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Author Topic: Roll To Adventure!  (Read 39091 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #105 on: August 15, 2012, 12:27:24 pm »

""Haha! Nice! Damn thing didn't know what hit it! Let's keep moving."

Grab the GCS head and bring it along. Venture deeper into the caverns, being careful not to get lost.

((Edit: Shorten))
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 01:10:02 pm by Sinpwn »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #106 on: August 15, 2012, 12:51:04 pm »


Stalith followed Gregory's gaze and stared at the sun giving in to bring night, proving his point.

"Yeah, let's leave tomorrow, though I heard the bogeymen only attack lone travelers. I'd be more worried about the others creatures of the night. I'll try to get some things done beforehand, though."

Carefully try to create a bow and some arrows with the wooden blocks. If it doesn't work, go to the bow shop and buy one bow, and a quiver with 100 arrows.

Then help Gregory find free stuff and a place to sleep for the night. Leave for the elven town first thing in the morning.

"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #107 on: August 15, 2012, 02:22:33 pm »

Quick shortens, huh?

PM-ing Chaos and Xi

Chaos Armor

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #108 on: August 15, 2012, 04:07:28 pm »

((I'm sorry if I have a life and aren't on the forums constantly. No need to send a PM. If I haven't posted my turn yet it's probably because I haven't logged on yet and can't. Patience grass hopper.))

"Nice job stunning it."

Follow Fekod.

Lurking since 2009

Leerooooooooy walk forward twice


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #109 on: August 15, 2012, 04:25:51 pm »

((I'm sorry if I have a life and aren't on the forums constantly. No need to send a PM. If I haven't posted my turn yet it's probably because I haven't logged on yet and can't. Patience grass hopper.))

lol, I expect you to post without a pm... but that's what happens when there's enough shortens. :)

Also, if any of you are sleeping and others are doing stuff, you will be labeled as inactive and you will have a random chance to wake up, rolled depending on my mood, your state, and your surroundings. That happens every hour. And any "watching" won't force another turn unless you encounter something.


Every major event (Seige, Ambush, etc.) is rolled at Midnight for every site. Rolls depend on my mood.
Every extreme event (War, Change of age, etc.) is rolled at Midnight of the first day of the month. Rolls... I might put them up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #110 on: August 15, 2012, 05:56:45 pm »

Also, mark that map for possible routes of travel. [To be said]
Spoiler: Personal Map (click to show/hide)

Wow, I can't believe I just noticed you use yellow-green.

And you don't have the map, Caellath and Zako have it.

((Um, you didn't see the yellowgreen coloration when quoting my posts?  :P

Also, I don't have a map! That one is mislabelled and...great, there goes my edition of that map.

Alsoalso, I vouch for CA, give him time, bro.  :P))


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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #111 on: August 16, 2012, 11:08:09 am »

Xi has not posted his action; Writing Turn 6.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #112 on: August 17, 2012, 10:30:25 am »

Turn 6 –The First Night, The First Death, and The First Wound

Granite 1, 251
It is near dusk.

Mahtan Anarion’s POV

[6, 5, 4, 6, 2] You encounter a bogeyman, after picking up four more herbs [9 vs 5], but you fall asleep right then and there.

Your soul floats out of your body, looking at the bogeyman pick through your clothes.

You are deceased.

In Liwaalisa, “Strike Bud”, Forest Retreat
Alana Teucer’s POV

You collapsed comfortably onto your bed, adjacent to your sister’s and next to the only source of light, several firefly nests on the branches “outside” and a lantern hanging on a scion.

”This dagger… I’ve never seen the tip have this kind of metal before.”
”Huh? Oh, that one. The keeper told me it was in a deal with the dwarves. Nothing big, just décor and somesuch.”
“It feels… heavy… even for a sword. Beautiful sky out, anyway.”
”Orange, red, pink… yep. The sun sets quite quickly in the spring, somehow.”

