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Author Topic: The Museum: Adventure mode succession world (DF 34.11)  (Read 813644 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #120 on: May 20, 2012, 02:08:52 pm »

21 Opal, 1062

We've been traveling for a while now, haven't we, Meep? Have you had a good view of the countryside along the way? We've been following Mastrod's map which shows us where this Shootplunges place is, but we've been asking in all the hamlets along the way and no one has heard of it before. Isn't that weird? Right now we're in Lizardumber, which is a cool name, isn't it? and everyone is saying they don't know anything about a dwarf place named Shootplunges. I hope they're just typical lazy villagers who never left their hometown and that's why they don't know about it. I hope this fat pikeman isn't just lying or following a fake map or something, that would make me pretty pissed off.

Anyway we just had ourselves a good night's sleep and we're about to go to the spot marked on that map. I hope there's something there, something nice and rare and valuable that will make us famous forever. So far we haven't seeen anything dangerous, but I'm pretty sure that we could kill anything that tried to stop us.

Look, Meep, can you see it! That has to be it! There's something there, right where the mark is on that map. I guess Mastrod wasn't lying or stupid after all, even if he is still fat. He's not lean and strong like me and you are, Meep.


Okay, Meep. Be quiet now, okay? We're gonna sneak around just in case there's anything bad here, so I can bean it off the head with a rock before it even knows we're here. It looks like something bad might have happened. There's some stuff on the ground just thrown all over the place. That doesn't look like a good sign. I've heard dwarfs can get up to some stupid things like trying to steal metal from demons and stuff. Never know what might be around here.

*Gasp* -- look, Meep! Dwarfs! I wonder if they're friendly? Maybe they can tell us why all their stuff is all over the place? I don't see no cave or nothing here. I'm gonna send Mastrod to talk to one of them so I can hide, just in case.

Can you hear anything? Sounds like they don't have nothing useful to say. This guy says he's just a peasant, no family, no job, no nothing. Doesn't need help, doesn't want to come with us... He said something about this being a "fortress," though. Where is it? I don't see anything? Is this just some sort of strange crazy dwarf commune or something?

Aha! There it is, Meep! The entrance! What kinds of crazy things are waiting in here? I bet there will be a dragon or something. Then we can kill it and take its teeth and stuff back to that museum and get famous. Then everyone will have to love us and be nice to us all the time forever!

Hm... Looks kinda... Unfinished, don't it? Maybe something scary came while they were building and it's hiding deep inside, guarding its valuable treasure! We better find it. Keep quiet, okay?

(30 seconds later)

Oh. That's it.

So... Strange crazy dwarf commune then, I guess. Nothing valuable or even interesting at all. What a bunch of stupid jerks, putting their place on a map and calling it a fortress and not having nothing useful to show for it! And stupid Mastrod for dragging us all the way here for nothing! And stupid Muthro for not saying nothing and not helping at all. I guess we got to find somewhere else to find our treasure.

Oh, well. When we were coming here the people in all the villages and hamlets talked about lots of interesting stuff around here. Monsters and bandits and all kinds of things. Maybe we can find something useful in one of those places. I even heard theres some kind of tomb near here. I bet it's full of magic stuff we can take! Yeah, let's go there! Are you ready, Meep?

Yeah, me too.


Hey, what's that? Is that a skeleton?

Ugh! I've never seen a real skeleton before... Where did it come from? Is there something dangerous around here? I bet there's a huge monster living in this cave! Let's go have a look.

Nope. Nothing. Oh, well. I guess not every hole in the ground can be a monster's den. I guess we should move along.


We made it! This is the tomb. There sure are a lot of animals around here. But I bet we can kill them without even trying. Here comes a pissed-off-looking badger. I'm gonna throw one of these bolts at it!

Whoa! I take back all the bad stuff I said about Muthro! Look at him kick that badger's stupid furry little butt!

I knew Muthro was the right guy to take with me on this trip. I never even had to throw a bolt through that little critter's head! Muthro is hardcore. Now let's go explore this tomb!

This is it. The entrance. I got the lock opened with my sneaky skills. Here we go! We'll sneak around again just in case there's monsters inside. So keep quiet!

Wow... A real slab in a real tomb! It's got pretty marks all over it. I guess maybe it's writing? Maybe it says what dead person is here! But none of us knows how to read it.

Whoa, traps! Good thing I'm so quick, huh? You might have got hurt, Meep! Don't worry, I'll keep you safe.

Ew, more skeletons. I guess we don't have to fight anyone if they're already dead! Still, not finding anything cool in here. Gotta keep looking...

