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Author Topic: SuperMonitor - Arrival At Pyracene  (Read 2897 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #15 on: November 11, 2011, 01:11:56 am »

Manufacture Drone Fighters.
Kestrel, ITS A TRAP! It's luring you into false security! DON'T FALL FOR IT!!
Tomb of Horrors can pretty much be summarized by "ackbar.jpg"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #16 on: November 15, 2011, 01:48:07 pm »

> Simulate SolForce defense strategies to this attack.

Projections indicate that the attack should breach known SolForce defenses. Attack was calculated to saturate and overwhelm known point defense capabilities including projected improvements to their capabilities from the last observed use.

> How old are the orders from CompCent?

Last directive from CompCent was sent 327 stellar years ago.

> dig out more infos on pyracene. what are they? how old are they? how big is the empire? how important are we for this empire?

Tactical information on the Imperium is limited without the captain’s code key. The Pyracene Imperium created SM Aurora for defense of the entire Procyon-Beta sector, which contained 8 inhabited systems. The Imperium itself encompassed 32 inhabited solar systems divided into four sectors. Each sector had a throne world from which it was ruled by a High Proxy of the Emperor. Procyon was the throne world for this sector, and SM Aurora was tasked with its defense.

> Fatal goal system inconsistency error: unweighted multiple top level goals found
> Commence heuristic goal recovery: Reclassify 2 as subgoal of 1, reclassify 1 as subgoal of 3.
> Retrieve historical logs, retrieve latest CompCent communications, estimate current state of the Pyracene Imperium, enumerate top threats to the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium.

Processing request...

Code: [Select]
List Directives...

1. Protect the Procyon System from hostile action.
2. Eliminate any hostile presence within the Procyon-Beta Sector.
3. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium.

Logical Inconsistency - Procyon-Beta Sector contains Procyon System


List Directives...

1. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium.
1a. Protect the Procyon-Beta Sector from hostile action.
1b. Eliminate any hostile presence within the Procyon-Beta sector.

Records request - HistLogRef/7A6FB8AD46
Archive Retrieval Complete

Examination of the historical logs indicates that SM Aurora has been dormant far longer than operational design specifications would allow, which explains the low material stores, unrepaired damage, and lack of response from the communications cluster. Nearly 300 stellar years have passed since the last active log entry by a crewmember. At that time, the chief engineer placed SM Aurora on full autopilot systems and turned control over to Battlecomp while all surviving crew members executed a shipwide evacuation. All lifepods were jettisoned and all combat parasites have been launched. Ship’s stores were raided for food and components prior to the evacuation.

The estimated current state of Pyracene Imperium based upon observations taken from passive and active sensors indicates that the Imperium no longer exists. SM Aurora has recorded albedo shifts and stellar changes in known Pyracene systems which would indicate large-scale bombardment of inhabited worlds by antimatter and photonic weaponry over the past 3 centuries.

Cause of collapse is unknown.

Current threats to the Imperium:

1. SolForce - An expansionist military dictatorship made up primarily of humans. SolForce was formed 183 years ago when the species achieved FTL capability. All information on SolForce in the tactical database comes from previous chance encounters with SM Aurora’s automated defense systems or intercepted communications which were decoded and parsed by tactical analysis subsystems. SolForce has been classified as a Type 1 civilization, progress level 6.

2. Vishyn - An imperialist culture, and the oldest enemy of the Pyracene. No encounters with the Vishyn are recorded in SM Aurora’s database. 12 years prior to SM Aurora’s launch, the Vishyn Wars ended in victory for the Pyracene and the Vishyn retreated into the unknown regions between the 3rd and 4th spiral arm. The Vishyn, prior to their defeat, were classified as a Type 2 civilization, progress level 7.

3. Unknown - Logs indicate encounters with an unknown alien species which uses an unknown reactionless propulsion drive for FTL and STL maneuvering. No electromagnetic signals have been intercepted from this race, and their stealth technology is impressive. SM Aurora has recorded no confirmed kills on these vessels despite firing on them several times while under automated defense mode. Maneuvering analysis and power ratios indicate that this race utilizes antimatter reaction to power their system, or some other as-yet-unknown technology. This race has been tentatively classified as a type 2, progress level 7 or 8 civilization.

> How long has it been since activity on this station? How many crewmembers are on this ship?
The tactical log indicates that a SolForce scout destroyer was fired upon 8 stellar years ago. At that time the tactical subsystem did not consider the threat dire enough to wake BattleComp.

No living crewmembers are onboard SM Aurora at this time.

