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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131498 times)


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #450 on: August 04, 2012, 04:58:34 pm »

Inquire about the possibility of the two counts becoming my vassals, and duke becoming a direct vassal of albert, all arranged right after the wedding. Last two weeks of spring in Arborvent are to be spent on river barges, rides around the contryside and banquets, getting to know each bride individually. Make no intimate moves though, as not to favour any one of them above others.

[4] Both counts accept your offer... As long as you keep your taxes lower than the king's would have been.
[4+1] The baron's daughter, named Aela, is cheerful and charming, and she gets along well with you. She is very friendly and obedient; it seems marrying a Duc is a greater honor than she ever dreamed of. [3] She does not have any householding skills, but she promises that she will try to learn. [4+1] Also, she is stunningly beautiful, so that's good.
[6] The duke's daughter, named Ryiah, is extremely friendly - and she appears to expect to become your primary wife, since she has the highest rank. Choosing someone else may offend her. [1] However, she has no skill as a steward or a householder, which would make her a relatively inadequate choice. [5+1] Her beauty equals that of Aela.
[2+1] The daughter of the first count is a bit morose. Named Calanthe, she is hesitant about you, and does not exactly know what to think. She does not feel betrayed, but she has no illusions over her political marriage either. Like Aela, she is not particularly skilled in householding. [1+1] One might say she is... Ah... Beautiful inside, doubtlessly.
[3+1] The last lady is named Anwen. She is friendly and apparently satisfied with her lot. Although you're not quite sure she loves you, she certainly seems to appreciate you. [5] She is an outstanding steward and householder, though, and she feels like she could do alot of good if you would name her your steward. [6+1] She is beautiful, and she knows it. You notice that she can get quite friendly with some of your knights... You'll have to keep an eye on her.

((I gave them random names... You can change them if you don't like them.))

"Well, the assassination of Count Whitehaven. I mean, I may've hated the man, and his treatment of some of his goods, but you couldn't have said that he wasn't able to bring in some of the more exotic product on a moment's notice, for a fair price as well."

"I never trade with him. Whoever assassinated him botched up the job, but he was smart enough to wear a mask. In a city as big as Stormstead, we probably won't find him. In the meantime, his daughter seems to have fallen in love with me. I might marry her, if I don't get better offers before Fall."
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 03:04:25 pm by Shootandrun »


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #451 on: August 04, 2012, 05:48:51 pm »

1. Have the guard interrogated; should he refuse to talk, a brief stay in the oubliette is bound to change his mind.
2. Try and locate through whatever means availiable strong pretenders to the Baron's title who would be favorable towards the creation of a central market, failing that, look for a powerful merchant of a similar opinion.

[3] A brief stay in the oubliette turns out to be just what the torturer ordered and he happily sells out the rest of the guards.  Unfortunately, you hear from your spies that Arenalis and Donnerstein have gone from cold to hot war again and are now sinking anything that isn't part of their own navy on sight.  The problem just took care of itself, apparently.

[2+1] There isn't a strong pretender as such, but there is one.  Baron Brendal has one son of some 12 years who is his direct heir, but he also has a byblow from before his current marriages in his early twenties.  [6] The man in question, Sir Lionel Hart, is actually a knight of notable fame and glory as a monster hunter and used to take part in the King's drake hunts.  [3] He enjoys glory but doesn't have a burning ambition to be elevated for its own sake.  [1] Unfortunately, his direct liege is actually his father Baron Brendal, [4] but he does take a stance against his father's policies and would prefer to see his home town grow more prosperous.

Have a talk with the Haegar and his wife, privately. Tell him the exact details of what he can do, and who he can invite.

Request that the Haegar himself, will announce to the people, both common and nobility in Northwatch alike, of his intentions and of his shift of loyalty given the acceptance of such. Provide him a safeguard while doing so.

Back of the man's claims by stating that the presence of a new ally is one that we will accept; his use if beneficial to us, and who would dare to break the bonds of true love?

Lastly, have him know that if his previous clan chooses to go after him, I cannot stop them and he is on his own, but I will do my best from keeping word that a Haegar Chieftain is staying on my lands. Especially guarding him from our own people's threats.

Have him lodge far from Northwatch Keep, and it's nearby military structures, and tell her [his wife's] family in person (and in secret) about what had occurred. Though, his lodgings must be in sight from Renart's location.

Send the Selenid Merchant a letter that I'll give my proposal on the earliest of Summer, as I'm quite ill at the moment.

