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Author Topic: The Dream Thread  (Read 512710 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #660 on: December 30, 2012, 05:30:58 am »

I just recently remembered a recurring dream I had when I was around 7 or 8. Although it wasn't really a recurring dream, but instead was more of a dream continuation.

In my dream there was a huge tree. Great Deku Tree huge. Underneath intertwined with the roots is a series of tunnels. The first time I had this dream I found Something hidden in the tunnels. I feel as if it was a huge underground city, maybe the meaning of life. I crawled back to my family to show them. When I tried to find the Something again, I couldnt find it. Then I wake up.

Whenever I dreamt about this again, which happened only once or twice a year, I would always pick up trying to find the Something again. I could never find it. sometimes I would search and think I found it, but never would.

To this day I still wish more than anything to know what that Something is.  :(
Ah, I wish I had been lucky enough to be scum.
I'd make such great scum...


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #661 on: December 30, 2012, 05:35:11 am »

I never really have dreams, and when I do they're rarely good. I forget most of them after waking up, but a few stick with me. I remember specifically a dream where I was at the elementary school I went to as I child. I was standing there as my current self, and suddenly some kind of monster started running at me. I couldn't move, and oddly enough I was in some kind of lucid state where I knew I wasn't actually in the dream but I was still freaked out. I tried opening my eyes, but I couldn't. It was freaky as fuck, and I woke up in a panic.
Well, you do have a busy life, what with keeping tabs on wild, rough-and-tumble forum members while sorting out the drama between your twenty two inner lesbians.
Your drunk posts continue to baffle me.
Welcome to Reality.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #662 on: December 30, 2012, 06:15:35 am »

I had a lucid dream.

'Hang on, I'm dreaming! I wonder what I'll d-'
*wakes up*

Yeah this is what usually happens whenever I lucid dream, sometimes it likes to chain too. "Hey I'm in a lucid dream!" *Wake up* "Wait I'm still in a dream! *Wake up again* "COME ON I'M STILL IN A FUCKING DREAM" *Wake up*

Or occasionally. "Oh shit I'm dreaming wake up, NO I SAID WAKE UP DAMN IT COME ON" *Finally force self awake*
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It felt a bit like a movie in which two stoners try to steal a military helicopter


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #663 on: December 30, 2012, 09:02:37 am »

I have this weird yearly dream, it changes slightly every year but in essence it's the same.
It revolves around two undescripte actors playing a married man and woman, and they are in this trilogy of Halloween movies, I've never seen the first but the second is always a sort of game show version of Saw, even though I refuse to watch those movies, with deaths but not gruesome deaths, and I'm not sure how it ends, the second one which is the last one of the trilogy is another death game show, except its on a boat, and I've only seen the ending, theirs a shark attack devouring the front half of the boat, mortally wounding the wife, the man distraught pulls a gun on himself, and is about to shoot when a hellicopter arrives, with a janitor on it, who was apparently a recurring character, who had boycotted the company and saved everyone.

The weird thing is that I know these are dreams, and I'm never In them, I'm pretty sure the guy who played Ford Prefect in the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy movie was in it.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #664 on: December 30, 2012, 03:41:52 pm »

Last night, me and a few friends were the crew of a space ship. I don't remember where we were going, but it involved Jupiter. I don't remember most of this dream, but at the end our ship was trapped somewhere that was 800 degrees Celsius and one person was going to have to sacrifice themselves so everyone else could make it. I decided I'd do it, there was some suspense, then everyone else escaped and then I realized the surroundings had cooled off enough for me to get out too.

Then the dream changed. The ship deal was apparently just a video game on my computer, but it was cut short by my computer overheating. So I restarted it and we played a different game. The computer overheated again. This dream continued for a while as I got continually more upset at my computer. Then I declared my computer completely useless for running any game and woke up.

But I decided to go back to sleep. In this dream I was in some sort of boarding school and was one of the underclassmen so we got picked on. Our solution to this was to best the underclassmen at some acrobatic stuff we did in the common area. It wasn't individual acrobatics. It was more stuff like making pyramids out of people.

Then the dream changed! I left the school in my car wearing nothing but a towel and headed over to my friend D's house (real life friend, not using his full name). Outside his house there was a huge parking lot made of sand. I walked in, apparently completely comfortable with just wearing a towel here, and started to talk to his family. I ask where he's at and his mom says he's probably passed out drunk on the couch (D never drinks in real life). He isn't on the couch but we find his little sister (he doesn't actually have a little sister).

