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Author Topic: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)  (Read 6404 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #90 on: May 27, 2008, 01:40:00 pm »

I guess back to the latest save.  Kazindir, you're up.


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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #91 on: May 27, 2008, 05:21:00 pm »

Originally posted by dresdor:
<STRONG>I guess back to the latest save.  Kazindir, you're up.</STRONG>

Righto, picking up Snugglebears save then - from what I read that was the ;ast save which wasn't eaten by work-demons or sacrificed to a burning HDD. :P



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #92 on: May 27, 2008, 08:58:00 pm »

Ack, I fear this game is cursed.

Just got midway through summer when a nice little box popped up telling me dwarffort.exe had done something naughty and windows was putting it to sleep now. I'd just managed to drive the elves insane as well.  :(



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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #93 on: June 03, 2008, 06:03:00 pm »

Just an update to say I've not died.  :)

Hope to have a useful DF related update tomorrow!



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #94 on: June 04, 2008, 02:51:00 pm »

Diary of Urvad Lolokzes, Fourth Warden

Spring has arrived!

As have I, some motly peasants, a rumourmonger, a kitten, several puppies and a new born baby girl.

Arrived at this pile to find rocks everywhere, ordered some of them chucked off a cliff and certain enhancements added to the trade depot before the elves arrive. We must be gracious and show those disgusting creatures the treatmen they deserve!

Apparently the "Mayor" has dictated that no iron items are to be exported. Who does he think he is? Briefly tempted to send someone to persuade him to shut up but then noticed we don't have much in the way of iron to do anything with anyway.

A former noble turned up today, a dungeon master. Apparently there was an "accident" involving a hydra.

The elves have arrived arrived, bang on schedule. They've have occupied the newly enhanced trade depot. A goblin child snatcher was spotted and quickly dispatched by an arsonist. According to the rumourmonger, he'd seen more goblins in the wilderness. Meanwhile, apparently I have a son!

Ordered a hollow carved for the new trade depot, seeing as how the old one is occupied, then was interrupted by Bembul, a supposed trapper, who was drenched in blood. Apparently he found a goblin with a sack, so shot it, lamed it then clubbed it to death with his crossbow. He claims nothing was in the sack but he's about as trustworthy as an elf. I've taken some fo he lads out to see what we can find and told the rest to finish the new depot.  Perhaps the rumourmonger wasn't talking rubbish for a change afterall...

No treasure. We did find no less than two most goblin child snatchers, a goblin thief and a kobold though, all of which were put down and duely looted.


Some idiot stonecrafter came back from reoading one fo the stonetraps dribbling and mumbling. He made a beeline for a craftsdwarfs workshop and locked himself in. Should prove amusing.

Apparently the elves will be leave soon. I don't think they're paying enough attention.

Today Asmel, the drooling stonecrafter proudly announced he had created Stagshilkidet, a claystone ring. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encrusted with tigereye and encircled with bands of claystone and tigereye. This object is adorned with handing rings of mountain goat bone and mountain goat leather. Oddly enough he has become a proficient carpenter because of this.

A terrible scream rang out earlier today and Asmel started running around shrieking. Apparently the elves have gone mad as have their donkeys. The wall near the trade depot has become  a popular place to be as various inmates keep trying to figure out what is going on in there.

[ June 04, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #95 on: June 04, 2008, 03:53:00 pm »


I was out chopping trees today, minding my own business, when a kobold tried to steal my axe. I gave it to him. In the face.

The mayor managed to rig the vote in his favour today and a human representative turned up. No idea what he wants. Meanwhile my chambers have been finished as have the former Dungeon Masters. He's been very quiet so for, for a noble.

I think the elves have finally died. It's gone very quiet in there - will give it a month or two more.

A peasant went mad today and locked himself in the craftsdwarf workshop. I wonder if there is something in the beer or if there is something wrong with that workshop. For some reason the major has demanded 3 bucklers get made.

Did an engraving done today. "The Factional Men". Engraved on the wall is a superiorly designed image of a mule by Urvad Lolokzes. The mule is dead.
Such is the fate of all who follow the elves. Gave me an idea actually, the mandate to govern here specified some sort of "wonder"...

Flooded the lower shafts today to make an indoor well. I've been told the elves are rotting, theres a stench slipping out between the cracks in the stone work. Words will be had with the masons.

[ June 04, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #96 on: June 04, 2008, 05:28:00 pm »


Bah the loony peasant broke today and went on a beserk rampage. Luckily for all involved he spent most of the time chasing cats around a stockpile, giving time for some inmates to arrive and put him down.

Traders have arrived today. We don't really have any needs but as ordered we do have stacks of rock trinkets sitting around. Hopefully they'll bring something useless. Hmm, these are dwarves, what happened to the humans? Where did this anvil come from? What is going on?

