I still haven't, like... looked up a recipe... but I think what you're actually supposed to do is, like, make basic mashed potatoes, then lightly coat them in oil and bake/fry 'em a bit, so you have a crunchy-ish outside and a delicious potato-y inside.
I did not do that.
What I did was blend them, and on seeing the resultant consistency (applesauce, except potato! Which is not, uh. Not good, ngl, perhaps extra so because as usual I didn't skin the potatoes first so it was like... brown) attempt (poorly, this did not go well) to coat vaguely ball-shaped lumps of them in flour, then add a little oil and air-fry for ~20 minutes.
I, uh. Basically made edible but otherwise remarkably shitty potato cookies. They didn't taste great, the consistency was not potato-y goodness, they looked like someone failed baking a cookie (among other things there was still entirely powdered flour on the outside of some). Was fine with ketchup or cheese gravy according to the person that ate most of it, but, like. It didn't pass any muster except the technically-not-deadly one.
For what it's worth, I definitely should have done absolutely anything in terms of prep beyond "Hey, I wonder if I can blend a potato and roll it into a ball" (the answer was yes and no, respectively), I just... didn't. Fortunately I only malappropriated one potato for the experiment, the rest turned into the sorta' poutine I mentioned somewhere up thread (that, at least, was as delicious as usual. Even parboiled the potatoes this time for extra goodness.), so, like. It wasn't too much of a loss.
but seriously, don't puree a potato without a great deal more awareness of what you're doing than i had, it will not go well, potato does not appreciate being blended