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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131254 times)


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #210 on: July 19, 2012, 02:56:19 pm »

"Must be a long way to the Ralkarians. You must be quite the... hedonist."
Theor put the goblet on the table and listened to the Duc, without touching the food.
"So, you want to help me to gain back land, prestige and honor?"
He laughed rough and drank from the wine again.
"What altruism my dear friend. You must be quite charitable. What's next? Do you want to give me your lands?"
His expression got serious and he stared at Arbovent, gritting his teeth.
"What are your goals? What do you want from me? Don't fool me, you would never help me without a scheme."

After the tournament

Theor creacked his neck, quietly moaning. Dear god, that champion was incredibly strong. But, oh well, he thought he did good. Slammed a few minor nobles around in melee, nearly won the archery tournament and blowed the kings brother from his horse. It was quite fun. Wouldn't he have back aches, it would be perfect.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #211 on: July 19, 2012, 03:14:07 pm »

"Altruism? Oh my, I would never do that. Not to someone of your standing, it would be insulting to take pity on you. No, what I want from you is your staunch support and your sword to back me up when I need you.
Each duc and marquis will go off in their own way, scheming and planning, just like we do. The recent debate about Haegar threat makes me think that someone is looking forward to stirring trouble up north. We want to avoid that ,since it will ruin us. But Conrichts are blind to that, young boy leading an even younger pup into brutal war with the north."

He took another sip of the wine.

"Our task as a kingdom should be to gain complete authority over the Arendal river and its valley. Territorial unity with the river as our core and main lifeline to the mountains would enrich us immensly and establish us as the prime power in Adrania.
And I believe that since you want to prove your patriotism, you should be thinking more about our people, and not the misguided crown."
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 03:18:53 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #212 on: July 19, 2012, 03:32:09 pm »

Theor raised his eyebrows in suprise, pondering if it's worth to take the offer from Edgar.

"Whis would lead to more wealth for nobles and kings alike... And I'm sure you want to be sufficiently remunerated from the king... If need be, pressing your demands with the military power of your allies, which would be me and certainly other nobles, greedy after gold and power." He folded his hands and tipped his index fingers against his point of the nose. "..." What to do? He didn't know. The duc made some good points, he had a smart head on his shoulders.

"I... give the king a chance." He said after a moment of silence. He sighed "Scheming and daggers in the dark is something I don't like... But if Albert is really too foolish to don't listen to your advice, I will help you in your little plans...Of course only when I get, what I demand."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #213 on: July 19, 2012, 03:40:40 pm »

After the tourney...
Richard woke up in a bed with a physician on his left and Albert on his right. It took him a while to figure out where he was, then he remembered. He had been crushed against the wall... A good fight, over all. He turned his head towards his brother, and smiled.

"I nearly got the bastard. If I hadn't lost my shield, I could have stopped him, but the bloody thing broke when I smashed it against that Comte's head. Still, it was a good fight. Who won the melee and the jousting?"

A few days later...

Theor and Renart are invited to Richard's chambers, for a strategic meeting.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #214 on: July 19, 2012, 03:43:52 pm »

"Brilliant. I will try to steer young Albert away from Haegar war, whereas you should remain watchful of any military developments and report that to me. I will arrange for appropriate moves to be made soon in your direction."

Edgard stood up.

"I will speak to you later."

And with that, the meal was over, before it even begun properly.


Not soon after he received a letter form Marquis of The Pact. Interesting deal, but currently off the table due to money shortage. He did not know the man well, but maybe it would be wise to invite him....

Spoiler (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 03:57:00 pm by Ardas »


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #215 on: July 19, 2012, 03:49:42 pm »

Theor stood up, taking a  quail with him. He was not kidding, that a few morsels would not hurt. He was hungry by the gods!
"I will report it to you... Yes..." Only the things he wanted to report, of course.
Both nobles bade goodbye and Theor wandered off, eating the quail with much pleasure.
Now, what he wanted to do again? Ah yes... Preparing for the tournament. It would be soon.

By Richard....

Theor came in Richard's chambers, greeting him with a dry "Prince! I hope your wounds are not too sore... You want to speak with us about strategy?"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #216 on: July 19, 2012, 03:59:00 pm »

When Theor entered, he found Richard sitting at round table, with two free chairs around it. The Prince made no move to get up when Blackshield arrived, which was slightly impolite, but he still wore his bandages and he was trying to not move too much.

"I am fine, thank you for asking. Yes, I wanted to talk of strategy and military organization. I would like to wait for Renart before we begin, if you do not mind - that way I won't have to repeat myself. Have a seat."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #217 on: July 19, 2012, 04:06:14 pm »

Theor sat on a chair and creacked his neck again. It still hurt.
"A fine tournament, wasn't it? It's worth it all the pain afterwards. Heh, the champion of Drachengrab was a good fighter,yes. A shame that he died though."
he glanced over Richards face.
"And he was gigantic! He had giant blood in his veins, I'm sure."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #218 on: July 19, 2012, 04:13:12 pm »

"Indeed... I usually don't believe in ideas such as this one, but it's true that he wasn't a normal man. He won the melee despite his wound, I hear, and he was strong... The strongest man I've ever seen. And you did a fine job unhorsing me, too. I'm not the best knight of the city but I can handle myself, and you gave me a square hit. I fell right off."

