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Author Topic: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 7: Saving Lives of Rats and Renegades  (Read 20765 times)


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Join Now!
« Reply #30 on: July 15, 2012, 06:43:09 am »

Well. Nice to start overachieving right out the gate, I guess.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Join Now!
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2012, 06:59:11 am »

Only two specific teasers. This makes me curious as to who got which result. Don't want to wait to find out, unfortunately we have to <.< >.> (In other words, you have me waiting (near) breathlessly)
Fate/Stay Night: OOC thread - Serious talk about the canon characters' bisexuality, gravity rape, Noble Phantasm balance, Tiruin's character level of dumbness versus naivete, how sick and tainted my mind is, linguistics and much more.

What more do you need?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Join Now!
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2012, 07:49:22 am »

Sorry I took so long!  :P
Spoiler: My sheet (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 07:52:27 am by Tiruin »


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #33 on: July 15, 2012, 02:15:23 pm »

Turn 0: Introduction


[Making Money: Lv1: 5]
[Whoring Around: Lv1: 5+5; Lv6: 1]
[Boozing Up: Lv1: 2]
[Starting Location: Lv1: 2]

You wake up covered in bitches. There are two of them curled under your hands, one has put a head into your lap and one is lying in your feet; that last one looks pregnant. Interestingly enough, all the male dogs are sleeping at a respectful distance away from you; you have no time to ponder that, for your mind is too busy trying to understand how you ended up here, why there are female dogs piled up around you, and why your breath smells like apple cider gone bad. [4+1] After a minute of contemplation, your mind gives up and urges you to stand straight, which you do with very little resistance from the pile of bitches.

The room around you is made of cheap stone, its floor covered with stale hay and mud, a large stone bowl in the corner filled with murky water. There is a door opposite you: it is wide open, its lock broken into pieces that now lay scattered in the hay. You can see through the door that it is dawn already, but all other details are lost under a curtain of heavy rain.

Your head is pounding, the pouch on your belt seems to bulge with gold, your Robe and Hat of Swag are filthy and you seem to have gotten some new jewelry since the last time you checked. You are now standing in the middle of a doghouse, in a pile of dogs who are starting to wake up, sniffing at the air and growling. What will you do?

Spoiler: dermonster/Derm (click to show/hide)


[MM: 5]
[WA: 2]
[BU: 5]
[SL: 1]

You find yourself in a gutter, facing the skies as the rain strikes hard against your face. The dark rainclouds above you are painted red by the sun's light: it is either early dawn or late dusk right now.
[4] You rise, staggering, and lean against an edge of the gutter, your knees shaking, your hair wet with sweat and rainwater. You start thinking clearly after standing like that for a while, gathering your thoughts in a bundle.

Eventually, you climb out of the gutter and walk along the road, trying to understand where you've ended up. [2] The buildings around you are made of a mishmash of cheap stones, signifying that you're standing somewhere in a district so poor that its people can't even afford to make monolithic houses. You cannot see any landmarks - even Archmage's Tower - because of the rain, but you can at least tell where the sun is. Nevertheless, you are completely lost as to where you are.

[1] You see dark silhouette approaching you through the rain, from the east.

Spoiler: Spinal_Taper/Mehrik (click to show/hide)


[MM: 1]
[WA: 4]
[BU: 1]
[SL: 5]

You wake up in an unfamiliar room, in a bed much softer than the ones you are used to. [Roll for Beauty: 5] There is a rather pretty young woman sleeping beside you. Her breathing is deep and even; she's unlikely to wake up in the near future.

[Perception: 3] The room around you is built out of some smooth white stone. Two candles, each in a golden candleholder, are adorning the opposite sides of the room; they are unlit. There are two windows in the wall to your left, both of them loosely covered with curtains. A faint light is coming through the windows, and you hear the drumming of rain against the glass. Clothes are spread around the bedroom; even a glance is enough to see that you'll have to spend some time sorting your belongings from these of the woman.

Listening closely, you notice some noises outside the room: doors opening and closing, someone walking on the floor above you, metal plates clanking against each other. It seems not everyone is asleep in this house.

