Here we are. I set up the following positions for my first fly out. Skyranger hovering over the sea to see if I can catch some grounded UFOs.
Our stuff arrives! Hurrah!
Our first detection. Just a small.
Small UFOs don't hold up well against enemy missiles, and is promptly destroyed.
I equip all my interceptors with avalanche missiles. More damage, more accuracy, and a longer range. Makes escape almost impossible. Though they do cost more.
Our research finishes. The only other tech available is laser weaponry, so I pursue it. Our extra scientists are really kicking in.
I start up production of some motion sensors. I didn't purchase any engineers, so it will take awhile.
The first activity graph comes in. After that interception I would think she would stop going after S.A. I send my planes to scour over S.A.
I spot one of those dodgy UFOs. I try to set up an interception. It fails. However, we know her exact base location now. Right next to ours. Very nice.
Our research finishes, and I begin work on laser pistols.
She continues to pursue South America.
Our superior Avalanch missiles crash it. The nearby ground team catches them at the break of dawn.
This is my typical scout set up. Only one soldier had a good throwing arm, so he's our only scout.
Our tank starts our scouting. Our local sniper comes out and deals with the menace, to increase his FA and leave TUs in the tank to continue scouting.
Scout in the back takes a broad look. She should only have one Sectoid left. I suspect it's in the burning UFO.
I toss a proxy. It misses slightly. Not the best positioning, but it will get the job done.
I get too aggressive with the tank, and get caught out of position.
I try to clear the hedge aside, even using rockets, but its just too far away for our stupid recruits to get an accurate shot at it.
She has free reign to kill my tank. However, as I said in my last LP, plasma pistols suck. If I were her, I might have tried using up a few TU to hit the tank in the side, where it's more vulnerable.
The Sectoid is cleaned up with a rifle shot from our local grunt.
Flawless mission. Tanks repair instantly, so no damage done.
Another Small Scout sighted over South America. It is also annihilated.
Based on the activity, I've really hurt her. She's gotten the idea and switched targets. She's not doing much activity at her main base. Maybe she doesn't want to reveal it? Or somehow, she figured out we were right next to her.
I catch a medium scout landed in South America. The Skyranger meanders its way toward it.
Perfect defensive position for the UFO. It will be a hard nut to crack. I catch a Sectoid wandering the desert.
I pack everyone inside for the moment. I don't have a secure sense of where he is, so it's the safest thing to do.
A Sectoid inside the UFO takes a peak around, doesn't see anything, and ventures back in.
I place a Proxy at the front door.
The Proxy doesn't actually kill the Sectoid. It's this weird bug(feature?) where if you place a proxy in front of the door, it won't go off immediately and the Sectoid can escape. I was aware of this, but hadn't actually experienced it myself. This failure sets the tone for the rest of the mission.
I prepare for a double HE breach. I can see she's prepared for it.
I toss in all the explosives I have at this point, and lose a scouting Grunt. See that Sectoid next to the grenade? It doesn't die. Chairs have like blast resistance or something. It's so annoying.
I get a little...aggressive, since my explosives seem to do nothing. She picks off another grunt.
I lose my scout to a venturing Sectoid.
The Sectoid keeps exploring. It doesn't spot me in the smoke, and I promptly deal with it. I am also sick of these shinnanigans so I role in the tank.
I lose yet another soldier. Thankfully most of these are grunts...but still.
I roll the tank around and blindfire at the Sectoid's last known position, taking it out.
Pretty bad mission on my part. I could have avoided all those casualties. But that's X-com for you.
I also thought of a new plan for breaching UFOs(at least medium scouts, anyway). I'll have one HE to take out the wall, and have another HE on top of it. So when the HE explodes, it takes out the wall, and then the secondary HE blasts the inside to oblivion. Will need some testing, but hopefully it will work. Maybe I could even get a strong Grunt to toss the HE in the UFO on my turn, after the breach.
SummaryHere's where we're at. I've ordered the replacements, they should arrive next update. While I did pretty bad last battle, I've taken out 2 small UFOs and 2 medium. That leaves just one small for her initial fleet, and whatever she's constructed.
Also, sorry for the lack of energy in this update. Summer Heat just saps it away.