If Richard thought otherwise, his face did not show it. His eyes revealed nothing about his emotions, either.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #219 on: July 19, 2012, 04:27:26 pm »

Theor shaked his head. "I nearly fell too. It was just luck. I'm not skilled in jousting either."
Honest truth it was. On ground with an axe or a sword in his hand he was much more secure and proficient.
"But this hedgeknight "Rusty" ... A mysterious fellow, or? Coming with an ampyrian knightess  in a tournament and winning the jousting. Never saw him before."



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Re: You are King III
« Reply #220 on: July 19, 2012, 04:57:49 pm »

"I never saw him either, but I can guess what's his story... An hedgeknight wants fame, he trains in jousting and joins all the tournaments he can find. One day he gets lucky and he wins, and he has a chance to become someone's household knight... And I suppose the ampyrian woman must be one of his wives and he brought her along to please her. Nothing too worrying."

The Fool goes out into the city as Valsche Namme again, scouring the taverns in the wake of the tournament for any news of opportunities; especially those with the chance to make serious money with serious risk.
[6] You catch rumors around the city, learning here and there interesting things.

  • Lord Zeddrous left no clear heir behind him, and his lands will go to the Crown. Besides, he had just been named a general before he died. Perhaps his death was not absolutely accidental?
  • Richard and Henry, the King's brother and cousin, were both gravely wounded in the tournament. While this may be a simple coincidence, some are wondering if there could be someone trying to get rid of the royals.
  • An innkeeper has been trying to get some information on the traffic of drugs in the city. Perhaps he is looking to start a business?
  • The man who won the jousting lists during the tournament had bought a manor the day before. He apparently expected to stay in the city, which indicates that he was quite sure of his victory. Perhaps he took additional measures to ensure his success?
  • There is talk of a new illegal drink in town, brought here by the crime lords from the southern seas. All agree that it is spectacularly effective, but they have a trouble describing its effects - most talk of flying and growing wings.

As you look around the city for rumors, however, you stop in an inn where you have a few drinks and talk with the clients. As you take your second pint, you start feeling weary and sluggish.

After what seems like a moment, you wake up in a dark street, with a dagger planted between your legs - dangerously close to something you hold dear. Under the dagger, a paper is placed, with one word written in red ink:



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Re: You are King III
« Reply #221 on: July 19, 2012, 05:42:51 pm »

The Fool stared at the dagger between his legs, working hard to bite down on the fear welling up inside his belly.  He could quit, of course.  He could spend the rest of his days as a Fool, take a comfortable pension and live the life of comfort his father did.  After all, it wasn't as if anyone was depending on his ambitions...

On the other hand, the family motto came to mind.  His father had muttered it on occasion, almost always whilst drunk and angry or drunk and morose.  His Old Eldanic tutor had helped him with the words, and though he never brought it up with his father sober, the Fool had always held the promise - and instruction - close to his heart.  The words spoke to his heart now, and the fear drained away to be replaced by cold anger.

Nullum contumeliam inultum.

It would be suicide to attempt, but his life had already been threatened once today.  It was time to find some unlikely bedfellows.


Habarre returned from his expeditions to find the door open and his hired muscle missing.  The ragged peasant he had seen before stood in the hallway, gestured toward the office with some unintelligible muttering and then left.  Upon entering the room (after drawing whatever weapons he might have felt necessary), he found a man sat on his desk in a hooded grey robe as any peasant might wear, with a simple black cloth mask over his eyes and nose.  He was cleaning his nails with a dagger.

"You need to hire better guards," said the man, "your doorman can be bribed with a leg of pork and a half-keg of ale.  But that's why I'm here, of course.  Introductions, shall we?  I'm Witless John, and I want to help you in your new business because there are some heavy drinkers in this town who need their wings clipped.  They're in my way, and they've insulted me, and one should leave no insult unavenged."

Witless John stood up and gestured convivially to Habarre's seat.

"But please, make yourself comfortable.  It is your office, and I am here to help."
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #222 on: July 19, 2012, 08:13:20 pm »

((This is both me and Deep's post~~.))

Spoiler: Finances (click to show/hide)

Later that day...approximately one hour after Rusty arrived home

Actions: They were both given summons to meet the King at his palace that evening.

Rusty greeted the news from the maid with a simple nod, hobbling up to his room for a few long moments, before emerging in baby blue linens, emblazoned with a few golden snake, the blade hanging from his side, and with clean, shiny, grey bandages replacing the dirty and grimy ones. Both of his eyes were revealed, the grey of one covered by a thin pale white film, staring ahead unseeing. Dull.

