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Author Topic: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 14 Signup - TT S6, SF  (Read 261160 times)


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 2
« Reply #495 on: December 07, 2012, 10:54:36 pm »

Lee Young Ho is not a beast. He is the Ultimate Weapon.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 2
« Reply #496 on: December 08, 2012, 02:57:50 pm »

"A rematch? Thisssssss early?"

This time, the Breakers have an extra wad of cash, practically doubling their team value as over one million gold coins are available to be spent. On the flip side, the Stormers have their hard-hitters back, although coach Charmander, as he's known, is still debating on the prospect of a Krox hire. Nonetheless, apothecaries alike get a rather substantial donation from the Breakers' coach, as well as the Halfling Master Chef returning to the fray. A pair of freelancers and a metric tonne of drugs round out the roster, but whether it'll be enough is a big question.

Given last result? Probably.

The dwarves win the toss and elect to receive, as a full compliment of lizardmen line up to receive the shortarses. Against them, however, is the rather intimidating deathroller - despite being flagrantly illegal, the ref isn't about to get close while the engine's running, and running hard. Immediately the skinks charge at the onset, with Novv heading deep fast, but being brought down by a drugged Forsaken. The dwarves quickly pound the sauruses down under the might of a lot of shortass muscle, and most of the skinks find themselves on their backs as the dwarves run over them. Kaian collects the ball without worry.

In response, the saurus line hops up and drives back, bouncing off the stocky side's... well, stockiness, but there's little the lizards can do save for Novv running forth to hassle Kaian. For his efforts he gets smashed to the floor as Kaian moves to set up the immortal box. And it might as well be immortal, despite the skinks having a full complement of muscle... although the skinks start taking themselves out as Ravv smashes his face against Ivefan and gets knocked out for his trouble. Nirr soon joins him as he is sent spiralling off the pitch with a combined shove from Sneaky Pete and Forsaken, but a rather obvious crunch to the head of Rexx leaves him unconscious and the Deathroller with an early sending-off.

Seizing the opportunity, the weight of Saurus breaks the still-forming box, and a tackle from Novv lets him recover the ball and hold it, firm, in his claws, while the rest of the skinks converge on his position to back up Novv for the impending counter-tackle. Forsaken promptly slips away from Tyrr, bolstered by drugs, and the ball leaves Novv's claws and hits the astrogranite right in the midst of skink and dwarf alike. Japa fails to maneuver enough to slip from the swipes of Takk. Although the skinks manage to shove the dwarves away, a scrambling Garr can't get a good enough hold to the ball and it skitters enough to land by the prone feet of Japa... and as Garr lands on it, the ball bounces to the feet of Mejj. Weyy gets a stomp that knocks him out from Greatorder, while a couple of combined shoves sees Tyrr first snatch the ball sent skittering, and then seeing him brought down with a punch from Girlinhat. While the shoving goes rather unsuccessfully, a scrambling Tyrr gets ahold of the ball, and thanks to his experience, hurls it over the dwarf line straight into the claws of Novv, who takes the opportunity to score, rather dumbfounded he managed to get the ball in the first place.

All three unconscious Stormers manage to get up, and the teams take to the field with a little less than half the half to play. Tyrr kicks off with an embarrasingly short hood, and despite the wind picking up for a brief moment, there's little remarkable about the kick. Jarr goes down hard as Forsaken receives the ball, though. He shifts back, once more forming a box for the Stormers to break forth, as the dwarves resort to underhanded tactics once more to try and stop Rexx from getting up. For all their efforts, though, the Stormers can't break the mass of dwarves despite their best efforts. Weyy moves to support the line, but goes down with a sharp crack that signals the end of the match for him, while Nirr follows him with a shove off the pitch. While Kaian makes a scramble for the line, he fails to make good on the pass hurled to him by Forsaken, and it bounces gently to the floor by his feet. A triple-skink assault from Irzz, Tyrr and Garr put him down as Garr recovers the ball, moving back safely to deny the dwarves a chance to score. While Japa gets knocked out by Rexx, Ravv imitates him trying to slip past for a late, late-game play.