Spoiler: Caerwyn/Murkal (click to show/hide)

Del Vundi:

[MM: 4]
[WA: 6+1; 3]
[BU: 2]
[SL: 5]

Tonight, you dreamt that you have found your true love and became engaged with her. You sighed bitterly without even bothering to open your eyes: it was a good dream, but like all dreams, it ended all too soon. You force your eyes open and, in a fit of foolish hope, look at your left hand.
There is an engagement ring on it.

[Roll against Impulsiveness: 4] You are almost ready to scream with joy, but stay silent as another idea worms its way into your mind: what if this is someone's ill-mannered joke, and the ring doesn't mean anything? [Roll for Beauty: 5] That suspicion, however, is immediately proven wrong by a beautiful girl sleeping soundly to your right, her long, lustrous black hair spread all over her pillow.
Unable to hold your happiness to yourself, you gently cup her left hand in your two... And notice that she doesn't have a ring.
[Roll Against Panic: 6; 3] You get a feeling that you're trapped in a nightmare, but no amount of pinching yourself snaps you out of it. Soon, you cease your attempts to wake up. Instead, you examine the room for potential escape routes.

[Perception: 6-1] The room around you clearly belongs to someone rich. Its base material is yellowish-grey granite, but there is a small jet insignia set into the wall above the bed - probably a family crest. There is a fur carpet on the floor next to your side of the bed; the other side, the one the girl is sleeping on, is standing against a wall. Your clothes and lute lie in a pile on the carpet. A copper-encrusted wooden wardrobe is standing in a corner of the room.
Your shoes and clothes are freshly cleaned, so at least you'll look presentable when you climb out of a window. Speaking of windows: there is one in the room, its shutters closed tightly, only the sound of heavy rain coming through from outside.

Spoiler: Dwarmin/Del Vundi (click to show/hide)


[MM: 4]
[WA: 2]
[BU: 6; 6; 5]
[SL: 6; 4]

[Achieve Consciousness: 6; 5] You open your eyes. The world is swimming before you, but you are not dizzy: in fact, you are the only thing that remains stable in this ever-changing place. You get out from under the table, stand up and try to get a look around.
[Balance: 3] The floor rises to slam you into the face, but you push it back and trample it with your feet. That'll show it! [Self-Control: 1] To celebrate your victory over the treacherous terrain, you order a beer:
Vira: "I'm not - ick! - drunk yet! I need another one!"
Someone runs away to get the beer. You enjoy the sight of such servility; it reminds you of your childhood dream to replace the Archmage of some City and rule it as a benevolent Witch Queen. Not to share this warm thought with the world would be a crime.
Vira: "Witches RULE! WOOHOO!"
A murmur of agreement comes through the tavern, but is immediately silenced when the serving girl returns with a mug of beer. People all over the tavern freeze in deference as you savor the drink with small, refined sips. When you finish the mug and slam it upon the table, the tavern floods with esctatic cheers and frustrated moans. Of you have overheard them correctly, a lot of people around you have placed their bets on how much booze it will take to get you drunk. Their attention is so flattering.

Three mugs later, you, still woefully sober, are approached by a stranger. He's kinda cute and his goatee looks like a piece of high art, though that scar over his eye is a huge turn-off.
Before you can offer the newcomer a seat, he challenges you to a drinking game, insisting that "no woman can outdrink a real man". Hmm... what can you say, the opportunity to prove that boor wrong is quite lucrative. Besides, you're actually trying to get drunk here, so you lose nothing even if he wins.

Spoiler: IronyOwl/Vira (click to show/hide)

Ardimus Maximus:

[MM: 3]
[WA: 6; 2]
[BU: 2]
[SL: 6; 2]

By the time you wake up, the tavern you've passed out in has become slightly empty. They always do in the early morning: that's the time when the hardcore drunkards have gone to sleep, the casual ones are still snoring in their beds, and the only people left in the tavern are either adventurers or those unlucky drunkards who got kicked out of their homes.

Everything in the tavern is made of cheap claystone, which means that it is one of those low-class establishments that served watered-down drinks to people too poor or too cheap to drink in better places. For some unfathomable reason, such 'taverns' tended to attract rookie adventurers, and there was no better place to put a hit on a werebeast or build a bandit-hunting party.

