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Author Topic: High Fantasy Conquest  (Read 22714 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #270 on: August 26, 2012, 08:13:54 pm »

10 elves breed. [10/48]
7 elves smelt iron. [17/48]
3 elves smelt steel. [20/48]
10 elves research Armouring. [30/48]
5 elves research Farming [45/48]
5 elves research Subterranean Farming [40/48]
Armies (see below) [48/48]

4 mithril-unicorn armies form up at C-33 and then procede to go ape on C-34.
4 more mithril-unicorn armies form up at F-2 (they're pirates!) and then procede to go ape on the fort at E-2.
Q-15 goes to R-15 to disband.
V-36 to W-34 before turning over their weapons, unicorns, artifacts, etc. and disbanding to party like mad at their epic victories.
P-18 attacks P-19.
O-18 attacks O-19.
P-17 attacks O-18 & N-18.
S-10 goes to S-11 to disband.
O-14 goes to O-13 to disband.
Anyone else that I can't tell where they are goes to elf-land and disbands, because seriously, I cannot be arsed to keep track of these little dots.

Mithrilize all mines that I don't own.
Flood G-1, for spite.

Next turn, I use 50 elves to research Summon Lich King Grek Using All The Artifacts.

E: Reconsidered how many armies I'll need.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 09:20:47 pm by Grek »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #271 on: August 26, 2012, 08:33:15 pm »

Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute

Ship of Freaks

  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Matilda
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #272 on: August 26, 2012, 08:44:09 pm »

I know it's honorable to recognize when you're beaten but...screw that.
10 work the farms
5 claim J,N-20 K,L,M-21
2 build forts J-20 K-21

Q-7 attack P-8
Q-8 attack P-9
Q-12 attack Q-11
They are all one and the same. They are all Grek.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Has an ass that won't quit
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #273 on: August 26, 2012, 09:08:41 pm »

Grek's Red Elves
Stocks: 228 Food, 15 herds of unicorns, 0 iron ore, 10 charcoal, 1 iron bars, 6 steel bars, 7 iron spears, 0 Mithril bars, 10 Mithril weapons, the Philosopher's Stone, the Gem of Fertility, the Sword of Time, the Seaman's Pearl
Structures: 10 Elf Villages, 44 Nature Preserves, 4 Farms, 2 iron mines, 2 double iron mines, 2 coal mines, 7 Forges, 1 ambush
Population: 53
Armies: 14 (1-14 have +1 movement, 1-4 have +2 attack and are in the dwarven realm, 5-9 have +5 attack and are on the island to the northeast 9 has the Cloak of Shadow, 10-14 have +5 attack and are sieging Onyx Isle)
Technologies: Preservation, Fishing, Fortress, Sailing, Mining, Charcoal Burning, Smelting, Steel Smelting, Magma Smelting, Weapon Smithing, Mithril Smithing, Armoring, Farming, Subterranean Farming

Ship of Freaks's Pink Dwarves
Stocks: 0 Food, 6 iron ore, 4 Mithril bars, 3 iron spears
Structures: 8 Mountainhalls, 10 Subterranean Farms, 6 Mithril mines, 2 Dwarf Fortresses
Population: 26
Armies: 18 total (1-3 have +1 attack, 4-18 have no bonuses, 1-18 are defending the mountainhome)
Technologies: Mining, Subterranean Farming, Fortress, 1/5 Farming, Mithril Mining, Sailing

Corai's Purple Humans
Stocks: 2 Food, 7 herds of unicorns, 1 iron ore
Structures: 3 Towns, 9 farms, 21 forts, 11 nature preserves
Population: 18
Armies: 2 total (1-4 have +1 movement and +1 attack, 1-2 are repelling elvish invaders in Onyx Isle)
Technologies: Farming, Fortress, Sailing, Preservation, Mining

Goings on:
Spoiler: Dwarves (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #274 on: August 26, 2012, 09:11:29 pm »

10 armies, 7 with unicorns raised at D-2, attack elves at E-1, THEY MUST NOT TOUCH THE ARTIFACT! [10/18]
8 humans farm. [18/18]

Forgot to add the [0/0] thing.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 09:30:16 pm by Corai »
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #275 on: August 26, 2012, 09:28:43 pm »

Claim E-2.

