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Author Topic: Roll to Dodge a Trap  (Read 6799 times)


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #75 on: December 27, 2011, 10:15:41 pm »

Woah, strange...Must be my connection  :-\

I truly swear I posted.

Ugh, here goes again {sorry for that, I think we're in different timezones}

>Find that healer, ask random people for the location.

Somehow, I can see my glow beneath this nice leather vest.


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #76 on: December 27, 2011, 10:52:17 pm »

Name: Derm: Toot toot Gesturing with your hand, you get the mouse to go closer to the girl. While it's doing so, you...[6] gently call out to her. Your voice is soft and soothing, which surprises even you. Her sniffles stop, and she looks up at you hesitantly. With a start, you almost fall backwards, due to the shock of seeing the severe burn on the left side of her face. It looks almost like a jagged scar, starting at the forehead and descending to the nape of her neck. It looks painful, which may explain the sobs. You...[5] steel yourself up, and ask her if she's okay. No words escape her lips, but she does gently nod her head. Since she's turned around, you can get a better look, and notice that she has a strange medallion on her neck. It glows with a soft blue light, which means that it's most likely magical. Just as you were about to go closer, you hear that strange voice again...

"Derm." A firm tone now, with a hint of malice lingering beneath it. Your gut feels that you should probably do something to distract you from the voices, but before you can...

"Derm. You will heed my summons. Come to your MASTER." The final word causes a lance of searing pain in your skull, akin to having a nail slammed into your head. You can't stand, and end up collapsing on your knees. Luckily, you...[6] manage to drive the voice away with your willpower by singing an old tune that your mother used to recite to you. The girl seemed scared while you were crying, but she's definitely more open now. The strange thing is, her wound seems to be healing at an extraordinary rate. It's not exactly fast, but it's knitting together, and new skin is growing over it. You reason that it must be the amulet, which most likely is quite the artifact. Your mouse is on standby, about a foot from the girl. She doesn't seem frightened by it...What should you do?

Name: Nassir: Enter the town You reason that you should go to the city that the female centaur was talking about, but...You can't see where it is. You decide to...[2] wander off in a random direction. This causes the centaurs to look at you strangely, but they don't seem interested enough to stop you. From your gut, you expect that you're heading most definitely North. You're surrounded by expansive, rolling hills, dotted with trees and shrubs. After about five minutes into your journey, you decide to sit down and take a short break. For some strange reason, you're feeling extremely tired, and your legs are burning from the walk. Maybe you just haven't gotten enough exercise as of late...Well, the good news is that your stomach doesn't seem to find anything wrong. You take a deep  breath, and look around you as far as you can...[1]. Hills. Hills and trees, and not a single damn hamlet in sight! What's going on here? Strange...You get up, and continue walking...

A rumble in the bushes puts you on edge, yet when you investigate it, you find nothing out of the ordinary. A feeling of fear crawls under your skin, agitating you. Something is definitely following you, but you don't know what it is...But, that doesn't matter right now. What matters is the goblin in-front of you.

Wait. What? GOBLIN? With a start, you break out of your slight trance. Standing in-front of you is, most definitely, a goblin. Ugly and small creatures they are, with wrinkly green skin and a nasty disposition. He's wearing about the same type of clothes that you are, shredded and mismatched rags. The only anomaly is the strange...Dagger? That he has in his hand. It's a pure, milky white, similar to the finest ivory. The only difference is the deep red line that runs up the middle...And it doesn't look painted. You size him up (He's only about two and a half feet tall), and decide that you could probably take him. The strangest part is, he doesn't seem hostile...Or afraid. He just stands there, calmly staring at you. What should you do...?

Name: Arc: Find healer, talk to drunks Deciding that finding that healer is of a strong priority, you decide to set to the task. You get up and start to strut boldly to the door...Aaand remember that you have no clue whatsoever where the healer is. Blushing a bit, you go to one of the nearby tables, brimming with drinks and people. You ask one of the nearest if they know the location of the local healer, but he just guffaws and takes another swig of the potent swill he's drinking. You feel a bit discourage, but...[5] A nice old man walks up behind you, and pokes you with his cane. He grins and says that he'd be happy to tell you where the healer is...For a mere copper coin. This irritates you to no end, and it will not stand! You decide to...[4] argue with him. A fierce discussion is played out, and a goodly number of the patrons lean in to listen. The argument reaches a dangerous height, and you reply to his previous quip with a jab about how his mother is a hamster, and his father smells of elderberries. This stops the old man in his tracks, and he grudgingly tells you the location of the healer.