With too little time to score for either team, the pitch settles down into a general beatdown, the dwarves expending a lot of effort to try and cheat the skinks out of important things, like consciousness, while Garr spends a few precious moments seeing if the ball can be thrown. It can. Tyrr receives, but the inagile Rexx just has the ball bounce off him as he attempts to hand off, it remains safely in Tyrr's possession as time tick down and the half ends.

Both Stormers get back up, but the lone Japa remains out of it for the start of the new half. While the setups are nothing outstanding, the ball flies deep as the smells of the HMC waft over the team, distracting them only faintly - obviously not a patch on the scent of fricaseed teammate. Despite the deep kick that requires Tyrr to drop pack to receive, the Slipstreamed skink manages to get a hand to the ball after an initial fumble, and hurls the thing to Novv, diving forward in an opening made by Mejj, the rest of the Stormers looking to give any dwarf that tries to escape and chase hell.

Urist McDorf takes that warning on the chin, being a troll slayer and all, and surges forward to bring the skink down. Vattic takes the opportunity to very nearly kill Vorr the Sharktoothed with a puncn, followed by rather a lot of kicks from the surrounding dwarves, but the skink bonedoctor manages to pull him out and patch him up before he bleeds out all over the astrogranite. Novv scrambles to his feet, and manaes to smash Urist's hand with a crunch, before running the ball in to go up 2-0 for the experienced skink side.

Unbeknownst to the ref, the skink sneak a twelfth member onto the field (by misclick! honest!) and Tezz kicks the ball. The dwarves get the benedit of a quick snap, however, and the shortarses swarm the line of sauruses, caught flat-footed. The overall effect of the first-turn melee is to create a wall of midgets, although neither Kaian or Sneaky Pete are able to secure the ball, and it remains in play, if at the feet of the pair. Vorr opens the proceedings to smash Girlinhat to the apothecary's bench, Garr and Vorr moving to defend the ball from being (easily) picked up. Vorr goes down, though, and Kaian recovers the ball with a little luck, who tosses it to Ivefan.

Ivefan doesn't hold onto it particularly well, though, and he goes down hard enough to send the ball bouncing away. Tyrr scoops it up and hurls it to Garr, but the runner can't hold onto the ball well enough, bouncing into Ravv's claws instead. The skinks, unable to escape for the moment, instead shore up the defences, knocking dwarves away with shoves and punches, looking to cover Ravv for a sprint. Tyrr gets knocked out for his position in the defence, soon followed by Garr, fending off the attacking dwarf to the last. Mejj surges forth to bring down Ivefan, letting Ravv dip around to hand off to Novv, and the fast little skink manages to dart for the endzone and plant it safely, 3-0 up with little time to go.

For once, no-one gets up, and the dwarves are still two runty-assed vindictive bastards down, while the skinks are still short a single, lithe, blue-skinned teammate. The dwarves quick-snap once more, but only Kaian moves any, heading towards the ball that landed on the touchline. Girlinhat proves capable enough to frenzy Novv off-field, depriving the skinks of a runner, but at this point the dwarves are slow enough to make equalisation a non-issue. The sure-hands of Kaian find the ball, although he doesn't move from his place on the touchline. In response, both Mazz and Irzz swarm him, looking to stop him from moving all that easily, while the rest of the Stormers get stuck in elsewhere, 'though little ground is gained.

While Svenent, loner on-loan moves to help Kaian, backed up by LosBoccacc, the rest of the dwarves look to harm as many skinks as they can in the remaining time, going to town on the rather outnumbered sauruses on the ground. Still, a shove to Svenent shoves him into Kaian, who stumbles close to the sideline, while Mazz follows up in a risky attempt to shove him off. While he gets knocked out, the ball sails off-field to land a little way around from the group, in the middle of nowhere. LoS shoves Takk back and Kaian recovers the ball, but Sneaky Pete shuts down Vorr's second wind with a punch that sends him back to the apothecary's tent, and Takk follows him soon after as a tackle against LoS goes ball-shaped and drops him hard.