52 elves become naked, unicornless armies at E-2. They form up in a formation in the shape of a giant extended middle finger arrow before marching on D-3.

C-33 goes to C-32, returning the Cloak to its rightful owner.

E: Artifacts:
Flood... whereever that king is. I'm not picky, really, I just want to drown that king. If possible, I'd like to flood the place with kraken blood.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 09:30:51 pm by Grek »

Ship of Freaks

  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Matilda
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #276 on: August 26, 2012, 09:54:14 pm »

Yo ho ho!

10 work the farms
5 claim H,I,J,K-22 K-20
5 build forts ditto
3 build farms
3 research farming (time to finish what i've started)

P-9 attack O-8
They are all one and the same. They are all Grek.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Has an ass that won't quit
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #277 on: August 26, 2012, 10:18:48 pm »

Grek's Red Elves
Stocks: 235 Food, 14 herds of unicorns, 0 iron ore, 10 charcoal, 1 iron bars, 6 steel bars, 7 iron spears, 0 Mithril bars, 5 Mithril weapons, the Philosopher's Stone, the Gem of Fertility, the Sword of Time, the Seaman's Pearl, the Cloak of Shadow
Structures: 10 Elf Villages, 44 Nature Preserves, 4 Farms, 2 iron mines, 2 double iron mines, 2 coal mines, 7 Forges, 1 ambush
Population: 6
Armies: 4 (1-4 have +1 movement, 1-4 have +2 attack and are in the dwarven realm)
Technologies: Preservation, Fishing, Fortress, Sailing, Mining, Charcoal Burning, Smelting, Steel Smelting, Magma Smelting, Weapon Smithing, Mithril Smithing, Armoring, Farming, Subterranean Farming

Ship of Freaks's Pink Dwarves
Stocks: 0 Food, 6 iron ore, 4 Mithril bars, 3 iron spears
Structures: 8 Mountainhalls, 13 Subterranean Farms, 6 Mithril mines, 7 Dwarf Fortresses
Population: 25
Armies: 0 total
Technologies: Mining, Subterranean Farming, Fortress, 4/5 Farming, Mithril Mining, Sailing

Corai's Purple Humans
Stocks: 7 Food, 7 herds of unicorns, 1 iron ore, 5 Mithril weapons
Structures: 3 Towns, 9 farms, 21 forts, 11 nature preserves
Population: 18
Armies: 12 total (1-6 have +1 movement and +1 attack, 7-12 +1 movement and +5 attack, 12 has the Onyx of Earth, 1-12 are repelling elvish invaders in Onyx Isle)
Technologies: Farming, Fortress, Sailing, Preservation, Mining

Goings on:
Spoiler: The Elves (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Humans (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: The Dwarves (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #278 on: August 26, 2012, 10:25:15 pm »

Move all armies to human territory and disband, retaining the mithril and unicorns.
Use the power of the Onyx to raise a mountain at C-16 [1/18] <--FIXED
7 humans farm [8/18]
Build mines in all mountain tiles that have none, work them ASAP before they get elf'd. [18/18]

Fixed it. I had to put the military movement on top.
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 10:42:55 pm by Corai »
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #279 on: August 26, 2012, 10:32:38 pm »

Excellent, the blood sacrifice is complete. Now, the final artifact must be claimed!

The four remaining armies return to elf-land and disband, giving me 4 more slaves.

8 slaves breed. [8/10]
1 slave forges a suit of steel armour, covered in spikles. [9/10]
The last elf, Grek II himself, takes up the Cloak of Shadows, along with a mithril blade and the first suit of Elven Steel gets atop his unicorn and steals the Onyx of the Earth. From N-13, he rides to L-14. [10/10]

E: Also, mithrilize all those mines and flood D-3 for the hell of it.