[2+1] Vorna does not seem happy with the idea of not seeing her family easily, but Sigurd accepts your generosity.  [4+1-1] Sigurd publicly announces his new allegiance and renounces vengeance against his kin, and your influence and support makes the process go more smoothly.  [?] You think you are able to keep news of the chief's residence from going to far, but then he has just made a public announcement.  [6-2] The family are not happy about the marriage, or that their daughter will have to live so far away, but they accept the grace of their lord without raising a stir.

[2] The Selenid seems unhappy, but what do you care?  He leaves the fort, [2] but your spies lose him before they find out where he goes.

"So, can you tell me anything about this Ban Yi Soong?" listening intently.

As it turns out, Aveline has never heard of him.  Not surprising, it's not like she's the king's spymaster.  You mentally note that you actually have no idea who the spymaster is, which you suppose is the point.  How will you proceed?
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #452 on: August 04, 2012, 06:25:15 pm »

"Treat her well, she's head over heels for you from what I hear about her. And yes, admittedly the assassin was clumsy, but they did get the job done all the same, and they've eluded capture as well. Seems like that assassin is more a maul than a sword.

And hey, There's plenty more slave traders though it'll be a while before we get some imported exotics, which is the main loss from all this."

In Spiritusaer

Hold a session of court, getting a good look on the state of affairs in the duchy. Open door policy is enacted for this, letting in everyone that has a problem to discuss in, though the problem has to be big enough to warrant ducal intervention (AKA either affecting several families for rural peasants living a fair distance from any town, affecting a noticable proportion of a village etc.). Anyone complaining that their problem isn't worth my time is to be questioned by the guards.
« Last Edit: August 04, 2012, 08:12:32 pm by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #453 on: August 04, 2012, 07:50:57 pm »

1. Try and get more information on the conflict between Arendalis and Donnerstein.
2. Request a public audience with Baron Brendal to press him into ceding to creation of a centralized market.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #454 on: August 04, 2012, 08:21:42 pm »

The season of Spring was coming to a close, Osir observed, and closer came the time expedition. Things were going as planned; several wineries had offered their goods as well as several jewelers. Osir's messengers had also found a skilled cook. The priest from the north had arrived as well, although he was mute, which was not all that bad really.

The priest had arrived two days ago, with a donkey and his belongings. He had mimed and wrote his way into the palace, appearing during breakfast. Osir had settled him at the midsection of the Pale Tower, for ease of access. The man himself was not very tall, but nor was he short. He seemed to be in his middle years; around 40 or so. Aki was apparently his name, although to be honest Osir wasn't sure about that since Aki couldn't speak and had just pointed to a tattooed rune on his arm. Osir felt that Aki would be of some use, in time.

The news from his cousin and the coast cities painted a picture of clan warfare. The whole of the North seemed to have had given up raiding other peoples for now, instead fighting amongst themselves. It was a curiosity Osir intended to find out, soon. The priest would know something, at least.

1. Ask* the priest about where he came from and his clan. Ask what has been happening up north.
2. Hire the cook.
3. Ask the jewelers if they could make rings, necklaces, belts, bracelets and crowns in the Adranic style. There has to be enough for several (at least 3) clan chiefs. Also request a price for these.
4. Purchase a ducat's worth of wine.

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*As in make him write it down.
You win Nakeen
Marduk is my waifu
Inanna is my husbando


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #455 on: August 04, 2012, 08:36:26 pm »

As it turns out, Aveline has never heard of him.  Not surprising, it's not like she's the king's spymaster.  You mentally note that you actually have no idea who the spymaster is, which you suppose is the point.  How will you proceed?

"Any idea who might have?"

A foray into Haegar territory... Axes vs a rapier. Great. At least I may be able to catch the infamous Troll hunter... and help
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #456 on: August 04, 2012, 08:39:02 pm »

As he contemplated the prospects of the future pleasures, he sat in his chamber daydreaming, when he was interrupted by his chamberlain.
"My lord, there are people to see you."
Oh, really? Yes, tell them to wait, I will be in the main hall soon. 'I hate petitioners'."

In meantime hold court in Arborvent.

The Pearl Divers
[4] Pearls are common enough on the coast of Arborvent and there is a long history of divers fetching the beautiful off-white treasures from the sea bed.  Even through the Years of Iron, the pearl industry remained intact and so your people retained their skills and knack for diving.  Although the divers are only a small subset of the commons, they have strong connections with the land-workers and their influence counts.

