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Author Topic: You are King III: Spring 938 AAL  (Read 131265 times)


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #225 on: July 20, 2012, 03:46:36 am »

Sighing Harald stared at the letter of the Duc. He hated travelling. Oh well. He had given orders for the spring so no problem should arise.


finally Harald had arrived in Arborvent, the streets from the Pact to here had been understandably bad maintained. He mentally noted to do something about it as soon as he returned to the Pact. He didn't have an Eye for the great coast city of Arborvent, riding straight to the Duc's home.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #226 on: July 20, 2012, 10:25:26 am »

Cyril was a bit disappointed he couldn't prove his skill and show up his friend and rival, the prince.  But he couldn't control the weather and left the tournament and the capitol in good spirits.  It felt good having a bow in his hands again, he couldn't wait to go hunting again with his hunting party in the Iron Woods, now that the long winter was finally over.

Return home.   Upgrade personal guard with Archer I (-1 ducat).  Build a trade route to the capitol, exploiting pelts (-2 ducats).
Slacker an illustrated story. Actually updated!?


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #227 on: July 20, 2012, 10:30:16 am »

"Don't worry, you are not late. Now that both of you are here, we can begin."

With that, Richard took a map and placed it upon the table. It showed the northlands of Aldania, and was centered on Windheath. He pointed the kingdom.

"This is Windheath. You both know it's characteristics; extremely rich for its location in the north, very centralized government, formidably defensible. Should any army attack us from the south or the north, we can deny them all access to half the kingdom, provided we have a stronger navy than them or enough men to man the islands, which is why I support the idea to create a new fleet. Directly to the north of us stands Normarck; a poor and small kingdom, nothing to really worry about. In the west our neighbors are fighting over the Arendal, and all borders over there are strongly contested. In the south there are two kingdoms that have good relations with us, although they may find our natural resources interesting.

And to the North-East, of course, there are Haegars. Their lands are poor, but they are raiders and hardy fighters, and they do not share our Faith. Some of Windheath's nobles want war with them. I am strongly against this idea. Although Haegars have built small cities over the last centuries, a large part of their clans remain in the mainlands; deep in the woods and the snow, where no army can reach them. Occupying such a kingdom would cost us more than we would gain, for their only riches come from their raids. I will personally use all of my political power to avoid war with them if necessary, and I hope you two will do the same.

In the west, however, there we could gain something. These kingdoms are at war, and they have been at war for a long time. They are doubtlessly deep in dept and do not have the armies they once had to defend their lands. They also have an access to the mountains and its precious minerals. War with them is more desirable, if a war can ever be desirable.

Our kingdom has well defended borders, with a series of forts guarding us against invaders. I intend to have these forts manned within the end of the year. Our military center will be at Shipbreaker Isle, for it is near all the cities of the kingdom, and it has access to the fleet, should we need to move quickly along the coast or upstream.

Questions or comments so far?"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #228 on: July 20, 2012, 11:08:52 am »

Theor crossed his arms and said in a calm voice.

"Indeed a very good plan not to search bad blood with the Haegar. Just because we had in the past tense relations with them, we don't need an unecessary fight with them over dry and useless lands." 
He stared to Richard, smiling dry and then he pointed on the map, trailing the Arendal
"It's the best when we have control over the whole river, the source for the lush farmlands, high in the north.
I already have a plan... Sneaking trough the Ironwoods, unseen by their border forts. Then we raid their cities, demoralizing the population and force the king to give up his crown. Easy, isn't it? The southern kingdom would be grateful, but we should attack them too, if they don't give up their sovereignty. When they swear fealty to Albert, they can keep their lands... If not... Well, we have sure some minor nobles who wants to be comte."

Again a grin, he showed his sharp teeth.
"Then the complete Arendal is under our control. Everyone will get wealth. The reign of Albert would be only secured with one or two little wars. Much better than brawling with hairy, wild fighters in snowy forests without food or warmth in our bones."
He looked at the other general, curious what his opinion was.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #229 on: July 20, 2012, 11:29:57 am »

Witless John picked up the goblet and hesitated visibly before he took a sip.  He set it down on the table.

"With all due offence to your supplier, that tastes like a Duluk's piss," he said.  "My main resources are the aforementioned eyes and ears in both city and castle, though of late the competition are taking efforts to deafen and blind me.  That cannot be tolerated.  My business has traditionally been one of making introductions, finding clients and helping them arrange their business from a fee.  I don't usually like dealing directly with things, but my hand has been forced.

