In my new fort of Ralsakzul, or Silvertrumpets, one of my starting two miners has just vanished without a trace. Last I saw him he was helping dig out a reservoir for the magma workshop floor. I was in fact watching him mine in that very reservoir, when he decided to leave and went up a few flights of stairs. A couple seconds later, I received a message that the miner, Inod, had been missing for a week.
Naturally my first assumption was that a vampire had just taken its first victim. Since the fort is small (15 people, including starting 7) I was able to check over each migrant individually. Yet none of them REALLY seem likely to be a vampire. A few of them are former members of a few civilizations, but not a single one of them has ever murdered another dwarf. One of the migrants had actually recently been made into a militia captain, and upon checking him over I noted that he had quite a few animal kills, as well as one goblin, under his belt. I disbanded his squad immediately anyway.
Frustrated and out of leads, I decide to check up on the thoughts of the missing dwarf itself, which is actually still possible if you look them up by their relations. I discovered he was married, though he didn't have any children in the fort. But there was something much more interesting, a few clues contained in his recent thoughts. "He talked with a Friend lately." "He has been caught in the rain recently." His hauling labors were disabled, and I have no reason to assume he had been above ground in a few seasons.
But there are two thoughts of his that truly strike me as odd: "He admired a splendid Trap lately. He slept uneasily to due noise recently. He choked on smoke underground recently".
I have not created a single trap in my entire fortress. And I have not fully explored the caves yet...
Dark things live in the deep.