While that was going on, Ivefan manages to slip past deep, letting him receive the ball from a quick pass and score with the last play of the game, preventing the skinks from claiming a clean sheet. Greatorder gets MVP for knocking out Weyy, while Rexx gets his for being the star of a comedy of errors, mostly involving his face, various fists, and the ball.

(Did not expect to win. I got lucky with a couple of passes, and that's what secured it, I think.)


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 2
« Reply #497 on: December 09, 2012, 03:13:13 am »

It was a very good game, even though I lost 3-1 the fight was pretty even, charmander just had that little edge all the time.

It's remarkable what difference it makes having 5 saurus instead of 3.

Nuffle was fair the entire game(except maybe waking up 5-6 KO players in first try).
Charmander was not particularly lucky, and me not unlucky, can't blame the dice on this one.

The last part of the game was tough, since I had two dwarfs out, and Charmander had a seemingly endless supply of skinks.
For every skink i kill, two more is waiting to take his place.
Looking forward to have a couple of extra guys on the team.



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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 2
« Reply #498 on: December 09, 2012, 01:25:17 pm »

The rematch of Manner Pylon vs Glistening Dementia went about how I expected it to: 2-1 win for Manner Pylon.

It was a completely bloodless game: no CAS for either team, the only player out was one of my hobgoblins thrown out on a foul (which failed to break armor.) This worked against me, since the only way I'm going to be able to beat a team with level 4 players is if I have a manpower advantage, and I never got it.

The only surprising bit was that I nearly managed to tie the game - Jartol made the unconventional move of starting off his turn by using his rat ogre against one of my dwarves instead of covering my player with the ball. Given that the rat ogre had managed to screw up a lot, both this game and last game, it was a risky move and if things had gone sour I would've gotten the tie.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 2
« Reply #499 on: December 13, 2012, 08:05:38 am »

Kobb's Khorne vs. Brunch's Big Bads

B1: Khorne elects to kick, and lines up in FFB. The kick lands near midfield to one side. The goblin runs up behind the troll; the thrower tosses the ball to the goblin. Seven Khorne players are knocked over.

K1: Zero orcs are knocked over.

B2: Only five Khorne players go down (one stunned). The goblin moves forward with one blocker.

K2: The tackler takes down the goblin, leaving the ball a little closer to the Khorne line. TAB picks it up and gets it behind some blockers. A beastman runs downfield.

B3: A Black Orc injures TAB. The orc thrower picks up the ball.

K3: Only four Khorne players start on the ground. However, an early rerolled two-die block knocks a warrior over.

B4: The thrower gets the ball to the goblin beside the end zone. All but two Khorne players are down or out.

K4: Speedy falls over trying to dodge upon standing up.

B5: Another Khorne player gets knocked out.

K5: Speedy falls over again.

B6: Not much.

K6: Speedy knocks himself out trying to dodge this time.

B7: The goblin runs the ball in.

K7: Khorne has 10 players to field. They control their lift side of the field, knocking out an orc, but New Guy manages, despite his A4 and three arms, to not pick up the ball.

B8: Not much.

K8: The minotaur injures an orc. New Guy picks up the ball this time, but falls over trying to run fast.

Halftime Score: BBB 1 - 0 KK

K9: Khorne still has 10 players to field. The minotaur knocks out a Black Orc. A warrior on the edge knocks himself over on his 2-die block.

B9: The goblin picks up the ball; the orcs control the side of the field I did not.

K10: New Guy knocks over the goblin. Speedy gets back to pick up the ball and get it near midfield. A claw injures an orc. Several Khorne players stand up.

B10: Speedy is knocked over. The goblin picks up the ball. Oddly, no other Khorne players are knocked over.

K11: The goblin gets knocked over by Speedy, but the ball goes into the hands of his nearby teammate. Most of the Khorne team surrounds the new ball carrier.

B11: The troll breaks a rookie's arm on his blitz. Speedy also gets injured, but the apoc finally decides to get involved.