Hey, this is kinda cool! A really nice hood made from a shark's head! I think I'm gonna keep this for myself. The others don't seem to mind. They don't got my sense of style, you know.


It's a mummy! Holy crap it's attacking Muthro! That is the GROSSEST thing I ever seen in my life!

I don't think it sees us, Meep. Let's get it with my bolts!

Oh boy... It's not working. Let's get outta here NOW!

Muthro! NOOOOO!!!!! Run run run run run...


Journal of Meep the Small Shale Rock

21 Opal, 1062


Here lies Aira Mopsprayed the human with her best friend Meep and a rather nice new shark leather hood. For a little while, at least. Until someone comes to disturb her and her new master.


So that's it, lasted even longer than I thought I would actually, given I usually play demigods and still get killed pretty quick. I'll make a nice fortress over the next few days then upload the save. That may have been short, but it was FUN!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #121 on: May 20, 2012, 03:15:23 pm »

It was fun indeed,

So we've had 8 adventurers, only two of which have returned with loot.
I personally find our current stories of failure entertaining as well, but I can imagine some people might find it frustrating. Should we think about bending the rules a bit, or are people ok with the current situation?

It should be noted that people can use the knowledge from the books of life and death, and if we can get it to work, the vampire blood in the museum to get a better start..


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #122 on: May 20, 2012, 03:50:57 pm »

I would prefer to start with demigods or at least heroes. I don't see any benefit to making everyone use peasants - even demigods have a generally pretty depressingly short life expectancy and a peasant has almost no chance unless really incredibly lucky. Being a peasant just reduces the chances of survival dramatically as well as adding a lot more grinding time to the beginning before you can attempt anything interesting.

Also, turns would go faster if everyone didn't make a fortress after their adventurer dies or succeeds and retires. I think the actual adventuring part doesn't take too long. Maybe we should make a shorter time limit to keep things moving and give people more chances, or limit the number of fortresses that should be made (to save both time and file space - it's already a pretty big save).

In any case, I still think it's fun. I didn't have high hopes for success - adventurer games in general tend not to last too long for me, and half the time spent on them is just spent leveling up throwing and ambushing before I get into any real fights. I'm planning to start up another similar (though distinctly different) adventurer succession game, hopefully this week, if you don't mind me borrowing the idea and tweaking it a bit. I like the idea of adventurer succession games, and it would be good to have more of them around, with different rules and options for each one.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #123 on: May 20, 2012, 05:30:07 pm »

Sappho, don't forget to post the save for llamainaspitfire.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #124 on: May 21, 2012, 02:32:13 am »

Oh, snap.

I couldn't think of better story involving Silverywind.

You have done there a great job, Bralbaard! That story is approaching artifact level of quality.

I'll download the save and try to find the amulet, if your adventurer was killed somewhere in the middle of provided map. One tile on it equals 16x16 embark (or fast-travel outside of cities) tiles, right? And since 0.34 items are stored on those embark tiles, they're no longer being unloaded into abyss.

What about rules, I think Sappho's suggestion about rising possible 'hero' level good. Demigods are too mighty, so I think being able to start as hero will be a nice addition.

I can also think of adding ability to add interactions raws (if you can change/add them after generating a world, I'm not sure), somehow binded to artifacts, so they could have more use. Like, you can spawn with dfhack a 'inobtanium' boulder that will grant you some powers after you obtained the required artifact. That could be an interesting feature.



  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #125 on: May 21, 2012, 10:01:07 am »

I'll upload the save soon, just want to do a quick fortress first. I won't make it anything complicated, don't have the time and don't want to increase the save file size too much, but I think it'll be good to have more places to explore. I don't expect to take long - this is a busy week for me so I'll probably just do what I can tonight and leave it at that. At the latest I'll finish it Wednesday I think.

Maybe we should put the starting adventurer level up for a vote? I would vote even demigod as OK (I've yet to have an adventurer I'd consider "mighty" - but maybe I'm just not a good player!) but of course I'll be fine with whatever the majority wants. Maybe this will come around and I'll take another turn. :)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #126 on: May 21, 2012, 01:14:12 pm »

There's no need to upload your fortress that fast, it's only a day since you started your turn, so there's no reason for people to get impatient already. Also I would not worry about file size too much. Without new and interesting fortresses the world would get boring quite fast, if it comes at the cost of extra file size, I'm fine with that.  We may have to find another host if file size goes above 100 mb, but then, the file depot is quite slow, so that may not be a bad thing. 

