I had a dream about some dwarf fortress nonsense involving various forgotten things and singing trees, the singing trees, I hardly remember that at all. I also had a dream involving some survival situation and I was living on a beach with a few other people, after we did some stuff time passes and now there are more people and for some reason we have a roller coaster, one part of the roller coaster is specially designed so that we'd be just out of reach of sea monsters, not the res of it though, part of it even goes underwater! The leader of our group demanded that the roller coaster be taken down and the one who made it was rather upset.
I am now the person who made the roller coaster, everything is smaller and the roller coaster is now like a toy set I'm crying now and upset about the deconstruction of the roller coaster, the ocean at this point is now a container kind of like an aquarium, to the right the water is VERY dirty it's thick, brown, and has an enormous amount of junk and rotting food in it, I'm wondering why we can't get it clean. There is a monster in that gunk, its very obvious, I notice it but don't really react, a man comes by to deal with the monster, but he eats some of the food in the gunk pile and passes out falling in the water. Everything goes dark and now the man is mostly naked and is floating in an incredibly clean tank of water, I was surprised by the cleanliness of it. I begin pulling the man out and I am surprised about how light he is he is then stabbed by a long blade that came from behind me and I drop the man and I see a strange incredibly angry creature with 6 blood-shot eyes.
I ask it if I can do something first or something before it kills me, it stares at me intensely anger burning in its eyes as I slowly zoom in on it as intense music begins to grow louder and louder, his expression softens and he says "Okay!" I walk away for a moment before I decide I was far enough and begin running, the creature realizing what just happened gets angry again and begins to chase me, I see the door to the outside of the building and I know that there are people who can help me out outside. The creature quickly begins to close in on me and I get outside around the time it catches up to me, a group of people are outside and few of the grab some "weapons" I swear one of those weapons was a t-shirt launcher and the others were just weird. The weapons didn't seem to have much of an effect on the creature, nor did they get it's attention as it kept trying to get me. I woke up before anything else happened.