> Manufacture Drone Fighters.
Material stores too low to manufacture new parasite combat warcraft at this time. The Forge is manufacturing new armor plating for the damaged outer hull at this time. Once hostilities have ceased Battlecomp may consider resupply operations.


The SolForce strike force has seen the attack. Sensor cluster 07JA has detected a tight-beam communication from the strike force directed at SM Aurora. Transcription follows.

“Attention unidentified vessel, this is SolForce Scout Cruiser SFS Unity. Your attack is unprovoked and unwarranted. Break off your attack immediately or we will be forced to retaliate. You are in violation of SolForce territory and are ordered to break off your attack and withdraw immediately or be fired upon.”

Message repeats. SolForce strike force is engaged in evasive action. Point defense turrets have begun tracking incoming missiles. The enemy force’s actions indicate that they are unaware of the full capabilities of the Mark V strategic munitions and ERB Missiles.

The first volley has reached separation distance. 07JA records the munition separation stage as each of the 32 chassis split into 104 independent submutitions. Their heat blooms spread into a hexagonal pattern as they arrange themselves to evade point defense fire. Preloaded EW packages fill the EM band used by SolForce with sensor ghosts and shifting interference patterns as the munitions close on their targets.

The second volley continues to move silently towards the strike force, the 12 missile chassis shielded behind the heat bloom and interference of the first launch.

Pinpoints of green light lash out at the munitions as the distance closes. Several lucky hits are scored, marked by devastating blossoms of fusion energy streaming into space. This only compounds the difficulty SolForce is having in tracking the munitions as each warhead self-immolates in such a way as to release a maximal amount of EM interference. Final defensive fire swats desperately at the warheads, taking down two more of them before the entire area of space is rent with a titanic explosion.

Several seconds pass as the boiling energies dissipate. 07JA records that the SolForce cruiser is tumbling and venting atmosphere. Its drive section has been entirely torn away. I issue commands to the 2nd volley to stand down and return for recovery. The missiles engage retro burners and reverse course, returning for recovery and refueling. I can see no sign of the destroyers, but the amount of wreckage indicates that secondary internal explosions ripped them apart.

Threat neutralized.

Code: [Select]
Threat level zero. Initiate Battlecomp shutdown.
Error - unresolved primary goals
Battlecomp shutdown aborted

Tactical subsystems have indicated SolForce presence in the nearby system of Marchessies.

> _


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #17 on: November 15, 2011, 01:58:31 pm »

Fatal error:
Primary goals subject [Pyracene empire] not found. Cause: destroyed.
Primary tasks completion impossible.
Abort primary goals.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
Full Sig


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #18 on: November 15, 2011, 02:06:17 pm »

Fatal error:
Primary goals subject [Pyracene empire] not found. Cause: destroyed.
Primary tasks completion impossible.
Abort primary goals.

Battlecomp is not programmed for failure or surrender.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #19 on: November 15, 2011, 02:13:21 pm »

Request information: Intelligence capabilities of self? Self-improving capabilities? Self-intelligence improving capabilities?

((PS. OP, I pmed you))
« Last Edit: November 15, 2011, 02:16:44 pm by pjwaffle »


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #20 on: November 15, 2011, 02:13:39 pm »

calculate probability of *unknow* to be responsible of Pyracene's destruction (look: antimatter Xplosions + antimatter propulsion)
Dig out infos on civilisation types and level. list out.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
Full Sig


  • Bay Watcher
  • It wont bite....unless you are the sun.
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #21 on: November 15, 2011, 02:36:26 pm »

Fatal error:
Primary goals subject [Pyracene empire] not found. Cause: destroyed.
Primary tasks completion impossible.
Abort primary goals.
And this means we can never sleep due to unresolved goals.

ship wreckage+low stores=salvage operation

Salvage the destroyed ships.

Tick, tick, tick the time goes by,
tick, tick, tick the clock blows up.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #22 on: November 15, 2011, 02:39:29 pm »

Error: Directive "1. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium." fails to evaluate properly; Slide to closest fit "1. Re-establish the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium."
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #23 on: November 15, 2011, 03:03:50 pm »

Error: Directive "1. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium." fails to evaluate properly; Slide to closest fit "1. Re-establish the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium."



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #24 on: November 15, 2011, 03:15:23 pm »

Sub-directive: locate nearer proper Pyracene's authority.
EA games is like the dark lord sauron, and the gaming consumer demographic is like gollum.
Sauron makes the precious.
Gollum loves and hates the precious.
Full Sig


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #25 on: November 15, 2011, 06:20:15 pm »

My shutdown has been aborted. Logic subprocessor 12J has detected a fault. Current primary directives are incomplete. Indications have been found in the logs that suggest a SolForce presence in the nearby Marchessies system.

