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Messages - SalmonGod

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Hello again SalmonGod, thank you for reporting this. One question, were you using No Giant Birds or not?

I was not.

Thanks for your reply.  I assumed it was a vanilla issue.  But it looked like you might have considered these crashes addressed with your last update, so I thought I'd let you know.

Hey just a heads up that I'm still getting failed saves with the latest update.  Don't know if it's an issue with vanilla or with the mod.  But much the same as Bavarian Kid, I played about 2 years in-game before suffering a game crash.  The auto-save before the 2nd migrant wave can load.  Every save past that point won't load.  I downloaded the mod from the workshop two days ago, and was also using Real Time Combat Log, Interface Tweaks, and Black Shadows and ZFog.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 09, 2020, 12:41:58 pm »
I learned much healthier social skills by having positive interactions online than solely unhealthy interactions in person could do for me.  And trust me, I tried.  I was not anti-social before the internet.  And I did not become anti-social after internet.  I became decently socially functional by my early 20's.  I don't believe that would have ever happened if I had never got online.  I think I would have ended up in a terrible place.

I'm not denying that the internet culture and socialization has serious issues.  Especially today.  It was different in the 90's.  Far less toxic, and more conducive to meeting someone and getting to know them personally.  But I still think that its availability is a good thing, even to teenagers.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:56:48 am »
I’m not sure there is much anyone can do about the incel problem. In every generation there will always be someone left on the bench, and biology doesn’t help as natural selection largely works by excluding the unfit (with females performing the selection in most species).

Not letting people use computers or the internet until they're 25 or so will help.

The internet basically saved my life in my teen years.

I used to think the same, but now I understand that it was actually the problem.

Also yeah... basically what Frumple said.

I grew up in a small town in Indiana where I didn't fit in.  Not-a-single-stoplight small.  I had intellectual, D&D-playing parents and a computer geek dad.  In the early 90's.  I was the weird kid/nerd/satan worshipper.  And I could never understand the pervasive bigotry.  Had basically no healthy relationships with any of my meatspace peers from ages 8-15.  Bullied and made fun of.  I was the punchline of every joke.  Not shown a shred of respect by anyone.

I spent 8-12 mostly wandering around outside by myself catching bugs and stuff, or renting NES games on the weekends.  By 13, I was desperate enough that I started hanging around with a bad group.  They were incredibly toxic and only kept me around because I would do whatever they wanted and put up with anything.  Thankfully my family got internet when I was 13.  I made a bunch of friends online quickly, learned what healthy friendship and respect were like, and started learning about the world by talking to people from all over the place every day.  Learned that there were people in the world unlike the fucked up place I was living, and that I didn't have to look forward to a future of nothing but that.

I became withdrawn and socially independent within a year.  Cut myself off from that toxic group of kids I had been subjecting myself to.  Last I knew, they were drop-outs and in & out of jail.

The internet was culturally very different in its early days.  But I still stand by it.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:34:44 am »
This discussion got weird.

I'm seeing a lot of "now the protests will end" as if that's a bad thing from the Right on my facebook. I think the idea is that protests were a Democrat Plot pushed by the Mainstream Media. The world in which the far right lives is one where the Democrats are capable of incredible organization and competence.

Facism needs enemies that are alarmingly pervasive, numerous and competent, but also somehow actually incapable of stopping you from, oh, I dunno … controlling all three branches of government or something.

The enemy must simultaneously serve the narrative that the chosen people are superior, but also that the threat is scary enough to justify any course of action.  This is why being oppressed by massive conspiracy, and overwhelmingly outnumbered due to immigration and outbreeding are so consistently the two pillars of that narrative.  It's the only way to portray a bitter war for survival, where also the people on one side of that war are individually better than anyone on the other side.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 09, 2020, 09:18:23 am »
I’m not sure there is much anyone can do about the incel problem. In every generation there will always be someone left on the bench, and biology doesn’t help as natural selection largely works by excluding the unfit (with females performing the selection in most species).

Not letting people use computers or the internet until they're 25 or so will help.

The internet basically saved my life in my teen years.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 09, 2020, 12:27:59 am »
Understanding that people aren't just randomly born terrible, actually making their lives better, and making sure they know why their lives got better is the solution.

If your premise is correct, people aren't just randomly born terrible, then making their lives better solves everything.