[5] The pearl divers are prosperous if not rich, and your recent decision to establish trade with the capital for pearls has only enhanced matters.  They are particularly warm towards you as a result and so long as things stay the way they are they will do their best to be good, tax-paying subjects.

[1] The pearl divers are in trouble, though, and a deputation of elders from the fishing villages arrives to inform you of such.  [4] A lone ship has been sighted roaming the waters near several of the villagers, [5] more of a fishing vessel than a warship.  [6] Its crew are unarmed and unarmoured, when they appear, but this has only made it easier for them to sneak around at night, [1] kidnapping women, children and even some of the men and ferrying them away.  With no Royal Navy to stop them, the divers fear that the currently small attacks will only get worse and beg their liege to try and resolve them.  They fear that those lost may already have been sold as slaves.

Steward's Comments: A simple problem, but a problem to solve.  Someone is slaving our beaches, but right now there is no Royal Navy and we have no ships of our own at present to stop them.  Worse, we have no idea where those slaves are being taken and sold to.  Ignoring this problem will only make it worse, but I suppose that wouldn't cost anything either.

The Nobles
[2] Your dislike of personally managing the city (you never did like petitioners) has resulted in a laissez faire system of government that has been excellent for traders and the common pearl divers, but has gradually eroded away the power and privileges of the nobility.  The nobles here are as weak as in Stormstead, but through neglect rather than design.  Part of the reason is that the poverty of many barons and lay knights during the War of Hounds only worsened during the Age of Iron, while the commons grew prosperous.  Many barons and knights were forced to sell their lands in bankruptcy, leading to a large number of freeholders and minor tenants replacing the traditional larger serf-run estates.

[1] This has made them very embittered towards you, though not actively disloyal.  The lay knights more or less just ignore your rule, but the barons and comtes are likely to be very recalcitrant when it comes to you actually trying to do anything that doesn't directly serve their interests.

[6] One of the local Comtes comes to your court, representing himself and several other minor nobles.  Comte Richaud dispenses the usual flatteries, then gets to the point.  He feels that the commons have begun to get too many ideas above their station and that only the proper rule of law will re-establish the natural order of things.  The Comte proposes a 're-structuring' of the land in Arborvent to improve the crop yields and produce greater gains overall.

[5] The plans he shows you are actually incredibly well-thought out.  Even though the restructuring largely benefits him and his cronies, it would improve grain yields (though the already well-developed land would not produce enough new grain to equate to new parcels).  [4] On the other hand, it would dispossess many peasants of the best land and although they would be compensated well for the compulsory purchase, they would either have to farm more marginal land, act as tenants on the new land or seek work in the city instead.

The reforms would take a few years to see proper returns, but the Comte and his backers can offer you [4*2] 80 crowns as a 'wedding present' in exchange for freezing tax rates, should you take the deal.

Steward's Comments: Restructuring land is always painful, but while it is true Comte Richaud and his friends would benefit most from the restructuring they are truly more efficient.  The extra money would certainly come in useful, but it would almost certainly alienate the commons.  Be aware that as the nobles only think you are restoring the balance of power, they will not love you any more for doing this either.

The Craftsmen
[4] The longstanding pearl industry has led to a sizeable contingent of jewellers and bead-makers in Arborvent, who have some clout in how the city operates - again, due to your previously relaxed attitude to government.  These tradesmen are the reason why Arborvent's prosperity is second only to Stormstead (albeit by both a long and short margin up and down) and part of what has made the city what it is today.

[2] Your recent activity in re-establishing the pearl trade with Stormstead, while good for their business, has alarmed many of the craftsmen.  They fear that you may begin interfering with their work, livelihoods and the privileges they have secured from the nobility, and that demand for raw pearls and increased competition of jewellers from Stormstead will harm their business.  They approach everything you say and do with caution.

[1] The jewellers too are in difficulties of the worst kind and require your help.  [6] Armed bandits have been operating out of the Running Woods, ambushing trade wagons along the roads.  Your scouts already have a report on the location and numbers of the bandits, and they are not good.  The bandits have [2] two brigades of men in the woods, [4] lightly armed [5] and fortunately not trained ambushers - the men just run out onto the roads and try to surround the wagons by greater mobility rather than making a real ambush.  [6] Their identity is also known as well, and you really wish it were not.  They are former Arendalic lay-knights and soldiers, deserters who have abandoned their homeland from the heavy war, and their leader [1] is Kasten de Arvarac, one of the brothers of Ryiah de Arvarac, the Duc de Arvarac's daughter and your prospective wife.  She and her father both think he died in the re-kindling of the war some weeks ago but instead he appears to have taken the long way out through Donnemire and the regions south of Windheath until he found somewhere his men could hide.  [5] The good news is that you know he and his sister did have a very close relationship - should you need to use it.