About the level of our adventurers. I think we'll go for hero right now, demigod seems a bit excessive. If hero-adventurers still don't survive, we could go up another level, also, I guess someone could collect a barrel of huskifying dust, that and the books of life and death should make adventuring easy.

In any case, I still think it's fun. I didn't have high hopes for success - adventurer games in general tend not to last too long for me, and half the time spent on them is just spent leveling up throwing and ambushing before I get into any real fights. I'm planning to start up another similar (though distinctly different) adventurer succession game, hopefully this week, if you don't mind me borrowing the idea and tweaking it a bit. I like the idea of adventurer succession games, and it would be good to have more of them around, with different rules and options for each one.

I would love to see more adventure games, I might even join in a couple of months (will be too busy for the next few )

« Last Edit: May 21, 2012, 01:18:20 pm by Bralbaard »


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #127 on: May 21, 2012, 04:20:32 pm »

There's no need to upload your fortress that fast, it's only a day since you started your turn, so there's no reason for people to get impatient already. Also I would not worry about file size too much. Without new and interesting fortresses the world would get boring quite fast, if it comes at the cost of extra file size, I'm fine with that.  We may have to find another host if file size goes above 100 mb, but then, the file depot is quite slow, so that may not be a bad thing. 

About the level of our adventurers. I think we'll go for hero right now, demigod seems a bit excessive. If hero-adventurers still don't survive, we could go up another level, also, I guess someone could collect a barrel of huskifying dust, that and the books of life and death should make adventuring easy.

In any case, I still think it's fun. I didn't have high hopes for success - adventurer games in general tend not to last too long for me, and half the time spent on them is just spent leveling up throwing and ambushing before I get into any real fights. I'm planning to start up another similar (though distinctly different) adventurer succession game, hopefully this week, if you don't mind me borrowing the idea and tweaking it a bit. I like the idea of adventurer succession games, and it would be good to have more of them around, with different rules and options for each one.

I would love to see more adventure games, I might even join in a couple of months (will be too busy for the next few )

Forgot about the fortress thing; forgive me if I came across as impatient. By all means take your time. I think this is shaping up to be one of the more interesting worlds. I suspect that the humans will start to succumb to old age en masse soon, leading to more incidents like the one that Bralbaard encountered on his return from Silverywinds.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #128 on: May 22, 2012, 02:04:07 am »

Sounds fun, turn please!
So now all we've got to do is to put a couple of grannies into the LHC and smash them against each other at relativistic speeds. Lather, rinse, repeat until we got results.


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #129 on: May 22, 2012, 01:29:31 pm »

Maybe this will come around and I'll take another turn. :)

I'm not sure if you requested a turn here, but since I really enjoyed your story I've interpreted it as yes. Feel free to correct me.
I also added Edosurist and myself to the turn list.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #130 on: May 22, 2012, 01:42:42 pm »

i just wanted to drop by and say that i made a little script (should be in newest dfhack) that puts items dropped in same tile as a table to be placed "on" the table, just like in shops. Little cosmetic thing but i think this could use it

Edit: just backup before using (as anything in dfhack), i tested it and it worked ok, it should not crash or corrupt anything, but better safe than sorry.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #131 on: May 23, 2012, 10:40:45 am »

i just wanted to drop by and say that i made a little script (should be in newest dfhack) that puts items dropped in same tile as a table to be placed "on" the table, just like in shops. Little cosmetic thing but i think this could use it

Edit: just backup before using (as anything in dfhack), i tested it and it worked ok, it should not crash or corrupt anything, but better safe than sorry.

Wow, good job!


  • Bay Watcher
  • AKA Aira; Legendary Female Gamer
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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #132 on: May 23, 2012, 01:27:38 pm »

I'm still working on my fortress. It turned out to be more complicated than I thought so I guess I'll take another day or two after all. But hopefully nothing will go horribly wrong and I'll end up with something nice. :)

By the way, I'm over a year in and haven't gotten any artifacts yet. I haven't played much fortress mode in a while but I seem to recall them happening more often than this - should I be worried or do I just need to be patient?


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #133 on: May 24, 2012, 12:34:34 pm »

Nice game so far.

I will take a turn, if possible.

Edit -And a turn in Sappho game , if he starts one.
« Last Edit: May 24, 2012, 12:40:25 pm by Broken »
In a hole in the ground there lived a dwarf. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a dwarf fortress, and that means magma.
Dwarf fortress: Tales of terror and inevitability


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Re: The Museum: Adventure item quest (adventure succession game)
« Reply #134 on: May 24, 2012, 08:16:43 pm »

Nice game so far.

I will take a turn, if possible.

Edit -And a turn in Sappho game , if he starts one.

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