Urist McPervert likes tentacle demons for their impure intentions!
[Field journal of Urist McArcheologist]
"The miners in the magma district came to me today after making a most puzzling discovery. There, in the midst of the cavern, was a curious subterene structure, that was clearly not of dwarven origin, and comprised of an unknown, indestructable, and extememly dense substan,e. Within the struture, they had discovered a masterfully fashioned shortsword made of the very legendary substance they had been seeking in that part of the magma district. Being an archeologist, was far more interested in the structure itself, being clearly of xenotic origins, and much less concerned about the material composition or geology of the cavern, or the craven looks of avaricial desire the miners showed toward the structure's curious contents.
On the walls of one section, there was a very well orchestrated motif in bas-relief, of a mutiple limbed creature performing ribauld and wild acts of hedonistic debaucheries and indecent liberties with depictions of humans, elves, and even dwarves. along the borders of this craven image were additional engraved images of those races engaging in a stunningly wide assortment of profane and perverted acts with one another, the explicitness of which is difficult to properly describe here in my journal. My basic understanding of the mural, is that the many armed creature was at some point driven deep into this fortress, and sealed up using the masterwork blade in some sort of denial ritual.
Surely this is mere superstition on the part of the ignorant ancients who created this structure, and with the consent of the baron, we have commenced the task of retrieving the blade for the glory of our settlement......"
[The rest of the journal is blank.]