((I'm kinda annoyed that my last turn was read as "send the peasants in first to get slaughtered, then send in the mithril dudes" rather than as the "send in the mithril dudes and then the peasants as backup to hold it" as I'd intended. But I didn't actually say that. Kill and learn, so they say.))
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 10:39:06 pm by Grek »

Ship of Freaks

  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Matilda
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #280 on: August 26, 2012, 10:36:47 pm »

you forget corai, you must claim the land before you can use the onyx on it
[envy]lucky bastard, give me the artifact and we'll see what i can do with it[/envy]

oh dear

1 researches farming
13 work the farms
11 claim H-19,20,21 I-18,19,20,21 J-19,21 K,L-19
« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 10:43:40 pm by Ship of Freaks »
They are all one and the same. They are all Grek.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Has an ass that won't quit
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #281 on: August 26, 2012, 11:01:07 pm »

Grek's Red Elves
Stocks: 309 Food, 14 herds of unicorns, 0 iron ore, 10 charcoal, 1 iron bars, 1 steel bars, 7 iron spears, 0 Mithril bars, 5 Mithril weapons, 1 steel armor, the Philosopher's Stone, the Gem of Fertility, the Sword of Time, the Seaman's Pearl, the Cloak of Shadow
Structures: 9 Elf Villages, 44 Nature Preserves, 4 Farms, 2 iron mines, 2 double iron mines, 2 coal mines, 7 Forges, 1 ambush
Population: 17
Armies: 1 (King Grek II, +2 defense, +5 attack, and +1 movement, wielding the Cloak of Shadows, holds the Onyx of the Earth)
Technologies: Preservation, Fishing, Fortress, Sailing, Mining, Charcoal Burning, Smelting, Steel Smelting, Magma Smelting, Weapon Smithing, Mithril Smithing, Armoring, Farming, Subterranean Farming

Ship of Freaks's Pink Dwarves
Stocks: 1 Food, 6 iron ore, 4 Mithril bars, 3 iron spears
Structures: 8 Mountainhalls, 13 Subterranean Farms, 6 Mithril mines, 7 Dwarf Fortresses
Population: 25
Armies: 0 total
Technologies: Mining, Subterranean Farming, Fortress, Farming, Mithril Mining, Sailing

Corai's Purple Humans
Stocks: 7 Food, 7 herds of unicorns, 6 iron ore, 1 coal, 5 Mithril weapons
Structures: 3 Towns, 9 farms, 21 forts, 11 nature preserves
Population: 18
Armies: 12 total (1-6 have +1 movement and +1 attack, 7-12 +1 movement and +5 attack, 1-12 are repelling elvish invaders in Onyx Isle)
Technologies: Farming, Fortress, Sailing, Preservation, Mining

Goings on:
Spoiler: The Onyx (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #282 on: August 26, 2012, 11:22:17 pm »

Raise two armies at C-17, unicorn & mithril armed and STOP HIM! (If that is him)[1/18] Not him.
Raise three unicorn/mithril armed armies at M-15 and STOP HIM! (If that is him)[1/18]
8 humans farm [9/18]
9 humans research smelting. [18/18]

« Last Edit: August 26, 2012, 11:38:07 pm by Corai »
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #283 on: August 26, 2012, 11:27:40 pm »

King Grek II returns to the lands of the elves, outracing the armies of man.

The rest doesn't matter, as the King then proceeds to use his unnatural power to throw open the gates of hell and allow his long-lost father to return from the afterlife.

In the end, it is not hatred, nor ambition, nor tyranny that destroyed this world, but love, of a son for his dearly departed father.

Ship of Freaks

  • Bay Watcher
  • Lady Matilda
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Re: High Fantasy Conquest
« Reply #284 on: August 26, 2012, 11:31:57 pm »

build farm I-19

Oh, it's a great thing
To be a mad king.
Confuse your advisers, eat the flesh of children,
Die in bloody battle to return a mechalich.

The dwarves may be tougher,
But all now will suffer....

It's a grea~t thing.
They are all one and the same. They are all Grek.
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