K12: The minotaur knocks out a lineman. Three different Khorne players get Both Down/Push results on the ball carrying thrower (one of them used a reroll). Fed up, the third accepts the result, leaving the ball between the minotaur and the thrower's body.

B12: The troll strains a warrior's groin. The thrower picks up the ball and blitzes down the minotaur.

K13: Most of the Khorne team stands up. The previous blitzer tries again, and again knocks himself and the thrower over, again leaving the ball beside the minotaur. (Though all slightly closer to the midfield than before.)

B13: The goblin picks up the ball this time, and runs it back toward the end zone.

K14: Several players get near the goblin.

B14: The goblin runs the score in.

K15: A perfect defense ruins any attempt at fun for Khorne's 9 players. Still, a good run of blocks are made. New Guy picks up the ball, tosses it to speedy, who sprints downfield.

B15: A goblin lone blitz gets a double block result. The crowd throws the ball across the field, ending the drive.

K16: A block or two.


Final Result: BBB 2 - 0 KK

Thoughts: Given that I phoned this one in, I can hardly complain about the result. I've gotten my orc-wall games out of the way, which means that I won't be needing much claw again until I'm facing the dwarves.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #500 on: December 13, 2012, 05:35:11 pm »

Alright, so we all get new opponents now. Hurrah!

Matchups for Week Three.
ndkid - Kobb's Khorne vs Kanil - Self Inflicted
AlStar - Glistening Dementia vs Burnt Pies - Brunch's Big Bads
Charmander - Sahagin Stormers vs Jartol - Manner Pylon
monk12 - Monk's Marauders vs ank - Bay12 Breakers
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #501 on: December 14, 2012, 03:10:19 pm »

AlStar - Glistening Dementia vs Burnt Pies - Brunch's Big Bads

Glistening Dementia defeats Brunch's Big Bads 2-1, despite heavy casulties.

Dementia gets a huge amount of gold to start off, which buy:
A wizard (not very useful this time around)
A Halfling Chef
-1 RR for the Big Bads
2 Agility potions (1 of which works)
and 2 bribes, neither of which ends up getting used, so I suppose I should've tried some strength potions.

The Chef was in fine form today, stealing 3 then 2 RRs, leaving the Orcs almost entirely without rerolls, and giving us the opportunity to reroll pretty much all game long.

My apoh managed to change a killed result into... death. Good work, dude.

I'll let Burnt Pies go into further detail if he likes, but overall he did well on his CAS rolls, while fouling up many of his other rolls, especially GFIs.
« Last Edit: December 14, 2012, 04:21:45 pm by AlStar »


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #502 on: December 14, 2012, 04:22:43 pm »

Monk's Marauders defeat Bay12 Breakers 2-0

ank bought an HMC and a ton of potions which did nothing but boost one Runner to AG4. The dwarves received to start the first half (and had trouble picking up the ball in the rain,) which resulted in one big mass of Guard and Block shoving each other around in the middle of the field for the rest of the drive, with the Marauder's managing to squirt the ball out of the pile into the waiting hands of the Catcher Galahad Slodar to give the Humans a 1-0 advantage.

The rain let up for the second half and the kickoff went off-field, which let the higher AG Humans run all over the place to score in three turns. The luck started swinging back ank's way toward the end of the game, but there was too little time and too much Guard in front of him to make a real go of it. Notably, Knight Adavar picked up Stand Firm after last match and used it to contain the ST 4 Troll Slayer Girlinhat the entire final drive.

ank will be missing one player for next game, but neither of us had anything particularly severe or long-term CAS-wise. My apothecary tried to replace a Badly Hurt with a Broken Leg, continuing his track record of mediocrity. The game could have gone much differently if more of ank's potions had worked, or if he had had better luck to start the second half.

I think I'll spend some of my winnings on another lineman, considering next week figures to be another bloodbath against Brunch's Big Bads. I know Eomund Tonkai the AG4 Thrower got a levelup, and I think somebody else did too, so hopefully they get some good skills.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #503 on: December 14, 2012, 04:36:53 pm »

Matches validated. ndkid and I will be playing tomorrow.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #504 on: December 15, 2012, 08:17:51 pm »

Kobb's Khorne vs. Self Inflicted

Self Inflicted elects to kickoff.

