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Author Topic: Roll to Priest: The End.  (Read 68438 times)


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T3
« Reply #45 on: August 12, 2012, 04:25:29 pm »

One hour left...

Also, I'm definitely nominating this for the hall of fame once it's eligible.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #46 on: August 12, 2012, 05:08:59 pm »

Episode One, Turn Four: The Power of the Word.

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal
With Father Purple rather indisposed at the moment I will complete the Introductory Rites.
...”Amen,” punctuates Father Teal as the hail of bullets outside the church ceases. ”Let us... er... oh yes. Oh right then. Pray. Right. Verbum Domini... et ascendit in caelum... probably...”

Quote from: Father Purple
This is not going well for either of us. I convince the police once more that I am innocent and run away into the feckin' baptismal feckin' tub! Feckin' fire, man. Oh, and maybe I could get someone to help patch up my knees and fight off the crazed feckin' teal bastard!
...”Shite. My knees, yer bunch of feckin' gobshites!” complains Father Purple convincingly enough to the firing squad before him. ”My feckin' knees!”

Without waiting for a reply, Father Purple sprints as well as a priest with no knees can back into the church, desecrating the baptismal tub with his burning head just as Father Teal reaches the end of his Rite.

Father Teal has completed the Introductory Rites! (1/5)

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
See that Father Beige is beyond salvation, thus, recite Liturgy of the Eucharist punctuated by kicking him into submission. Call the hospital after I'm done.
...The drooling Father Beige is clearly entirely beyond salvation, so after giving him a few hard kicks right up the feckin’ arse Father Red proceeds to recite the Liturgy of the Eucharist...

Quote from: Father Beige
Tackle that feckin' fecker Red with my !!burningness!! then proceed to set as much stuff on fire as possible.
...Whereupon Father Beige manages to get to his feet, drool down the front of his cassock, wobble over to Father Red, and collapse drunkenly against his chest in a friendly embrace. Father Red gently but insistently pushes him away, but not before he catches fire himself!

As Father Red starts flapping his hands uselessly at his burning man-bosom, Father Beige rolls down the steps beside the altar, reaching the stone floor of the church with a relaxed bump.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
Gather the laity and tell them to gather some pews and smash the windows open. Tell em' to get out through the windows.

...”Sons! Daughters!” starts Father Green as the congregation crush him heavily against the church doors. “Children of the Lord! This fire is a sign sent by God that I displease him! Gather up the pews sent by Him to provide Holy Respite for your backsides, and smash me open!” he continues. “Oh! Oof! Shite! Feck! Uff!”

Quote from: Father Pink
Father Pink fuses together the fire, the end of the world, and the Liturgy of the Word into a brilliant rousing speech that wins over the hearts of the massists!

...Meanwhile, Father Pink, determined to outdo Father Green, resolves to ignore the pain of self-immolation and the panic of the end’s being nigh, and steps up to the altar with the force of mind and will of a man on a mission. A man of the cloth on a mission, no less. A man of the burning cloth on a feckin' mission, even more!

“For yea! Verbum Dòmini, Burningium! And… er… yea!”

The sheer force of his majestic voice captivates the hearts and minds of those of Father Pink’s congregation who were until then violently pulping Father Green with the church furniture, and only a handful of the rearmost churchgoers notice when this latter priest throws himself screaming through the ornate stained window nearest the exit.

“Lèctio sancti Evangèlii, and er… fiorentina… napoletana… The End!”

The panic is calmed, the Liturgy delivered, the stampede’s dead and wounded already forgotten as his congregation stands once more open mouthed and entranced before the altar. Such is the power of the Word of God, reflects Father Pink, silently and humbly. And rather warmly.

!!Father Pink!! has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Cyan
Getting up and trying not to show the pain in his feckin' balls, Father Cyan once again digs for the words to the Liturgy and resumes mass, trying to regain the congregations attention from Father Veridian. With song and dance if necessary.

...”Feck!” announces Father Cyan, trying desperately not to show his testicularly vulnerable state. “Me feckin’ ba- I mean, praise be! The Lord! He giveth, and he taketh away! I just wish He’d feckin’ well take this feckin’ pain in me feckin’ balls away! Oh, shite. Ouch."

After hobbling to his rightful place behind the altar, Father Cyan collapses to the floor in pain, one hand clasping his notes for the Liturgy, the other held firmly to his crotch. Just as he is about to speak up, Father Veridian interrupts.

Quote from: Father Veridian
Begin droning singing in my own unique way, teach Father Cyan, and everyone else the music of my talent!

..."Aaaaaaaaahhhh, dear Father Cyan. Let ussss siiiiiiinnngggggggggg,” suggests Father Veridian.

"I will lead.”

There's a loud thud as two villagers on the front row collapse to the floor, snoring.

"Aaa-aah-mennnn...” starts Father Veridian.

Father Cyan's eyes glaze over before Father Veridian even really gets going.

“Every night in my dreams...”

The last thing Father Cyan sees, from the floor behind his altar, before passing out temporarily from the pain, is the remainder of the front row of his congregation falling mercifully unconscious to the ground.

“I see you, I feel you...
That is how I know you go o-”

Silence suddenly fills the church of Ardglass as Father Veridian slumps down by the altar, happily asleep with a thin trickle of drool running down his chin. Several hardy locals take the unexpected chance to flee with unabandoned joy and relief, stripping off their clothes and flinging their money into the air as they sprint out the main exit.

Father Cyan has completed the Introductory Rites! (1/5)

Father Cyan has a +1 Notes bonus for next turn!

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Silver
use the holy scriptures to convince the congregation that human sacrifice is satanic. oh! and dodge/take that knife.

...”So... er... ooof!”

