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Wait for Next Version, Use current (.40.24,) or use older release (.34.11?)

Wait for the next release. I want usable mugs damn it!
- 55 (71.4%)
We can use the current one. I like the big trees and slightly smarter dorfs.
- 17 (22.1%)
I'll take .34.11 thanks. I want to know I'll get to kill things for sure.
- 5 (6.5%)

Total Members Voted: 77

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Author Topic: [34.11] Spearbreakers - It shudders and begins to move  (Read 2254530 times)


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4530 on: August 17, 2012, 02:50:34 am »

21st Obsidan, 207. Intermittant entry.

The enemy is dead or fled, save one spawn fruitlessly trying to crawl into the fortress and is now dragging itself along with its guts trailing out. I sent Fischer to deal with it. I honestly almost felt bad for it. It could only really glare and think angry thoughts since it was clear most of it's limbs weren't functional, and Fischer removed the ones that did. She also tore it's fractured heart out and kept it as a trophy.

Rose also introducded me to some... Thing. She calls it Halen, some kind of shadow creature. She doesn't remember where he came from or so she says, but when she showed the rest of my guard detail the shadowy little thing Crusher freaked out and put a dent in my floor when he tried to squish him, rather fruitlessly. My guess is it's some kind of  forgotten beast the attached itself to her in her youth. At any rate, and as creepy as it is, so long as it stays attached to her I don't give a damn what it is. Crusher doesn't seem too fond of it though.

22nd Obsidian, 207.

Some other poor bastards want to pick a fight with us. Goblins this time. Why they think this is a good idea I'll never know, since they had to have passed fleeing spawn on the way here. The enemy seems led by a trio of pike masters and a spearmaster. perhaps we're making an impression? I can only hope we can crush them before my term ends. I've only a week left. To the tower!


[Wasn't quite all of them but damn close]

Not nearly as numerous as the spawn assault force was, but still. I had to dig through our force rosters to see who'd be best to tackle this. 1st and 2nd were in pretty rough shape after the last attack a few days ago, and I don't need them overworking themselves. Fischer protested, say she was fine to fight, and because of the whole... bear incident, I really don't want to argue with her. Besides, as we face the living goblin, a case of pointy stick induced head trauma won't be survivable.

Awl and Skewer struck first. Fischer was going to lead but I ordered her to rest after that mess the other day. The poor troll didn't know what hit it as Skewer punched a hole in it's head with his pike. Jack claimed the next, the beast trying to flee and running right into him, only to have its skull split down the middle with an axe sticking out.

Two trolls managed to isolate Dicer, our latest Adamantine Cross recipiant, by throwing him from the group; he tried righting himself twice only to be knocked down, but thankfully his squadmates came to his aid. Skewer claimed the third kill of the battle, destroying the troll's ankle with his pike and delivering a vicious curbstomp to its head to silence the yowling beast. Niccolo claimed the next, pinning the troll who'd thrown Dicer to the ground by it's hand and moving fast enough to bring one of the spikes on the pike tip down on it's skull. Awl and Skitara brought down another, with Skitara diving on the troll and sending a pike up through it's head from what I could see. Folowing that Niccolo jump on the next, and smashed his pike through the foul monster's head. He then chased down another troll, took out it's legs with a sweeping bash and a stab, and ended the miserable wretch with a good firm pike-thrust to the head. Jack killed the last troll, gutting it like a fich, then grabbing it by it's guts and removing the ugly cretin's head from its shoulders.

[I couldn't get a good screen cap of the remains of the battle with the trolls.]

[Fischer's First vs goblin mace squad. WHO WILL WIN.]

Terrahex, in accordance to my orders, sounded for the first to gather thier wits and prepare to face the first group of properly armed attackers. Trolls, while large, aren't very smart nor do they fight with weapons. Goblins, this squad lead by a pikemaster on the other hand...
Jack and the others held thier position for a time, catching thier breath before Jack bullrushed into the goblin horde-

- and utterly flatened thier sergeant. When he first collided he took a hand and a foot from the goblin, buy I fear he may have signed his own death warrent, as he can't fight that many goblins alone. One struck at him, but jack batted the attack away and severed the sergeant's leg. He'll own that kill as that goblin will never survive that. The macegoblins seemed to scatter as thier sergeant ceased to scream in pain. However Dauros would have none of that and brought down another goblin, its screams echoing into the fortress a good ways. Skitara and Dicer claimed a mace goblin too. Jack was beyond my field of view but I saw him run down one more particularly unlucky goblin as well.

The 1st withdrew after that, the enemy regrouping to bring the remainder of thier force to bear. 1st squad cleaned up, got a change of clothes and are awaiting Colonel Fischer before they rejoin the fray.