K1: TAB is back to receive the kickoff. He picks it up and tosses it to Speedy. Speedy dives toward the center, where the Khorne front line has knocked over a few thralls.

S1: The minotaur and a beastman both get hypnotized. A thrall is taken down by a vampire.

K2: The minotaur knocks himself over while going crazy on a vampire.

S2: A thrall is stunned by a vampire. Speedy gets pushed around a bit. Fritz gets knocked out by a vampire.

K3: Speedy tries to dodge away, but falls over, sending the ball back into TAB's hands.

S3: A vampire finally gets the ball from TAB.

K4: A blitz knocks over the ball carrying vampire. Thralls continue to go down, but not out.

S4: A vampire gets the ball, but stuns himself trying to get close to the end zone.

K5: TAB runs back toward the ball, while the rest of the team tries to maul thralls unsuccessfully.

S5: Some thralls run toward the ball.

K6: The minotaur knocks himself over injuring a thrall.

S6: The vampire stands back up and runs the ball in.

K7: TAB picks up the kickoff and tosses it to New Guy. The minotaur double-skulls against a vampire.

S7: Vamps run toward TAB.

K8: New Guy gets the ball downfield to Speedy.

S8: some blocks.

Halftime Score: Self Inflicted 1 - 0 Kobb's Khorne

S9: Vamp picks up the kickoff, passes it to a vamp, who blitzes it downfield.

K9: A 1-die block against the ball carrier is a push.

S10: Vamp runs the score in.

K10: TAB gets under the kickoff, runs it forward, and tosses it to New Guy, who runs it downfield. A couple of thralls get knocked out.

S11: Vamps knock over New Guy.

K11: The ball carrying vamp gets pushed to the sideline. Khorne surrounds a downed vampire, and TAB gets ejected for his failed (with 4 assists) foul.

S12: The ball carrier leaps over his blockers, runs the ball forward, tosses it to a vampire in the Khorne half of the field... who fails to catch the ball.

K12: Some blocks made, a beastman rookie picks up the ball and tosses it to New Guy. The rookie makes a surprisingly good throw, and New Guy muffs the catch.

S13: Vamps knock over New Guy and take the ball downfield.

K13: Speedy falls over trying to get beside the ball carrier.

S14: Vamp runs the ball in.

K14: Speedy makes a surprisingly good pass to New Guy. The minotaur wilds on a blitz, and then double-skulls the block.

S15: Vamps go defensive.

K15: A foul on a downed thrall knocks him out. New Guy makes a throw. (The refs had run off a turn earlier in the half.)

Final Score: Self Inflicted 3 - 0 Kobb's Khorne

Thoughts: My offense has become trash, and my ability to inflict carnage hasn't been much better. Thus, Kobb's Khorne has fairly well stagnated after the deaths it suffered the year before.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #505 on: December 15, 2012, 08:24:16 pm »

The only match remaining this week is Charmander vs Jartol. How's it going, you two?
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #506 on: December 19, 2012, 11:21:27 am »

The only match remaining this week is Charmander vs Jartol. How's it going, you two?
Uh-oh, we're falling to the fourth page again. Curse you, holiday season!


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #507 on: December 19, 2012, 06:16:06 pm »

It is my understanding that the game has been scheduled for tomorrow.
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #508 on: December 20, 2012, 02:12:44 am »


I just find out that bribes can make a Death Roller stay on the pitch after the drive...

"Hey there humans! would you like a pancake?"
"sure thing!"
"guess what it's made of?"


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Re: Bay12 Blood Bowl League - Season 6, Week 3
« Reply #509 on: December 20, 2012, 05:04:23 am »

Indeed, they can. So... go buy one now, while your TV is low enough to get bribes. :)
Yah, it sounds like minecraft with content, you have obviously missed the point, people dont like content, they like different coloured blocks.
Seems to work fine with my copy. As soon as I loaded the human caravan came by and the world burst into fire.
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