Steward's Comments: A potentially embarrassing situation for yourself, my liege, though at present only you and your scouts know the deserters' leader's identity.  On the other hand, doing nothing will only hurt trade.  Not enough to stop it; the trade route will simply go by ship, but the roads in Arborvent are very good and they make for a lot of trade.  Doing nothing will not only weaken the urban population here, it will gravely anger them.  Doing the wrong thing could shatter your planned alliances.  Tread carefully, my liege.

1. Try and get more information on the conflict between Arendalis and Donnerstein.
2. Request a public audience with Baron Brendal to press him into ceding to creation of a centralized market.

1. [Pending.]

2. [2] Baron Brendal is unwilling to have a public audience with you, [5] but consents to a private audience readily.  [4-1] The baron agrees with many of the points you raise, but seems unwilling to make more than minor concessions, especially concerning his own properties in the district.

As it turns out, Aveline has never heard of him.  Not surprising, it's not like she's the king's spymaster.  You mentally note that you actually have no idea who the spymaster is, which you suppose is the point.  How will you proceed?

"Any idea who might have?"

A foray into Haegar territory... Axes vs a rapier. Great. At least I may be able to catch the infamous Troll hunter... and help

She shakes her head.  Presumably you'll have to ask someone closer to the target's location.
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #457 on: August 04, 2012, 08:53:11 pm »

after A wonderful night out with Aveline, he rented a room in the Iron Hound.

Sleep well tonight, for tomorrow I set out... for Northwatch
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #458 on: August 05, 2012, 06:23:31 am »

It would appear that arborvent was more disorganised than initally thought. Albert's dislike of seeing peasants and merchants bother him meant that they went off thier own way, whereas the needy gentry felt abandoned.
"Bunch of children, all of them. You don't have to tell peasants to sow and reap or merchants to load a ship..."

First off would be a letter to Richard. Navy was still unorganised and ill-defined. Edgard did not even remember the name of "admiral" that was supposed to lead Atemheide Navy.

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

With the letter handed over to a courier, Edgard planned to solve the slaver problem himself, while Navy is yet to be organised.

Later in the Great Hall...

Edgard sat in his chair, with the lords of his domain waiting patiently for his words. It was time to put his charisma to the test.
"Gentlemen and lords of the Arborvent! I humbly apologise for neglecting my duties as your liege. I've heard your request, and I'm glad to accept it. I would also like to promise that I will hand over 2 parcels to your noble selves in exchange for the knightly service to me, as it is the custom between one's vassal and his liege.The formal reaffirmation of vassalage to me shall occur in the De Arborvent Palace in Stormstead, after my wedding ceremony. "

There you go you vultures, as long as you don't cause any problems...

Evening that day....

Edgard just spoke with Ryiah about her brother. The idea was straightforward enough: The man would surrender if he heard that his sister is here and soon to be the wife of the duc of the land he is raiding on. The combination of shame and desire to see his sister again would make the man think twice. Edgard did not harbour any malicious intnet towards Kasten as of now, he was wary of doing anything that would damage the relations within his future family.

Edgard prepares a ruse for the slavers: a large pearl-diver boat is to be sent out as usual but with disguised soldiers instead of divers. When the slavers appear, they are to be lured in and captured, or sunk if they try to escape. If captured, a public execution in town square is to be performed.

Edgard agrees to the noble proposal of a land reform, and promises to hand out 2 parcels worth of land to them in exchange for traditional vassalage and military service. Edgard expects a regiment of noble levy to be ready whenever call to arms is issued.

Edgard is willing to pardon Kasten de Arvarac and his men in exchange for service to his soon to be brother-in-law. A personal letter by Edgard with the offer is to be delivereed by a lone courier to the forest, where he would no doubt be ambushed. Given that they moslty rob people the courier stands a chance at survival.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 09:34:56 am by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #459 on: August 05, 2012, 09:30:37 am »

"Treat her well, she's head over heels for you from what I hear about her. And yes, admittedly the assassin was clumsy, but they did get the job done all the same, and they've eluded capture as well. Seems like that assassin is more a maul than a sword.