23rd Obsidian, 207.

We saw Fischer heading for the front gate, well rested and ready for battle. She called her men as several of us headed for the tower to watch the coming bloodbath. Skitara was particularly overzealous, probably wanting to prove herself to Fischer properly, since she only felled the hive king long after Fischer had rendered it a cripple. As the rest of the squad closed the distance Skitara had injured three goblins, though a  fourth tried to stab her in the back, only for Fischer to come in yelling "NOBODY STABS MY BOYS IN THE BACK!!!" The statment being somewhat ironic, as Skitara is a woman.

Fischer rammed full force into the goblin, smashing Splashslowed into the goblin hard enough to knock him unconsious, but sadly not killing him until a proper thrust to the head was delivered. Niccolo joined the fray shortly after, shish-kebabing a goblin's head head as Draignean came bounding in, dive-tackling the enemy sergeant. The spearmaster kicked Draignean off, and as he stood to try and kill him, he found himself with a sudden addition to his skull: Awl's pike. The swordgoblins, with several of thier number dead and thier sergeant no longer alive to maintain discipline, comepletly broke. A goblin was heard shouting "Leave the wounded behind!" he was sileneced when Fischer stabbed him in the throat and Skitara stabbed him in the head. From my count, only four of them escaped.

24th Obsidain, 207.

We're back on the tower again journal. We can see the last goblin strike team heading for the main gate. Excluding Dicer and Jack, thi- What the.... AHAHAHAHAHA THEY'RE RUNNING!!! And then Rodge threw a party to celebrate the victory. Hah, this Obsidian was truly glorious for us journal... Stova seems pleased as well. Now I just need to ride out the last few days of my time as overseer here, and as per tradition I can pass  Overseership along. My namesake would be proud of our soldiers.

1st granite, 208.

Spring has come without further incident. I'm positive there were two more magma splatter related deaths, but here's our current state of affairs:

Personal note, give a copy of this page to the next overseer.



So, things I got done

Beat back two sieges in obsidian
Built a surface farm
Builts an overland statue garden
Laid the foundation for a silver-porcelin hand clawing out of the bloodplain
Cleaned up then recluttered the surface with piles of dead spawn and thier teeth.
Showed the effectiveness of a candy helmet.
Built a literal statment of FUCK YOU on our front lawn
Drove away Paintbrush. I don't apologize but this isn't an achievment.
Prepared firing zone for the assault on hell. There's a lever to operate a bridge to seal the demons (and miner unless you wanna fastdwarf him out) at the mercy of our marksdorfs. You'll know it when you see it.
Built a jail.. The bottom lever and the lever in the office operates a set of bars to isolate the guard barracks, the top one operates the outer one to stop prison breaks.
Made us a county.
Began training personal dorf and bodyguards for battle the normal way.

I've archived the game and will be uploading it on DFFD later today. Now I'm going to use my own copy to  see if my plan for Operation: EVICTION will work. I will be fastdwarfing the miner out just for the miner's sake.

Things that need doin'.

Cull the animals. We have a ton. The dogs and any other fighting animals can stay. Thin out the rest.
Breed more giant emu for battle.
Make a proper magma garbage can.
Rework the forgeworks to keep magma related deaths from happening.
Clean up the trail of blood Asea left when he went to the hospital.
Start a war with the elves
Make more bins to store the unending volume of shit in.
Make more bins to store the ludicrous amount of fuel we have in.
Make more bins to store the mountains of metal bars we have in.
Make a second storage space for the piles of shit.
Make more ammo for Operation: EVICTION.
Train moar pikedorfs.
There's more to do, but that's just what I think needs the most attention, both for clutter and safty.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4531 on: August 17, 2012, 04:23:22 am »

[Yes, a fucking bear SLAMMED INTO FISCHER and bounced off. BOUNCED OFF. She's is a living tank now. Because a bear is what, twice the size of a dwarf and twice as nasty on average?]


The fight continued, with the bear knocking over Fischer in her already stunned state, she quickly righted herself, and I saw her stick her head within the very maw of the hive king and came out with his teeth. HIS TEETH. AND SHE SPAT THEM IN ITS FACE.
Holy CMOA, Batman! :o Fischer has truly become an unstoppable killing machine. Too bad she didn't quite seal the deal on the hive king though, but at least she's still alive and un-spawnified... You had me worried for a while there. Thank the Gods for that candy helmet.

So, we got a second "This is Spearbreakers, bitch!" weather type: It is raining Spawn of Holistic teeth!
Oh, no, wait, that's just Fischer doing her thing.

Also, war Badgers?! D: The horror... It could only get worse if they had war Giant Badgers.

