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Author Topic: Playerlogs from 2050  (Read 111163 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #120 on: October 30, 2012, 03:19:16 am »

So yeah, I decided that we needed to go deeper, so I used the slade pickaxe that I got from the incident mentioned in the other thread, and dug through the circus.

I quickly clogged the resulting tunnel once I found out that on the other side there's a parallel world where dwarves didn't exist and humans have obtained information age technology.

Mohreb el Yasim

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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #121 on: October 30, 2012, 09:14:10 am »

[off topic] so first of all let me explain that even if your i idees are well made/tougth i myself prefere for the most of the time if dwarf fortress of the future will be a deeper dwarf fortress not "well" a dwarf fortress "in" the future, i think i would less enjoy the nuclear bombs, sentinent AI's and biologic mutations as i love dwarf fortres for what it is, a high fantasy simulator. but it is my only opignon and as we say there is only one opignon wich counts that of the TOADY ONE!!! all Hail the Toady one !!: [/off topic][/color]
as for my story as it'll go in 2050:
Today a deamon (a Green horned One, lesser demons in my world but still seems dangereus) happened to walk to my fortress, i was pretty scared as in being in the first half year of the fortress i did not hade a military. as i hade i agreed to his wish to speak with my leader. then he explained:
"Greetings i hope you do not fear me, let me explain the cause of my arrival" (well i had my militia gathered up but i think they would be no use against him, at least i will hear a desception story or later payement proposal from him wich i sign or "else" ... i hate when it heppens so early)
"I mean no harm" (and i almos belive you)
"my people lived 'till the year 304 hundred as slaves in a goblin civilisation  "The murky tougths" we were brougth by their "God-Emperor" the high deamon Aztianosh" (on of those unike upper demons) "then we decided to flee. My ancestors decided to settle in the undergrounds but were driven shortly out by the well etablished dark gnomes living there,  and finally settled in the forest of The Green Oaks (a sinister forest south from here as i know), in 487 we begun the pray to the spirit of the forest and as a reward to our feith he begun to feel as us. the place begun more dark than befure, it was a therible place (that would explain a rather unique joice of the name for a sinister forest it seems it has been more neutral before, and as my civilisation discovered this place not so long time ago we did not know his origins), in the year of 623 our race captured the priestess Angelik HolySounds who managed to convince some of my ancastors to fallow his migth God, the only and the True, ThunderOrders. we continued our belives in secret until in 702 we were nomberous enougth to begun a civil war. That want sadly bad and a small band of my ancestors needed to flee from our cityies, we just could not deal with them. So we established not so far from here our monostors where we teach the laws of ThunderOrders and try to gather allies agains our faithless brothers. To help the war effort (i knuw there was a bill) i would let you 10 of my guard here to defend your settlement and will turn back later to discuss our mutual plans once your fortress is strong enougth."
I wanted to trie out and honestly it went surprisingly well. not only these gards do not need food but they consider themself as member of my civilisation and as such they accept orders. So here it comes my first dwarf/deamon fortress (withouth even a need of a "packt" with them) sofar in the last 12 years they integretad well
Mohreb el Yasim

GENERATION 24:The first time you see this, copy it into your sig on any forum and add 1 to the generation. Social experime


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #122 on: October 30, 2012, 09:26:34 am »

I found an old SATA HDD in the father's garage. And I even was able to connect it to my Macbox NeoStar with Ubuntu 50.2 SE Home Server through a series of connectors SATA -> USB -> miniUSB -> AldeO (asked around for them in local 32bit-fans coomunity).

There was (among other stuff) an old version of DF with saves. Thanks to last updates to Therapist I was able to convert one of those saves for the current version of game, but I think conversion wasn't totally succesful: Dwarves live on strange rectangle plato with 1-tile high mountain, surrounded by endless pits of nothing, and after I ordered to build a ramp my miner gone stark raving mad and killed himself. Every dwarf that saw that ramp did the same.
Any ideas, why that happened? I'll upload save files (original and converted) and post link in this thread later.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #123 on: October 30, 2012, 03:49:15 pm »

Hello, I'm a new player! I've lurked on the Community Stories Forum for about two decades, and now I finally got government clearance to try the game itself!
I already watched the PIA tutorial, but I still don't understand one thing..
How can I dig a staircase from one level to another?
When I designate a down staircase, my dwarves still can't seem to be able to access the tunnel underneath. Maybe I'm missing something really simple here? Please help
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #124 on: October 30, 2012, 04:37:30 pm »

