Sorry about the wait, I've been a bit frazzled with school lately (4 hour long high-level math exam). I'll modify this post with update when I'm done.
Year 205, the rule of Mitch
Chapter 6: Holy Shit
Uh-fucking-oh. My first real Spawn combat situation; and with half the squad selecting new pieces of armour, four in the hospital, and Fischer on the surface chasing down a Spawn Master Thief right into the ambush. Luckily, my suggested trap was actually installed, though not finished (just in case they get in).
Here's how it works; Spawn are fast and strong, and standard weapon traps are usually just stepped over or broken by the more intelligent Spawn. My idea was this; the Spawn charge through a narrow hallway, and a lever is pulled. Gears shift, and per square meter of floor rise ten iron spikes, menacing, jagged and stuck to by bits of gore. Surely a Spawn couldn't even dodge a veritable wave of sharpened iron, and would either jump to its death or be impaled.
There is, of course, one flaw in my plan. No one can pull the stupid lever. Why? Because we're so under-populated from all the racist immigrant genocide previous overseers allowed, there isn't a single person watching it. I decided to remedy the situation by assigning a peasant to watch the lever 24/7.
And the matter at hand; Fischer is caught alone, against seven Spawn This will end... badly. Rally the troops?
16th Felsite:Fischer leads the Spawn away from the fortress, he seems to be running away. Strange. Also, I can conform that Spawn are immune to black mamba bites, as the Master Thief Spawn is not keeling over and dying from the sloth bear/black mamba attack.
A second ambush! Man the lever, guy!
Fischer is caught and is fighting a losing battle, not hit yet thankyfully.
Draignean has exited my makeshift backdoor (hadn't yet floored it over, it was the garbage dump), to fight the Spawn Master Thief that was caught earlier. Fischer is still caught in a clusterfuck of jaws on legs. He might not make it. Meanwhile, the spikes tear a few of the Spawn various new holes, yet despite getting a spear to the
head, they're not going down.
Fischer entered a martial trance, and became a blur of dwarven fury; a losing battle of dodging turned into a tornado of strikes, bites and kicks. It would be more effective if we gave him a proper quality adamantine pike instead of a low-quality steel one. Draig is closing in on the battle! We might have a chance to save them!
Fischer has lapsed back into his dodge-dance, and a few prepared dwarves have left the hole to assist. They're too far behind. Three Spawn remain at Fischer whilst two Spawn distracts Draignean.
This is... poetic justice.
And the reinforcements are here! They quickly take down the two Spawn blocking Draig, whilst Fischer... kills all three Spawn on his own. This is incredible! Fischer just got into a fight with seven, fought for two days straight, killed five, and came out with only a few bruises! If this is not an Armok-sent miracle, I have no idea what is. A hero's celebration is in order, right after Simon Tam deals with those pesky elves who probably brought them here.
18th Felsite:This isn't just a victory for Spearbreakers, but me as well. The nobles and higher-ups have been congratulating me on my military victory, and people are starting to ease into my way of thinking. Soon, my rooms for the nobles will be complete and then no one will resist my rule, and my Great Plan will be enacted.
In other, miscellaneous news, bought all the animals, ropes and booze I could from the elves. Gave Draignean's extravagant housing to the hammerer, made a room fit for a baron, started installing additional spikes. It's a good day!
You will not believe how close Fischer came to dying. At one point he got knocked into a pool and started to drown.