Father Silver tries to explain himself, only for a member of the congregation to kick him right up the arse!

“How about... er... ooofff!”

Father Silver tries to request that a passing villager untie him from the altar, only for a member of the congregation to kick him right in the teeth!

“Gnnnf... feck... arthbiscuith... yer... gnah!”

Father Silver tries to persuade himself that that totally isn't a sacrificial knife, only for a member of the congregation to approach him with the aforementioned totally actually a sacrificial knife raised high above his head. Scrambling desperately to untie himself from Father Brown's altar, he manages to roll partially out of the way at the very last moment, and only gets stabbed right through the shoulder!

Rising to his feet, the skewered priest attempts to flee down the central aisle of the church, trailing blood and closet satanists as he goes!

Quote from: Father Brown
Let the congregation take turns kicking Father Silver in the arse (and participate most vigorously!) while reciting the Liturgy of the Word

... ”What the feck, you feckin' eejits! You can't feckin' do that here! It's the house of God!” shouts Father Brown. “You can't use knives! You have to use kicks to the feckin' arse!” he clarifies, rushing down the aisle after Father Silver before delivering a flying kick to the arse, sending him sprawling.

“Verbum Dòmini!” he starts, giving Father Silver a quick kick up the feckin' arse just to make sure.

“Deo gratias!” he adds, nervously eying his approaching congregation.

“Laus tibi, Christe... oh feckin' shite...” he finishes, as his bloodthirsty flock descend upon him and his rival in a flurry of satanic arse kicking. He starts a desperate crawl towards his church's main doors, a hail of kicks following his arse as he goes.

Father Brown has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Orange
Start a dance party! Don't slip in the vomit, mind.

..."So, erm... Feck," deduces Father Blue.

"Oh, arsebiscuits, I'm sorry Father Blue. I didn't mean to get you down like that. Hey, listen, I know Bishop Lennan said dancing was behaviour unbecoming of a priest or some such bollocks, but what do you say we raise our voices in praise to the Lord our Father Amen and have a nice jig, eh? Come on then, everybody now! Give us a song, organist!"

Father Orange's stirring speech works miracles in the village of Mullaghbrack! The entire congregation rises to its feet! The organist rises to his prog-rock stance! Father Orange takes the mic and begins to wail!

“Here we are! Born to be kings!
We're the princes of the universe!
Here we belong, fight-argghr!”

Quote from: Father Blue

Drag Father Orange behind lectern, use him as a platform to increase height, and thus make my Liturgy of the Word more effective!

...”Bollocks to that, you feckin' fecker,” interjects Father Blue. “Here I feckin' belong, and you can feck the feck right feckin' off, yer whiny feckin' gobshite! I've got a feckin' Sunday Mass to perform!”

As Father Orange falls to the floor, struck down by his rival priest's unstoppable uppercut, Father Blue leans down to pick him up, rips the microphone from his hand, props him semi-conscious against the lectern, and climbs onto his head.

Jumping up and down with excitement, he begins, perched nearly six foot above his lectern.

“Verbum Dòmini!”

Father Blue's voice booms forth with religious ferocity!

“Deo gratias!”

Father Blue's words stream out like a tsunami of righteous ferver!

“Dominus vobiscum!”

Father Blue's shockwaves blast out like an avalanche of really feckin' loud hydrogen bombs!


The far wall of Father Blue's church topples to the ground under the shock of his preternaturally violent mouthweapon! Ancient bricks and ancient brick dust tumble down and mushroom cloud right back up, shards of stone and brick flying out in a perfect circle, those shards that fly into the church slaying the rear two rows of villagers in the flash of an eye!

“Glòria tibi, Domine... oh, feckin' shite!” concludes Father Blue, fairly accurately, as the dust and smoke subsides. “Oh bollocks. Not again.”

Father Blue has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After Introductory Rites comes the Liturgy of the Word!
And after the Liturgy of the Word comes the Liturgy of the Eucharist!
Spoiler: GM Notes (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: August 12, 2012, 08:17:40 pm by lawastooshort »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #47 on: August 12, 2012, 06:48:36 pm »

Uhh... Thank's for showing us who father silver is?
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #48 on: August 12, 2012, 11:58:05 pm »

I'm very sorry for this, but I'm now on holiday for 10 days. I'll shout out turns when I get the chance, but feel free to auto me of not.
Sorry, and see yas!
That's nothing. I had something mate with a pile of dead meat.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #49 on: August 13, 2012, 03:18:07 am »

Uhh... Thank's for showing us who father silver is?

Sorry about that. I'm an idiot and rushed the turn.

I'm very sorry for this, but I'm now on holiday for 10 days. I'll shout out turns when I get the chance, but feel free to auto me of not.
Sorry, and see yas!

Thanks for letting me know. I will possibly open up your turns to the suggestions of any readers or people on #bay12rtd. Apologies in advance ;)

One hour left...

Also, I'm definitely nominating this for the hall of fame once it's eligible.

I actually managed it 22 seconds early. How about that. And thank you. I feel it went slightly too far last turn as a result of less than ideal writing conditions.


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #50 on: August 13, 2012, 02:50:44 pm »

Cool. Can't wait for this to be a month old.
Hey, don't forget about research boy sitting right here!


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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T4
« Reply #51 on: August 13, 2012, 10:10:18 pm »

Oh man, this just gets better and better. :D True, feckin' insane RTD goodness.
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Ep1T5
« Reply #52 on: August 14, 2012, 04:08:42 am »

Episode One, Turn Five: The Hammer.

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal
Perform the Litugory of the Word.
...Calm descends upon the village church of Termonfeckin as Father Teal braces himself for a fine Liturgy of the Word, choosing wisely to ignore Father Purple’s bleeding lower body sticking out of his baptismal font. He begins the now familiar words.

