It's funny, I actually did have the basic 34.11 version ready a few days after my last post... but then I realized I'd have to do it twice more, for the Phoebus and Ironhand versions, and I just was not interested enough to keep going. I haven't even started on the 40.whatever version yet, and I'm starting to be pretty confident that I never will. Dwarf Fortress just isn't my passion any more.
Therefore, I am officially relinquishing control of the project to anybody who wants to take over for me, and who shares my vision for the mod. Someone who can keep the Modest Mod as the basic, universal mod that it is, and resist the temptation to add entirely new content or change the feel of the game (even for the better).
I'll be offering the right of first refusal to CryptoCactus in recognition of his hard work to keep the mod unofficially updated during my absence, but if he's not interested then feel free to put your name forward. If a number of you are interested, we could even do this by committee; I'll put my basic raws up on GitHub for people to work on and branch however they like. I can also stay on to offer advice on balance or why I made some of the choices I did, though I don't intend to do any coding of my own.
In the meantime, I have put up the basic 2.2 Modest Mod for 34.11 on DFFD. No graphics packs or new modules, I'm afraid. Not that people are still playing 34.11 much, but this'll be a sufficient base for your future work.