There is a pair of adventurers at a table in the corner; they seem to be talking about you, judging by how often they glance at you and how they speak in hushed voices even while arguing.

Spoiler: Orb/Ardimis Maximus (click to show/hide)

Nathair Siliar:

[MM: 2]
[WA: 1]
[BU: 4]
[SL: 2]

"The clouds... are pretty."
This is your first thought in the morning. The clouds are not just pretty; they're beautiful in a way only the thick, rolling rainclouds can be in the first moments of dawn, when the sun is just in the right place to illuminate their edges with its pinkish-yellow light.
They're also pouring water onto your face. Each drop of water falling onto your head feels like a strike of a hammer, and, as if that wasn't bad enough, water is getting into your nose and mouth, making it hard to breathe. You turn over on your side and try to fall asleep again.

[Sobering Up: 6; 1] But then you see something that makes you forget all about sleeping. A dead body lies next to you, the corpse's face pale and lax, flies crawling over it. You jump to your legs with a yelp, all traces of dizziness now gone and buried under a wave of fright.
[Examination: 6; 6; 2] Even from here, you see that the deceased was a vagrant - a beggar, and a poor one. His chin is covered in unkempt stubble and there's an untreated cataract over his right eye. Then you looked at his chest and turned away, unable to look even a second more: the sight of so much blood has made you nauseous.

[Street Sense: 6; 5] You have the good sense to run to a sewer grate and lean over it before you vomit; leaving traces of your presence near a dead body in a foreboding dark alley would be, to put it plainly, a bad idea. You watch as the rain washes the vomit into the sewers and think.
If anything, this was not a robbery: both your and the beggar's pouches are still on their respective places. And it couldn't be a deliberate plot of murder: if you have killed a beggar, then why not 'disappear' him in the sewers? It could be one of these serial killings people love to gossip about - you have been out of circulation for the last few weeks, and it's possible another killer has emerged during that time...

But, of course, you have more pressing matters to take care of right now. Going to the guard might not end well: after all, drunken people are not the most trustworthy witnesses. But neither would running away and letting someone else find the body: if anyone notices you passing by the scene of the crime in such an early hour, you will be the prime suspect.
[Perception: 4] Or... there is a third way. Your attention shifts to the stone grate which you have just graced with your stomach's contents: the City's sewers, ancient as they are, have traditionally been a sanctuary for the City's criminals, and reach far and wide, passing through every street in the city. If you could get around the grate somehow, you'd be able to remove yourself from the alley without attracting unwanted attention.

Bruce Grothinime:

[MM: 1]
[WA: 4-1]
[BU: 2]
[SL: 1]

You wake up, head buzzing, on a rotten sofa in a decrepit building. Icy drafts are circulating through the half-empty room around you. There are burn marks here and there on the walls and the ceiling. The room seems to consist of a mishmash of stones, not all of them even matching; this building must have been built block by block by someone very, very poor - too poor to get all of his materials from a single place.

You stand up from the sofa and approach a broken window that seems to be the source of the chill. It's not so pretty on the outside: the rain is so thick that you can't see the Archmage's Tower, which is the most visible landmark of the City. The clouds are very thick and dark, and you can only determine a general direction of the sun. It seems that this window is facing east.
[Perception: 2] There is nothing more to see from that window: a few steps beyond it begins the realm of rain, and you can barely see the outlines of other buildings on the streets. All of them are small and squatty, irregularly built, with not a single mansion or a factory in the vicinity. Such architecture is indicative of the City's slums, where the poor get robbed by those poorer than them. Good thing you have only a few meager coins, isn't it?

Just as you are ready to leave the window, you sense a hostile presence behind you. [Reflex Save: 2+1] Before you can react, something - something deathly cold - grabs you by the shoulders and shoves you out of the window. [Agility Save: 1+1] You try to hang on, but a cut finger is all you get for your troubles. You fall... and, little more than a heartbeat later, land unharmed on a stone yard before the house's front door. Hey, it's not like you could see the ground from that window!

From outside, you can see that this house is rather big. While it's still made of materials that only the inhabitants of the slums use, its size and shape remind you of a mansion; the front doors - the only expensive-looking part of the mansion - are made of claystone and reinforced with copper bands. They don't open when you pull at them.
At least you haven't left anything inside that room: all your belongings, including a virtually weightless coin pouch on your belt, are with you.

