Let's dig inton this hill and shit I guess. Is this a good time to mention this i sthe first time I've played DF in a while?
Well, thisbn should be fyun. Puring another shot now; it is 11:30 PM.
desigswated shit to be dug out. Maybe a dorm I guess.
Anyeway, going to take a piss now. brb.
I should porably dorf someone now, shouldn't I. Fuck. Um.
Dibs on Sigun, cunts, .
I was looking for the shit on who to dorf, bu I can't find it. Fuck it.
:Let's pour another shot instead, eh?
I have this badass, limitedx edition Jagemesiter pouring thing. Also Jaegermeister (the correct spekking, whatever that is) doesn;t appear i my autocerrect lists, Ny idea how to fix that?) is............. awwesome? O think I had something to say about it here, but I fgorgot, and I;m not supposed to correct typis and the like so wbhatg..... whatever. :
Dojm't fucking blame me, I just diorfed 'em.
Okay nexts....
Okay, forfed Bobnova and Scruffy. Shit, still haven;t drank my shot.. I'll remember that now and -remedy, I meant- thatr nowe and dorf the rest of ya.
Okahy I am going to take a leak now, I think I;ve dorefed all o fyou. brb etcetera. Let's see what happeneed while I',m away... [/spoiler]
Oh shit, I still have a carton of iced coffe to drink. >.> Whoops.
Anywa, let's get back to the fort. I honestly do not remember whatw as going on.
Huh, shit, it ;looks like my woodcutter(s) jave cutten dpown al the trees I designsted. I was going to checj something butb now I can;t remember what,
What do I need to do to get a dwarf dopr ip and running anyway?! Beds, I guess. That;s a good atart. Let's dp it.
20th obsidoian, 194, late winter.
Shit, why am O the pnly one digging? IO fdon't remember activiating digging jobds on my dorf... tukme for some more coffe, and then some more jager...... how do I makee and umlaut symbol with a normal English keyboard, anyeway?
22nd Obsidian: thisn Pplants vs Zombies music is getting annoying, I think It's time for some music of my own choosijng. *puts pn headphon es*.
Havinf A SHOT NOW, BUT i'MNOT SURE HOW manty since the last one.... maybe 3? Also my browser just froze yup for a long, terrifying moment, dso I', going to makema backup of what I ahve so far.
OkAY, TUNME ro listen to some Cryptic Slaughter... Lowlife. Fucking awesoeme song, I have iut stuck in my head most days.
I think I should statrt A new spoiler... 9(this was a;; 1 spoiler up until now)
...QWow, WMP just decided to [play Game of Thjrones... I'm taslkin' sp,e extremeley spoilery, dramatic shit. Fuck yuou, WMP.
Let's get back to business.
-oKay I had tio briefly head to the loo, so here we go,
Currenlty listening to Sanity is For The Passive by Nux Vomica. It's pretty good, also perfect muic for when your fport ids fucked before it begins...
Set a bunch of dwarves to dig shit out. Oh, also I seem to have a shot of Jager from earlier.... must be my past self's gift to ,un[resent self... salud!
My mother just texted me as I was figuring out the next tiurn. Awkwakrd.
Anyawayu, now I will sip this song and get on with it,
I just spily coffew down myseklf.
Myself says we neeed to gte ourselves together. Alspo here is the most recent screenshot:
It's not too interesting, I'm sure, but we can step up from here. Things willl get more interiesting.
Aw shit, my friend just got home. Let me just down this next shot and ep,xaion to him wy I am so drunk.
Awright, shit's all good.
Okay let's dig out some workjshops Nd stuff.
Okay, IU set afew bedrooms and stuff.
Tiem s to get get vacj ti work.
Let's try to get yuu miserable fucks into action, .
This clould be quitea task. Expeciallhy since it's raoining.
21st Felsite 193Okay, So far so good,.
Okay, I'm trying to build some workshiops, specifically carpenmters workshops, and other stuff, shouldn't be too hard, right?
3rd Hematitie, 195: Wow, this is working far more smoothl y thasn I thought it would be.
I have some people building workships andnd and above groudn building of unkjown bpurpiose and stuff. Shpuld be fun!
Also appaerrwntly I drank at least haldf of this btottle of jaeger ages ago, and am now officially fuckedf up. Woo!
8th Hemaitite, 195Okay we are building stuff, like a house and stuff asnf worskhops to do stuffff in. Should be gpod.
I lkinda need to give soeme people new jobs but that it hard work right niw,
19th HHematiteokay the roof ios done, I think. I can't remember quite what I built this building for, Ibut I am sure it was important.
Still no migrant, we have a population of 7. Aklso I had another shot of jager when my friend was pout of the room... I guess I might as well have oanother since he isn't back yet.
26th Hematite: Okay it looks ads though absiolutelyu fucking nothing hsds hasppened. Woo.
Wow fuck. It sticks over onto 27t and ,igrants arrive. Migrants. Fuck. -_-
Let's seree if we get anypne useful... lie some sort of vblister pack.
....Wow, ythe first two migrnts seems to have vombat skills. How crzy/badass!
The dowbnise id, I can't really remember ohow to make a militar/... oh well. Let's sseee who else shows up.
3rd Malachjite, 195Ot looks like we have.. A metalcrafter named Inod, whjo is currentluy hungting, aspparentlu,
a fd=arner named Idewn whi is being a lazy fuck, and another laxy fuck named Fujkod who is.l... parently... a LYE MAKER>
Well then, Fukod, I am sure you'lll ho fsr in tyhid world... (also the light over mhy keyboard ot yturned off just now, nit you can;t tell can you??_)
5th Malachite,195 Naryar ius the onlu one getting dshit done.
Qwell, axtually a bunch of people are getting in on ther act
now, but BNarywar was ge furstr, .
ALet's see whatr's happening in my headphones. lso aopparentlkyt the hugntert ...HUNTER just ran oyut of ammutionion. Well, shit,.
What am I supposed to do?!
KLet's put mt geadphones on and se what's happening.
AW shit, my left leg just fell asleep. Sorru gfor the delau.
Anywa, now I have approporoate ,music, time to get back to work. I shalll pour anoter short sto celebrate. )(pfft, liver faliure, whomcares?!)
Justr saved tghe game, am listening oto Nux Vomica right now. RFriend turned the ligthts off, is darker thn normal. Sorru.
Anyway, hdfd,. have a picture of the crurrent fort!
Those are the two main levels, anyway. I'm goinh to get back to work now, wansu. Anyway. And maybe have annother shot.......
3rd Gakena : WJew. tjere gpes ampother shot, ahah.
Now, I need to build some rooms and offices and shit.