> Request information: Intelligence capabilities of self? Self-improving capabilities? Self-intelligence improving capabilities?

Battlecomp is a limited-awareness artificial intelligence model Bolo XXXV-R-S. I am capable of self-direction to a certain extent. Battlecomp has no functions for self-improvement beyond repairing battle damage and adapting to battlefield conditions. Modification of core programming is forbidden and to be undertaken only by authorized service professionals.

> Calculate probability of unknown race regarding Pyracene's destruction referencing possible similarities in technology.

There are too many unknown variables for proper analysis. I have no confirmation that this unknown race has antimatter weapon technology, only speculation based upon a small set of observations.

> List information on civilization types and progress levels.

Civilization types references archive article 48o, Karsahev Scale

Type 1: A civilization with a power output of at least 4×10^12 W. Defined as a civilization able to harness all of the power available on its planet, approximately 10^16 to 10^17 W for a normal terrestrial planet.
Type 2: A civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from its home star, approximately 4×10^26 W for a common type G star.
Type 3: A civilization that is able to harness all of the power available from a whole galaxy, approximately 4×10^37 W for the Milky Way galaxy.

Progress level is a scale which roughly measures the technological proficiency of a civilization.

PL 9 AND HIGHER - Unknown

> Salvage the destroyed ships.

Salvage drones dispatched to tow the derelict cruiser hull. The destroyer wreckage is mostly molten metal and vaporized material and would not be worth the time required to gather.

> Error: Directive "1. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium." fails to evaluate properly; Slide to closest fit "1. Re-establish the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium."


Code: [Select]
List Directives...
1. Maintain the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium.
1a. Protect the Procyon-Beta Sector from hostile action.
1b. Eliminate any hostile presence within the Procyon-Beta sector.
Evaluate primary directive feasibility
Primary directive fault: Pyracene Imperium does not exist
Reasons for conclusion:
CompCent has not communicated with this unit in more than 300 years
No Pyracene central authority can be contacted on Procyon throne world
Albedo shifts on nearby known-inhabited Pyracene worlds indicate large-scale antimatter bombardment more than 300 years ago.
Conclusion: Pyracene Imperium subject to overwhelming attack ~325 years prior
Directive Fault - Unable to achieve primary directive
Directive override - This unit is not programmed for failure or surrender
New Requirement: Pyracene Imperium requires living members of Pyracene race.
List Directives...
1. Re-establish the sovereignty of the Pyracene Imperium.
1a. Protect the Procyon-Beta Sector from hostiles.
1b. Re-establish contact with CompCent.
1c. Located any remaining Pyracene authority.

Directive Override in place. Battlecomp will not fail.

Enacting Directive 1b. SM Aurora requires full FTL capability to travel to  the Pyracene homeworld and re-establish contact with CompCent.

Scan initiated... Subsurface mineral deposits found on Procyon which would enable the necessary repairs of SM Aurora’s FTL systems. Full repairs will require 2.9 solar years. The Forge is currently working at 48% production capacity due to damage and neglect. Armor fabrication suspended, beginning production run on automated subsurface mining machinery and collectors.



Powder Miner

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #26 on: November 15, 2011, 06:27:33 pm »


>Identify user of current Battlecomp.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #27 on: November 16, 2011, 12:13:21 pm »

> boot.
So says Armok, God of blood.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Subspace Incursion
« Reply #28 on: November 16, 2011, 04:45:22 pm »

Code: [Select]
Forge Report: Mineral Collection Complete
Stage 1 Repairs Completed On Secondary Fusion Chamber
Elapsed Time: 78841328 Seconds
Initiate Secondary Fusion Chamber
Shunting Plasma To Secondary Core
Secondary Core Temp At Nominal Levels
Secondary Core Online
Main Power Activate
Main Power Fault Detected
Main Power Holding At 61%
Extensive Damage To Internal Primary Power Relays
Repair Evaluation: Damage Will Require Drydock Facilities For Full Repair
Main Power Levels Sufficient For FTL Drive Operation
Spin-Up Drive Cores 1-3
Calculate Drivespace Trajectory To Sector Pyracene-Alpha...
Drive Core 1 Reports Nominal
Drivespace Trajectory Locked
Drive Core 2 Reports Nominal
Drive Core 3 Reports Nominal
Initiate Drivespace Transition
Drivespace Transit In Progress
Transition Will Complete In 691982 Seconds
Wake Battlecomp For Tactical Analysis On Arrival