And hey, There's plenty more slave traders though it'll be a while before we get some imported exotics, which is the main loss from all this."

In Spiritusaer

Hold a session of court, getting a good look on the state of affairs in the duchy. Open door policy is enacted for this, letting in everyone that has a problem to discuss in, though the problem has to be big enough to warrant ducal intervention (AKA either affecting several families for rural peasants living a fair distance from any town, affecting a noticable proportion of a village etc.). Anyone complaining that their problem isn't worth my time is to be questioned by the guards.

Your steward sifts through the various rabble that threaten to crowd out your throne room and pick out the most relevant parties for your personal meetings.  [5] Your guards are firm but even-handed with the petitioners and nobody gets hurt or makes a fuss because their complaints were too minor; where possible, the steward deals with them himself.  After all, that's his job.

[4] The common herdsmen, trappers and miners of Spiritusaer have long lived reasonable lives beneath the Silver Spires, eking a living out of the wildlands and largely paying their taxes and keeping quiet.  Once upon a time the noble landlords taxed and pushed them more heavily, but these days their masters are somewhat apathetic toward the country holdings, preferring instead to focus on the city of Spiritusaer.

[5] The commons of Spiritusaer are very well-disposed to the Blauritter in light of the great expense gone to re-establish firm trade with the capital.  Miners, trappers and herders can all expect fresh demands for their produce and work should be plentiful in the fields.

[1] Alas, serious trouble rears its head amongst the commons.  [6] The carnelian mines are particularly effective because they tend to mine deep tunnels rather than strip-mine, but this has made them vulnerable to cave ins - as the breathless messenger informs you has just happened.  [2] About sixty miners are trapped in the rubble, [6] and although most of the other miners have come together to dig them out they are confused and leaderless, often getting in one another's way.  [2] The mine owner, Baron Jool, has made no effort to assist - mine accidents are common enough and small collapses happen all the time.  [5] The main deposits of carnelian are elsewhere in the mine, though, so the gems will continue to flow no matter how this goes.  The messenger requests assistance in rescuing the trapped miners and, ideally, convincing the Baron to improve conditions in the mine so this does not happen again.

Steward's Comments: Digging the trapped men out is as simple as hiring labourers (10 crowns) or sending a regiment of troops to assist, though there is a slight risk of a second cave-in.  In the long-term, what the mines really need are for their owners to spend money on supports for the mine and better equipment - some men are digging with ancient blunt iron.  You could spend that money yourself (50 crowns) if you didn't want to risk annoying the Baron, but it is technically his responsibility in chivalry though not law.

[6] The nobility of Spiritusaer are potent, chiefly because the comtes and barons of the region own the gem mines, the richer strips of the Wildlands and a very great deal of the property in Spiritusaer itself.  They keep rents high and their pockets full, which gives them the power and inclination to meddle.

[6] The nobility love the Blauritter for being allowed to essentially do as they wish with the people.  They are eager to assist, but their naked ambition for more power and wealth cannot be hidden and too many comtes parade themselves around in finery and with guards for one to be entirely secure on one's throne.

[5] Recent problems with the mines and subsequent complaining from the peasants have led the nobility to suggest an alternate solution; slaves.  Although slaves are used to a small extent already in the mines and Spiritusaer's industries, they suggest that either expanding the mines with pure slave-based labour or even replacing the common miners with slaves entirely would vastly improve yields and benefit the town greatly.  Unfortunately, the volume of slaves which are required are beyond the trade presently available to Windheath.  The good news is that with your new pelt trade route, there are now sufficient quantities of pelts flowing into Stormstead from Spiritusaer, Northwatch and War's End for the king to establish a permanent international trade route.  If you can convince the king to adopt a route trading Slaves from Dulkur or Ralkar (obviously they would not dream of suggesting Haegar) the nobles will be able to put their plan into motion.

Steward's Comments: The only controversial part of this is whether you allow them to fully replace the miners with slaves or just expand using slaves.  If you allow them to replace the miners completely, you will earn the nobility's respect but the commons will be devastated by the loss of jobs.  Either way, if you can get them access to the slaves they need you will see a permanent increase in both the power of the nobles and the welfare of the city - which means more rents and more taxes in the long term.

