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We now return to your (ir)regularly scheduled badassery.

Magnificent! I shall break out the champagne at once!
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Author Topic: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2  (Read 92306 times)

Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #660 on: March 23, 2013, 03:45:35 am »

*"Sirith, I need a safehaven, Du you have any on this planet, milord?

"You guys, set up a temporary camp here!"

Ask Sirith if there is any safehaven (like the sanctuary of our stone knight) on the planet, and ask the prisoners to set up a
camp with the little supplies we have.


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #661 on: March 23, 2013, 06:19:00 am »

The Moderator(s)


"Much better."

"Time to kick ass"

Screw that Asari bitch. She thinks she can walk all over me? That she can do whatever she wants? Bring it.

the Phantom, the big black reverse-swept winged craft the Moderator used as his cool ship, began it's take off from the secret Moderator hideout. It's blue glow on the underside, a byproduct of the XCOM hybrid ion pulse engines, carried it up with the grace and deadliness of a bird of prey. After it cleared the hidden hole, it's main engines prepared to fire. With a single command, it set out.

"Image Enhancement: Engaged. Group Fire: Engaged." The main computer of the craft spoke up. with a single flick, the weapons safeties were off.

It was go time.

"Targeting. Enemy Craft detected. Enemy power-up detected." Looks like they were expecting this. Smart move.

Several gunships and fighters, small compared to the large Phantom, appeared out of landing pads and hidden hangars.

The phantom ducked and weaved in their fire, the parts that hit deflected by the Ferro-Fibrous armor. His return fire was able to bypass their shields, and the lasers tore their fighters apart.

He made a beeline for the cargo freighter, mass accelerator fire pinging off the black craft's armor.

"got you."

The XCOM Fusion Lance fired right at the freighter's midsection, and it had no chance of missing at all. The beam penetrated it, incinerated anything in it's way, and destabilized the volatile substances aboard. As the Lance's projectile shot out the other side before dispersing, the entire craft detonated in an impressive display, the Element Zero adding a cyan tinge to the explosion. All in all, rather impressive. The craft pursuing him managed to get an unguided missile in, and take out a single engine.


After some maneuvering and mopping up, he returned and phased back to the base. He celebrated by... Repairing the engine. Again. He should Really make that AMS shoot down unguided missiles too... Oh well...

"Most impressive explosion I have seen in a while."
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #662 on: March 23, 2013, 12:24:14 pm »

Find evil to slay. Jungles are evil right? Ask Lunus to show me where to find some jungle bandits. Sneak up on bandit camp once it has been located.
« Last Edit: March 24, 2013, 11:23:32 am by GUNINANRUNIN »

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #663 on: March 23, 2013, 08:58:07 pm »

>Create two 0/1 illusions that appear to be the moderator and Zanzetkuken heading towards the interceptor.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon

King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #664 on: April 19, 2013, 06:06:05 am »

Aaaand we're back. Still several bits and pieces of the update that I'm not entirely happy with, but I suppose it'll have to do. I've got shit to go take care of, and refined or not, I refuse to let this heap of text go unposted for yet another day!

Jorn Darkmane

On his calm walk back to the settlement of Gadsden, Jorn decides on a whim to take a short break from travel and put the entirety of his extensive knowledge of the dark arts down on paper. Both in order to refresh his memory of precisely what one who is thoroughly trained in such arts is capable of, and to make teaching the many eager apprentices that he may very well one day have at his beck and call that much easier.

After confirming that a notebook is indeed among the items that the boggart had obtained, the warlock finds a comfy spot alongside the road and removes the Blood Pen from his pouch. He pricks himself in the finger, causing a small trickle of blood to flow down his hand, and begins to write down information concerning various spells and minions as they come to mind...

Boggarts - Puny, dim-witted troublemakers. Any ritual that leads to the summoning of these bothersome creatures can usually be considered a failure. Fittingly enough, they most often appear as a result of a ritual having been poorly/improperly executed; crude or carelessly made ritual circles and slurred or misspoken incantations are definitely things to avoid if one wishes to avoid boggarts.
That being said, they do have a knack for getting around unseen. Which, along with the fact that they can be brought forth with nothing more than a rudimentary summoning circle, means that there may be at least a few occasions where intentionally seeking their company could be justifiable.