The dream shifts a bit here. At this point I realize I'm basically naked so I head back out to my car to find any old clothes I left in it. I also become aware of an elephant parade that's coming through the sandy parking lot. The only clothes I find are a pair of socks and a pair of flip flops. I am pissed because I can't wear the socks with the sandals. I toss the socks, then open the trunk and find this pair of flip flops suspended in a box full of liquid. D comes over and tells me we're supposed to wear those during the parade, while handing me another pair that isn't in the box. I now have three pairs of flip flops and a towel.

Then I woke up. Weird dreams. The computer overheating one is actually based on a fear I have since my computer seems to be degrading a bit with its age.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #665 on: December 31, 2012, 04:40:55 am »

I dreamed that i accidently ate gum, wich I'm not allowed to do because of braces, and the moment i realized i was somehow eating gum (I have no idea WHY I was eating gum) a piece of my teeth the size of my thumb broke out. Not an entire tooth, mind you, a piece of one of my molars the size of my thumb.

I absolutely love dreaming. It's like watching an exciting new movie every time it happens.

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they wouldn't be able to tell the difference between the raving confessions of a mass murdering cannibal from a recipe to bake a pie.
Knowing Belgium, everyone will vote for themselves out of mistrust for anyone else, and some kind of weird direct democracy coalition will need to be formed from 11 million or so individuals.

Eric Blank

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #666 on: December 31, 2012, 05:31:52 pm »

Last night I dreamed of working in Skyrim's creation kit on something related to dwemer. The whole thing revolved around those gears you see everywhere, spinning madly without purpose. Then it moved on to watchmaking, culminating in something or other about a dragon and some psychopath outside this building I was in trying to kill us, while we were apparently watching a movie and I was making out with some chick...

What the hell have I been dreaming about? And I rarely remember any of it besides a sensation that everything was fine and dandy (or strange, but strangely okay) up until I woke up. :o
I make Spellcrafts!
I have no idea where anything is. I have no idea what anything does. This is not merely a madhouse designed by a madman, but a madhouse designed by many madmen, each with an intense hatred for the previous madman's unique flavour of madness.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #667 on: December 31, 2012, 06:07:42 pm »

For some odd reason, the process of writing down my dreams literally gives me a headache...
this means that a donation of 30 dollars to a developer that did not deliver would equal 4.769*10^-14 hitlers stolen from you
that's like half a femtohitler
and that is terrible

Svarte Troner

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #668 on: December 31, 2012, 06:15:17 pm »

I remember from this morning I had the strangest dream. I was in some kind of house that reminded me of one of the Japanese ones with the sliding doors and all. I was with my father and a family friend that I haven't seen in years. We were sitting in a small room at a long dining table right in front of a large window that spanned the entire wall. I was drinking some kind of wine or something and my dad kept asking me how it tasted, but I just ignored him. We were eating noodles too and, my dad's friend was draping them over the bridge of his nose... I had some kind of soup in an infinitely deep bowl.. My point of view switched to inside the bowl and I was looking out at my face.. It was pretty weird.
That metal guy that pops up sometimes in places
To put it simply, Dwarf Fortress is the Black Metal of video games.


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #669 on: December 31, 2012, 06:37:11 pm »

I been having Mass Effect dreams recently. More specifically, flying around the Citadel with Garrus who was also Space Batman with the costume and all. No idea what we were doing; just cruising around.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #670 on: December 31, 2012, 11:34:36 pm »

I had some sort of dream where the view started in a scene of a S.W.A.T leader talking about how he'd get me soon, and how a S.W.A.T team was already en-route to my location to bring me in for something. Next thing I know, I'm in a large house (Two stories, large basement), and I realize that the S.W.A.T team is coming. I have a feeling that I want to head to the basement quickly, so I head downstairs from the main room, and open the door leading to the basement entrance. As soon as I do this, I notice that there's a medium-sized dragon skeleton, and I have a memory of being friends with a dragon that size. I know that he was the reason the S.W.A.T team was after me, and that they shouldn't have him.

I use fire magic to burn the skeleton away, so that they don't discover it, and I notice another room further ahead: It's filled with things me and the dragon were associated with. I decide that since I burned away my best friend's corpse, I might as well hide all of his things, and also burn myself in there too. As I head there, I'm suddenly hit by the need to use a toilet, and conveniently there was one in the room I was in. As I finish, I hear something that makes me nervous, and decide that I have to do my task now, but before I could do it I woke up. I immediately wrote it down somewhere.

