Wow this is great! Also, new useful site for web design get!
It's really late over here, but I'll add some more stuff later. Love how everyone is working together.
Also, everyone who feel they can't mod: Just suggest things that fit any of the following categories and one of us can very easily fix it up and adding it:
// In this example we have
// 1 - something that can plain happen to you
// 2 - Colors
// 4 - Plural body parts, if it something not everyone might have end in ", if any". Other things you have such as "clothes" or even "friends" also go here.
// 8 - Weather, including strange weather such as raining strange substances or gravity reversing.
// 16 - durations, numbers of repetitions, or other indications of when somehting happens
// 32 - Single body parts, ahain, apend ", if any" when aproriate. Also may include other things you have one of, such as your family.
// 64 - things that can happen to a body part/ways a body part can change
// 128 - (implied by 1, suggest for that instead])
// 256 - (implied by 64, suggest for that instead])
Also, suggestion I'm not entirely sure I can pull of myself: we should add more categories, and separate out more comonly used things into the sentence template. For example, a "creatures" list and changing some templates to contain the "You turn into", and then you can use cretures easily in other ways to withote having to add them all over again.
Categories we might consider adding: "creatures" "proerties"(intelligence, strength, speed, sensitivity, hearing, density, sharpness), "temperatures"(might have other creative uses with some grammatical twists), "items/materials"(gems and jewlry, a kings feast, magical books), "locations"(in the room, on your person, in a two mile radius, all over the planet, the general vicinity), "people"(this one might be to complicated with posessives and pluralizing differing and stuff)(you, your family, everyone in [LOCATION]) "amount modifiers"(a lot, a little, by an incredible amount, slightly, more and more)
Longer term/less feasibly, we should look into being able to insert tags in any of the stings with a category-referring number, and have it replaced with a string from the corresponding category, recursively. This would mostly replace the templates. You could then do stuff like "You grow a [colour][creture][bodypart] on your [bodypart]" (and the roll for [creture] is "an abdomination half [creture] and half [creture]")