A second unit of Lotunii is trained. Emulating the first, they quickly pick up on the ways of the warrior. Shortly before the year is out, they are given the chance to test their mettle: human raiders attack! Janar takes command, and counts roughly 300 of them, coming in from the west. Noting that one group seems to be holding behind the rest, and is somehow shooting small spears at the fleeing farmers, Janar orders the most experienced Lotunii to engage the main force, while the newly trained group circle around and attack the group that's holding back. The first group engages, somehow managing to take minimal casualties despite
3-to-1 odds. The second unit of Lotunii manages to attack the archers, killing many and sending the rest fleeing. The bandit spearmen, unnerved by the loss of their cover fire, fall back.
After the battle, Janar takes several of the strange ranged weapons weapons to the city for studying.
One unit of Lotunii trained.
Shrine built
Negative Event: Raiders!
Knowledge gained: Archery! (Archery will be slightly easier to research)
[13/20] food stored
[2/20] wool stored
[3/20] stone stored
[1/3] horse herd
[1/20] clothing stored
1 unit of clothing gives +1 morale
Morale is at 7. Population growth is 6%, adding 642 people. Military training takes 100.
Population is now at 11,244.
12 labor units will be available next turn, with [0/10] in the excess labor pool.
12 total food needed.
Military has 0.7 food, eating 0.2 per turn.
5 base gold income +50% = 7 gold, with 38 saved from previous years.
2 gold spent on military.
2 gold spent total.
43 gold stored in coffers.
Lotunii [4a/3d/(8)10h/(4)6m/3s] (wooden spears)
Lotunii [4a/3d/10h/6m/3s] (wooden spears)
Superior Diplomats: Improved relations and better deals with neutral villages
Quadrupeds: Cavalry Training is a researchable ability. Mounts are unavailable.
Hall of Learning
Explorer Janar
Governor Thule
Animal Taming