I swear, almost every dream I have has some sort of mystical/fantasy element in it, be it dragons OR magic, it's always there somehow.
Put into this light, Dr. Robotnik and Armok could easily have been roommates.

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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #671 on: January 02, 2013, 02:08:47 pm »

I had a weird one last night, I recently read a screenshot lets play of Chrono trigger and I finished reading it late last night, the lets player then showed the alternative endings, I read the frog one and it had two effects, scared me shirtless and left me unsatisfied (I have this with most media) Anyway, In my dream it was just staring the ending and I was both in first and third person from the view of the princess, as she/I was walking she/I felt berry hot I was going to mention in to the others, but then I felt like it wasn't odd, but I couldn't figure out why, so we continued on to the castle, just like in the Ending, with people asking . about my disguise, which she/I we're very confused about (For some reason I forgot all about the game in my dream). We ask the king what's going on and he's confused, he goes to get a family album, but he hops over their, she/I start to walk over, but then my instincts kick in and instead I hop over too, I then go ribbit, freaking myself and friends out, from the picture I see that my great grandfather was a frogman. Shocked I touch just below my neck and feel something metallic, a zip. I pull it down and it reveals my/the princesses body, webbed hands and feet, light green skin, tiny black spots on my body, and under a mask I find my self wearing I have flowing dark green hair and for some reason red lipstick. I promptly pass out.

I then wake up from passing out, but still in the dream, my friends have changed as well but I can't remember their details. Seeing as this was caused by our time traveling I ask if we can go back and change it, shockingly this comes out in rabbits, but I can still understand them, according to my female scientist friend after coming back by defeating the great evil, all the time gates shut, trapping them in that realizations t y, and they know it's impossible that they will be able to go back, because if they could their body's wouldn't have changed. They decided to pursue normal lives any way, even if they all miss their own reality.

Then I wake up shivering.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #672 on: January 02, 2013, 02:18:25 pm »

This dream came from last night.

I remember it was pretty long, but I only remember the last bit. I was joining a game of Risk, and I was dark blue. I was told I had infinity soldiers in the spot I owned, but it looked like zero. Then I was in a dungeon and was trying to figure something out, and suddenly someone decided it was a dwarven lute song. I asked how, and the thing was suddenly something completely different. The person told me, and I woke up before I could ask how it was a lute song. I only realized I hadn't asked when I was halfway into being awake. Being half away is odd, it's all blurry and I remember stuff easily. Then again, that might have been part of the dream.
)( Pisces and proud of it. )(
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #673 on: January 02, 2013, 03:32:10 pm »

This was a few weeks ago, but was my first dreamception experience - the first layer of the dream had a matrix-like medieval war simulator, which was the second layer in the dream.

I somehow knew that I could make fire kindle in my hand, and throw firebolts and such, but only in the second level of the dream. And lo, much burninating was to be had.

Amusingly, some of the 'soldiers' in the war simulator (the second layer of the dream) were acting genuinely cautiously, and I remember thinking incredously that don't they know that if they die in the simulator that they'll just wake up, lol. Whereas I was generally pulling stunts worthy of leeroy jenkins out there like a jack**s.

What was most interesting though was that I tried as hard as I knew how to 'firebend' in the first layer of the dream, but I guess that layer was more bound by my subconscious's notion of reality's rules heh.
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Re: The Dream Thread
« Reply #674 on: January 02, 2013, 03:48:07 pm »

Either I had a very sad dream last night, or North/South Korea has developed a propaganda ray.

So I was a North Korean in a squad, on Patrol at the southern border.  We were going house to house with a doctor to check on local residents.  Knock knock, no answer.  We open the door and the South Korean fiends all run into the chimney.  After inspecting the chimney, it turned out to be a tunnel to South Korea, (I don't know why it took us so long to figure out considering it was a giant hole in the wall and floor.)  My entire squad rushes into the hole to barricade it, some making comments about how they're going to gas the tunnel with methane.

The doctor and I find the only resident of the house, some beat up chap who claims that South Korea stole his whole family and his dog.  At the mention of dog, somehow his house turns into my grandparents house.  My squad returns from barricading the tunnel - with the mans dog.  They claimed the dog was a spy that led the South Koreans to this house and they were going to gas the dog for it's crime.  The dog, who was visibly sick from acute methane exposure, then emotionally ran - like a person - and hugged the last resident of the house.

"I'm not gonna let them gas you!" the man yelled.

Then I woke up.
« Last Edit: January 02, 2013, 03:49:38 pm by Qloos »
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