But if you're wrong, and people are in fact just randomly born terrible, then making their lives better just gives them more time and opportunity to procreate, making more terrible people, increasing in number until they have a sufficient population to influence democratic policy, leading to widespread intolerance, hatred, and worse.

You fear an Ultra-Trump down the line. I fear that your attempts to prevent that outcome will inevitably make it a reality.

*takes a couple steps back slowly*

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 08, 2020, 09:09:11 pm »
So your thoughts on what's being proposed to open up 2021 with? 50k student loan forgiveness across the board, massive infrastructure spending, etc.?

That I'll believe it when I see it.  As I've said many times before -- platform doesn't matter.  Record and funding matters.  I don't see why I should be expected to trust people telling me they're going to do a thing when their entire history is the opposite of that thing, and they're funded by entities with interests opposed to that thing.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 08, 2020, 08:36:46 pm »
Understanding that people aren't just randomly born terrible, actually making their lives better, and making sure they know why their lives got better is the solution.
Because that's a thing you can do when they actively fight against it and piss on any and every thing you try to do. Chunks of the folks you're talking about will literally get themselves and their family killed to sabotage efforts to make their lives better. Like, we try because it's the goddamn moral thing to do, but the solution you're talking about is more than just a little difficult with the cards on the table in this country.

That's the excuse I always hear, but it's not like Democrats haven't fucked up the opportunity when it was squarely in their laps, either.  I know you're probably tired of hearing about it, but like in the beginning of Obama's first term when they had the presidency, house, and senate.  What did they do with it?  Pushed Obama's flagship achievement -- healthcare legislation built on a model developed by a conservative think tank.  Banks handed massive amounts of money while they foreclosed on millions of homes, many illegally, and faced no consequences for their illegal behaviors.  The fiercest campaign of government secrecy and whistleblower persecution in the country's history.  And double-down on mass surveillance and militarism.  Yeah, conservatives being obstinate death cultists is an issue.  I'm not denying that.  But it's not like that's all there is to it, and it's not a problem that just randomly occurs in a vacuum.  Everything didn't cease functioning properly because the conservative death cult blipped into existence out of nowhere.

Also, I fixed the link in my last post.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 08, 2020, 07:58:22 pm »
Point is, if Democrats for the next 4 years behave as they did the last couple times they've been in power, then the underlying grievances will continue to deepen.  And that's why we'll get Ultra-Trump in 4-8 years.  This Trump was a product of the Democrat flavor of "norms, civility, and unity".  If people don't learn from that, it's just going to continue to get worse.

Just going to shamelessly quote myself from a couple pages ago.  It needs to be repeated over and over and over again.  Seeing all the pro-Biden enthusiasm and fawning over "oh my god it makes me feel so good to see a president that behaves presidential" stuff just reinforced to me how much it needs to be repeated.  I can understand celebrating Trump ousted from office.  But Biden's victory speech should have been barren.  The celebrations shouldn't include proud displays of Biden 2020 merchandise.  Or... shit like this... *vomit*... These things demonstrate to me that too many people have learned nothing.  So I'm going to be a broken record here.

People aren't born fascists.  They're driven to it by a combination of fear, insecurity, humiliation, unstable circumstances, propaganda, and cult figures.  Ultimately summarized as bad times + cultural issues.  And *one of* the culture issues I'm referring to specifically is: If we are indiscriminately mocking and smug towards people who aren't yet fascists, we drive them away from our culture towards the one that will accept them.  That the ideology will follow is an inevitability. 

I know many out there will quickly retort "If someone decides to become a fascist because someone said something mean to them, then they were probably a fascist piece of shit all along and we don't want them!"  But this is absurdly reductionist, and would be comical in how dishonest or stupid it is, if it didn't threaten to doom us all.  Tell someone they're a piece of shit who needs to go stand in the corner with the other pieces of shit enough, and eventually you'll generate a person who sympathizes and bands together with the other pieces of shit, no matter how virtuous they may have once been.  Do this to everyone who ever produces a whiff of bad smell, and you're going to make a real problem for yourself.