It ends up that she's in one of the inn rooms, but that's the problem...There's quite a few rooms here. You ask around for which one she's in, but...[2] Nobody will tell you. The best answer you get is that she's probably in rooms 1 to 5, but you don't know which! There's five to check, so...Which do you check?

Weak update, I know, sorry :P.

Spoiler: Urist Mcinternetuser (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #77 on: December 27, 2011, 11:16:20 pm »

Continue singing. Slowly approach, then gently pick up, the girl. Then get the hell out of dodge.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #78 on: December 27, 2011, 11:18:35 pm »

>Flip a coin, if heads then try room 3, if tails then room 3. Go for Room Three.

I've a feeling that my character is one of the 'down to earth' kind of guys. I attacked a nice old man  :-[

Urist Mcinternetuser

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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #79 on: December 28, 2011, 10:30:48 pm »

Greet the goblin, ask for it's name.


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #80 on: December 29, 2011, 02:11:42 am »

(P.S: Derm, I don't know what you mean by "Get the hell out of dodge", so...Improvise time! Sorry :P.)

Name: Derm: Shhh. Be very, very quiet! You figure that taking things slowly will work the best, so you...[2] Stop singing. You walk towards the girl, who luckily doesn't seem too worried. You give her a small smile, then pick her up. She doesn't seem to really care, and kinda just flops there. You quickly leave the desolate room, telling her to close her eyes as you do...

The sudden intrusion of a dozen rotting corpses causes your stomach to do a backflip, and you don't want to know how it's affecting the poor girl. The only goal on your mind is to get out of this damn place, and try to find someone who can help. Luckily, you're quite successful with the former, and exiting the building into cool night air refreshes both your body, and mind. You set the girl down, and ask if she can walk. She gives a soft nod, and you tell her to follow you. There's really not much here, so you don't know what to do...

Suddenly, there's a huge crack, and a devastating explosion. Thinking quickly, you...[3] push the girl onto the ground and turn around. A flying piece of debris hits you for [9-6=3] damage, scratching your arm. It stings, but you fared very good, considering the odds. The entire tavern has collapsed, and standing on it is some kind of demon. It's made of pure shadow, but you can see unholy spiked armor underneath it. The face is just a cloud of darkness, and the most obvious feature is the gigantic axe it's wielding. You brace yourself for a fight, even though it might be hopeless, when suddenly the demon...Kneels? It lays it's axe on the ground, and bows it's head to you. Raising it, it speaks...

"Derm." The voice is crude and full of malice, but it has a strangely compassionate tone to it. You don't know how to react, and the demon continues...."Give us the child." The last word comes as a shock, and the little girl senses it too. She looks up at you in fear. "Derm. It is your destiny to give her to us. I shall bring you to our master." You don't know how to reply, but you do hear your little mechanical mouse beside your foot. He's small again, and doing his little chirp. What should you do?

Name: Arc: Room 3! You take out one of the crude copper pieces, and flip it...Heads! You decide to go to room 3. It's an annoyingly long walk to the back room, mostly due to the fact that you have to weave past multitudes of drunks and sultry women. The latter is much more difficult to avoid than the former, but at least you...[1] decide to not give a rat's ass. You sit at a table with a particularly fine-looking half-elven beauty, and cast three of your four coppers on the counter. This nets you and her two rounds of good ale, which you drink in happiness. The only bad part is that you can't afford her...Services, but you vow to return later with more coin. You wasted a good half hour, but it's not like the world is going to end, right? Even if it is, there'll be some foolish heroes out there to save the day. Leave the wenching to the ones who deserve it, like you!

You push yourself from the table, and bid the lady a good day. She gives you a disarming smile, and weaves back through the crowd. You're a bit wobbly, but no-one ever said that you were bad with alcohol. Although, you dally no more, and head straight to the Inn rooms. Luckily for you, room 3 is easily found, and you reach it in due time. Taking a deep breath, you knock on it...[4] A gruff voice answers, and a large orc opens the door. He definitely doesn't look happy. Suddenly though, he breaks out in a grin, and draws you in the room! Before you can do anything, he shuts the door.

"Are you the rattler of charm-snakes?" he asks, although the sentence makes no sense. How should you respond...?