Under no circumstances should a proper name ever be bestowed upon a boggart, lest they become twice as unruly, thrice as aggressive, and almost impossible to get rid of.

Imps - Mischievous and clever little entities. Coming in many different varieties with many different abilities, the great availability and versatility of imps has lead to them becoming one of the most common servants among practitioners of magic. At least those practitioners intelligent enough to avoid being outsmarted by them.
To top it off, imps take only slightly more work than a boggart to successfully bring forth; a basic summoning circle and the sacrifice of pretty much any small object or creature will suffice in most cases.

Goblins - Ruthless, sadistic, ill-tempered and greedy. Goblins have long served as the backbone for the forces of many a dark lord and "evil wizard". While lacking in supernatural abilities, they're easy to win over, and even easier to replace. Especially if left to propagate unchecked...
Bringing forth a goblin requires a basic summoning circle and a nonspecific mixture of blood and dirt.

Curse of Vampirism -  Dramatically increases the strength, agility, and lifespan of the afflicted individual well beyond their natural limits. If it wasn't for the steady loss of all emotion and personality, insatiable craving for blood, and hypersensitivity to sunlight, garlic, and almost anything considered holy, this curse would almost certainly be regarded as a miracle spell.
In order to bestow the curse of vampirism upon someone, what is required first and foremost is a sample of the individual's blood. Once that can be obtained, the use of it in a short Ritual of Unlife is all it takes to initiate their transformation into a bloodsucking creature of the night.

Take note that the effects of the curse are fairly slow-acting, and that even those who are afflicted with it themselves will likely be completely oblivious of the fact for the first day or so. A smart practitioner will be sure use this to their advantage, as it often means that nobody will discover what is wrong with the person that has been cursed until it is far too late.

Curse of Lycanthropy - Those afflicted with this curse are doomed to undergo a horrifically painful transformation into savage, wolf-like beings that prowl the night in a torment-fueled rage each and every moonlit night for the rest of their lives. They will be especially dangerous during a full moon, when the effects of the curse are notably amplified.
The ritual itself is somewhat primitive and easy to perform, but requires a bodily sample (blood, hair, appendages, ect.) from the victim, and a canine blood sacrifice.

Although most commonly known as the "Curse of Lycanthropy", "Curse of Therianthropy" would be more accurate. Considering that, with the appropriate animal sacrifice, a competent practitioner should be able to use the ritual to make their victim transform into any form of were-creature they wish.

Both of the above curses can be passed on via bite or serious injury from an afflicted individual; be wary of anyone who manages to survive an attack by those suffering from either curse.

Hellhounds - Bearers of death and supposed guardians of the underworld. These fearsome entities are inescapably fast and inexplicably potent. Even the most experienced of practitioners tend to avoid their summoning due to the immense danger they present to nearly all things living; acts as simple as touching or even staring into a hellhound's eyes for too long have been known to be instantly lethal to most mortal beings.
Should one choose to bring forth a hellhound in spite of all this, it will require an advanced summoning circle, the sacrifice of a dog or wolf, and no less than 1 tablespoon of demon blood*.

*Very hard to acquire. Relatively few demons actually possess any bodily fluids even remotely similar to blood, and those few that do are seldom willing let it be taken from them.

Succubi/Incubi - Lustful, depraved entities best known for corrupting the minds of the pure and copulating with the weak and vulnerable in order to sap them of their lifeforce. Succubi/Incubi are capable of switching between sexes and altering their outwardly appearance at will. They also possess the ability to assault their victims through their dreams, and thus prefer to prey on people only while they are asleep.
Although masters of furtivity and deception, succubi/incubi are generally incompetent in direct conflicts, and will only ever violently attack those they perceive as substantially weaker than themselves.

Summoning a succubus/incubus requires an advanced summoning circle and a fertile young man or woman to be offered as a living sacrifice.

