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Author Topic: Sanity's Eclipse -Turn 6; Revival  (Read 11788 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 3:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #60 on: June 20, 2012, 12:21:50 pm »

Desmond nodded along, looking at his bent iron bar. Was that...blood? Had he actually done that?

"Basement, yes." He agreed, not knowing who exactly was talking. It was like he was hearing an echo...

Ires. He had to protect her. Like he should have been protecting his sister.

Action: Disembark from the elevator and protect Ires while she looks for a weapon.

((OOC: Sorry for late post. :P *gets distracted easily*))
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 3:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #61 on: June 20, 2012, 12:31:08 pm »

((I'm starting to worry about Desmond's overprotectiveness of a stranger, mostly because he is attaching the image of his sister to her.

Unfortunate Implications.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 3:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #62 on: June 20, 2012, 06:40:44 pm »

TURN 4: OF Loot and Dissections
Alec massages his temples to try and calm his massive headache. Deciding that a course of action was needed to be taken, he takes a risky chance, and pressed the basement button without too much thought of what it could lead too.
Try to deal with pain, and press basement button
You click the button for the basement after everyone consents and then sit down on the floor for the long ride down.  (5) You try and cope with the pain but don't make much success, however nothing gets worse either so you count your blessings for now. Deciding to slip to your feet and check the armory along with most of the group, you manage to find inside (9) a Large .44 Magnum Pistol (3) however you can only manage to find a single magazine of .44 ammo, slipping it into the pistol you pocket the magnum.
items gained: Large .44 Magnum Pistol

"Basement's as good a place as any... Oh, and I downloaded the entire military database on these things. Thought I should mention that."

Run a search on the glutton to find the effects of exposure to its blood.
(2+2=4) You run through the military database searching for something that matches the gluttons description.  Finding something somewhat similar, but significantly less mutated, opening the file on whats marked '#21' which matched for the black blood, grey eyes and somewhat bloated appearance, you scroll through the various info that seems mostly useless like time for it to mutate from a normal person.  Finding what you want about its blood you proceed to read aloud to the group:

"Species #21 appears to have blood carrying toxins similar to a spider or spitting cobra;  Any contact with it's blood has caused even the toughest men to drop immediately into a comatose state, and for most cases even slight exposure has had an acidic effect on the skin it touches.  The blackness of its blood appears to quickly spread through a patients unconscious body, becoming extremely visible as the entire flesh turns dark purple before sloughing off like liquid.  So far time from infection to death has been at the longest 1 minute.'
There is a later update to the effect;
'It appears that those already infected with the disease avoid the acidic effects from it's blood, however so far none of the patients has regained consciousness even after 72 hours, I fear the worst.'  It is signed at the end, Agent 12.

Group Event:
(9) The elevator makes a hugely uneventful trip down into the basement of the 5 story complex.  The doors slide back to reveal a brightly illuminated room, the lights are not flickering at all in the basement.  It seems that there is some generator set up here, as the elevators lights flicker slightly.  There are blood streaks along the floor going from the elevator into a room marked 'Experimental Fac:Restricted Access level 5', the door hangs ever so slightly ajar.  On the other wall in the room is another door labeled 'Science Storage and Electronics'  next to that door is another one labeled 'Security Headquarters' and lastly on the far side of the room is the Armory's door which hangs wide open, the room inside looks empty of people but also appears to be a complete mess.

"You know what I would like right now, guys? A shotgun. Or a machine gun. Because, yeah. Those things? Totally fucked up, bro, I mean damn. And after we have some guns, what would be great would be a tank." A large, armored vehicle between himself and whatever the hell that was up there sounded very nice indeed right now.

Benny also votes for armory, where he looks for shotguns and ammunition for such.
(6, 8 ) As the elevator doors slide open you  cautiously walk across the vacant room and into the armory.  The place is a godawful mess, ammo and guns scattered everywhere, many broken or covered in blood.  It looks as though people came through and just ran off with everything they could carry but they did leave a large amount of the weapons stockpile, which previously must have been exceptionally impressive.  Rummaging through the mess you manage to fairly quickly find a Remington 870 (9) It doesn't take very long to find the shotgun ammo, or at least whats left of it.  You Manage to find a pretty good mix of shells but it seems to be the only ones left, 20 Shotgun Slugs, 16 Buckshot Shells and a handful of military issue Explosive Shells 6.  You also find a box of normal Shot-Shells 16.   (6) You manage to find one other shotgun, it appears to have been someones private arm and is a Sawed-off 12 gauge Shotgun
Items Gained:
Remington 870
20 Shotgun Slugs
16 Buckshot Shells
Explosive Shells 6
Shot-Shells 16
Sawed-off 12 gauge Shotgun

((Great, now my character is a literal monster bait...Yeah, tough luck. Since you mentioned the "memorizing" part, I'll take it my character has some idea of what may have happened. And are you keeping track of the Makarov's clip? The magazine sizes vary from 8 to 10 and 12 bullets.))