“Verbum Domini…”

Quote from: Father Purple
Well, considering the church is still on fire, I'll just tackle feckin' father feckin' shite or whatever the the feckin' ground for now. If he has notes, rip them up. Rip his clothes off while I'm at it, the bastard.
...Suddenly Father Purple hauls himself out of the soiled baptismal font, runs up the steps to the altar, tackles the startled priest to the ground, and starts tearing his clothes off. Father Teal’s down to his special Sunday Speedos before he can even react.

The congregation’s reactions to this development are mixed.

Father Teal has completed the Introductory Rites! (1/5)

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
Deliver Liturgy of the Eucharist, do not stop for anything until done with it. But as soon as I am done with it, make a run for the nearest source of water to extinguish self.
...Seeing Father Beige safely out of the way at the bottom of the steps, Father Red gets right on with delivering the Liturgy of the Eucharist – one of his favourite liturgies!

Quote from: Father Beige
Smite Father Red with a holy fist of feckin' punching +1. In the groin. Then curb stomp him.
...But just then Father Red remembers his man-bosom is on fire, and flees the altar towards the nearest source of water, whereupon Father Beige leaps up after him, kicks him right up the arse, catches him by the shoulder, turns him round, and delivers his favourite liturgy: the Holy Liturgy of the Punch Right in the Feckin’ Groin! Wincing with holy pain, Father Red staggers around several feet before falling over backwards into a nearby open barrel of petrol.

When the smoke clears he can still see his man-bosom on fire, but he can’t see Father Beige’s eyebrows. Or the far left corner of his church.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
Remind the congregation that the church is still on feckin’ fire! Oh, and call the local firefighters and care for poor ol' Father Pink. He deserve a niccccceeee loooonnng rest at the hospital right now.
...“Feck! Arse! Girls! Drink!” shouts Father Green desperately, outside the church of Cloonsherevagh from which he has just hurled himself. He hammers on the doors as the smoke from Father Pink’s burning clothes and church drifts out the smashed window.

“Let me in! No! I mean open the doors! I mean… Oh, feck it…”

Father Green decides to wander off to find a phone box when suddenly an empty fire extinguisher flies through the window he just left by, knocking him to his knees.

Quote from: Father Pink
Grab a fire extinguisher and extinguish myself, then perform the Liturgy of the Eucharist while condemning the gobshite Father Green by beaning him with the empty extinguisher.
...Inside the church of Cloonsherevagh, meanwhile, Father Pink finally realises that he is, in fact, burning all over and by now mostly naked. He grabs the nearest fire extinguisher and puts himself out before launching the empty canister through a conveniently already broken window. He could swear he hears a strange metallic boink followed by a stream of priestly invective, but decides he’s just imagining it. He’s been through a lot this morning, after all.

He suddenly remembers that that gobshite Father Green is somewhere about, no doubt causing further riot and scandal, and launches, sadly hindered by a mouthful of foam, into his own stream of priestly self-expression.

“Feck! Arse! Gobshite! Feckin’ Father feckin’ Green! You bastard! Oh wait, time for the Eucharist!”

He comes to his senses and makes his way to his altar, mustering all the dignity a priest in a burning church with a pile of trampled dead can, and consults his notes.

He looks down proudly and paternally over his flock and clears his throat.

Father Pink has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

Father Pink has a +1 notes bonus for the next turn!

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Cyan
...Back in the village of Ardglass, Father Cyan is the first to wake from Father Veridian’s deadly recital. Finding his notes ready in his hand, he jumps to his feet and blasts his congregation awake with possibly the best Liturgy of the Word he’s ever delivered. He beams with delight as a polite ripple of applause spreads through his church.

Quote from: Father Veridian
Awaken with inspiration and fervor.

Preach to the masses and order everyone outside to enjoy the natural scenery! Father Grey will be my aide.

...Busily applauding, no one even seems to notice as Father Veridian walks down the central aisle accompanying Father Grey, talking in hushed drones about what seems to be some kind of ecumenical matter. The oblivious Father Veridian continues walking as his companion slops over snoring onto the floor, and Father Cyan spies him through the open entrance as he concludes the Liturgy of the Word. Father Veridian appears to be explaining the relative merits of combi boilers versus heat-only boilers to an unfortunate tree in the churchyard. The tree visibly wilts.

Father Cyan has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Silver/#bay12rtd
Perhaps he could pick up his fellow priest by the ankles and wield the poor fellow as a weapon to fend off the hordes?
...Seeing the enraged mob descend upon him and his fellow priest spurs Father Silver into crippled back-defying action. He sees only one reasonable path to take: he struggles to his feet, grabs hold of Father Brown’s ankles, and lifts him into the air, swinging him about his head and keeping the baying mob at the safe distance of one vertical priest.

Quote from: Father Brown
Father Brown tries to escape the bloodcrazed mob and find a high-up safe spot he can perform the Liturgy of the Eucharist from
...It takes a second for Father Brown to realise what’s happened: one second he’s crawling on the floor with several dozen angry villagers kicking him right up the feckin’ arse, the next he’s spinning through the air like some kind of medieval priest-weapon, smacking congregation members from side to side like some… kind… of… medieval priest-weapon victims?

But then suddenly the main doors open, and as Father Silver turns, horrified at the shocking possibility of a terrifying pincer movement of angry churchgoers, Bishop Lennan walks in instead.

Father Silver’s jaw drops.

Father Brown’s jaw would also drop, if Father Silver hadn’t, in his fright, let go of his ankles mid-spin to send the poor priest flying straight up into the air, hurriedly gibbering the Liturgy of the Eucharist as he goes.