"Your enemies are powerful and well-positioned, friend.  With time, I can search them out, and while I have connections I don't have the muscle, money or skills to bring them down.  You have the money and skills to replace their operation and cause them harm.  As for muscle..."
  John withdrew a tattered tournament poster from his robe, bearing a crude likeness of the jousting winner.  "It seems that the golden boy of the tournament - the living one, anyway - has come into possession of a large manor.  He and his accomplice are skilled and might be able to assist us with acquiring additional funds and making the first steps towards removing our enemies from their seats.

"Speaking of manors, you no doubt heard of Lord Zedderous' passing.  He left a manor behind, and succession for his line is a tangled mess.  Depending on whether or not the king's assessors have reached the property yet... well, how do you feel about fraud and burglary?"


Later, the Fool returns in Folly-guise to the castle and begins plumbing the castle servants for rumours about current goings-on.  Even later than that, after performing his usual duties of follies, he returns to town in Valsche-guise and starts asking questions about Lord Zedderous' estate and household - keeping close to the exit in case of a needed getaway.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2012, 11:32:36 am by Iituem »
Let's Play Arcanum: Of Steamworks & Magic Obscura! - The adventures of Jack Hunt, gentleman rogue.

No slaughtering every man, woman and child we see just to teleport to the moon.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #230 on: July 20, 2012, 11:30:11 am »

Renart nodded in agreement to Theor's words. "The Haegar are a nomadic sort, relying more on their people than the land and it's resources, yet due to the lack of said resources, they are forced to raid and pillage.

"The only land from the Northwatch into their territory are but hills, less arable land than the normal parcel past that point."

The Haegar were currently out of the question, then.

"And about the western lands, if we are planning for war, then we must be swift on their lands. The river is the fastest option of attack on the southern kingdom, while as Theor has said, the Ironwood is the most practical path inside to the northern territory. It is generally easy to disguise an army in a forest, but there lies a problem." He marked the Castle stationed on the northern border of the Ironwood. "This is our first obstacle if we plan a war, but if taken, the kingdom will easily fall.

"That is, if a war is planned, though. We can wait and attempt diplomacy with envoys and let their forces clash for the moment, or attack by mid-summer, when the crops are still growing and the people are laboring.

"A naval assault up the Arendal is a viable tactic for deep insertion into the Southern kingdom. If they're receiving supplies from the seas, we can always issue an embargo downstream of their lands.

"In short, I believe that the earlier we expand, the better for our kingdom's recuperation. Interfering with the western kingdoms will help us in the long run, as well as unifying whatever shards of independence they have."

He looked to Theor, then to Richard after giving his thoughts about the matter.

"Though, if they have debts to any other foreign lands, wouldn't it be better to act as the middleman in the deal?"

In truth, Renart wasn't assuredly sure on the western kingdoms, having focused most of his efforts on holding the border against the Haegar threat.


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #231 on: July 20, 2012, 01:29:10 pm »

"Remember that we cannot declare a war without the orders of the King, and we cannot put pressure on the King to declare a war, either - it wouldn't look good if the nobles of the military were using political power to invade other kingdoms. But we should nonetheless raise forces and prepare for a conflict. You two have heard the other nobles - they want a war. They want glory and power and fame and new lands... They will doubtlessly suggest it to the King frequently. When that happens, I hope we shall be ready."

Richard folded the map and cleared his throat.

"I have another proposal for the two of you. As a Duc, I am technically of higher rank in the nobility than you. As such, you can become my vassals. While you are currently vassals only to the king, I think there could be advantages to have the nobles in the army form a coalition of sorts. It would allow me to lower your taxes and I would not put a limit on the numbers of troops that you can have, which should help us create a stronger army. It would also give the army a lot more political power to use if the noble assembly starts making bad decisions - for example, if they start talking about invading Haegar lands again, I could vote against it, and my voice would be the voice of the Kingdom's Marshal but also the voice of a Duc with two vassals.

Finally, it should... Dissuade other nobles of attempting actions against the King. I believe my loyalty cannot be doubted; if I had you two as my vassals, that would mean three nobles who would beyond a doubt side with the King in a time of civil war. While I hope we will never have to fight other windlanders, it will serve as a reminder to to any potential traitor that the King has followers, and that they are powerful.

Of course, I cannot force you to accept. This is only a suggestion, for I think it would advance our interests as defenders of the realm."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #232 on: July 20, 2012, 02:50:25 pm »

Arborvent was the second biggest city of the country, but still merely half in size compared to the capital. However, whereas Stormstead was a cramped, murky affair on a swampy island, Arborvent was a large urban centre, with expansive central palza that connected directly with the docks on the shore. Tall merchant houses and big storehouses filled the place, clealry busy with delivery and shipping of goods form the south. Arendal river was the lifeline of the kingdom, but Almost half of the southern trade moved through Arborvent, which served as a merchant base halfway to the capital.

De Arborvent palace was within the vicinity of the plaza, with the side facing the city decorated richly and in a tasteful urban style, whereas part connected with he city walls resembled a castle, with both halves looking out to the sea.