Name: Nassir: Decide NOT to bash the vermin's head in! Deeming that the goblin isn't much of a threat (And it's a waste of your time), you greet him. He responds in kind, with surprisingly good Common. You ask him how he's doing, and he responds in the traditional human tongue, stating that he was exploring for his camp. You ask him exactly what he was exploring for, and he replies...[5] That he was looking for someone to help his clan. This surprises you, and being intrigued you ask for his name. He states, "Gorlisk", which sounds like a typical goblin name. He seems to be anxious to go, but asks you a final question:

"Would you help us?", he questions you. In response, you...[5] tell him that you'd like to, but you'll need to know what's going on first. The Goblin seems pleased by this, and responds in kind. He states that a large group of Hob-goblins have been attacking his tribe, slaughtering many of his innocent people and taking the rest as slaves. You feel surprised at this, due to the fact that it's generally goblins who are slaughtering innocent humans, usually allied with Hob-goblins. You ask the creature of this, and he replies: "We're a peaceful tribe, living in the woods hunting game and catching fish. Most of our...Race may be quite vicious, but that doesn't decide that every one of us is. As you can see, I was raised by some...Inquisitive humans for quite a long time. He gestures to some wicked scars that adorn his body, and continues his tale.

He speaks of how the Hob-goblins are angered with his tribe, since they will not help them raid the nearby human villages. As such, they're come to their land with a vengeance. The Goblins have held them off for a few years now, but the attacks are only getting stronger, and the goblins are weakening. The final blow was struck when one of their greatest Shamans fell deeply ill, and died no more than a fortnight ago. As such, several of the more educated green-skins went out on a journey, hoping to find aid...Be it from other goblins, humans, or demons. You don't really know what you should do...Do you trust this little creature? Your stomach tells you that he doesn't seem to be lying, but that doesn't mean he's trust-worthy. What do you do?

Spoiler: Urist Mcinternetuser (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)
« Last Edit: December 29, 2011, 02:34:39 am by Dave1004 »

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  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #81 on: December 29, 2011, 02:36:18 am »

What...did I get myself into.

>Convince the orc that I got the wrong room, a bit drunk as I am. Say that he's coming up soon, even if I might look like him. Dash to room 5.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #82 on: December 29, 2011, 01:19:02 pm »

Get the hell out of dodge means to haul ass away from a location.

Wind up the mouse again "Yeah, you see, I get the feeling that that might be a bad idea and furthermore-" Pick up the girl again, and haul ass. Mouse cover our escape.
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.

Urist Mcinternetuser

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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #83 on: December 30, 2011, 10:09:21 pm »

Accompany him, knowing the risks.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #84 on: December 30, 2011, 11:25:44 pm »

Name: Arc: The Fine Art of Negiotorcing. Knowing that you're got yourself in a terrible predicament, you opt for the best means of escape...[6] Which is, of course, telling the truth!  Since you don't know anything about who this orc is, or what he wants, the best option is to probably not lie. As such, you explain to the green-skinned brute that you're just a drunken oaf who somehow wandered into the wrong room. This works quite well for you, because the orc gets a nasty scowl on his face and kicks you out the now-open door. "Don't come back!", he says. That's not really a problem, since you aren't coming back. Decidedly though, you figure that you'd better find that healer, and quick. As such, you dash to room 5!

Knocking politely on the door, you step back a bit and wait...[6+1]*: A-ha! A quiet maiden answers, clothed in the white garb of priestess. She looks at you suspiciously, then motions for you to enter.  Before you can say anything, she speaks...

"Moon-glow." As she studies you closely, her look goes from worry to peace. She suddenly breaks out in a grin, and tosses back her hood, revealing the...Very severe lack of hair. You have a start at seeing that she's bald, but evidently she pays no mind to your stares.

"I said, you had moon-glow", she repeats. Not exactly knowing...Oh! Right, from that mushroom you ate. That must be it.

"Moon-glow...? Is that, er, bad?" you ask in a hesitant voice.
"Oh no, not at all! Doesn't do anything good either, but at least it looks pretty."
"So...I take it that I don't need a healer?"
"Nope! But, you still owe me for the examination."
"...And how much would that be?"
"I could let you off...for two silver."

With a glum look on your face, you pull your single copper coin out of your pocket...The priestess notices this, and breaks out in a laugh.

"What are you, some farm-boy? A single copper, nary a flash of silver, or, say, gold?"
"I...I'm sorry. Can you accept this as payment?...[6]"
"Well...You know what? Sure! Hand it here, I like your style, kid. Now get on out, I have some...Customers waiting."

With that final sentence, the girl kicks you out, then shuts the door. You've entered this inn with a pocketful of coins, and now leave with nary a copper to your name. What's next on the agenda?
(*: A +1 bonus for it being the second room you explored.)

