=+=+=+=+=Arnois & Irin=+=+=+=+=
You decide to escort the one-hit wonder.
He is a little man with a big red hat that lives in a hut just outside of town. He wants to be escorted all the way to Femwac, three days' walk north.
The road stretches in front of you.
(A) Let's walk along the road
(B) Let's forge a path through the wilderness
(C) Let's kill the one-hit wonder and rob him discreetly
(D) <insert action>
The paladin tried to kill you.
You refuse and slam the door on him.
He tries to push it open.
(A) <insert action>
(C) Fight'em
Yun ignores you, engrossed in paging through his books.
The construct hisses some more, then strikes!
(A) <insert combat strategy>
You lug Ciena along the road for a long time. The sun dips under the horizon.
(A) Make a fire
(B) Find food
(C) Forced march
(D) <insert action>
(E) Ready your weapon against night creatures
The monsters open their portcullis for you. You enter.
The tower is poorly maintained. Cracks are either ignored or hastily covered with clay; every surface is covered with a film of water.
(A) <insert action>
You decide to hibernate.
You go to the very back of the cave and curl up. Your consciousness fades ...
~ Undetermined time later
You wake up. Everything is so clear now... You understand!
Also, the bear has decomposed to its skeleton.
Can trade 3 points of skill for 5 points of Intelligence once.
(a) <insert skills to trade for intelligence>
(A) <insert thing to do>
(B) Finish that 'totem' you were going to make.
You pay 13 gold - most of your money - and get a bunch of enhancements, and 1 'adamantine blade' enchantment. The smith enhances the rest (4) of your blades for free.
Stat update:
9 steel daggers. (1~9/15%), compared to (2~4/10%).
1 adamantine blade steel dagger, (4~18/50%).
(A) <insert thing to do>