Not to mention Eloraam had all that functionality planned /before/ the other mods came out with it. As it turns out, it's hard to have completely unique ideas in a large group of modders! Who knew! Some other modders had problems with her there too - aaaand were able to clear them up with a simple civil discussion in which they discussed their future design plans for their mods.
I don't have a problem with him not going out of his way to make BTW compatible with other mods. It's a standalone mod, not meant to work with any others. Fine, I get that. I do have a problem with him going out of his way to make it incompatible with all others. I used to think he couldn't be nearly as bad as people said as well... Then I saw him pop onto the Forge IRC channel ranting. Is he a horrible monster, embodying all that is wrong with the community? No, that's ridiculous. But he is the most pompous self-righteous arrogant ass I have ever had the displeasure of meeting.
...And as for the 'freeshit mod complaining', uh... If someone wants a challenge, and installs a mod that makes the game more challenging. They are not then going to turn around and install one that makes it easier. That kinda defeats the POINT. Flowerchild would have you believe BTW is the only non-broken mod in existence, that everything else ever is some sort of horrible easy-mode evil that he must protect you from. Which is ridiculous from the start.