Nope, no regrets. Frustrations here and there, sure, there are some bugs with traffic pathing that can lead to certain things grinding to a halt, but they're minor bugs that I imagine will be solved sooner rather than later.
For my part, and keep in mind that this is likely as much because I'm playing it with friends as anything else, I'm having an amazing time. One of the biggest hurdles for me was overcoming the smaller scale, but once I decided to look at it from a different direction, that being the district vs whole city thing I was talking about in my last post, it actually started to feel pretty good. The game is made to be played across multiple cities though (either controlled by yourself or others), much more so than Sim City 4. The overlays and charts/readouts help a lot in seeing what's moving where, and I felt the addition of things like mining and manufacture really brought something good to the table. It was an example of a positive change, in my opinion, over the other games, and I've had a lot of fun working with my friends to produce certain products; in this case, TV's, which in turn, required processors, which in turn required plastics and alloys... which I've chosen to get through a militant recycling regime!
It wont e for everyone, obviously, and I can't even say that people are getting hung up on the fact it's made by EA. This game does have its flaws, no denying it, but at least as far as I'm concerned, I'm having fun. Lots and lots of fun, and my enjoyment is only likely to increase as the bugs get ironed out.
I haven't read back through the thread yet, but if there's a group of us who're playing we could consider setting up a private region on invite only, and all claim a city there so we can work together