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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 512697 times)


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2340 on: February 15, 2015, 09:29:45 am »

I barely remember my dream from last night but I know it had to do with my IRL friends and a super-heroes system similar to SSB merged with The Elder Scrolls
We had some crazy stuff too, like the Elder Scrolls themsleves were useable, they'd blind you but give you +2 points or so on.
I think I've been playing too much SSB & TES here lately.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2341 on: February 16, 2015, 12:45:55 am »

I dreamed last night I was stuck in Seyda Neen for some reason, though it was a few decades later and the town had been expanded somewhat.
Dwarf Souls: Prepare to Mine
Keep Me Safe - A Girl and Her Computer (Illustrated Game)
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2342 on: February 16, 2015, 09:07:11 am »

Long post sorry but you guys need the shenanigans campaign before the good at the end.

Sarge(rvb)was the captain of a group of green clad soldiers, I was being trained to join their scout regiment because I heard my father may be MIA, but I knew he was some soldier.
the foe was Browns and they were using this huge Guar(the elder scrolls) looking thing to move this Huge mobile cannon to strike us head on.

Once we saw the cannon, we took up arms, I was aiming and looking down ironsights of my sniper rifle then suddenly my gun discharged, it hit a rock and spooked the guar, I took another moment to aim and fired again, three times, the third hitting the guar smack in the eye. The guar began taking off, breaking it's harness and causing their troops to scatter, their orbital base sent the signal for the cannon to fire but sarge disabled the main gun with five well-placed shots from his magnum, it then auto-rocketed to space, leaving behind this ramp-on-wheels thing that was also a space ship built for 4.

The ramp-ship sat facing our base, and we activated barriers, which we knew weren't going to hold much longer due to low power but they were ionized enough to stop unshielded trucks/infantry by super heating their atoms. And then we went to the mess for supper before lights out.
I however didn't go to my barrack, I went straight to a shack the ramp-ship was facing, and placed a feather, mourning the loss of my father, just as an AI-controlled jeep pulled up, one of ours.
Suddenly the ramp truck began reacting, the jeep transformed into a robot akin to Transformers1(Micheal Bay LAM) Ironhide and flipped the ramp to face up, sending it's death ray right into the orbital transmitter that triggered it, but loosing and arm in the process.
It then said "Atsuma, C'mon here, son" I approached, but being organic couldn't pass through the shields without one of my own, he ejected a black box and said "This is what you've been looking for,'s me...I can answer your questions, but I need a suitable body first, this one is dying, hook me into an android." The robot then ripped the black box out of his body and gently tossed it through the barrier when a piece of falling rock made a small tiny gap in it.

Fast forward one year of service, I hooked the A.I. core up to a Super Battledroid(star wars) looking based called a Gimmack, and began trying to reactivate it, as I hadn't had a chance this whole time to hook the core to power, it needed a long charge before Gimmack could use it.

Finally Gimmack started acting like my father, and I said "WOAH, what makes you think..." Gimmack said "I'm who your were looking for, or rather, I'm all you'll ever find of your father, his brainwaves digitized, He gave me a code for an inheritance authorization, but...He's me and I'm him and we who are I think you need a better house before we who are I deem you worthy of the money."

Then next thing you know Gimmack and I were flying the Melinium D-wing from my other dream to some new space station we thought had what we sought, turns out the browns had preoccupied it and were after Gimmack's Core. Brown Alpha was there, and they actually were rather reasonable and helped me decipher some clues as to how Gimmack's core was created using my father, in exchange, I had to help them expose a huge conspiracy to turn every human into an A.I., Gimmack of course thought the Idea of me helping would be a learning exp.

Then I was fighting a huge alien chicken-unicorn fusion while wearing brown armor. I was well equipped and trained with and SMG. This planet I was on was deemed to be the last known sighting of my Father's  body, and why the Browns knew instead of the greens is that my father converted.

Truth was: Sarge was actually Lopez(RVB) with a Lingering remnant of Om'ally(RVB) in his A.I.-core and was wanting to turn humans into data and make cocktails with them. Gimmack actually said "hey not a bad idea, but issue is we can't drink the cocktails if we're machines" to which Lopez said "Si, seņor!" and I said "That's why it's an EVIL master plan"

Then Lopez removed his helmet revealing Deadpool(Marvel) and he said "Congrats-a-fats you've won your wake up gut punch special 2.0000000000000000000000000001!" and punched me right as my stomach rumbled waking me up.

EDIT: Whew I must've still been sleepy, fixed a lot of grammar errors. My Baddo!
« Last Edit: February 17, 2015, 03:40:00 am by RekkaAtsuma »
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2343 on: February 16, 2015, 06:51:33 pm »

I had a strange dream.

It was a combination between the SCP Foundation, Doctor Who, and other stuff I don't know where it came from.