(Bricking up the first trade depot seeme do tbreak things - the dwarf wagons rolled up tot he second depot, half entered than a sort while later vanished. No clue what happened but I've broken intot he first depot to remove it now, hopefully future merchants won't vanish and leave their stuff behind :P )

The elves tomb has been enhanced with educational, if somewhat random, engravings and statues and has been linked to the great statue garden, offering a delightful overlook above the cliffs. In more mundane matters the well system is fully operational and appears to be full of fish, so a fishin balcony has been set up nearby.

Full scale assault by monkeys! Has it really come to this? Nine resus macaque were found skulking beyond the walls, scavenging from the kobold and goblin remains. Most were killed but some escaped. Guard dogs are being trained by the Duneon Master as I write and some enterprising inmate is trying to cook one of the monkeys.

The elf sympathisers have been busy. One has gone insane and has been stricken by melancholy, presumably after visting the Entombed Elves, whilst the seond has organised a party.

The vile forces of darkness descend upon us! At least, according to the Rumourmonger. According to the trappers, it looks like around fifteen goblin pikemen so far.  A petty criminal tried to escape by running to the goblins in the confusion, he got what he deserved. Now the goblins seem to be dancing round the little pond near the statue garden, hopefully the marksdwarves can hit them from here. For some reasont he dwarf emissary is still here bothering me, doesn't he know I have bigger things to deal with?!

[ June 04, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #97 on: June 04, 2008, 07:37:00 pm »

Damn! The goblins are just out of range of the marksdwarves, and our military is too small to take on that number without some sort of support. Occaisional deaths are to be expected amongst the inmates but I think using them as goblin fodder might be frowned on quite severely and my term as Warden is almost up.

The goblins seem to be quite happy sitting outside crossbowrange and appear to be settling in for the long haul. A shaft has been sunk out towards them throught he cliffs above, hopefully they will stay put long enough for some fortifications nearer them to be erected for out marksdwarfs to shoot them from. We have a miasma problem as well, with inmates not being allowed to drag rotting stuff outside.

Hah, our miners have reached the cliffs and the four crossbow armed thugs are shooting the goblins as they dance! Several are dead and the goblins seem to be milling around in a panic.

Looks like they're retreating but they're doing it forwards. I don't know who filled those stairs with stonefall traps but they've just come in very useful, two more goblins downed there as they fled. The siege is lifted and I've given orders for those fortifications to be extended, after drinks have been had.

Zon Togummeng, arsonist and newly drafted guard, was taken by a stange mood today and has claimed a mechanics workshop. He's busy gathering materials now mechanisms, claystone, lignite and some plume agates he says he "found".

Kedoltar "Fedgilt", a Claystone mechanism. This is a claystone mechanism. All craftsdwarfship is of the highest quality. It is encircles with bands of claystone and plume agate. This object is adorned with hanging rings of lignite and plume agaite and menaces with spikes of claystone.

My clan has grown one stronger today! Two in one year, thats not bad going.

An alleged glassmaker found a kobold today, tackled it as any right thinking dwarf could and...died. He can't have been sent down for anything violent, even an elf puts up more of a fight than that! Anyway, the removal of that waste of space is the last thing to happen during my term as Warden. As far as I know Necro is going to take over once more, I hope those fortifications come in use, he built most of them!

Fun evening.  :)

Save file



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #98 on: June 05, 2008, 05:35:00 am »

Random thoughts:

- The prison now has quite an array for fortifications and another tower, only only four inmate "guards" actually have crossbows and any clue how to use them. All the hunters/rangers were drafted as we were drowning in bones.

- Most of the rocks lying around have been moved and dumped. Moving rocks around seemed a good thing for inmates to be passing the time with anyway.

- Several of the more dangerous inmates were tasked with smoothing down the entire prison. It's pretty much done now and we have several legendary engravers.

- There are statues *everywhere*. Apparently one of the masons workshops was making statues on repeat and had been for some time. Even the number used to expand the statue garden to incorperate the art intallation "Entombed Elves" only dented the stockpiled number. :P

- We have a bad case of prison overcrowding as there was a steady stream of new inmates being sent by the King. Even though we never actually traded for anything - the elves were buried alive, the humans vanished, leaing their anvil behind and the dwarves rode into the depot, through the depot and disappeared...
Supplies were holding up ok but the prison needs a new cell level. The common room is still mostly full of rocks, a few beds, random junk, blood and vomit.

- The Dungeon Master mandated the construction of a bizarre array of corridors and rooms at a deep level, partly to keep the inmates busy and partly due to something he kept muttering about "heroquest", whatever that is.

[ June 05, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]

[ June 05, 2008: Message edited by: Kazindir ]



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #99 on: June 12, 2008, 03:05:00 pm »

Sorry I'm late, guys. I forgot this, but now I suddenly remembered. I'll get playing tomorrow.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Prison Work Camp (Succession Game)
« Reply #100 on: June 19, 2008, 11:51:58 am »

I can't complete my turn this time either. I've been busier than I thought I'd be, combined with how slow it has become. It's growing away from me. :-\
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