So, just for a laugh, I decided to give the pony mod a try, worldgen went along alright, but I finish up and there's nothing but the usual suspects.. I figured they'd gotten wiped out in worldgen or something, since I neglected to comment out loading STANDARD_RACES (yeah, crowded world, I know..) I embark as usual, everyone's social stats are a bit higher than I usually see, assign pasture to the draft creatures, and go about setting things up. fast forward a few years until we get a goblin raid just as the trade caravan arrives. I rally my fairly weak milita, and hope I can at least recover the payroll ledger to get names.. Suddenly: "Pony colt canels eat: strange mood" Yes, turns out we'd never really domesticated anything. those cheery little buggers had compatable enough base ethics that back in the tribal period the earth caste joined our civ. I mean, honestly, how often do you really pay attention to your WAGON_PULLER ? And yes, Carpspring, the hidden axe is alive, well, and developed a bit of a messianic reputation among kobolds in the process of avenging his close friend who died in the raid. Hopefully, he'll not set off a feud on the way home.

TL:DR: Patronal Moods are awesome, especially with natural weapons involved, although Heros going questing can be a headache for the fort.
Pinkie pie cancels cook: taken by mood.

Fjords to Plowshares

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #125 on: October 30, 2012, 06:29:47 pm »

Goddamn I'm glad this thread survived.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #126 on: October 30, 2012, 07:26:40 pm »

Today, my dwarves started work on the Koganusān Project, just as our spies reported that the goblins are preparing atomic weapons. I've hidden all the non-military dwarves deep underground- not that that will do anything. If we can get our nukes to the goblin capital before they can strike the fortress, we still have to worry about what the other civs will do when they find out what nukes do in the long run. Ah, well.


Well, this is the last report from [FORT NAME HERE]. We're caught in the middle of a global nuclear war- I reckon we've got about an hour or so of real time before everything's dead or irradiated. A few of my dwarves are safe, but I have no idea what they'll find when I release them. From what I can tell, nobody's got this far before and Toady One hasn't exactly been helpful on the subject.


I've kept the save file and left world-gen running for a few decades. I'll try to build a new fort- see what challenges the wasteland will bring to the fort.


We're under siege. The'res goblin raiders at the gate and the caravans can't get through to deliver those weapons and armour we were promised. We still have alcohol, though.
It's like they say- war never changes.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #127 on: October 30, 2012, 07:32:06 pm »

People - am I the only one who has this problem? My embark consists of goblins, elves, humans, and dwarves, happily sitting together and refusing to work. Apparently the internationalists came to power sometime during the late industrial period, and now all my critters do is sit around and sing the Internationale. Any ideas what I could do?
The Bay12 postcard club
Arguably he's already a progressive, just one in the style of an enlightened Kaiser.
I'm going to do the smart thing here and disengage. This isn't a hill I paticularly care to die on.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #128 on: October 30, 2012, 07:47:01 pm »

Try using the drowning-electroshock-sleep trick on a few dwarves, to try and restore their sanity. If not, your world is pretty much screwed until The Toady One fixes the bugs with adventure mode, regicide, and political transitions.
Here's a tip, though... Use Russian characters in your WPA5 passphrase. If your spontaneous AI is anything like my spontaneous AI (not as aggressive as yours, good conversation, but actually worse than me at chess*), it can't handle any character outside of the CODEPAGE 437 list.

*I hope. It could just be lulling me into a false sense of security.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #129 on: October 31, 2012, 09:24:24 am »

So, just for a laugh, I decided to give the pony mod a try

Pure gold.
</not a brony>


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #130 on: October 31, 2012, 05:43:47 pm »

Usually I set the MAGIC value during worldgen to LOW, because I'm a big fan of Conan and prefer that kind of world. As expected, though, fortress mode gets kind of easy, and it's not too long before I've conquered whatever continent I've embarked on.

So I set it to HIGH. Wizard time!

I didn't notice much of a change at first. There were a couple more options to train up in, but they all had dwarven names for things, and since no one during worldgen had come up with a dwarven-human translation guide, I was stuck guessing at most of the skills. It wasn't until I had actually embarked that I realized that I had managed to get one of my starting seven as a full-fledged mage.

Great, right? Except he won't do anything. He counts as a noble, and thus had a whole list of demands for his own room, workshop, apprentice, etc, and won't do a lick of work.

I've seen other people post about how useful mages are, but this guy's worthless.