Name: Derm: Flee! Run for the hills! You casually reach down, as if to stretch, and pick up your mechanical mouse. The shadow creature looks expectantly at you...

"Yeah, about your proposition...You see, I get the feeling that that might be a bad idea and furthermore-"

After the final word, you set the fully-wound mouse on the ground. It grows with a quiet chirp, and you grab the girl. Turning around, you run like you've never run before. The Demon takes a moment to understand what you're doing, and then roars. He leaps forwards, holding his tremendous weapon in his hands...

Your brave mouse jumps in-front of it, causing the demon to trip! [6] This causes a large wooden plank to stab through it's...Well, where it's eye should be. With a roar, the Demon rips it out! Black ichor falls from the wound, pooling on the ground. [14 damage]. Your mouse re-positions itself, but after that last gesture you're too far away to see what happens...

(OOC: I don't know whether to roll the combat or not. You can't actually see what's going on, so it wouldn't make sense...)

The girl is limp in your grasp, and you continue to run, weaving through the wreckage. The gate is just ahead!...

Mouse: 6. Demon: 4. You hear yet another cry of rage, but luckily the creature isn't following after you...Yet. You reach the gate, and run through it with haste. The dark forest is in-front of you, so you plunge into it...

Mouse: 6. Demon: 10. You hear a final cry of victory, and a quiet metallic chirp inside your mind, then...Nothing. Your pet delayed the demon for an incredibly long time, and you doubt that it could find you in this thick forest. Since safety is at hand...What should you do? The girl is staring at you quietly.

Name: Nassir: Follow the green road Goblin! You feel that you can trust this Goblin's words, so you tell him that you'll be glad to come. The green-skin breaks out in a wide smile, and thanks you profusely. He mentions that it will take about two days to reach his camp, and he only has enough supplies for both of you for a single day. With that said, you both start off, the Goblin obviously taking the lead.

(OOC: This is a "Travel" Phase: One turn is one day of travel. You'll see.[/b]

You're making good progress through the hilly terrain, when suddenly...[13] (Travel Event) The goblin stops and sniffs the air. You ask him what's wrong, and he tells you to follow him...Quietly. You decide to...[5] Do as he says. He leads you through a strange thicket, and into an open glade. A small pond lies in the middle, gleaming silver despite the sun shining. It's a shallow pool of water, with nothing in it but soft sand at the bottom. The Goblin grins and un-stoppers his flask, filling it up in the pool. He gestures for you to do the same, but you tell him that you don't have a waterskin. The Goblin frowns at this, but tells you to drink from the pond anyways. "It's magical", he says. You're hesitant, but your gut tells you...That you might as well. The goblin is drinking from it right now, so it should be fine. Kneeling on the ground, you cup your hands and drink some of the water...A strange electrical tingle zaps up your body, easing your fatigue and refreshing your mind. You feel healthy and warm, despite the fact that the water was cool and clear. You stoop to drink some more, but the Goblin stops you. "Once is enough", is all he states. Deciding to listen to him, you get up. The sky is darkening, and you're going to have to make camp...What should you do in the meantime?

Spoiler: Urist Mcinternetuser (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

I didn't proof-read at all, so...Sorry for any mistakes :P.

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Urist Mcinternetuser

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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #85 on: December 31, 2011, 01:06:22 am »

Search nearby for food, but really nearby so I don't get lost.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #86 on: December 31, 2011, 01:19:22 am »

Arc suspects it was a ruse. Bald priestess? Hmmm...

Inquire about who the person is in room 5. Also, a way out of the tavern (not the obvious outside one)


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #87 on: December 31, 2011, 02:06:13 am »

Place a marker in honor of mouses sacrifice.

"'s always important to honor those who are or were important to you, eh? I think we might be safe now. Can you tell me your name?"
I can do anything I want, as long as I accept the consequences.
"Y'know, my favorite thing about being a hero is that it gives you all kinds of narrative justification to just slay any ol' jerk who gets in the way - Black Mage.
"The bulk of [Derm]'s atrocities seem to stem from him doing things that [Magic] doesn't actually do." - TvTropes
"Dammit Derm!" - You, if I'm doing it right.
Moved to SufficientVelocity / Spacebattles.


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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #88 on: December 31, 2011, 08:11:29 pm »

Oh look! Is this...?

Nope, no turn. Not today, sorry. Been browsing on my parent's Android, but f**k trying to post in that. Will be back home tomorrow. Peace.