"Fire Dust" - A very simple and useful magical technique used by more knowledgeable practitioners as a method of both torture and self-defense. All it involves is taking a handful of fresh ashes, and reciting the ancient Incantation of Agony. Once this has been done, any living flesh that comes in contact with said ashes (other than the practitioner's, of course) shall be flooded with a crippling, burning pain that can persist unwavering for several hours on end.
Despite it's name, the suffering caused by exposure to "Fire Dust" is magnitudes worse than what any natural flame could possibly inflict.

"Nightmare Curse" - Individuals suffering from this curse are relentlessly terrorized by sanity-rending visions of their deepest fears and worries, dredged up from darkest depths of their own subconscious mind. The curse only lasts an average of a few days, but that is often more than enough time to render the afflicted traumatized for life. Assuming it does not drive them to suicide.
To inflict this curse, a practitioner need only place their left hand over the head of the desired victim as they sleep, and utter the (largely underutilized) Incantation of Dismay.

On Raising the Dead - Simple in theory, but tricky to properly execute in practice. In essence, it's merely a matter of drawing some of the ambient lifeforce from one's surroundings and imbuing it into a corpse. However, a practitioner must be careful to ensure the amount of lifeforce imbued is just right; too much, and the corpse may gain a sense of autonomy, making it harder to control. Too little, and it's unlikely the corpse will be brought back from death at all. Ideally, a practitioner will imbue enough life into a corpse that it will be capable of functioning normally and understanding orders, while remaining mindless and subservient enough not to overthink or disobey those orders.
This life-imbuing process can be performed through the use of ritual circles and/or by drawing/carving special sigils onto the corpse itself, followed by the chanting of the Incantation of Undeath. For some exceptionally powerful necromancers, the Incantation of Undeath alone is all that is needed to successfully resurrect the dead.

In the absence of any physical remains, the dead can sometimes be summoned back to the mortal world in spirit form. Though this usually requires some object closely associated with the deceased to have any chance of success.

Underworld Ny

...Suddenly, the Chosen One is interrupted from his writing (perhaps for the best; the number of holes he had to poke in his hand to get all that written down was enough to result in him losing a pretty unhealthy amount of blood) by the honking of a car horn, followed shortly by a series of piercing screeches from none other than an angered Yxchuithiatkxcli. Jorn looks up from his notebook to see the winged demon standing out in the road, obstructing the path of an single, rather old-looking car. The sound of the vehicle's horn must have set his short-tempered minion off for some reason, as it now refuses to let the car pass, instead continuing to aggressively screech at it whenever it starts to move.

Hisir Namedene

Feeling an increasingly urgent need to find a refuge where he and his comrades will be welcomed by other faithful followers of Sirith, Hisir solemnly calls out to his god for assistance; the response he receives is both unexpectedly sudden, and startlingly lucid.
The Chosen One immediately senses a dark and overwhelming presence effortlessly invade his mind, and watches as his surroundings subsequently appear to disintegrate into nothingness. Before long, he finds himself staring out into an endless black void. In that very moment, the ominous voice of the shadow god himself echoes out from the darkness to communicate with Hisir directly:

"As much as it displeases me to admit it, it is crucial for you to know that this 'safehaven' you seek does not exist. At least, not yet. For the followers that I have residing upon the Earth at this time are, disappointingly, few and far between...

You see, my loyal disciple, the world which you are currently inhabiting is a special one in that, ever since its creation, it has been a primary focus in the nigh-constant power struggle between the countless deities competing for dominance over this realm. In fact, as far as I am aware, more divine attention has been given to this one, minuscule celestial body than almost any other portion of this entire universe.
Unfortunately, I happened to arrive relatively late to this great divine conflict, which I confess has made it frustratingly difficult to gain any significant influence over the planet or its populace amongst all of the incessant competition, ultimately resulting in a severe lack of Earth-dwelling ShadowBeings.
However, now that the 'God-King' has delivered you unto the Earth to participate in this ridiculous game of his...all of this has the potential change within the very near future.