[2] Spiritusaer as a city has been sacked, razed, rebuilt and then sacked again countless times throughout history, perhaps because of its rich surrounding lands and resources.  It was sacked by southern forces during the War of the Hounds, sacked again by northern forces, sacked a second time by southern forces and then when the war was finished it got sacked by the Iron Queen in the form of extortionate taxation.  A lot of people moved out of Spiritusaer to Stormstead, and that included the most influential and capable artisans.  Although a lot of people live in Spiritusaer (and are fleeced for rent accordingly) because of the mines and trade connections, the urban classes have zero clout in politics.

[6] The artisans of Spiritusaer are desperate for change, or at least for security.  They are placing their hopes and prayers in the Blauritter, because if they continue under the present conditions there might not be much hope for them at all.  They are certainly committed and eager, but that commitment springs from desperation and might easily change.

[5] A small committee of artisans, including some of the city's gem polishers, have come to you with an opportunity.  In order to protect their interests in the face of new trade and competition, they are requesting finances and a letter of marque to establish what they call a guild.  The guild would standardise the quality of gem cuts, metalworking and other critical industries to the town while also making it illegal for craftsmen to practise their art without achieving guild membership - ensuring not only that work would be of a certain standard but also that the livelihoods of your urban craftsmen are preserved.  The costs involved are not cheap, though.  You would need to provide them with a guildhall, the town watch would need to be expanded to deal with arresting non-compliants and they would require equipment and initial funds to get them started... all coming to some [3] 2.5 ducats.

Steward's Comments: The price they quoted has just made your treasurer wet himself in terror, but a quick estimation of the facts proves their assessment is not only correct but the bare minimum to get their design off the ground.  This would require a heavy investment in ducats, labour and administration to pull off, but there would be long-term benefits to the city.  The improved quality of export goods and concentration of wealth would not only result in higher prices for export (and according increases in tax), but immigration in non-guilded professions and in apprentices for the guild.  The tax base of Spiritusaer would see a definite increase, as would the power and influence of the new guild.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 10:03:38 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #460 on: August 05, 2012, 10:17:01 am »

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1. Invite Eliza to dine with me. Try to gauge her own personal ambitions, and get to know her better. Find out how well she dances, if she'll allow me.
2. Look into developing those trade Routes to the capital-what resources do we have in abundance? Invited Edgard to discuss the matter.
3. Send a messenger to the Redspear Delta-invite someone who would speak on behalf of the people there, to discuss this minor problem. Make it a friendly visit?
4. Do both for the people to prevent starvation-establish a Granary for 1 Duct, and emergency food purchases from Drachengrab and Altaregia for 50 crowns.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #461 on: August 05, 2012, 11:23:54 am »

See if 20 crowns would change his mind.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #462 on: August 05, 2012, 11:46:16 am »

50 crowns are to be spent on the mine supports, as well as 10 crowns to dig the men out. Baron jool is to have his ownership of the mines stripped and rendered into Ursa's control. His fief and title are to divided up by the other nobles for their own taking.

The following letter is sent to Stormstead, addressed to the king:
Dear King Albert:
A recent economic opportunity has come to my attention that would signifigantly improve not only the lives of the people here, but the economy as well. Of course, the costs for it are monumental, and, especially in the face of one of my vassal nobles screwing up, have no funds to actually take the opportunity. However, if the crown could provide the 250 crowns needed I could take advantage of this. 300 crowns will be payed back to you by the beginning of next year in return for this loan.

Your faithful servant,
Duc Ursa Emanhild of Spirituaser
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 11:51:02 am by Taricus »
Quote from: evictedSaint
We sided with the holocaust for a fucking +1 roll


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #463 on: August 05, 2012, 12:22:41 pm »

Edgard responded to the royal call. Albert seemed keen on figuring out the questions of economy.

Your Majesty requested to see me? I understand that this is about the nuances of trade..."
« Last Edit: August 05, 2012, 12:24:59 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #464 on: August 05, 2012, 01:14:21 pm »

Edgard responded to the royal call. Albert seemed keen on figuring out the questions of economy.

Your Majesty requested to see me? I understand that this is about the nuances of trade..."

The King did seem to be in a business mood-his injury was still keeping him down, and he was restless, going through papers, ledgers and old books.

"Two reasons actually. First, I'll need your reccomendation on what trade routes are best for Stormstead city, what our resource situation is...

Secondly, how much money our navy and army is going to need. I've been putting it off too long and I've heard rumors...well, just give me your best estimates. I'm not good with numbers, so if you just need my go-ahead, let's get that done.

Also, the Duc Ursa is asking me for a sizable loan...I thought I let you take a look at that before I signed off on it."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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