labs. Sure enough, an Accomplished Geneticist showed up in the first migrant wave. I bought some test tubes and stuff (thank Armok my dwarven civ developed the internet a few years back, makes it easier to get stuff) and decided to set some Genetic Modification Tasks for my alpakas. My geneticist went and fiddled around with their genes - you know, the usual stuff, super-fast wool regen, tons of milk for alpaka cheese and so on. (Hey, don't look at me like that - I know it's lame, but how am I supposed to feed 1.7 billion dwarves with plump helmets?) That went on for a while, and I focused on my subterranean maglev net.
About three years later, he has a fey mood. No joke. This thing must have been the Planepacked of DF2050, it was pure horror. From what the Genetics screen told me, it was a modified dog embryo - but it had nothing to do with dogs anymore. It had, like, five legs and two heads, and spiky tentacles everywhere. Urgh. I actually wanted to butcher it right away when it was born, but I never had one before, so I gave it a try. I sent it to the Taxonomy workshop right after birth, but they couldn't tell me anything about it. Damn guy was only Adequate.
So as it turned out, this thing was super aggressive and when my capital was sieged by the goblin military, it went amok on the dudes. Ripped a ton of them to pieces before they could even hit it. You think that would be awesome - no more worries about the greenskins and their damn soldiers - but no, once the battle was over, the monster went after my own guys. Turns out it had the COMBAT_DOG tag. Right from the moment it was born. Damn, Likot Uraniumtraded, what did you do?? I killed it and moved on, making sure NOT to build a monument to this murdering tentacle-dog.
Then, ten years later, when I didn't even think of it anymore, I got this message. Tourist Derp McStupid is fighting. In my recreational area. A TENTACLE DOG THING WARGHBLARGHL how is that even possible? Apparently the first one must have impregnated a wild dog. I don't even want to think of it. Fact is, those things were out and about and murdering my dwarves left and right. I got my tanks out and blasted the thing to pieces. More showed up, more got killed by my tanks. I eventually decided to set up walls around my surface installations and some barricades with tanks. Of course, that sent half of my capital into "Has recently been scared by the idea of a police state" mode. I didn't even want to look at the rest of the towns, they went completely out of control. When the 2nd largest city was obliterated, I didn't even care. I had other problems. The elves had seen the things, and [ETHIC:GENETIC_MOD:UNTHINKABLE] is the worst tag ever. They declared war on me and ripped me apart with their damn artillery. Toady needs to nerf them, seriously. Past the atomic era they're waaay OP. Well, the inevitable happens and my happy dwarf nation crumbles to its end.
So I wasn't really pissed off after that. I mean, that was maybe fifteen years of happy DFing, ended by a magnificent nuclear war. Then I decided to look the stuff up in Legends mode and fast forward a few centuries. Apparently, shortly after the end of The Magnificent Riots (my civ), the tentacle-dogs had murdered the elves as well. By 2454 they had become the dominating species on the planet. By 2756 they had achieved sapience and formed their own civilization.
Why, Likot? Why? Were alpakas with udders the size of a dwarf not enough?