Listen closely, Hisir. I am trusting you with the task of leading my incursion into this world, and the first step in this vastly important mission shall be creating the very safehaven you yourself so strongly desire; secure an area where those allegiant to me may congregate, and find succor. Prove yourself capable of accomplishing this, and I may be able to reward your spreading of my influence with the lending of a handful of soldiers from the mighty Shadow Army to assist you in your conquest. Do we have an understanding?"

The Moderator(s) & Zanzetkuken the Great

Using some of the remaining mana still stored in his blade, Zanzetkuken conjures up the illusion of him and his ally charging into the hanger and up to the lone RAVEN Interceptor. Amazingly, the illusionary Chosen Ones make it to the Interceptor without being attacked (or even confronted) by any Black Maple forces whatsoever. Well this is rather strange...surely the supervisors could not truly have left one of the facility's most expensive and advanced aircraft this vulnerable?


"Now that's a damn good story." One soldier proclaims, prompting several other passengers nod in agreement.

Sir Havel the Unyielding

With delivery of the sacred artifacts put on hold, the righteous Sir Havel spends a few moments in thought, and soon comes up with the perfect activity to help him burn some time while he awaits nightfall: Bandit hunting! After all, jungles are notorious havens for thieves, smugglers, outlaws and rebels of all colors and creeds; one can just feel the evil lurking throughout this expanse of dense Peruvian wilderness.
Under the guidance of both Lunus and his own intuition, the Chosen One sets off through the jungle, intent on locating an encampment of dastardly ne'er-do-wells to do away with.

Estimated time passed: 15 minutes.

15:10 remain.


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #665 on: April 19, 2013, 01:40:56 pm »

(Now I"m going to keep wondering what "Underworld Ny" means...)

Jorn get's up and walks over to the car muttering darkly.

"What is wrong this time?"


Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #666 on: April 19, 2013, 02:23:47 pm »

(( The way you made Sirith speak is so close to my own idee it's almost creepy))

"Yes, milord. I will build a fortress that will show our power to the world and beyond."

"Now, let's get these prisoners some equipment!"

Say the above to Sirith and bow before breaking communications ( unless he has something to say) and try to make some Ythullum bars by manipulating the shadow essence into solid form.

« Last Edit: April 19, 2013, 04:09:47 pm by Child of Armok »

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #667 on: April 19, 2013, 03:35:02 pm »

Disband the illusions, returning the mana to the blade.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #668 on: April 21, 2013, 05:58:34 am »

Disband the illusions, returning the mana to the blade.

"I say this is still a trap. You go first, my Planeswalker meatshield- I mean pal."

As the Moderator sights in, he is reminded of the storming of the first Type-3 UFO at Mega-Primus.

The UFO made a huge impact in the grassed park as it smoked from multiple impacts. From here, it looked empty. Squad Leader Gautier knelt next to the Moderator, binoculars in hand.

"The Welcoming Committee definitely saw some figures inside." the Squad Leader noted
"I call a trap."
Why do you say that, Squaddie?"
"Even the Ethereal's smallest ship had surviving crew after we splashed the bastards. Since this dwarfs their Battleship, bound to have something nasty.
"Since you got the only MarSec torso, you check the top. We'll handle the rest."
"Yes Ma'am.

With that, the squad of X-COM agents moved in on the crash. MegaPol had already secured the area from civilian eyes, and Bravo Squad took the Welcome Wagon to investigate the Nietzsche Building for alien sightings.

The Moderator had High-Ex ammo loaded in his Autocannon, and his MarSec armor had an Elerium-powered gravity-wave generator allowing unsupported flight. he glided up to where the Welcome From Earth punched a large plasma hole in the UFO. Inside was an alien and organic environment, as was believed to be. There were dead Anthropods and spitters. One was carrying a Brainsucker Launcher, and obviously had pods on it's person. He aimed up, and blasted the corpse to whatever gods it worshiped.

Suddenly, fire downstairs, explosions and sounds of alien guns, he ran to the cental grav lift-

He blanked out after that. All he remembers is flashes of memory, clouded by rage and sorrow. He gave the aliens no mercy, for they deserved none...