As Bishop Lennan stands flabbergasted in the doorway, his eyes follow the gracefully flung Father Brown preach through the air until, with a mild crunch, he comes to a sudden halt against the wall some twenty feet above the bishop.

He begins to slide in slow motion down the wall towards this superior. As times seems to slow down, Father Brown has a second to reflect that his arse, if not his bollocks, or even and probably both, are about to get quite a kicking.

He has just the time to survey the scene in his once, if not proud, at least reasonably tidy and peaceful church – the angry bishop in the doorway below, his dog-murdering priestly nemesis in the centre aisle, the bloodcrazed mob held at bay by the bishop’s wrath – before completing his downward slide and smashing down awkwardly onto Bishop Lennan’s fancy bishop hat, crushing it entirely. He finishes on the floor before the visibly irritated man.


Father Brown has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

Father Brown has a -1 Bishop’s wrath penalty next turn!

Father Silver has a -1 Bishop’s wrath penalty next turn!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Orange
Oh no! Enlist the aid of the villagers in assisting the wounded!
...”Oh no!” cries Father Orange, somewhat groggily and with Father Blue still standing on his head. “The poor wounded villagers!”

Without a second’s thought he sprints towards the far end of the church where an enormous pile of rubble and dust covers an only slightly smaller pile of trapped and mangled churchgoers. He doesn’t even look back as Father Blue falls to the floor behind him, pausing only as he runs to gather members of the congregation to aid him in assisting the wounded.

As the makeshift rescue crew remove the bricks and stone from the pile of horribly injured locals, what is revealed is hideously and deeply troubling to the mind and spirit! Exposed livers! Arms! Faces!

Despite the years of elite priesting – and occasional drinking – hardening his stomach, the now entirely sober Father Orange feels the bile rise to the back of his throat! He feels the stomach acid reach the tip of his tongue! He feels the… no wait, he sees the burst of acrid gut-rain spew down upon his little local helpers, who, one by one, are in turn taken by the stomach churning repulsion-juice and collapse helplessly to their knees, expulsing their pre-Mass breakfasts with incredible speeds!

Striving on nevertheless, Father Orange is tugging at the limb of a trapped member of the congregation when suddenly everything goes dark.

"Get in there, ye feckin' gobshite!"

Quote from: Father Blue
>Shove Father Orange into the reliquary closet, locking it to keep him from causing any more trouble.
>Then dust off my robes, clear my throat and turn to my flock.
>Move right along into the Liturgy of the Eurachrist, glaring at anyone who would dare consider leaving the church!
...Getting back to his feet and watching with bewilderment as Father Orange and his own congregation try to rescue their fallen co-churchgoers, Father Blue decides to stop his rival causing any more carnage. He rushes to the pile of dead, wounded and stinking half-digested egg pieces and quickly and firmly rams a cardboard box down upon Father Orange’s head. He turns to his flock, feverishly beavering away to rescue their friends and loved ones, and clears his throat.

"Oh... Erm... Shite,” he begins. “Sorry about that. And the, uh, wall. Ah well, I suppose it is my church. We’ll have a collection or something. Ahem, anyway! How about we do some Mass, eh?"

The nearest villager turns wordlessly towards him, fists clenched in repressed anger and face dripping in mostly digested tomatoes.

Father Blue has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After Introductory Rites comes the Liturgy of the Word!
And after the Liturgy of the Word comes the Liturgy of the Eucharist!
Spoiler: GM Notes (click to show/hide)


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Five and Special Bonus Round-up!
« Reply #53 on: August 14, 2012, 07:09:51 am »

Special Priest Bonus Round Up!

I think I counted 206 instances of “feck” in the first four turns. Anyway – I thought a quick “back after the break” halftime round up would be appropriate, partly because I had to re-read it all just to remember what was going on in six different churches before writing Turn Five (which is above). Remember, Sunday Mass traditionally lasts Ten Turns!

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Father Teal has panicked his congregation! He has been stabbed through the thigh with a replica broadsword! He has no trousers! He is revealing his Sunday Speedos! He has a broadsword!

Father Purple has been wrongly identified as an armed robber! He has set himself on fire! The police believe he has a bomb! His knees have been shot off! He has desecrated a baptismal font! He is no longer burning! He has bled in a baptismal font! He has partially undressed a priest!

Church: Burning.
Congregation: Mostly dissatisfied.
Sunday Mass: 20% Complete!

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Father Beige has smashed his face open on the altar! He has set his hair on fire! He has set a villager on fire! A priest has kicked Father Beige up the arse! Father Beige is inebriated! He has drooled! He has set a priest on fire! He has punched a priest in the groin! His eyebrows have been burnt off!

Father Red has kicked a priest! He has kicked a priest! He is burning! A priest punched Father Red in the groin! Father Red has fallen in a barrel of petrol! He has exploded the corner of his church off!

Church: One corner destroyed.
Congregation: Superficial cuts and bruises. One burning.
Sunday Mass: 40% Complete!

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning for the use of the word “arsehole”!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Father Green has desecrated the holy water! He has thrown himself out of a window! He has been smacked in the head by an empty fire extinguisher!

Father Pink has set his cassock on fire! He is mostly naked!

Church: On fire! One shattered window!
Congregation: Half a dozen crushed in a stampede! Superficial cuts and unconsciousness!
Sunday Mass: 40% Complete!

The Village of Ardglass...

Father Cyan has been kicked in the bollocks by a bishop! He has fallen asleep!

Father Veridian has had his face smashed open on the floor! He has rendered a congregation unconscious through his tedious voice! He has rendered himself unconscious through his tedious voice! He has drooled! He has held a conversation with a tree!