Mortimer reawakens inside the elevator and stands up, recovering the disciplined stance he had learned after so much time practicing military tactics. But he also knew he was probably not the same anymore.
He saw the creatures' eyes, and they had saw him; Mortimer felt as if they had somehow etched his face, scent and signature into their mind, sharing his characteristics between them. He took some time to check where the elevator was going before starting a conversation.
"Um, Basement? Yeah, I could have some of what they hid there. And some more firepower may prove beneficial, unless it has already been all exhausted."

The russkie examines his pistol, still maintaining his stance to prevent any missfires.
"I should also mention I think those creatures got something into me, like a tracking device of sorts. Not the physical one, of course, but you get the idea. Either that or they just got all my info and they'll track me to hell and back."

He stops for a moment.
"I am probably a hazard for the team. What do you think? I can leave you alone if you so wish. To be sincere, I know these monsters are beyond common sense. I may be more resilient to suggestion..."
He fondly remembers the memories of his father teaching him how to cope with pain and distractions under stress and at gunpoint. His lips form a slight smile. Old bastard.
"...But even if they do not break my mind, I'm sure they'll break my body sooner or later even if I follow you, since I'll be their prey. Either that or they leave me mostly unscathed and start to pick off each one of you to finally kill me when I am no longer of use. I may just be going crazy, but that is what I think. Bluntly put, I feel as if they are the hounds, and I have just became the rabbit."

He exchanges the barely used magazine for the fresh one, just in case he has to face an occasion where there will be no time to reload, pulling the slide and chambering another bullet with a sharp metallic sound.
"Well, this rabbit can kick and bite. Hard."

His eyes show steely determination. The youth really means what he just said; if he proves to be more of a problem to the team than he is worth, there is no problem in being left to fend off for himself. After all, there are five more lives on the line.

Exchange barely used magazine for unused one, prepare to shoot at anything dangerous. When the elevator doors' open, be the first out and secure the area before anything else.
You easily slip out the magazine with 8 shells left for the unused one with 10 shells.  As the doors open you walk first out into the room, and then cautiously head into the armory.  However nothing appears to be down here, the armory is a mess, with guns and ammo scattered everywhere.  You carefully sidestep a grenade laying on the floor, and picking it up check to make sure the pins all the way in, you pocket it. Frag Grenade safely away in a pocket, you head out of the armory and check the door(4) to the security room, finding it locked shut with a powerful deadbolt set in a metal door you look at the science storage room(3) and find it to be the same.  Heading over to the room marked 'Experimental Fac:Restricted Access level 5' you look closely at the blood streaks leading into the room, they don`t seem that fresh and (7) you do not hear anything from the inside of the room. (8 ) You carefully nudge the door open, wanting to make sure the whole basement is either safe or locked, and see where the blood streaks are leading.  The room's walls are covered with hundreds of broken pieces of scientific equipment, the destruction seeming methodical to destroy anything that whoever did this could not take.  However that is the least of your concerns, the blood streaks lead to a series of tables at the far wall.  In front of one on the ground is what appears to be the corpse of the scientist, hammer in hand, dead as he finished sabotaging the room.  (9 )On the table is what looks like 5 people who were captured just like your group, however they are filled with hundreds of tubes and needles, all but 1 look to be completely dead and dissected.  The women on the far table seems to be breathing, if only just, blood slowly continuing to drip from the table, creating a large pool beneath her, she is strapped down to the medical table with dozens of large leather straps, and her legs are chained together. (9) There is a large medical locker on the far side of the room beside the tables, it appears to still contain a decent assortment of medicines and bandages.  You stand nervously in the doorway, unsure of how to react to the macabre scene.

Ires huddled at the corner of the elevator, fingering her amulet while making sure that what she saw wasn't real. Those red gems, they must be connected to something else. Eyes? Lights?

No matter. She looked at the buttons, "The basement looks like a viable option, but Armories are mostly locked down by heavy security, and the research labs might...ugh, I don't even want to guess what else may have happened."

She took a breath before pressing a hand to her temple, kneading it for a while. "No sign of guards or other people, especially that strange Agent who helped us.

If we do take the basement, it may be empty. Likewise on the Quarters. Um, I'll just stay here and go with whatever you all pick.

"The basement, then. And don't forget headgear for the noise on those guns."

Concede to vote on the majority vote (the one that first gets 2 votes)

((Wut. 2 Ninjas!))

