I'm having a lot of problems with my latest project, a creature (non-sentient pet) which goes through a number of transformations over the course of its life cycle, some of which are immobile. My question is, why will they not breed?
A clear answer to any or all of the following questions would be helpful:
1. It has been established that IMMOBILE female's can't breed, but can an IMMOBILE male impregnate a mobile female?
2. If a creature of a species with no CHILD value transforms into a creature that has a CHILD value, will it be able to breed? Will it automatically be considered an adult, regardless of actual age?
3. What is the impact of the body transformation's random age change glitch on breeding? If an adult's age drops to below it's child age due to a transformation, will it still be able to breed, and vice-versa?
4. How long does it take for a fertile male and a fertile female to breed? Will a single male impregnate all the females on the map reliably? At what point in time can it be assumed that they have all been impregnated?
5. If a male impregnates a female and then dies or becomes sterile, will the female give birth (this should be obvious, but I'm not actually sure...)
6. If a female is impregnated and then transforms, will she give birth?