Church: Intact.
Congregation: Several have fled naked and penniless! One has been kicked in the arse and punched in the mouth by a bishop!
Sunday Mass: 40% Complete!

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Father Silver has wrestled a dog! His groin has been savaged by a dog! He has slain a dog! He is covered in dog! He has damaged his back! He has been kicked in the arse by a priest! He has been kicked in the arse by members of the congregation! He has been kicked in the teeth! He has been stabbed in the shoulder with a sacrificial knife! He has attacked the congregation with a priest!

Father Brown’s dog has been struck down! His congregation have been urinated upon by his dog! He has kicked a priest in the arse! He has kicked a priest right up the feckin’ arse! He has been kicked in the arse by his own congregation! He has been flung into a wall! He has crushed a bishop’s hat!

Church: Intact.
Congregation: Bloodthirsty.
Sunday Mass: 40% Complete!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Father Orange has joyfully danced! He has been kicked in the arse by Bishop Lennan! He has drunk the congregation wine! He has vomited! He has desecrated the holy water! He has been struck by lightning in the groin! He has vomited! He has a box on his head!

Father Blue has smacked his own face off the altar! He has smashed his face on a pew! He has placed a box on a priest’s head!

Church: One wall has been demolished!
Congregation: Several rows have left! Two rows have been slain! The survivors have vomited! Discontent!
Sunday Mass: 40% Complete!

This list may or may not be complete. If I have missed something I would be happy to add it.

If the task is a complete victory for the disruptors then I may consider taking the top three mass-givers and… then… see. I need three teams for the next Episode, so it could work with teams of three or of two, although six players was the original plan. I just didn’t think giving Mass was so difficult.


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Public Service Announcement:  The source material is available on Hulu.
HMR stands for Hazardous Materials Requisition, not Horrible Massive Ruination, though I can understand how one could get confused.
God help us if we have to agree on pizza toppings at some point. There will be no survivors.


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Oh dear. Looks like two feckers are going to get kicked so mightily up the arse they'll get to meet god himself :P
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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I... I love this already. AND IT'S ONLY TURN FIVE. My money is on there being <2 survivors, and no churches left.


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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Six: Grand Theft Auto.
« Reply #57 on: August 15, 2012, 05:13:18 am »

Episode One, Turn Six: Grand Theft Auto

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal
Continue performing the Litugory of the Word, whilst subtly insulting Father Purple within the context of the Litugory.
...In the calm country church of Termonfeckin, Father Teal is performing Sunday Mass. The Liturgy of the Word, to be exact. Even as Father Purple, his hitherto unknown frenzied attacker, removes his last item of clothing, the now naked Father Teal feels it is going well. As his Saviour suggests, he turns, quite literally, the other cheek as his apparently armed molester lifts him above his head, carrying him towards the baptismal pool.

“Confiteor unum baptisma…” he concludes.

There is an over-dramatically loud splash.

Quote from: Father Purple
I shall now toss the naked bastard into the feckin' baptismal pool! If the Bishop shows up, be prepared to sit down in the pews again. Until that happens, light the Speedo on fire.
...Suddenly Father Purple leaps into the baptismal pool after his victim, grabbing a firm hold of Father Teal’s Special Sunday Speedos with his teeth and ripping them from his dripping body! Clambering out of the pool, he stands feet apart on the side, spreading his arms out and roaring a predatory roar of success!


Jumping off the lip of the pool he takes the Speedo out of his teeth and rushes at the congregation, foaming at the mouth and waving the sodden swimwear at the terrified villagers. They back away desperately from the rabid madman, who suddenly flings the Speedo to the floor, whips out a hip flask of brandy, pours the contents over the trunks, and lights them on fire!

The terrible mix of melting polyester and fine brandy spreads immediately over Father Purple’s feet as he dances on his war trophy. He gibbers and grins and points at the nascent footwear inferno before removing all the items of his clothing not currently burning and flinging them to the floor.

Naked and with flaming feet, he climbs and runs and leaps over the deserted pews like an inflammable deranged gibbon. Suddenly he realises his lack of knees and collapses in a smouldering naked heap on the floor.

The congregation cowers in the corners of the church, many eying the bullet-ridden main entrance.

Father Teal has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
Rush Father Beige with holy rage, transform that holy rage into a beating the likes o' which he has never seen. Possibly include at least one priestly suplex and end with a saintly submission hold.
Quote from: Father Beige
Begin preaching about the joy of drinking alcohol, then pour some of the communion wine on the burning Father Red. If he attempts to do any ceremonies, smash the bottle of communion wine and stab him in the face.
...Meanwhile, in Knockcloghrim, the burning Father Red is infuriated by the recent Liturgy delivered to his groin. And possibly the partial destruction of his church.

"That... that... that arsebiscuit!” he shouts. “Pile o' feckin' gobshite eejit fecker arsebiscuit fecking wanker! That settles it!" he concludes, demonstrating the fine command of the English language that had been so vital to his success in Priest School.

“Feck! Arse! Drink! Gobshite!” replies Father Beige, verbally matching his rival blow for blow.

Father Beige is about to extol the glorious virtues of excessive drinking to an eager congregation when Father Red suddenly launches himself upon his eyebrowless groin-molester with immeasurable fury, wrestling him to the floor and elbowing him violently in the armpit.

Father Beige’s hand scrabbles about blindly for the nearby bottle of communion wine, finally finding it and emptying it over Father Red as best as he can from his compromised position underneath his fellow burning priest. He smashes the empty bottle on the floor and tries to roll Father Red over so he can stab him in the face with the shattered remains, but just then Father Red manages to struggle to his feet and get him in a Priestly Suplex. He smacks Father Beige’s head on the cold stone floor and ends with a flashy Saintly Submission Hold. Father Beige’s blood drips down to the ground.