"Marquis, its great to see you!"

Edgard welcomed his guest in the large chamber, wth sea breeze coming in through open windows.

"Be seated, please. I received your letter, and i thought it would be good to get in touch with you directly. There are some things i need to talk about with you..."

One could hear happy chatter and intense discussion between two young ladies, who were seated by the window, clearly busy with some gossip.

"Ah, those are my two sisters, Elise and Eleanor. I've still yet to figure out what to do with them. My parents, may gods bless their souls, didn't leave me any specific instructions. They seem just right for the Conricht brothers though.... Oh sorry, I got carried away. My dear Marquis, I wanted to see if you are after more help than mere investment from me.

He gestured with his hand, offering a seat at a table. Wine was brought and poured into cups.

"There is a lot of talk about war with Haegar, but I believe that southerners like us should try to steer clear off such affairs. We are obliged to serve our king and defend the realm, but I think its right to speak one's mind if war with the north will be nothing if foolish and damaging."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #233 on: July 20, 2012, 03:56:48 pm »

Thank you Duc, i already looked forward to this meeting

Harald mentally cringed at the Title fo Marquis, the Stonetrees had always styled themselves as Markgraf but alas the Reforms of the Iron Queen changed things.
Then he saw her: auburn hair, green eyes and a laugther that made him stare featherbrained for a moment. He quickly shook his Head and couldn't prevent a grin coming to his face at the remark of the Duc. Crafty bastard wanting to marry of his sister for a political alliance. And Harald couldn't refuse that he liked already where this was going.

The question remained whether he should play by the social norm and pretend disinterest or just be plain about it.
While he took a seat he eyed the room...and found it far richer decorated then his own Castle. Another thing that had to go to pay for reparations...he concentrated on the conversation at hand.

Duc, your family seems indeed to be blessed with beauties worthy of a king. Although such beauty would be squandered on our dear king, seeing how he keeps to his mistress. And i heard rumours that the Prince is a man of quickly changing tastes...although if i look at your sisters, such beauties would propably capable of taming both of them.

He grinned jockingly

ah well but i digress. I am completely of your opinion considering the Haegars, fighting them so much can be lost and so little can be gained. That's a simple equation some of our northern peers seem not to comprehend.

he grinned before taking a small sip from the wine. He had never been a particular fan of wine, being a sweettooth he preferred Haegar Mead, but nonetheless courtesy commanded to drink the offered.

Talking of Profits, i was wondering why you were considering the trade route as an too expensive investment?


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #234 on: July 20, 2012, 05:44:18 pm »

You better not put your hands anywhere close to them....

"Well, every man has his mistresses, but those are usually low-born women. I doubt that His Majesty could afford to mistreat sister of a Duc of Arborvent.I would expect a Marquis to know of social convnetions."

He looked in direction of Elise and Eleanor. The quicker he sends them to royal court the better...

"But enough about that. I would be very much interested in investing in your route, but alas, my recent expenses mean I'm all but spent probably until the end of the year. But there are ways of making money more quickly.
Tell me, what do you think of the western kingdoms along Arendal? I've heard a rumour about interfering in thier dispute to claim more land. I bet it would be an interesting thing to do, as opposed to freezing your bones off in the north."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #235 on: July 20, 2012, 06:50:21 pm »

Oh,  i hope that didn't come over as an insult, i actually meant...ah never mind. 

Harald sighed as he realized that he was talking himself into the wrong direction. After a quick look to Elise however he began grinning.

Herzog Arborvent, as i see it this war would be profitable for all of us. The problem is, to be frank however that it is expected of a Noble to lead from the front, or at least send a vassal. A notable vassal, not some unkown Hedgeknight. Alas, thanks to the Iron Queen this kingdom lacks quite the number of Nobles to fill up roles of Vassals. The Stonetrees had lost the Crowns, the Rockbottoms and Pickstreet...all extinguished. And when i recall it correctly Arborvent didn't fare much better.

If you don't mind i was never one for all that scheming and beating around the bush so i will say it directly: The Other Houses are propably all aligning themselves in a way that fits them, everybody has his little allies and i think the one or other will declare himself a vassal of the other. As for now i have no loyalities except to the crown of course. As i see it, you are the last in the line of Arborvent, you have no sons as far as i can recall which leaves your House dangerously exposed should you fall in battle. Of course it would be considered cowardice if you wouldn't fight at the front, except you would send a worthy and loyal vassal, of course of proper rank, like a Markgraf.

Harald took a deep draft out of the wine glass. What he did here was dangerous, the direct way he talked could deeply insult the Duc, but Harald had never been too fond of that cat and mouse game that most nobles seemed to like to play.