I'm sensitive to this right now, because what I genuinely predict is a worse Trump in 4-8 years.  Because all the political talk I see out there indicates to me that few have learned anything.  Like earlier today when I was looking at comments on a political meme post about holding Democrat's feet to the fire after putting them in power, and the only comment bringing up how this worked out in 2008-2010 generating nothing but responses defending Obama.  The irony is fucking incredible.  We're going to get worse than Trump, because Democrat neoliberalism is going to double down.  Everyone's going to continue to feel the crunch of working harder and harder year after year under increasing productivity demands, while their lives get continually poorer and more unstable, and the apocalypse looms ever larger over an endless horizon of riot cops and surveillance cameras.  Plenty of those fed up with it will become both party-hating lefty anarchists like me.  But plenty of others will rub shoulders with the other pipeline, one way or another.  They repeat something they heard but don't feel too much conviction about to the wrong person while lost in an understandable haze of confused angst, get called a piece of shit who needs to go stand with the other pieces of shit, and there's one more likely shoved down the rabbit hole towards Ultra-Trump 2024.  And watch... the Democrats will force someone barely distinguishable from Normal Trump through their primaries and tell us that we have to vote for them to stop Ultra-Trump, less we be held responsible for whatever happens when Ultra-Trump is elected, who is the greatest threat to democracy the world has ever seen (while shitting all over any semblance of democracy in their own primary).  Meanwhile, Michelle and Ellen or their 2024 equivalents will start to talk about how they're actually best friends with the Normal Trump family.

Have a Guardian piece articulating the same basic concept in more detail.

The last 4 years were not about Trump.  He was a symptom.  Not the problem, and "norms, civility, and unity" are not the solution.  Understanding that people aren't just randomly born terrible, actually making their lives better, and making sure they know why their lives got better is the solution.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 08, 2020, 01:49:25 am »
Apparently he was convinced that liberals and SJW's were abusing the country, and that the turnout of votes reflected that. I had no clue what he was talking about, do people really feel that way

I've seen claims that progressives/SJWs/whatever buzzword you want to use for anyone left of Reagan are just about every type of monster you can imagine.  I just came here from scrolling Facebook for 10 seconds, and saw a comment claiming progressives fantasize about genocide.  Looked at the guy's wall for a couple minutes, and found gems such as claiming there's a widespread practice among progressives of torturing cats by shoving potatos up their butts.  Along with the now-common practice of hammering the progressive = socialist and nazis were socialist, therefor progressives are nazis angle.  I've been social on the internet daily since 1996.  I'd encounter this kind of crazy online back in the 90's, but it was rare.  It started taking off in the mid-2000's.  Now I can't glance at the internet without seeing it clogging up every interaction in every public space.  The USA's been descending into madness for a long time.  I'm as happy as anyone to see Trump losing office.  It's a good feel.  And all the melting down from him and his more zealous supporters are good entertainment.  But I don't expect it to stop or even slow the descent into madness.  And much of the rest of the world is getting there, too.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 04, 2020, 12:55:27 pm »
I'm all for not criminalizing some drugs but I've never understood how anyone can look at the results of total decriminalization and think it's a good thing.


Have you ever looked at the results of total decriminalization?  Like not what you imagine would happen, but an actual case?

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 03, 2020, 09:58:59 pm »
My comment wasn't about that stuff, though.  It was about somebody being snapped at for saying something critical of Biden, whether true or not.  I'm pretty sure Iduno is a Democrat-hating progressive like me, not a conservative troll?
I mean, at this point I'm not even sure, is the thing. I thought that, too, but a dem hating progressive would probably at least try to back up their shittalking, and this seems to the third time I can remember in recent-ish memory their reaction to being asked to bloody put up has been to go silent. They're certainly democrat hating, but what beyond that I don't bloody know anymore.

I'm personally pretty fucking sketch about folks equivocating trump and biden these days, though, for what it's worth. Disliking, even hating the dems is one thing, going that far is carrying water for the goddamn far-right.

I guess I understand the suspicion, and I haven't been deeply involved on this forum for a long time now.  Not enough to keep score on most posters.  So my appraisal is just passing observation.  At the same time, I can relate to being just tired as shit and done with the whole dance of providing sources, then having to defend the validity of the source, then having to defend the interpretation of the source, probably digging up more sources on both points, etc, etc.  When I think it's fair to say we're all feeling quite embattled at this point.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 03, 2020, 09:21:16 pm »
I'm not about trying to rehabilitate true believer fascists, and my earlier comment wasn't about the sensibilities of Trump supporters.  I'm roughly aligned with MSH's opinion on this point. 