“You said something about bogeymen? I’m too tired to remember, can you?”
”A lullaby for my fraternal twin, hm? I’ll get you a map…,”
your sister says, fumbling around in her drawer.
”Fraternal Twins? What do you mean!? You’re five years younger than me!”
”Hmmm? Oh, found it! You can mark the map with the ink here…”

Your sister goes on explaining how to write with a brush, since you’ve only learned writing with a pencil.

”What is this thing made of!? It’s bloody red!”

“You really have trouble with liquid writing tools.”

After a long practice session, you mark a few stuff on your new map. You go to the town library and find a few things about goblins and kobolds.

”Do you have any paper here?”
”Yes, here’s a few sheets,” the librarian says, giving you three sheets of paper.

You write down some notes about the goblins and kobolds on a sheet of paper and return home.

”Alright, now the boogeymen…”

You go to sleep.

You wake up from an uneventful night, looking at your sister’s face.

At Nishvukrig, “Trade Drifts”, Mountain Home
Fekod Sladeborn’s POV

”Haha! Nice! Damn thing didn’t know what hit it! Let’s keep moving.”
”Nice job… stunning it.”

Grabbing the GCS head, you head deeper into the caverns.

First hour: [4][6][3]
[3] A Crundle comes at you!

Turn rolls: [22 Fekod][57 Cero][38 Crundle]

Cero leaps at the Crundle with his pick in hand, [23 vs 34] but the Crundle jumps away!
The Crundle charges at [2] Cero, [29 vs 14, 25][10 damage][1] hitting his left leg, bruising the muscle badly, and stuns you!

You [25 vs 31] try to bash the Crundle with your shield, but the Crundle simply jumps away.

[2 vs 3] Nobody seems to have noticed what went on here.

[22 Fekod][47 Crundle]

The Crundle charges at [2] Cero and [3 damage][5] hits his left arm, bruising the muscle!

Standing up, you [24 vs 24][20 damage] bash the Crundle so hard, it almost turns inside out!

”Cero! Cero!! Damn… I have to get him to the hospital…”

You drag Cero to the hospital, lay him in a bed, and call for a doctor.

”He has internal bleeding in his left leg and bruises on his left leg and left arm. The bruises will heal, but we have to do some surgery to stop the internal bleeding,” the doctor says.

Laying him down on a traction bench, a surgeon gives him sleep medicine, making him fall asleep.

Two hours later…

”We’ve treated his wounds, and he should be fine now.”

You go to sleep.

You wake up six hours later to an uneventful night.

Cero Undulai’s POV

”Haha! Nice! Damn thing didn’t know what hit it! Let’s keep moving.”
”Nice job… stunning it.”

First hour: [4][6][3]
[3] A Crundle comes at Fekod!

Turn rolls: [22 Fekod][57 Cero][38 Crundle]

Leaping at the Crundle with your pick in hand, [23 vs 34] but the Crundle jumps away!
The Crundle charges at [2] you, [29 vs 14, 25][10 damage][1] hitting your left leg, bruising the muscle, and stuns you!

Fekod [25 vs 31] tries to bash the Crundle with his shield, but the Crundle simply jumps away.

[2 vs 3] Nobody seems to have noticed what went on here.

[22 Fekod][47 Crundle]

The Crundle charges at [2] you and [3 damage][5] hits your left arm, bruising the muscle!

Standing up, Fekod [24 vs 24][20 damage], bashing the Crundle so hard, it almost turned inside out!

”Cero! Cero!! Damn… I have to get him to the hospital…”

Fekod drags you to the hospital, lays you in a bed, and calls for a doctor.

”He has internal bleeding in his left leg and bruises on his left leg and left arm. The bruises will heal, but we have to do some surgery to stop the internal bleeding,” the doctor says.

Laying you down on a traction bench, a surgeon gives you sleep medicine, making you fall asleep.

You are asleep.


You wake up eight hours later to an uneventful sleep.

At Jonicmon, “Basement Holy”, Capital
Gregory Gianovich’s POV

You look back at Stalith.

”I think we should leave at first light tomorrow. No point in chancing the Bogeymen tonight when we have a perfectly nice town to stay in.”
”Yeah, let’s leave tomorrow, though I heard the bogeymen attack only lone travelers. I’d be more worried about the other creatures of night. I’ll try to get some things done beforehand, though. Let’s head back to the guild.”