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Re: Roll to Dodge a Trap
« Reply #89 on: January 01, 2012, 12:33:48 pm »

Name: Nassir: Zug zug You decide that grabbing some hearty eats is in order, so you set on doing so. The Goblin warns you not to wander off too far, and you're inclined to listen to him. It's a nice night out, cool but with a warm breeze. There's not a single cloud in the sky, and everything is basked in a warm, soft glow...Something is off, although. You don't know what it is, but you stomach...Doesn't think that there's anything wrong. Maybe you just are really hungry.

During your thinking session, you almost missed a bit of...[4] Blueberries! They're quite ripe right now, looking plump and delicious. You take a large leaf from a tree, and wrap it into a sort of bowl. You then pluck as many blueberries as you can...[4] You get a nice amount, easily enough to fill your makeshift bowl. Deciding that a man can't live on fruit alone, you continue to search...[1] There's a rustle in the bushes, and your thoughts are filled with savory, juice rabbit! You can barely stop yourself from leaping forwards...Wait, no, sorry, you didn't stop yourself. You leaped forwards...Right onto something strange! The bush seems to grab you, thorns digging in your skin! With a panic, you do your best to escape...[1] But your futile efforts just draw you in closer! You have only one chance at this, so you a shout for your friend! [4] You cry for help, and you hear him answer, if faintly. He's coming, but what do you do until then? You're being drawn into the bush, and it doesn't look pretty...

Name: Arc: Being rude After getting kicked out, you feel restless...There was something wrong about that lady! What kind of healer has a bald head? That's just not right, man! Determined to find out if she was some kind of fraud, you head back into the drinking lounge. To your surprise, there's only about a dozen people here now...It seems that it's actually pretty late. Still, you decide to ask someone...[2] Hey! That guy over there looks great, let's go up and...Oh. It's the guy who stepped on you. Before you can scramble away, the man stands up and squints at you. He's an ugly sort of fellow, with greasy black hair and an un-shaved beard. But you can't deny the muscles on this guy, and he definitely doesn't look like he's in much of a playing around mood.

He's just sitting there, staring at you...You fidget a bit under his gaze, but hold your ground. Suddenly...[2] The man frowns, and smacks you on the face! What would be a simple slap to him sends you sprawling on the ground, and your cheek has a cut in it. [10-3=7 Damage] Thing doesn't look very good for you, but before the man can step up to hit you again, he...[6] suddenly is jerked back! You stand up to see what is going on, and look behind you to see the bald priestess holding the man by a single arm, twisting it behind his back! He's in obvious pain, with his beady eyes squinting. The lady gives you a quick smile, then flicks the brute on the back of the head. With a resounding thud, he hits the floor, snoring deeply. You don't know what to make of this all, but the lady walks up to you. Before you can jump away, she places her palm on your forehead. It's cool and smooth, but a sudden rush of warmth fills your body. [13+8=21 Healed] During the strange sensations, you feel your bruises disappearing, and your cut healing. You register shock and surprise, but the lady just grins and walks towards the bar. It seems that you've learned whether she's a priestess or not...Looking at the back of her robe, you can see the symbol of a large sun, surrounded by three moons. You...[5] Remember that it's the symbol of the god Kynorath, wielder of light and righteous fury.
What should you do now...?

Name: Derm: Honor thy fallen Despite being far away from the shadow-demon, you feel a strange twinge of sadness in your heart. The poor mouse did manage to hold off a gigantic demon and all. You decide to set an appropriate grave for him. Gathering some resources from the nearby trees, you...[5] build a pretty nice looking marker. It's a large wooden cross, surrounded by stones and wreaths of greenery. Quite nice, if you do say so yourself. On a side note, you decide that it'd probably be a good idea to help the girl...

Turning around, you see her...[4] sitting on the ground, looking fidgety. Her wound is almost completely healed, the skin returned to normal. You decide that a conversation is in order, and set to doing so.

"Girl...We're safe now. Can you tell me anything about what happened? Mayhaps your name...?" You as a bit gruffly. The little girl stares at you for a moment, then...

"Elyssia." Just a single word, and then her face is a mask of stone again. It seems that you're not going to be able to get her to talk very well...The good news is, the sun is rising, and warmth is filling the air. You can hear the rustle of squirrels in the tree, and the hoots of owls just heading to rest. You worry that the demon may be able to find you in the light, but he doesn't seem to be anywhere near. Most creatures of the shadow like it can't stay in the sun, at least not for very long. Today should be a great day! What's next?

Spoiler: Urist Mcinternetuser (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: dermonster (click to show/hide)

Spoiler: Tiruin (click to show/hide)

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