I woke up in a bunkbed in the dream, room I woke up in was fairly homey and had a adjoining bathroom with a Dclass room. My room had only me. Apparently they stored low power abnormals in the Dclass dorms to see what happens. After eating, I forget what I ate. Buuut after eating, apparently the organization decided erryone in the dorm should have a campout on the roof of the facility. So we went up there and set up tents and a fire and shit and sat around up there until nightfall.

It was a full moon. Apparently I was a shapeshifter that could use the light from either the moon or the sun to shift into whatever the fuck. Apparently I liked wolf, so I did a humanoid wolf thing that was still mostly human in form. Apparently the Dclass thought it was a costume at first. Then they found out it wasn't and tried playing with my ears. And those ears are sensitive, and I was like hell no, that's sexual assault. So I bit them. Turns out I was virulent. And infected become my minions I guess? This was seen as a containment breach and the organization sent a Weeping Angel Extermination Squad to kill off all the Dclass, said squad literally consisted of five Weeping Angels. And we were all like fuck that! And we ambushd them at the door and threw them off the roof before hopping down and repeatedly smashing them into the concrete. Apparently it's day at this point. The rest of the dream involved is heading down the street, an urban area, and smashing the angles into shit to break them. Apparently this was successful since we killed two this way and dragged the rest. The organization did a halfhearted chase, but didn't really give enough of a fuck to bother.

Honestly, I don't know why weeping angels are such a big issue in doctor who. They turn to stone? Take a sledge hammer to their skulls.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2344 on: February 16, 2015, 10:01:47 pm »

My most recent one I remember was really f*cking crazy.

I woke up to go to school (senior in high school, finally) and I look in the mirror before I take a shower. Instead of me I saw a lumpy featureless tower of skin. I wasn't that scared, just confused, but I left and saw my mom sitting on the couch in the other room. I talked to her and she acted like I wasn't any different. I went back to the bathroom and the mirror was gone. Now I was scared. I raised my hand to touch my face, (or lack thereof) but before I could I woke up.

Last damn time I drink a dose of cough syrup right before bed.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2345 on: February 17, 2015, 02:21:35 pm »

I had a dream that a character from a FEF I'm playing in died on the map we're currently on.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2346 on: February 17, 2015, 08:53:36 pm »

Last night I dreamed that I was in a rpg. I was part of a group of adventurers who were all from the bay 12 forums, we were called the bay watcher (How surprising). The main villain was a robot looking like a rusted space marine suit, but bigger. At some point I became the villain's second in power while staying an adventurer at the same time. My villain name was "The flame" because I was a huge fireball with a bunch of black arms (about 12) for some reason. The rest of the adventurers were all aware of my second identity but did not seem to care.
When we started making a plan to defeat the big bad, I proposed that I should raise my robotic skill to disassemble him, but someone kept insisting that I should raise my plumbing skill instead to do the same for some reason. At some point as the bad guy I was forced to raise a baby orc. He was supposed to be the hero of a prophecy that destined him to great power because he was born from a bird, but I secretly knew that it was not true as he was just abandoned on a broken egg. At some point me, the big bad and some other dude who was of the same rank as myself were defending the throne from an army of knights in futuristic armor, none of which seemed to try attacking us, instead simply running towards us to get maimed by us.
The only thing I vaguely remember about the other adventurers is that there was a ginger woman who was my friend.

Also, it seems that I started remembering all of my dreams since a few weeks, which is awesome.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2347 on: February 17, 2015, 10:25:50 pm »

Just woke up from a rather interesting dream.
Myself and some RL friends (and some other, fictional people) were involved in some shady dealings, the nature of which I can't really remember. There was something to do with a girl who was hiding out (possibly in my friend's parents' house?) and there was a bit where someone had to jump on the front of a train and hang on to escape a country (probably inspired by me watching Sin Nombre not long ago), but I'm sure there was more to it.

One thing that sticks in my memory is that at least twice when I and the other main characters (I remember myself and two of my RL friends, but I believe there were some others as well) parked a car and got out, we had parked outside an old building which had at one point been a sushi restaurant before closing down and becoming a paint shop, with bits of posters and signs from its old businesses still showing across the building.
The second or third time this happened I remarked on it, thinking it was pretty damn amazing.
I don't think the others shared my enthusiasm, though... I guess we were doing some pretty scary shit, but still, I thought it was cool.

Anyway, that last time we parked outside an old sushi place we walked into some sort of big mall/supermarket and split up. I remember my best friend saying/texting something about how he'd "told him to get the money and go pick her up, and I told them to make sure she's ready to go," and then I and my other friend Adam had to go get something from a store.