Back at the guild, you eat dinner and drink some water, then you go back to your old rooms. You notice Stalith making a wooden bow, some arrows, and cursing while he tried to make a quiver.

You go to sleep.

You wake up to an uneventful night.

Stalith Ngirathil’s POV

”I think we should leave at first light tomorrow. No point in chancing the Bogeymen tonight when we have a perfectly nice town to stay in.”
”Yeah, let’s leave tomorrow, though I heard the bogeymen attack only lone travelers. I’d be more worried about the other creatures of night. I’ll try to get some things done beforehand, though. Let’s head back to the guild.”

Back at the guild, you eat dinner and drink some water, then you go back to your old rooms. Carefully trying to create a bow and some arrows, [5 vs 4], you create a +Wooden Bow+ and [100] a hundred wooden arrows. You then take a bit a cloth and [2 vs 3] fail to make a quiver.

[2, 5 vs 3]

You finally make a quiver and put all your arrows in it.

You go to sleep.

You wake up to an uneventful night.

At Logenrithzam, Mountain Hall
”Siege! Siege! RAISE THE ALARM!!!”

At Ashiresmi, Town
”Siege! Raise the alarm! SIEGE!

At Aslotsmor, Dark Fortress
”All of you! Get out there and kill that little pathetic ambush!”

Granite 2, 251
It is dawn.

Spoiler: Sinpwn (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Caellath (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Zako (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Chaos Armor (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Map of the Continent (click to show/hide)
Spoiler: Map of Jonicmon (click to show/hide)

Include shorten to... make me do what the shorten is supposed to make me do.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 12:22:46 pm by RoaryStar »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #113 on: August 17, 2012, 10:36:45 am »

((OH SNAP! Someone's dead! AND SIEGES!

Wait, I'm not sure about this... Is the current town that Caellath and I are staying in, is under siege? Cause the location names are different than those at the top of our turns...))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #114 on: August 17, 2012, 10:38:11 am »

((OH SNAP! Someone's dead! AND SIEGES!

Wait, I'm not sure about this... Is the current town that Caellath and I are staying in, is under siege? Cause the location names are different than those at the top of our turns...))

No, it's not. You're in the capital, a town was seiged. And that particular town... was from a different Civ.  :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #115 on: August 17, 2012, 10:44:39 am »

((Ok, just wondering. Kinda confused how we know this when we are so far away from where it's happening. Eh, whatever.))

Gregory stood up and stretched, scratching his chin and turned to Stalith.

"I'm gonna go grab some last minute supplies. I'll be back soon. Don't leave without me."

Go buy 2 more rolls of cloth, 1 spool of thread and 2 more packs of medical herbs. Don't forget to get some firestarting equipment too! Then meet up with Stalith when I'm done.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 10:52:33 am by Zako »


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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #116 on: August 17, 2012, 10:49:58 am »

Please note that you don't use one spool of thread for each sewing thing, one roll of cloth for each bandage, etc. This RtD is attempting to replicate reality with DF, and just like reality, you don't use one roll of cloth for one bandage in DF, etc.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #117 on: August 17, 2012, 10:52:04 am »

Oooh, ok my bad. I'll adjust my shopping list then.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #118 on: August 17, 2012, 12:16:33 pm »

((@GM: The 5 meter length of rope isn't in Stalith's inventory. :P))

Stalith stood up and stretched a bit, watching as Gregory also woke up around the same time and mentioned leaving for last minute supplies.
"Ok then, I'll be in the Adventurer's guild practicing with this bow, meet me there."

With that said, Stalith got all of his gear ready and moved to the Guild's archery range. He really could use some practice before getting things done.

Train archery in the Adventurer's guild. After Gregory is finished with his business, leave with him towards that elven city. Araneomu.

((And SHORTEN.))
« Last Edit: August 18, 2012, 08:19:41 pm by Caellath »
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll To Adventure!
« Reply #119 on: August 17, 2012, 12:21:31 pm »

((@GM: The 5 meter length of rope isn't in Stalith's inventory. :P))

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