The only thing I'd throw in is echoing roughly what bloop_bleep said.  People aren't born fascists.  They're driven to it by a combination of fear, insecurity, humiliation, unstable circumstances, propaganda, and cult figures.  Ultimately summarized as bad times + cultural issues.  And *one of* the culture issues I'm referring to specifically is: If we are indiscriminately mocking and smug towards people who aren't yet fascists, we drive them away from our culture towards the one that will accept them.  That the ideology will follow is an inevitability. 

I know many out there will quickly retort "If someone decides to become a fascist because someone said something mean to them, then they were probably a fascist piece of shit all along and we don't want them!"  But this is absurdly reductionist, and would be comical in how dishonest or stupid it is, if it didn't threaten to doom us all.  Tell someone they're a piece of shit who needs to go stand in the corner with the other pieces of shit enough, and eventually you'll generate a person who sympathizes and bands together with the other pieces of shit, no matter how virtuous they may have once been.  Do this to everyone who ever produces a whiff of bad smell, and you're going to make a real problem for yourself.

My comment wasn't about that stuff, though.  It was about somebody being snapped at for saying something critical of Biden, whether true or not.  I'm pretty sure Iduno is a Democrat-hating progressive like me, not a conservative troll?

Also, I'm not going to bother looking up a source right now, but I do remember Biden putting out messages urging people to get out and vote for him in the Wisconsin primary, at the same time that Bernie was putting out messages telling people to stay home because it's not worth the risk.

I'm sensitive to this right now, because what I genuinely predict is a worse Trump in 4-8 years.  Because all the political talk I see out there indicates to me that few have learned anything.  Like earlier today when I was looking at comments on a political meme post about holding Democrat's feet to the fire after putting them in power, and the only comment bringing up how this worked out in 2008-2010 generating nothing but responses defending Obama.  The irony is fucking incredible.  We're going to get worse than Trump, because Democrat neoliberalism is going to double down.  Everyone's going to continue to feel the crunch of working harder and harder year after year under increasing productivity demands, while their lives get continually poorer and more unstable, and the apocalypse looms ever larger over an endless horizon of riot cops and surveillance cameras.  Plenty of those fed up with it will become both party-hating lefty anarchists like me.  But plenty of others will rub shoulders with the other pipeline, one way or another.  They repeat something they heard but don't feel too much conviction about to the wrong person while lost in an understandable haze of confused angst, get called a piece of shit who needs to go stand with the other pieces of shit, and there's one more likely shoved down the rabbit hole towards Ultra-Trump 2024.  And watch... the Democrats will force someone barely distinguishable from Normal Trump through their primaries and tell us that we have to vote for them to stop Ultra-Trump, less we be held responsible for whatever happens when Ultra-Trump is elected, who is the greatest threat to democracy the world has ever seen (while shitting all over any semblance of democracy in their own primary).  Meanwhile, Michelle and Ellen or their 2024 equivalents will start to talk about how they're actually best friends with the Normal Trump family.

General Discussion / Re: AmeriPol thread
« on: November 03, 2020, 11:26:57 am »
Like, there is no wise choice.
Uh, yes, yes there is. One candidate has gotten a quarter million americans killed in just the last year. The other one hasn't!

Go with the one that hasn't lead more of the country's citizens to the grave in the last 10 months than the entire vietnam war. Shit ain't complicated.

They both want to, but only one has had the ability. Remember when Biden told people to go stand in line for 8 hours in freezing weather to vote for him in person in the primary, even though mail in voting was allowed? And how many people caught COVID from that?
Point me to those multiple times where Biden left thousands of his supporters stranded in the middle of nowhere, because his campaign couldn't be arsed to plan *basic logistics* around buses.
Yeah, that's what I thought. Sit down.

Because the only thing that matters is the standard set by the worst option.

Was just reading a thread elsewhere about how much easier it will be to fight for progressive policies and hold Democrats accountable when they have majority control of government.  The one person to talk about how this worked out in 2008-2010 gets dogpiled by people defending Obama.

Lots of high profile figures talking about how much they're looking forward to being able to ignore politics again.  Barely even avoiding using those exact words.

We are so very dead on track for a worse fascist than Trump in 2024.  This dude was the easy mode fascist.  A warning about where the direction we're going is taking us.  And I feel like hardly anybody learned anything.

Not shaming anyone for voting for Biden.  But the sit-down-and-shut-up attitude towards anyone who expresses concern about the general direction of politics they're reading from this election is disturbing to me.

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