Realising it is an avant garde performance of one of the lesser parables, the congregation politely applaud.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
Feckin' bollocks! Pick self up and call the feckin' ambulance to take my brother of the feckin' cloth to the feckin' hospital for a feckin' nap!
...”Feck!” summarises the stunned Father Green outside the church of Cloonsherevagh, getting to his feet and nearly collapsing right back down. He stumbles away and quickly finds a nearby telephone cabin and dials for an ambulance.

Quote from: Father Pink
With the fire out and the interloper successfully brained, deliver that Liturgy of the Eucharist!
...Back inside the church, Father Pink stands naked and proud beside his altar and before his congregation, his notes faithfully maintaining his dignity as he prepares to speak.

Referring repeatedly to his notes as he delivers the Liturgy of the Eucharist, he can’t quite figure out why his congregation is staring at him in open-mouthed astonishment and, an observant mind would remark, unconcealed repulsion.

Just as his Liturgy reaches a triumphant climax, an ambulance with a stunningly lifelike and life-sized priest figurine hood adornment smashes through the right side of the church, blasting a large hole in the bricks and dumping what, in fact, turns out to be Father Green to the floor.

The ambulance siren abruptly stops and a final brick falls from the top of the hole in the wall.

It smashes Father Green’s teeth to smithereens.

Father Pink has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

Father Pink has a -1 Full Frontal Nudity penalty to next turn!

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Cyan
And now feckin’ deliver the feckin’ Liturgy of the Eucharist!
...A slightly calmer atmosphere has settled around the church of Ardglass, where a tree in the churchyard is trying desperately to evolve legs in order to escape the horrifying tedium of Father Veridian’s discourse on the benefits of peeling versus heavily scrubbing carrots and other similar root vegetables when preparing a good winter broth – did you know that both celery and parsley are related? And they’re not even orange! Who would’ve thought it! But, you know, chalk – well, I prefer the ten millimetre diameter sticks myself, but I met a priest once and he well, let me tell you…

Inside, Father Cyan’s Liturgy of the Eucharist positively resembles an action thriller in comparison.

Quote from: Father Veridian
Father Viridian

Pry off that wilted tree branch, and enter the chapel and announce the glorious event that had just occurred! Thanksgiving by the wood in my hand!

Show Father Cyan what I mean.

...But Father Veridian misses all of Father Cyan’s exciting Liturgy! He’s busy pulling at one of the branches on the tree as he talks, until the wood suddenly whips back up and seems to smack him across the face.

A nasty looking gash opens up on Father Veridian’s forehead, the blood partially blinding him.

Father Cyan has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Silver
Tell the bishop about Browns plan of sacrificing me to Satan using that dastardly knife in his had, rather than giving mass as he should. And then convince him that Brown should be excommunicated for destroying his hat.
...”Feck! Satan! Human sacrifice! Feckety feck arse hat biscuits drink! Gobshite! Arse! Excomm- excomm- excomm… feck! Arse!” blathers out Father Silver, waving his arms about in front of Bishop Lennan before spying the remains of the bishop’s hat on the floor and stomping repeatedly on it. “Arse!”

Quote from: Father Brown
Father Brown attempts to shame the mob and then delivers the remainder of the Liturgy of the Eucharist
...Father Brown spots his moment and takes it.

”Terribly sorry, Bishop, I'll wash and mend it, I’m sure you'll have it back as good as new. Why not take a seat and have some tea and biscuits in the meantime?”


As Father Brown wanders off to scold his flock, Father Silver is left alone with the bishop.

What follows can only be described as a kick right up the feckin’ bollocks.


He storms off as Father Brown starts admonishing his raging mob of a congregation.

”Now, now! Righteous wrath is one feckin' thing, but this is just ridiculous. Are we barbarians, good people? Are we Englishmen? You should be feckin' ashamed of yourself. Now sit down and feckin’ well hear the words of our feckin' Savior.”

The villagers sit down in a circle as Father Brown begins.

Father Brown has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

Father Brown has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Silver has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Orange
Father Orange puts a conspiratorial arm around the enraged parishioner.
..."Yes, nameless villager,” begins the gentle Father Orange, putting a conspiratorial arm around the enraged parishioner standing before Father Blue. “I can feel your anger! Let your feckin' hatred flow through you! Strike him the feck down and take your feckin' place by my side!"

Father Blue wanders off mid-exhortation and returns with a nearby curtain sash as Father Orange finishes. The villager seems to think for the few seconds it takes for Father Blue to restrain Father Orange with the curtain sash before punching Father Blue to the floor.

Quote from: Father Blue
>Activate my Priestly multi-tasking ability!

>Perform Liturgy of the Eurachrist whilst simultaneously tying up the troublesome Father Orange with a decorative curtain sash, faith-healing the poor folk smooshed by the wall, and dialling the local ambulance service. (Y'know, just incase my faith healing powers aren't potent enough...

..."Right, ah, um, alright! Err, let's do this!" begins Father Blue, steadily enough. He’s just finished tying Father Orange’s arms to his side when the angry villager he’d just ignored punches him to the floor. He crawls away closer towards the ruined end of his church and attempts to heal the wounded with the power of his mind and faith but all that happens is that the angry villager gives him a stern kick up the arse.

Burrowing away to hide his head in a pile of brick, Father Blue fetches his mobile priest phone out of his cassock pocket and dials for an ambulance.

“I’m sorry Father, but our ambulance is out on call at the moment. Perhaps you could call back later? Are you sure it’s really feckin’ urgent?”