Kylila was standing across the hall from Rust when he emerged. Silently, she walked up to him and held out a hand, within which was an intricately-woven eyepatch, made of a velvety blue-black fabric stitched with a pair of golden snakes positioned in a circular manner, each one’s tail in the other’s mouth.

Rusty peered at the eyepatch with a crooked grin, “Thanks, Lilly.” he mutters, reaching out to take it, hand lingering on Kylila’s for a second longer then necessary, before he reached up and slipped it on, adjusting it for a moment, before flashing a smile to her and hobbling down the stairs, clinging to the banister, a cloak of dark navy held under his arm. “Ready to meet the King?”

“I am, as always, ready for anything the Sainted Ones find fit to throw in front of you.” The Ampyrian woman answered calmly, her bronzed skin hiding the light blush on her face. She shook her head as she watched her liege make his painful way down the stairs. After a few moments- still in her leather and steel Ampyrian armor (‘If it’s good enough for the Council, it’s good enough for a foreign sovereign,’ she thinks with some derision)- she follows, taking a few long strides and skipping several steps so that she ended up near enough to him to catch him should he stumble, yet far enough that her hovering wouldn’t be quite so noticeable.

Head to the audience with the king.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2012, 08:54:39 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #223 on: July 19, 2012, 09:40:44 pm »

Habarre climbed the creaking, treacherous stairs through the Chemise, dodging the occasional drunken patron.
He was accompanied by his rather out-of-place secretary: A waifish, wart-ridden street urchin named Geoff, wearing an equally odd bicone hat.
Even Habarre- not the most compassionate person when it came to achieving his goals- had been a tad bit uncertain about hiring someone so young to work in such a place, but there was no-one else that cheap, he was decent with numbers (apparently they'd taught him such in the orphanage) and besides, the child had threatened to kick him in the groin if he wouldn't hire him.

All-in-all, Habarre decided it would be far less troublesome to hire the lad, provided he spent atleast half as much time working as he did trying to flirt with the 'entertainers'... So far, however, he had been true to his word, and was currently reeling off a string of figures as he tagged along behind Habarre.
Much to the boy's chagrin he had become something of a mascot about the brothel, and Habarre would often send him out and about trying to drum up business for the place, accompanied of course by a scantily-clad lady or two.

At last, Habarre reached the door to his office, only to be confronted by the pauper he'd spoken to earlier. Geoff trailed off in mid-sentence, then followed his employer inside, tugging his hat from his sandy hair.
"You need to hire better guards," Habarre really couldn't argue with that.
Resigned to having his office invaded by any and all, he lowered himself into his chair, steepled his fingers and listened to what this stranger had to say, remaining silent and expressionless until they had finished. Then he got straight to the point.

"I suppose, you are referring to that drink the Ralkarians peddle? I won't lie, they do seem to be rather the elephant in the room when it comes to the city's drug trades. I've no idea why you're at odds with them, but I do intend to carve a business for myself in this city." He produced a couple of small ceramic cups and a bottle of cheap wine, filling one each for he and his guest. He sipped the stuff and grimaced- 'Agh. Tastes more like vinegar than anything,'- before setting it back down on the desk and spreading his hands.

"I doubt you will be surprised when I tell you, the Chemise is still finding her feet. Hence the lack of guards, yes, and this awful wine." He sat back in his chair, stroking his (rather magnificient) moustache as he inspected the man.
"Anyway. As I was saying, I doubt these men, these Ralkarians will appreciate any competition. Your messenger spoke to me earlier, I had already intended to seek you out. Tell me, just what resources do you have at your command? Asides from having eyes all over this city, or so it seems."
Habarre allowed himself a small smile as he said the last, before handing his unpalatable drink off to Geoff and awaiting Witless John's response.
"I am sure we can reach some arrangement."
Booze is Life for Yoink

To deprive him of Drink is to steal divinity from God.
you need to reconsider your life
If there's any cause worth dying for, it's memes.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #224 on: July 20, 2012, 03:08:26 am »


Renart clutched his sword, as well as his side as he oiled his armor. Through the years, he'd have expected his skills in swordplay and archery to have dimmed. He was glad that it hadn't been so, though his jousting had met it's match. It seemed his skill lay in tactics more than battle - though the joust was a moment to remember.

He made a personal note to find a trainer who was younger than he, in both aspects.

A few days later...

The aged noble found himself at the door of Richard's chambers, summoned by a messenger with an interesting note. He needn't knock, knowing that the bravos stationed nearby knew of his coming. Looking down, it had seemed another was already present. Was he late again?

He entered to see the Prince with another, conversing around an ornate table. "Sorry I'm late, once more. I believe we were summoned for a strategic meeting? Are there others coming to the meet, milord?"

Orders for Spring: Upgrade Personal Guard Regiment: (Cavalry) and Recruit 2 Infantry Regiments (1st - Scout, 2nd - normal): -4d - Northwatch
((Orders changed here))
« Last Edit: August 02, 2012, 05:55:51 am by Tiruin »
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