NOTE 1: If you need your character to examine something in more detail, say so. I cannot cram all of the relevant details into a single post; it would take too much time and effort. I will answer the 'examine' queries in between the turns.

NOTE 2: Everyone, please pick a color in which your character will speak. I have forgotten to ask you to pick your colors in the character sheet and I deeply regret being such a scatterbrain, but colors are a necessary evil with an emphasis on 'necessary'.

NOTE 3: You are not limited by your Known Spells: these are only the spells that you have already cast or learned. If you believe that your Known Spells are inadequate for your current situation, craft a new one. Spellcrafting is a free action, meaning it can be done in the same turn with any other action, but has its limitations: first, you can only craft one spell each turn; second, if you roll 1 or 2 on the Spellcrafting roll, you don't get a spell.
« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 06:24:18 am by HmH »


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #34 on: July 15, 2012, 02:26:28 pm »

I'm suddenly paralyzed with indecision.

I'll take Green.

Get the hell out of dodge!
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #35 on: July 15, 2012, 03:05:36 pm »

I'll go with the superior color RED.

Murkal will search the room, and gently wake the fine lady up.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #36 on: July 15, 2012, 03:15:32 pm »

I'll use orange
Bruce groaned as he got up, then grumbled as he realised it was the same life as allways, troubled poverty.
He didn't have time to complain though he had to act now!

Bruce attepts to shoot a stream of fire out of his hands, caring not for collaterol damage.
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Join Now!
« Reply #37 on: July 15, 2012, 03:44:20 pm »

I'm going with blue, if I can't just use the generic color.
"Great. A hangover and a mystery admirer."
Acquire mystery persons identity. Do they want to kill me?


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #38 on: July 15, 2012, 04:49:44 pm »

A laugh bellowed out of Ardimis

Oh ho ho. Today, I am free,

Ardimis pounds his glass of alcohol onto the table to accentuate his thought

and right where I want to be. A tavern, the perfect place to start my adventure.

Examine: Ardimis gave a curious glance to the two adventurers

[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #39 on: July 15, 2012, 06:35:47 pm »

Choosing Light Green

Del looked around without moving, taking in the room and the woman beside him. The ring on his finger felt heavier than it should have, at that moment-he felt as if he wouldn't have been able to afford it...or, to be more precise, he would only have bought it for someone very special.

Not that these were his first thoughts.Oh, she was very beautiful. Del took a few moments, not panicking or worrying, just enjoying the sight. Every one like a piece of art...a unique scent, a touch, a voice-a smile. He was a great admirer of the female form. His memory flipped through them now...but to his shock, the faces were now blank.

There were memories with no people in them. Just the pain of a throbbing head, blotting everything out.

He was not completely unused to this situation, anyway. Every new place brought another woman-some strong, others weak, the high born and low, the happy, the sad, the wise, the foolish. They had their night together, and he left her with his memory of him. It was better that way. Some of them had angry spouses, predictably enough. He firmly believed a man who didn't visit his woman at night in time to catch him, didn't deserve to be married anyway, but that was beside the point.

Others were different in the day than the night before-a crimson haired woman with a saucy swagger and a sailors mouth, who became a stern and conservative hanging judge come morning, sprang to mind...and that rope she had readied for him would have been a mighty tight fit, indeed.

Yet, he had never given up hope that one time, something different would happen...he supposed he would just know when it was time to settle down. When he found the right person.

But this was different...he couldn't remember anything about last night, except for the dream. He felt very nervous, almost on the edge of panic. Also, was that a lute? He owned a fiddle...what HAD happened last night? ((OOC:Is this intentional or no? :P ))

He examined the ring closely and thought, as he crept out of bed and began putting on his clothes. He suppose two possibilites were reality. One was, he had in fact, become engaged to this black haired woman during the night-and was about to run away from home in a confused rush. That one was sort of funny. But not likely.