Be the first to exit, then examine the current surroundings and try to search for anything that I could hold as a weapon.
(5) You can't see anything obvious as a weapon in the main room, but you head off to the armory.  Despite your attempts to get there first, a few other people have already crowded in and began looting.  (10, 9) Regardless you quickly manage to find a Pair of Experimentally Modified Uzi's, you also find a few magazines for them 4x50 Size 9mm Magazines and 2x.45 ACP 16/16 Magazines.  The Armory is beginning to look quite picked through however, a lot of cases are hanging open with just empty shells and random pieces of ammo.
Items Found:
Pair of Experimentally Modified Uzi's
4x50 Size 9mm Magazines
2x.45 ACP 16/16 Magazines

Desmond nodded along, looking at his bent iron bar. Was that...blood? Had he actually done that?

"Basement, yes." He agreed, not knowing who exactly was talking. It was like he was hearing an echo...

Ires. He had to protect her. Like he should have been protecting his sister.

Action: Disembark from the elevator and protect Ires while she looks for a weapon.

((OOC: Sorry for late post. :P *gets distracted easily*))
(8 ) You act in as an impressive guard for Ires, and jump as she pulls a pair of Uzi's off of a back self that you didn't even notice.  You quickly hide your surprise at the beautiful twin weapons, and instead go back to guarding the entrance to the armory.  (1) Managing to trip on the way to the door you slam into the bench-boxes that were in the middle of the small armory, with a sound of cracking wood you slowly get back to your feet. (9) Not only are you okay, but it appears that you found the place the soldiers had been storing the spare clothing and helmets.  Reaching down you pull out a thick metal helmet, reminiscent of old war gear, and looking around a bit you find a few stiff leather jackets, some thicker jean type pants and two backpacks.

(5)The small armory is now mostly devoid of useable weapons and ammo, excepting a few scruffy boxes on the back selves and a large number of blood stained and broken weapons.
-It does however contain a large Box of army clothing and a few helmets, as well as two backpacks.


Science Lab:Contains 4 corpses of test subjects, 1 Live person strapped to a dissection table she is barely alive, 1 dead scientist.
                 -A Medicine Closet with some surviving supplies
                 -Everything else destroyed by retreating people



Local Safety-Elevator-Safe
5th Floor-Chaos
4th Floor-?
3rd Floor-?
2nd Floor-?
1st Floor:Main Hall/Defensive Zone/Entrance-?
Basement:Armory/Research Station-Safe?

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #63 on: June 20, 2012, 06:51:34 pm »

Realizing he had lagged in grabbing any useful equipment, Desmond decided to armor up as best he could.

Action: Armor up with a helmet, jeans and stick a thick leather jacket under my own. Grab a backpack too!
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #64 on: June 20, 2012, 06:56:46 pm »

Nab a backpack and some clothes, then head to the experimental facility.

« Last Edit: June 20, 2012, 07:15:03 pm by Sinpwn »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #65 on: June 20, 2012, 06:58:45 pm »

"Looks like I'm playing medic."

Nab a backpack and some clothes, then looting the medicine closet.
afaik the medicine closet is in the room with the 'corpses' and the half dead girl
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #66 on: June 20, 2012, 07:07:04 pm »

((So I should have added a "look for a SCAR-H" there in my action so I could get a shot at finding something. I did not know that the armory would be exhausted by only some of the PCs rummaging through it. :P))

((@Sinpwn: Yeah, only Mortimer has checked the room with the corpses.))
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #67 on: June 20, 2012, 07:08:54 pm »

((So I should have added a "look for a SCAR-H" there in my action so I could get a shot at finding something. I did not know that the armory would be exhausted by only some of the PCs rummaging through it. :P))

((@Sinpwn: Yeah, only Mortimer has checked the room with the corpses.))
((I did say there was sooooommmmeee things left ;), aka I did intend to allow everyone to find a weapon or two but 3 people got really good weapons rolls, and then a few badish enviro rolls.  Also there is still the security room if someone could figure out how to get in.))
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #68 on: June 20, 2012, 07:19:26 pm »

Benny loaded the Remington with slugs and put it over his back with the attached strap, then loaded the sawed-off with the standard shot. Next, he switched out his light jacket for one of the leather ones. Finally, he filled his pockets with the rest of the ammo, and put his knife away as well. One he was done gearing up, he went to the security room to check the lock, and whether he could kick it open / shoot the lock off - not that he would actually attempt the latter just yet.