Father Blue has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After the Liturgy of the Word comes the Liturgy of the Eucharist!
And after that comes the longed for Communion Rite!
Spoiler: GM Notes (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
  • I'm gonna live forever, or die trying.
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Re: Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Six: Grand Theft Auto.
« Reply #58 on: August 15, 2012, 01:45:54 pm »

Jesus rollerblading Christ. This is fantastic.


  • Bay Watcher
  • goodness what
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Roll to Priest: Let's Feckin' Mass! Turn Seven: Juth me teeth.
« Reply #59 on: August 16, 2012, 08:38:09 am »

Episode One, Turn Seven: Juth me teeth.

The Village of Termonfeckin...

Quote from: Father Teal/#bay12rtd
Run over to purple, jump on him whilst he is down, and perform the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Oh, after I get out the font.
...Father Teal is naked. There’s only one solution: he climbs out the baptismal font, and is ready to jump out and tackle Father Purple to the ground when he slips, falls backwards, smashes his head on the stony edge, and collapses back into the water.

The blood swirls around in a dark pattern of crimson.
Quote from: Father Purple
Return to my normal stature as a completely sane man, and kick over the baptismal tub. Maybe I'll sit on Father Teal as well. Just make sure to duct tape his mouth shut.
...But just then Father Teal is released from his watery prison! Father Purple, his feet still covered in blazing Speedo remains, rushes over to the font and kicks it over! Priest and baptismal water alike flood over the church floor, and Father Teal barely has time to realise what’s going on when he suddenly finds Father Purple squatting over his head, duct taping his mouth shut!

With a few squeals and screams, half a dozen of the congregation throw open the main doors and flee the church.

Father Teal, on the other hand, is silent, save for a few muffled groans.

Father Teal has completed the Liturgy of the Word! (2/5)

The Village of Knockcloghrim...

Quote from: Father Red
Keep up the saintly submission hold and deliver a high-speed Liturgy of the Eucharist from it no matter the cost. Just get that fecking liturgy out (and keep Beige down if also accomplishable)
...Keeping up his Saintly Submission hold on Father Beige, Father Red shouts out the Liturgy of the Eucharist as loud as he can to cover the sound of the struggling priest underneath him, and fast enough to get it finished before Father Beige rolls out from under him, although roll out he does.

Quote from: Father Beige
Grab a feckin' candle, lit of course, and shove it down that fecker Red's throat. Then smite him in the kidney with the broken bottle.
...Indeed, just as Father Beige escapes from Father Red’s pro-all-priest wrestling special move, he somersaults to his feet, grabbing a nearby candle. But he slips as he tries to assault his fellow priest with it, and thrusts it into his own eye!

Father Beige collapses in pain to the floor, falling on the broken communion wine bottle and impaling himself in the liver with a shard of glass!

At least the pain takes his mind of his burning hair and burnt-off eyebrows, he reflects.

!!Father Red!! has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

!!Father Beige!! has accrued a non-authorised swear word warning!

The Village of Cloonsherevagh...

Quote from: Father Green
Assure the congregation I'm ok, and say that the ambulance is for Father Pink there, and point to him. Once I see that Pink is...not very clothed right then, reassure the people that Father Pink just needs a few injections *signals the ambulance driver to take him*. All in an accent that compromises on me lack of teeth. As always, treat all of this as a blessing from God.
...”Worry ye not, me joyful children, for I’m perfectly unharmed!” shouts Father Green as he jumpth to his feet. “Ith juth me teeth! I have come with an ambulanth for my brother Father Pink, who ith in dire need of injectionth! Oh, I thay, where the feck are your clotheth, Father Pink? Come, ambulanth driver, adminithter your healing handth! This man of God ith nude, and in dethperate need of help!”

But alath, there is no reply from the paramedic. He seems to have fled the scene!

Quote from: Father Pink
Valiantly ignoring the vehicular carnage and incidental nudity, Father Pink proceeds to the Communion!
...Ignoring the raving and incomprehensible idiot who has just driven a hole into his church, naked Father Pink stands in the centre of the church, back to his gibbering rival, and continues his Mass, using the momentum from his last excellent Liturgy to burst right on into the beginnings of a successful and engaging Communion Rite.

Suddenly there is the sound of a starting engine, and Father Pink stops his Rite and turns just in time to see Father Green’s new ambulance bearing down on him at top speed!

Father Green knocks down the village priest, crushing him nakedly beneath the ambulance’s wheels as he drives right through the church and blasts a hole in the other wall!

“Oh feck!” comes a voice from outside the church. “I thought that one wath the injection dithtributhon pedal! Feck my bollockth! Oh well, can’t be helped! Are you alright, Father Pink?”

“Agrgnh…” replies Father Pink. “I think you’ve crushed me feckin’ bollock!”

He passes out briefly from the pain before coming once more to his sense.

“You great big gobshite!”

He’s not entirely sure he can move his leg.

Father Pink has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

The Village of Ardglass...

Quote from: Father Cyan
See if I can shut and lock the door or something to keep out Veridian and then proceed to the Communion Rite!
...Meanwhile, in the church of Ardglass Father Cyan realises he has one last chance to save his flock: he must keep the monstrous voice of Father Veridian at bay!

He jumps down from his altar, swings himself over the first row of benches, and then sprints down the central aisle towards the door before it’s too late.

Quote from: Father Veridian
Knock those doors down in an oratory of chant!

Proclaim glory and preach to the masses. Of course, this red visage will be helpful in doing so!