Suddenly, back to reality. They weren't saving a city full of innocent people, they were in a world. a dark and unforgiving world, vied over by deities and opposing divine forces. He would win, of course, to kick the Gods' asses into line for fucking with his home. Only the Chaos League and the Order Empire knew of the weapon he possessed in one of the most secure areas of his little hideaway.

I really wish I had that Autocannon with me right now. Cause a bit of a stir...

The Moderator assumes an overwatch position, to cover for Zan as he moves on the RAVEN.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #669 on: April 21, 2013, 01:01:55 pm »

"Alternatively, I could do this."

>Planeswalk to the entrance to the RAVEN.
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #670 on: April 21, 2013, 05:47:42 pm »

Search for valleys and clearings in particular. Easily defensible positions are ideal for encampments such as these. Keep an eye out for scouts and patrols.

King DZA

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #671 on: April 26, 2013, 03:27:07 am »

Jorn Darkmane
((I could tell you, if you'd like. Seeing as Jorn technically already knows everything he was going to write down.))

As Jorn closes the notebook and rises to his feet, a rejuvenating surge of power rushes through his body. Odd. Especially when one considers that significant levels of blood loss tends to have quite the opposite effect. Creating a book of dark spells using your own blood as ink must be considered a significantly badass action. (+Badassery)

Jorn approaches the car and requests that his demon explain the motives behind its puzzling behavior. "It CHALLENGED ME!" Yxchuithiatkxcli replies, clearly irritated by the event. Hearing this, the vehicle's driver apprehensively rolls down the window and tries to speak with the Chosen One. "I- I don't want any trouble..."

Hisir Namedene

"Excellent. Remain steadfast in your servitude, Hisir, and soon this world, like so many others before it, shall be engulfed in shadow."

The very next instant, everything snaps back to normal, and Hisir is once again standing amongst his companions deep within the small forested area.

With Sirith's parting words still echoing softly inside his mind, the reinvigorated Chosen One concentrates, and with only minor strain, condenses a good portion of shadow essence drawn from his well-shaded surroundings into no less than six Ythullum bars. The fugitives are no doubt amazed by such an uncanny feat, though that sense of amazement rapidly dissolves into one of dread when the sound of police sirens are heard in the distance. Guess they didn't navigate through the nearby town quite as stealthily as they had hoped...

The Moderator(s) & Zanzetkuken the Great

At Zanzetkuken's command, the illusions vanish, and the mana used to conjure them flows swiftly back into the blade of his adamantine sword.

Yet to be convinced that the lack of opposition is anything more than a clever ruse, The Moderator ever so caringly suggests that his fellow Chosen One be the first to enter the hangar. Zanzetkuken proceeds to planeswalk over to the Interceptor, and, just like his illusions, encounters no resistance from any Black Maple forces. At this point, their enemies are either being incredibly sly, or incredibly stupid...

Estimated time passed: 5 minutes.

15:05 remain.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 04:06:24 am by King DZA »

Child of Armok

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #672 on: April 27, 2013, 02:40:56 am »

"Calm down!
They have not found us yet!
They just know we might be in the vacinity.
And that gives us time to think.""
If you see any movement, let me know, i'll be back in a second."

Get a feeling of the surroundings, by climbing in a high tree.
« Last Edit: April 27, 2013, 02:42:31 am by Child of Armok »


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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #673 on: April 28, 2013, 07:31:40 am »

advance slowly to the RAVEN.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"

Zanzetkuken The Great

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Re: Slaves to DZA: God of Everything: Chapter I: The Chosen Ones: Day 2
« Reply #674 on: April 28, 2013, 08:59:39 am »

"You realize that they slower you go, the quicker they can set up a trap, if there isn't one already, right?"
Quote from: Eric Blank
It's Zanzetkuken The Great. He's a goddamn wizard-dragon. He will make it so, and it will forever be.
Quote from: 2016 Election IRC
<DozebomLolumzalis> you filthy god-damn ninja wizard dragon
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