"See, this is what I'm talking about. Now we just need to find a safe place or something."
SerCon Shorts: This Is How You Do It - Twenty-three one minute or less videos of random stupidity in AC:U, Bloodborne, DS2:SotFS, Salt & Sanctuary, and The Witcher 3.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #69 on: June 20, 2012, 07:24:48 pm »

Mortimer clenches his teeth slightly. He could handle monsters and abominations, but dissected - or even worse, possibly vivisected - human beings and that whole environment were something he had just been introduced to. His father had already taken him to a morgue and forensics labs "to learn not to fear the dead", as he had said. But the atmosphere here was simply different. The mangled remains he had already seen were different from those people. They were probably alive even as they were examinated, as that woman still is.

After the initial shock and the disappearance of the chill that ran across his spine, his eyes narrow and he returns to his usual antics, making sure his shooting stance is still perfect. He just knows that no matter what he tries, that woman will die, and that for all he knows, she could also become a monster just as he attempts contact. Even so, he clenches his teeth - for the knows he will attempt contact and will try to help her, no matter how stupid it is. His father would probably have told him to shoot her on the spot and ask for forgiveness later...But this is one of those moments he just hopes that being more good-natured than his father will pay off.

His feet move silently, imitating the expertise of a cat as he walks towards the medical supplies first while keeping the woman in his line of sight.

Take the medical supplies while keeping the woman in the line of sight. Afterwards, check on her overall state and if anything can be done to at least ease her pain before she passes. If she turns into a monster and tries to attack, leap backwards and hit her with two or three shots.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.


  • Escaped Lunatic
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #70 on: June 20, 2012, 10:20:32 pm »

Alec smiles while studying his new gun. It reminds him of the old one he used to own back in the day. Suddenly, he is flooded with memories of his past. The frightened look on the unknown mans face; the recoil of the magnum as he popped a slug into his skull. Those were good times, but unfortunately landed him a good 12 years in prison. Getting back to reality, Alec decides to suit up with some proper gear with the forethought of trying to cover as much skin as possible. That mishap back on floor 5 has gotten him a bit paranoid.

Suit up with an army jacket, gloves, and helmet.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 11:47:58 am by chrome1 »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #71 on: June 21, 2012, 06:09:53 am »

((That was a good read, everyone.))

((I'm starting to worry about Desmond's overprotectiveness of a stranger, mostly because he is attaching the image of his sister to her.

Unfortunate Implications.))
((Doesn't seem unfortunate for me, in context. A man has lost his sister, and he isn't attaching it per se, just that there is someone that has qualities that are similar to his sister: being a woman is a primary one.

And...we should stick together. And you don't know what Desmond's reasons are. :P))

Suit self up with Army helmet, coat, vest, pants (when nobody is looking :I), and a strap that could link to any baggage.

If Clara misses the backpack, grab it myself!  :P

Ires noticed a shadow loom over her as she picked up the Uzis, she looked back to see Desmond, standing by in a stoic pose, with his eyes narrowed and body straight up. Like a sentinel.

She looked over one of her weapons, and decided to hand Desmond an Uzi along with it's accompanying ACP rounds.

"Hey, Desmond. Found an extra that I think you might want...for protection."

After his response, she decided to move to Mortimer and help him with whatever needed to be done: either talking to the woman (after suppressing shock at her condition) or searching for medicinal items and more signs of those monsters.

But before all that, look for earmuffs and safety glasses.

"Does, um, anyone know anything on gun use? These things have a safety, right?"
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 06:27:32 am by Tiruin »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #72 on: June 21, 2012, 09:51:53 am »

((Technically Desmonds sister isn't so much dead a deliberately left hanging plot thread for the GM to use how he likes. :P ))

Desmond hefted the Uzi.

"Thank you...but, I've fired a gun, like...once before. Hunting with my brother. It's not too difficult...just, be careful with your ammo. You'd be surprised how fast these things run dry." He commented.
Dwarmin's fell gaze has fallen upon you. Sadly, Your life and your quest end here, at this sig.

"The hats never coming off."


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #73 on: June 21, 2012, 10:57:59 am »

Well I just completely finished the turn and then had my computer crash.... gonna start re-writing it i suppose... god damnit anyone know a good way to have like auto saves on typing fields?
I'm not gonna re-roll anything, just go through it quickly since that was bloody depressing to lose 2 hours of typing.
« Last Edit: June 21, 2012, 11:01:09 am by kilakan »
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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Sanity's Eclipse Turn 4:A Horror-Apocalypse rtd
« Reply #74 on: June 21, 2012, 10:59:04 am »

Lazarus add-on for Firefox. It really saves lives.
"Hey steve." You speak into the air.
"Could you guys also make a hamburger out of this arm when they cut it off? I wanted to eat it just for the sake of tasting it."
>That is horrible and disgusting. It will no doubt set you apart and create fear in your team mates. So of course.
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