Good job trouncing that siege, Splint. Looks like you kept it together way better than I did with those damn necros.

As for the great choppy stuff debate, I'll just point out that this is, ultimately, Splint's show and the starting guidelines were pretty strictly that pikes were to be our "thing", at least as much as the mugs turned out to be, so there. Same thing with the whole "no magma-based weapons, ever" dealio.
Certainly you could argue that DF is a lot like The Sims, only... you know... with more vomit and decapitation.
If you launch a wooden mine cart towards the ocean at a sufficient speed, you can have your entire dwarf sail away in an ark.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4532 on: August 17, 2012, 04:43:18 am »

The main issue with magma: I don't mind us using it for garbage disposal but we'll need to build a porper magma dump. But FPS is already spiking sporadically and whenever anything that flies enters the map it drops pretty badly. Any magma based weaponry would be horrible on FPS in multiple ways. Plus dwarves have a tendency to die in accidents building such things.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4533 on: August 17, 2012, 05:00:46 am »

Oh man, I didn't realise Fischer Price became such a superman.

Which is awesome, because at one point in my turn he got dragged into water by a Spawn and nearly god damn drowned.
Mitch cancels sleep: Interrupted by Clowns


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4534 on: August 17, 2012, 05:06:26 am »

It's stuff like Fischer somehow avoiding drowning and not being killed despite being out cold in the middle of a battle that makes her our memetic badass.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4535 on: August 17, 2012, 06:55:39 am »

Whoa... Fischer is seriously badass. lol     And that spawn siege was about four times as large as I thought it'd be... you think we made them mad? :P
I'm surprised we survived. It definitely had something to do with the axdwarves. :( Oh well. Though... we probably wouldn't have survived if it hadn't been for them. As Spawn bites are guaranteed to turn dwarves, them getting to our civilians might easily have been the end of us, axedwarves or not.   Especially if those dwarves were wearing armor. Danger room'd turned dwarves will be practically undefeatable, I fear... Not to mention how many bites they'll be able to land.

Very, very awesome updates. :D Epic job as usual, Splint.
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4536 on: August 17, 2012, 07:14:52 am »

Sadly it was because of the axedwarves. Like I said before, they aren't supposed to be the redshirts but I've had to call on them dimply due to sheer numbers and the games battle AI thinking every single creature needs it's brain to live. Why exactly they bother attacking already disabled limbs is beyond me too. That's stupid even for this games AI.

Gonna go ahead and upload the save on DFFD. I'll post the link when it's done.

DFFD was being an upitty ho, so I used gamefront instead. Enjoy whoever's next.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4537 on: August 17, 2012, 10:38:01 am »

fischer is female? holly fucking hell.

no really, it said that fischer is female!
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4538 on: August 17, 2012, 12:49:14 pm »

fischer is female? holly fucking hell.

no really, it said that fischer is female!

yeah, Splint said that in the OP, explaining why Fischer wasn't used for dwarfing.
EDIT: or maybe it was some other post, my memory's a bit fuzzy, but I definitely remember reading that somewhere early in this thread.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2012, 12:57:17 pm by soulslicerjames »


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4539 on: August 17, 2012, 03:12:33 pm »

300-odd pages ago dude.
Highly Opinionated Fool
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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4540 on: August 17, 2012, 04:46:20 pm »

Page 1. Fischer is openly stated as female. It is also stated she had been NPC'd because I didn't wanna genderbend The Master or Draignean. Her gender would be alternatingly confusied between overseers because we've personified her as more masculine. I am honestly afraid what would happen if she were allowed to breed. A family of bloodthirsty lunatics being sicked on the enemies of dorfdom sounds just plain cruel.

But regardless, Fischer be this fort's memetic badass now.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4541 on: August 17, 2012, 04:49:28 pm »

I am WAITING for Fischer to get "lover" status on a dwarf'd dwarf.

"Dear diary, I have been officially made into a manbitch. Help me..."
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4542 on: August 17, 2012, 05:19:59 pm »

I feel like I should lock your dwarf and Fischer in a nice apartment with some food, nice furniture, and nothing for her to do but freak your poor dwarf out with war stories.

And when she claims you as her manbitch, the fortress will collectivly shit bricks.


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4543 on: August 17, 2012, 05:23:18 pm »

Don't torture Fischer like that. Don't..
Jacob/Lee: you have a heart made of fluffy
Jeykab/Bee: how the fuck do you live your daily life corai
Jeykab/Bee: you seem like the person who constantly has mini heart attacks because cuuuute


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Re: Spearbreakers - Madness. Mayhem. Mugs. (34.11)
« Reply #4544 on: August 17, 2012, 05:26:32 pm »

We must ensure the line of badassery continues somehow.
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