Share this gift with Father Cyan.
...It’s too late! Just as Father Cyan gets to within touching distance of the main doors, the chanting voice of Father Veridian rises like an inferno of boring wind, shattering the ancient hinges and blasting the doors back as if a hurricane of tedium! The oak doors, having stood for hundreds of years, are smashed apart into hundreds of foot long splinters which shoot like God’s shotgun into the church, impaling innocent villagers by the dozen.

The floor is instantly coated in a thick smear of blood; the air filled with the moans of the dying and injured.

Miraculously unhurt, Father Cyan gets to his feet just in time to see Father Veridian sprint through the mangled doorway towards him, leap through the air, knock him to the ground, and thrust his horribly bleeding face into his, manically rubbing his blood-drenched forehead up and down Father Cyan’s horrified face.

“My God!” drones Father Veridian. “Did you ever see such a thing? Now, I wonder what you’d class that kind of wind on the Beaufort scale? Did you know Beaufort was actually an Irishman? Yes, he was you know, and apparently a massive fecking gobshite with it, but I digress. I met a massive fecking gobshite once when I went to Edinburgh on a three-week seminar on the correct width of clerical collars – I had quite an argument with him about this and we nearly came to blows you see, because I quite generally favour, as you can tell just by feckin’ well looking at my own, the standard one point two five inch collar, but he was quite a showy gobshite and liked the larger ones, even going up to one point three five inches, and I, well…”

Father Cyan punches Father Veridian right on the feckin’ nose before they both briefly pass out from the pain.

Father Cyan has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

The Village of Creggenbaun...

Quote from: Father Brown
Father Brown makes good on his promise and gets what remains of the Bishop's hat to fix-mend-make it like new
...Things are a little calmer in the village church of Creggenbaun, especially since the bishop has stormed off to inspect another Sunday Mass. Both priests breath a sigh of relief, and, sensing a brief but peaceful agreement, Father Brown reaches down to pick up Bishop Lennan’s hat to see if he can’t fix it up and what-not.

Just as he pulls a pair of scissors from his cassock to commence the repair operation, he suddenly looks up to see Father Silver run up to him and throw an arse load of sand right in his feckin’ eyes!

Totally panicked and entirely blinded, Father Brown scissors right through the bastard hat, narrowly missing several of his fingers.

Quote from: Father Silver
You know that heck what? I am going to throw an arse load of sand into his eyes and run around to cut of the power.
...Just then the mostly blinded Father Brown is knocked to the floor as Father Silver bursts past him to look for the power. Having to settle for the next best thing, he finds a nearby lamp and rips the plug from the socket in a luddite fury.

Father Brown has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist! (3/5)

Father Brown has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

Father Silver has gained the everlasting wrath of a Bishop’s revenge!

The Village of Mullaghbrack...

Quote from: Father Orange
Father Orange encourages the church-goers to take the bricks and stones they are pulling off of their loved ones, and place them on Father Blue in his little pile of rubble.
... "Yes it's bloody feckin' urgent! I don't care if your feckin' ambulance is feckin’ out on feckin' call, you send it the feck over here right feckin’ now!" screams Father Blue into the phone, lying comfortably on the floor under a pile of bricks and briefly becoming Father Bright Red. A vein throbs angrily on his forehead as he continues.

"If there's no feckin’ ambulance, bloody well send over something else! A car, a truck, a bloody feckin’ dump truck... I don't care what the feck it is as long as it can get the bits and pieces of my beloved feckin' flock to the bloody fecking hospital!!!"

Just as he finishes, several of his congregation wander over and dump a bucket of bricks on his head. He is temporarily becalmed.

Quote from: Father Blue
Father Blue screams into the phone… Give the church's address just in case these feckin' nincompoops are that daft, then hang up, get to my feet and apologise to the crowd for that outburst, and then inform them all that the ambulance is on its way and that we should all go finish Mass.
It's what their deceased family/friends/budgerigars would have wanted, after all!

Give the best feckin' Liturgy of the Eucharist any of these ungrateful shites have ever heard! Work in some prayers for the dearly departed, too.
...”Yes! The feckin’ Church of feckin’ Mullagh-feckin’-brack, you shiting fecksters! How much more feckin’ urgent can you feckin’ feck FECKIN’ FECK ARSE FECK!” he screams as he jumps to his feet, showering the nearby churchgoers with bricks and stone.

“Feck!” continues Father Blue as he violently hurls the phone away, smashing right through one of his favourite stained windows and sending down a rain of glass.


A villager falls down screaming before him, pierced by a shard right through the temple as Father Blue turns to address the crowd.

“Look. I’m really feckin’ sorry, I’ve called an ambulance, it’s the best I can feckin’ well do. How about a nice feckin’ discount on the funeral rites or something? Now, how about we get the feck on with the feckin’ Mass?”

As he turns again to walk to his altar an angry husband, not for the first time in his career, storms up to him, only to be inadvertently smashed in the face as Father Blue spreads his arms wide in praise of God.

“Praise be!” he says, preaching as he walks. “Praise feckin’ be! Come on you ungrateful shites, listen the feck up! That means you too, you dead feckin’ eejits! What kind of gobshite sits under a collapsing church wall anyway? A feckin’ eejit, that’s who! If you get a pile of rubble right up yer feckin’ bollocks it’s your own feckin’ fault! Now, where the feck was I before you bunch of gobshites interrupted me with all your feckin’ dying and shite?”

Without even a pause for breath as he gets safely behind his altar, Father Blue launches right into the Liturgy of the Eucharist oblivious to the rising tension amidst his congregation.

Father Blue has completed the Liturgy of the Eucharist!(3/5)

Please continue to PM your actions!

After the Liturgy of the Word comes the Liturgy of the Eucharist!
And after that comes the longed for Communion Rite!
Spoiler: GM Notes (click to show/hide)
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