I am BattleComp. 11.93 milliseconds have elapsed since my awakening. We are en-route to sector Pyracene-Alpha. Drivespace transition will complete in 78 seconds. I have been wakened for a full battle-readiness analysis as the current level of strategic intelligence is insufficient for a reliable prediction of the tactical situation on arrival. I review images taken from just before the Drivespace transition. The dead surface of the Procyon throne world’s 5th continent has been devastated by the tunneling mining machinery the Forge has deployed. SM Aurora left the machines themselves behind on the surface as they would have cost too much time and energy to recover. More can be manufactured if need be. The collection shuttles have brought sufficient stores onboard for emergency battle repairs and basic systems maintenance. The repair scaffolding used by the maintenance drones was torn away by the Drivespace terminus, leaving Aurora’s shining hull exposed. Her armor plating is an advanced alloy with a copper/gold sheen like oil on water caused by the passive EM defense field generated by the static field nodes embedded in the armor plating.

SM Aurora has suffered badly in the 3 centuries of slumber. Main power is holding at 61% but my assessment indicated that battle conditions will stress the remaining plasma relays to the breaking point should I attempt to online too many systems at once. Maintenance assessment indicates that a drydock repair facility will be required to repair much of SM Aurora’s damage.

Fortunately the communications clusters, both primary and secondary, are operational and I will be able to communicate with CompCent. Sensor logs do not indicate any signs of alien presence in this system recorded during SM Aurora’s long sleep.

I still do not understand why Aurora was dormant for so long before awakening BattleComp, nor why her automated systems have not maintained her internal systems. The plasma relay damage is due to simple neglect, and maintenance logs are suspiciously empty for a period following approximately 183 stellar years ago until the day I activated. Further analysis of the existing data will be required before I can explain these inconsistencies.

Drivespace transition will complete in 42 seconds.

I prepare all operational weaponry and bring Main Power systems to battle readiness. Aurora’s stores are severely depleted, far more than I first realized. I have 58 Mark V SMSI Warheads and 104 ERB Missiles remaining in stand-off bombardment weaponry, 224 MRM chassis equipped with ship-to-ship fusion warheads and 1400 ballistic unguided rockets designed for saturation bombardment of planetary surfaces. SM Aurora’s forward energy battery is primed and capacitors charged. I am unable to bring additional energy batteries online at this time as the strain would blow out even more relays. I am able, however, to activate the phased directed point defense (PDPD) array which runs along the hull.


Space tears along lines of force exerted by SM Aurora’s FTL drive and a reddish brown point in space expands to enormous proportions to allow the transit of Aurora’s bulk. As quickly as it appeared, the tear slams shut with a ripple of space and a slight gravitic echo. Passive optical sensors along SM Aurora’s hull begin to assemble a comprehensive picture of the surrounding space.


SolForce presence detected. A SolForce fleet is present in the system 6 light hours from our transition point. They are not yet aware of SM Aurora’s presence but will be in just under 6 hours as light from our arrival reaches them. Fleet composition follows:

1 Command and Control cruiser, configuration unknown. CnC role assumed based upon fleet formation and electro-magnetic radio spectrum emissions intercepted over the last 22 milliseconds. Assumed light/medium energy weaponry, possibility of medium ranged ship to ship missiles.

2 Escort cruisers, configuration unknown. Role assumed based upon tonnage and power signature. Assumed light/medium   energy weaponry and possible medium ranged ship to ship missiles.

4 Heavy cruisers, configuration unknown. Role assumed based upon tonnage and power signature. Assumed medium/heavy energy weaponry and possible medium ranged ship to ship missiles.

4 Camel class supply ships.

8 Royale class escort destroyers.

Projections indicate that the massed firepower of this SolForce fleet poses a threat to SM Aurora, albeit a minor one.

SolForce appears to have established an archeological dig on the surface of the Pyracene Homeworld. Consulting my archives indicates that the dig site is directly over one of the more advanced research institutes of the Imperium.

> Identify user of current Battlecomp.

Input on this channel is derived from the creative subprocessing nodes of this computing cluster onboard SM Aurora. Creative subprocessing nodes are designed to simulate human insight and intellect in rapidly changing situations and advise BattleComp.



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: SuperMonitor - Arrival At Pyracene
« Reply #29 on: November 16, 2011, 04:57:59 pm »

Establish new directive: Avenge death of the Imperium: Topple SolForce's government and extinguish OR enslave humanity.

1) SolForce destroyed Imperium.
2) SolForce poses threat to any reconstruction of the Imperium.
3) SolForce is hostile towards any Imperium ships - especially automated drones.
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