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Re: You are King III
« Reply #236 on: July 21, 2012, 01:55:40 pm »

Head to the audience with the king.

The King received both of them in the throne room...he reclined in throne comfortably, and was dressed in regal finery-the Dragonspine scepter lay in his left hand, and his crown was angeled rakishly on his head. All the marks of an idle and curious King seeking out something of interest to him, and he seemed to be enjoying the sight of the exotic Lady guard.

"Welcome, the both of you-Lord Rusty and Lady Dagger, I might call you? They seem so mundane titles, not befitting of your prowess.

Perhaps you really are Rusty, and the Lady is as sharp as a dagger-but I know many hedgeknights and travelling Lords keep their true names to themselves.

Windheath nevertheless congratulates the victorious champion of our Jousting tournament-and the cunning Lady, for upsetting Blauritter alone, if not achieving victory.

Now my interested is piqued. Announce yourselves as you would like to be known-I will accept whatever truth you think I deserve-and enjoy the hospitality of my hall, strangers-it's not every day our Lords are bested on the field.

Who are you? Where do you hail from?"
He asked.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #237 on: July 21, 2012, 02:16:29 pm »

Renart idly rubbed his beard, contemplating the matter on the consensus of war and connections. He was a servant to the King - to the Wielder of the Scepter, and now he would pledge himself to the King's brother.

A good choice.

"I am a follower of the King, and therefore, I accept with full heart, Lord Richard. If the nobility wants to wage war, then we should deliver it, but in the betterment of the realm and not for wanton glory."
He smiled before continuing.
"On the matter of troops and foreign lands, the ferrying of supplies to the front has always concerned me." Several maps and atlases caught his eye, mostly in the background. "Logistics, in short. War would come in the future, no matter how long, and I'd want to be prepared for it soon enough."

Attempt to train Logistics under Richard's hand.

"The nobility has grown over the years, and we will be making many enemies - those who secretly plot the downfall of our young monarch, in the worst case, yet affirming the people that we are ready to strive once more for a golden era.

"Lord Theor, what is your view on the matter?"


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #238 on: July 21, 2012, 02:30:11 pm »

"Who are you? Where do you hail from?"
He asked.

A dark venom, followed by darker thoughts raced through Rusty mind at the sight of the pampered king in his finery, and, as a result, his fingers began to tap on his side, a playful smile remaining on his lips, his eye never leaving the man. Under the bandages, his nose curled as if he smelt something rank. He swallowed, before speaking in a polite, crisp and respectful tone.

This should be mine...all of it...

“Rusty Lockham is how I’d like to be known, my other name is far too foreign, and has for where I hail, well, I hail from Elsewhere, Your Majesty. A land in the far south, farther south than Ampyria. A small nation...which is dead, now, of course. Has been dead for five generations of my family, which was forced to wander.” he paused then, taking a slow exhale and giving a bow, “Which was recently killed by a bandit lord to the south of your fine nation, just a bit away from the border.”

Kylila had bowed when her liege had bowed, but was otherwise still and silent throughout Rust’s speech, face carefully arranged into a blank, stoic expression. When he concluded his short tale, the former Knightess began her even briefer summarization of her origins, her voice calm and unemotional, save for the faint lining of respect along the edges, “I am Kylila Dagher, a former Ampyrian Knightess of Alaziz. I do not care to share the details of why I am no longer one- suffice to say that were I to return, I would not be welcomed with open arms. My life now is devoted to the Lockham family, which to my great shame has been reduced to only Rust.”
« Last Edit: July 21, 2012, 02:33:09 pm by filiusenox »
"No, I'm being obstinate for the sake of I hate you."


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Re: You are King III
« Reply #239 on: July 21, 2012, 02:49:14 pm »

The King felt something from the man's gaze. A certain restrained emotion. But, he was sure the man would not spin so full a fabrication as the death of his family. The King pitied him.

Albert smiled back, sadly.

"Well, that is a tragic tale you bring to this Hall, Lord Lockham...a pity this Bandit Lord lies outside our own borders, or we might be able to render justice upon him more easily. You have my condolences, as meager as they must sound to you-and my aid, if you wish to seek a measure of revenge.

And you, Ampyrian Knightess, your discretion is noted, and I do not hold it against you. All can see you still hold yourself with honor, and no matter your past, in these Halls you and the Lockham family will be treated as friends of the crown.

Which is to say, we do have occasion to feast most nights. Lord Lockham, might you be able able to attend? I would hear more of your story in a less formal setting. And there is great opportunity for advancement, for those willing to serve Windheath.

If you would like, I might arrange for my Court Bard to compose your story for all to hear during the fesitivites, and tell us of your families past glories and triumphs? It is the least I can do, that they not be wholly forgotten."
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."
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