We were walking along, through this cavernous big shopping complex, when I noticed two guys step away from a wall and start following subtly after us, chatting away happily, one of them pushing a shopping trolley. I glanced back at them, then nudged Adam and said, "Hey look, isn't that Killer Bob?" He made his own quick glance and said it was.
This was worrying- Killer Bob (Normally a terrifying character in a certain show) was apparently a mob enforcer in this dream-universe. And I knew he had plenty of reason to be after us.
(The other guy was just some average-looking old bruiser with a silver quiff, still intimidating in his own right.)

Anyway, despite that we continued on to the store we needed to go to.
It was some medium sized place with bright walls and white shelves in the aisles. I can't even remember what we were looking for now, but it was something needed for some nefarious plot we were involved in. As we were looking for it, the two mob guys- still all smiles- cornered us.
Can't remember exactly what was said, but they wanted to know something, either about what we were involved in, or were someone- probably my best friend- was. Or maybe that girl, I don't know.

Anyway, they sat Adam down and kept asking him questions. I guess they picked him as an easier target or something?
I dunno. I had more of an idea of what they were up to, that's for sure. He wasn't telling them anything but I could tell he was shit-scared. Killer Bob (who looked weirdly young now that we were in the store, with black hair instead of grey and a young, pale face marked with acne) started to gently, soothingly brush my friend's long hair aside with a hand, and I realized they were about to mutilate him somehow, cut off his ear or something.

I decided I had to do something and quickly. I looked around in a panic, with the other guy telling me to stand still, and then eventually I saw a pair of crutches leaning against a table- or in a display stand for sale, not sure. Anyway, I waited for a moment when they were off-guard, then grabbed up the crutch and whacked Killer Bob with it.

The weird thing about this part of the dream is that when I picked up the crutch and attacked them, I still felt scared, like I might not be strong enough to take them on. This is unusual with my dreams, usually (unless I'm having a nightmare) I can slaughter just about anyone with any weapon or even my bare hands. Clearly these guys were pretty tough. :P

Anyway, I managed to fight a running battle with them around the store.
Eventually I somehow managed to choke Killer Bob out using the crutch when he was separated, then brained the other guy with it when he ran at me. Then we fled the store, and I woke up.

I know there isn't that much substance to what I remember about the dream, but it was really cool and I wish I remembered more. :( I just wanted to write it down. Before any of that I dreamed that I turned my TV on, then woke up thinking I had only to realise that I'd never picked up the remote and it had just turned on automatically.
Then I turned it off and went back to sleep, to have the aforementioned awesome dream.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2348 on: February 17, 2015, 10:29:52 pm »

When in doubt, use crutches.
Oh look, I have a steam account.
Might as well chalk it up to Pathos.
As this point we might as well invoke interpretive dance and call it a day.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2350 on: February 18, 2015, 03:15:18 am »

When in doubt, use crutches.
Pretty much, yeah.
Booze is Life for Yoink

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2351 on: February 18, 2015, 12:32:27 pm »

Dreamed that I went forward in time and decided to try the scam from Back to the Future II. Paradoxically though it didn't take place in 2015, instead I had apparently gone from 2011 to 2012. Also, no one could remember any winning lottery numbers and only the Queen of England remembered who had won the previous year's superbowl.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2352 on: February 18, 2015, 01:23:10 pm »

Pretty much this except that being in a rpg seemed to be the most natural thing in the world and there was no weird random room dungeons in it. In fact, there was no dungeon at all, just a weird semi futuristic city with stone roads and skyscrapers made of a dark blueish metal. The interior seemed to be from the renaissance era and was completely made out of wood while the overworld seemed to be a battlefield from warhammer 40k but without guns. I also vaguely remember another futuristic city in which I had to do an assassination mission, but that might be from another dream.
The fact that I had already read a bit of this thread before is probably why I had that dream.
FArgHalfnr for the #1 eldrich monstrocity.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2353 on: February 19, 2015, 09:34:25 am »

I dreamt that I was on Survivor. The whole survival aspect seemed to have been downplayed by dream logic, as the first challenge we weren't really competing. We had to assemble some sort of giant map puzzle thingy. My piece had Jerusalem on it and a bit of Egypt. After words, we lined up to where I could see massive scratch-off cards that were apparently used to designate our prize.

The prize was a series of overly fancy "yoga" clothing that I figured would somehow give me an edge, as I can do Yoga to stretch. Following that, the crew started dancing to heavens knows what and I danced with a girl who I vaguely remembered being in a show with.

Following sudden dance party, we went back to camp but I was as slow as molasses. A common trait about my dreams sometimes is that my body refuses to move quickly. I move at a startlingly slow pace as others keep going at "normal" speed.

Out of curiosity, anybody know what that might entail?

Also started a Let's Play, Yu-Gi-Oh! Duelists of the Roses


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #2354 on: February 19, 2015, 11:24:29 am »

No, but I get that sometimes. Often when I'm supposed to flee or get somewhere.
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