Two, he had found someone...finally...and for some reason of the other, he had ended up here. And his True love was still somewhere out there. And the woman on the bed, for whatever reason, didn't mind bedding a man wearing an engagement ring. Nor did he vice versa, apparently. That was odd. If he had been cheating-consciously-why wouldn't he have taken it off?

Del wondered if the woman-beautiful, yes-would be more than she seemed come waking. Maybe even something dangerous. There had been that Witch, he recalled, who had wanted to transplant his soul into one of her pet birds...

Questions, questions.

Action: Examine the Woman, The Ring and The Family Crest in detail.
« Last Edit: July 15, 2012, 06:42:45 pm by Dwarmin »
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #40 on: July 15, 2012, 06:40:40 pm »

@anailater: What are you going to shoot at? It's pouring buckets, you're standing outside the mansion in its front yard, there's nobody around you and the fireproof doors of the mansion are bolted shut from the inside.

Acquire mystery persons identity. Do they want to kill me?
Mehrik: "Hold! Who are you and what do you want?"
Silhouette: "I'm a tax collector, that's who. You want to get through me, you give me all your money. That's them rules."

Only now do you notice that the 'tax collector' is two heads taller than you and casually playing with a butcher's knife that's got to be as heavy as your sword.
[Detect Weakness: 6; 6; 4] And that one of his cheekbones has a red, pulsating scar over it; if you hit it with a Lash, the ensuing shock would leave the meat mountain writhing in pain, lying wide open for a finishing blow.

Bloodthirst and greed raise their heads somewhere inside you. Should you really empty your coin pouch when you can kill this amateur in two strikes?

Examine: Ardimis gave a curious glance to the two adventurers
((In the future, please refrain from coloring your entire post. The speeches are usually the only thing that get colored.))

The adventurers are sitting at a small claystone table in the corner of the tavern; on the table, you see two shale tankards and one glazed clay plate with fried fish on it. The first adventurer is a burly man in a set of chainmail and leaning on a two-handed maul as he speaks with the second one, who is lanky and short and wearing a pilgrim's clothing. A bow and quiver are strapped behind the lanky adventurer's back.

Both adventurers notice your attention and are now eyeballing you back - or rather, they're eyeballing your robes. They probably need a spellcaster for whatever endeavor they have planned. That and the lack of other spellcasters in the tavern puts you in a good position to dictate your own terms if you decide to join them.

@Dwarmin: Sorry, can't answer these questions right now. Will be back in about eight hours.
« Last Edit: July 16, 2012, 03:04:06 pm by HmH »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #41 on: July 15, 2012, 06:47:17 pm »

Vira giggled, the room swaying slightly around her.

"You're on!" she said, the man swaying towards her and then away with the room. She felt like saying something clever afterwards, but settled for giggling again.
Quote from: Radio Controlled (Discord)
A hand, a hand, my kingdom for a hot hand!
The kitchenette mold free, you move on to the pantry. it's nasty in there. The bacon is grazing on the lettuce. The ham is having an illicit affair with the prime rib, The potatoes see all, know all. A rat in boxer shorts smoking a foul smelling cigar is banging on a cabinet shouting about rent money.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #42 on: July 15, 2012, 06:53:41 pm »

((In the future, please refrain from coloring your entire post. The speeches are usually the only thing that get colored.))

((My mistake. I didn't think it was a big deal))

Ardimis attempts to create a simple spell. 'Spark', it does what its name implies, creates a spark, for lighting candles or small fires. He uses the spell to light a near by candle on fire, showing his specialty to the adventurers. He approaches them, whether or not the spell creation succeeds.

"So. I take it you have a need for me?", Ardimis asks, barely containing his excitement.
[Will:1] You scream. You scream like a little girl in pigtails and a tutu, flailing ineffectually like a starfish on meth.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #43 on: July 15, 2012, 07:15:04 pm »

((I'm shooting in the window, at the thing that through me out))
At best it's a pool of ink thats here for no reason; at worst it's a puddle of hateful alien death penises that want to murder-rape you into chunks.
So how are you today?


  • Bay Watcher
  • The sparkles are because I'm fabulous, of course.
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Re: Staggering Wizards RTD: Turn 0: Introduction
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2012, 07:36:06 pm »

((I forgot to change up my school of magic. Would you mind if I did it now?))
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