Ask Steve if he has any idea on how to contain or shut down this thing. Meanwhile, try to use manip to stop the vibrating and 'calm down' the thing.Defense
((For boarders, it's mostly going to be close quarters combat, with stretches of ground with no cover, so I'd recommend taking some sort of shield with you. Also, maybe research metal foam canisters or grenades for sealing off side passages behind us, to prevent easy flanking, depending on the density and composition. Or, if metal isn't possible, some sort of expanding substance strong enough to withstand anything short of actual breaching gear.))
((Yeah, a shield might help for the more squishy among us. About the metal foam grenades (did you get that from ss13?): I'm not sure if that's technically feasible, but maybe we could use that sand? Not sure how strong that is or how much you get for a canister, but it'd be nice to see that thing used for once (while not eviscerating teammates, if possible).
((Lyra ==> Time constraints permitting, Mobile Reserve / Defense and I'm willing to join the boarding actions, but If the mission runs long I won't be able to participate so don't count on me for the endgame.))
((Very well. Be warned though, once it starts and if Lyra gets in a fight, it might not be possible to just let her go braindead without risk of death. Just saying, if you go on boarding action but drop out two turns in, I don't think she'll be safe just standing around in a firefight.))
((Although I'm definitely a threat.))
((Barking dogs...))
We could make little strips and patches of "desert" around key areas that need to be defended against soldiers. A sand trap is a common enough obstacle - it reduces mobility of soldiers and vehicles alike, so it wouldn't be altogether conspicuous. Until it was actually used, that is.))
((I dunno, what's the effective range on manipulating the sand like that?))
((I love how you guys keep complaining you cant do shit when auron ran around shooting sods in the face with lightning bolts at a +1 bonus despite a -2 conventional weapons penalty.))
((That's only because you had the money to use a weapon mount, turning it into an aux roll. He just started playing, so he doesn't have the funds to do the same.))
Anyways, if I had to choose a flaw, I'd say it's too vague. I never said it was a flaw you could do anything about, did I?))
((I could be more specific once:
-All players stated their preference
-I knew exactly what we have to work with (10 sods, 100 sods or several battle-ready regiments kinda makes a difference.))
-After that, I'd have to run several simulations to have a plan ready for all the possible attack plans they could use. Haven't got the time for that, so we'll just see once we get there. If I can get everybody divided into squads and those squads into fireteams, I'll be very happy.))