Well, OK, not totally worthless. A necromancer attempted to siege me in my tenth year, and this guy walked right out of his workshop, walked up to the undead, and turned every zombie to ash. No fire, electricity, or anything. Just ash. The necromancer was so intimidated, he fled right off the map.

But *most* of the time, the mage just sits in his workshop with the task "Doing Research." Every once in a while he'll make a demand for a rare book or scroll. While I'm tempted to just let him go insane, his trick with the necromancer eventually convinces me to go ahead and fund an adventuring party to find what he wants.

Supposedly, mages are supposed to go with those adventuring parties, right? Not so for Mr High-and-Mighty here. I'll assign him using the (A)dventuring screen, but he'll just deny the request and return to his books.

Basically, I've got a grade-A wizard sitting in an ivory tower (well, he requested ivory, but I didn't have enough elephants, so I made it marble instead) who makes my main fortress nigh-untouchable, but doesn't do a bit of good over the entire kingdom. He's not even training the apprentices (he's got three now); he just makes them sweep the floors.

I suppose I could treat him as any other noble, and set up deathtraps (or just exile him, though, again, I don't want my empire to literally crumble to ash). But I started this fortress as high-fantasy, dammit; if I kill him, I might as well have played one of my other worlds.

Any thoughts on how to make this wizard actually useful?
....I think Dwarf Fortress may be putting us all into the mindset of being a Greek God.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #131 on: October 31, 2012, 10:19:10 pm »

Elevate your tech tree, then game the system so that one of your nobles claims that science is superior to magic. With some luck, your wizard will flip out and make himself useful.
You are a terrible person and the sad truth is deep down you know it.


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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #132 on: November 01, 2012, 07:00:45 am »

Or, what you could do is get him a talking animal, and get him to befriend it. He'll talk to it about magic, and the apprentices will learn from the animal. Win-Win. This works at the very least 90% of the time.
...You're arguing with the GM? Why don't you argue with Jesus about how much Peter liked clams?
Because each player's delicious tears are fuel for the continued torture that is the Warrens of Oric the Awesome.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #133 on: November 01, 2012, 08:22:11 am »

I built a fort for !!science!! again. I was finally hoping to get conclusive proof for the infinite monkey theorem.
All was going well, I had succesfully built the singularity containment pasture that would breed and contain the infinite number of monkeys, and I have activated the siege accelerator that would supply the infinite amount of goblinite for the typewriters, to prevent the catastrophe that destroyed my previous genned world (you know the one, where an infinite number of monkeys got so bored they broke out, because I ran out of typewriters.

The monkeys were busily typing for about 700 billion years, as of yet failing to reproduce the complete works of Shakespeare. One did manage to reproduce the original script (before the cuts) of that antique movie called Planet of the Apes, and another 2 monkeys simultaneously reproduced an obscure essay on quantum entanglement, but alas, no Shakespeare.

Then I suddenly noticed that all typewriting had stopped, because excess typewriters began overflowing from my quantum stockpile. Looking back through the pet thought logs, I found out why. Through billions of years of typing, the monkeys had learned to read. This had happened in all previous setups as well, so no big surprise there. It became a problem when one of the monkeys read the reproduced version of "Why the typewriter matters", by that well-known famous author from the late 2030s.
After reading it, the monkey started wondering if the typewriters they were being supplied with, were even capable of producing the complete works of Shakespeare. This was debated amongst the monkeys for another 3 billion years, after which they reached concensus: they are not.
Since then, they have all become Nihilists, and refuse to do anything at all.

Such a waste. I need to rethink my setup.

EDIT: hmm, maybe simply studding the typewriters with labels reading "this typewriter is capable of producing the complete works of Shakespeare" would fool them long enough.

EDIT2: dammit, I cannot stud goblinite typewriters with goblinite. How am I going to find infinite amounts of any other metal. Ideas?
« Last Edit: November 01, 2012, 08:39:13 am by martinuzz »
Friendly and polite reminder for optimists: Hope is a finite resource

We can ­disagree and still love each other, ­unless your disagreement is rooted in my oppression and denial of my humanity and right to exist - James Baldwin


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Playerlogs from 2050
« Reply #134 on: November 01, 2012, 09:26:52 am »

EDIT2: dammit, I cannot stud goblinite typewriters with goblinite. How am I going to find infinite amounts of any other metal. Ideas?

Two options:
1) Wood--it will be slow to accumulate in infinite amounts, but it is a renewable resource.
2) Bones--monkey bones will likely be your best bet
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