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Author Topic: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort: Reclaimed, Again! (And Again)  (Read 176794 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #480 on: December 16, 2011, 07:00:57 am »

(writen in dwarven blood on one of the buckets in the hospital)

I can't believe what we might finally have a need for soap and i'm the one in need of it. Also why do they even need to break my entire knee to restructure it?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #481 on: December 16, 2011, 07:58:19 am »

Feel free to choose wich ever incarnation would be most amusing ^^
Having my guy sent straight back with the next migrant wave after only just reaching dwarven civilisation would do swell.
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #482 on: December 16, 2011, 11:09:52 pm »

Sure, add references. Shall I add more? MY FAVORITE DRINKING BUDDY, LETS GET SOME MEAD. Also, didn't one of our dwarves take an arrow to the knee? better make him a guard.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #483 on: December 16, 2011, 11:24:47 pm »

So since I made an artifact, i'm a legendary metalcrafter right?
EDIT: I suggest the Baron's quarters look out into the caverns, with bridges between the windows and the flying building destroyers, so they can be opened in an emergency.
Sorry, I saw you accidentally wrote closed, so I fixed it.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #484 on: December 17, 2011, 01:24:55 pm »

Sure, add references. Shall I add more? MY FAVORITE DRINKING BUDDY, LETS GET SOME MEAD. Also, didn't one of our dwarves take an arrow to the knee? better make him a guard.

And Varnish never tried to reference anything, ever again.

So since I made an artifact, i'm a legendary metalcrafter right?


Real update when I have time. Today, maybe? Maybe next thursday.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #485 on: December 17, 2011, 02:35:24 pm »

“Ah, there’s the patient! Don’t worry, a good hammering will have that arrow and your knee out of your leg in no time!”
That intermission with me and Silverix was incredibly awesome. Especially the implications of using "and" instead of "in" there.

I want to be redorfed as a similar dwarf.

In fact, I want to be Dr. Killpatient's arch nemisis or, in other words, an unbearably cheery person.

Just to say, I've been reading this thread constantly, but I wasn't sure if the reclaim had advanced enough to need 2 doctors.
Hah, this would be an interesting addition. Perhaps you're one of the sensible doctors from the Mountainhomes that voted to toss me out in the first place, coming to Oceanbridge for work and unaware that I've settled here?
By the way, I don't think you being dwarfed as a doctor would be overdoing it. In fact, I'm not even a doctor. ;D See my first character post.
"Frankly, if you're hanging out with people who tell you to use v.begin() instead of &v[0], you need to rethink your social circle."
    Scott Meyers, Effective STL

I've written bash scripts to make using DF easier under Linux!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #486 on: December 17, 2011, 11:07:59 pm »

After reading a bit I have a new idea:

The cocky bastard told me that my record 98% patient mortality rate was too high!

I want to be the remaining 2% (The dwarf Dr. Killpatient failed to kill)

On a completely unrelated note I tried my hand at drawing artifacts with a program called "adobe illustrator" here are the results:

Spoiler (click to show/hide)

Mustybinds the Mute Hero (an elephant bone hammer from early on):
Spoiler (click to show/hide)

I colored it a slight orange because elephant bone is basically ivory which is a light orange, not white.
"what are all these shapes? Why are they moving around. What do they want from me?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #487 on: December 19, 2011, 11:48:24 am »

((I like those! It makes me wish I could actually find some of the old artifacts. They seem to have all dissapeared, except for the ones that were built. This update is bigger, to make up for lost time))

An Excerpt from a Short Lecture on the Gods, by the Professor of Applied Mythology, MH

We might wonder what this array of Gods would look like to the outside observer. He would see, perhaps, a curiously incomplete divine pantheon. Looking at the superficial, he would wonder where the gods of nature, of fertility, of love and lust and war and other popular activities are. Our hypothetical observer, has, of course, misunderstood both the function of gods within their own society, and the nature of that society itself.

That Rakust is known as a god of death should not cause one to conclude that he is a god hostile to life, or that he simply acts as the end of life. Rather, his domain encompassed the whole of death, which naturally includes war and disease, violence and accidents, cave ins and natural disaster; butalso birth and the flourishing of life, which must always give way to new life through death. Rakust is not a small god; he is the messenger of life and death, the guide for the lost, and a welcome friend to the suffering. He is worshiped in all of these guises, and more, as I am sure you are all aware. So we see that a god who, from the outside, is simply the god of “death” encompasses far more.

Our pantheon is complete, and beautiful in that completeness. It only takes a bit of investigation to show that beauty.


From the Memoirs of Wilberforce Amber Ropenourished
Early Spring 198

Another year, dear readers, and I would like to believe that this year will be... less full of incident. Let’s hope for a year of building and naught else.

Of course, some events have already proven me foolish for hoping that, but nothing terrible has happened yet. Still, it was a source of some terror when, on the second day of spring, our own Doctor Killpatient was spotted  skipping through the halls, a merry twinkle in his eye.

Those who spotted him close themselves in whatever room they might find, barring the doors if possible, but the doctor sequestered himself in a masons workroom and only emerged a week later, bearing a brand new... millstone.

Great and wondrous are his works to behold, or so the saying must go, if I remember right. This work is a bit underwhelming, I must say, however.

The latest news, the news of just a minute ago, in fact, is that migrants have arrived. I’m off to meet them. There’s nothing I like more than meeting a few new fellows.


Wilberforce popped his head over the battlements, then popped back down again when a crossbow bolt narrowly missed his head. “They’re shooting at us!”

Bayar, Balnash and Derm answered with variations of “We know.” Bayar continued. “There’s about twenty five of ‘em, and the leader is the one doing the shooting. Only good thing is that he’s a terrible shot. But we haven’t been able to talk to him yet.”

Wilberforce shook his head. “This is nonsense. I’ll have a word. There’s nothing that two dwarfs of good will cannot solve with words.”

He looked over the edge of the wall again, and a steel bolt clattered against the wall several feet below. “I say! Please stop shooting at us, my good man, we-“

He was interrupted by a shout from below. “There’s one of the bastards! All right, charge, my lads! Let’s reclaim this fort!” The dwarfs gathered on the plains below seemed uncertain about this. A few of them had weapons, and they waved the in the air cautiously.

“Afraid you’ve made some sort of mistake, my man! This fort is reclaimed already; by which I mean, we are on your side-“yet another bold flew by and struck a passing seagull. “So I would quite appreciate you ceasing this whole shooting at us business!”

The migrant army’s leader at last showed himself, stepping out of the crowd. He was a very burly dwarf, and he held a crossbow in one hand and a pick in the other, which may have accounted for his inaccuracy. “What the hell! You’re all dwarfs!” He seemed offended.

“A point we have been trying to get across to you, my dear fellow! Who are you, if I may ask?”

“The name’s Karakzon!"

"I helped build this place.” He gestured with his pick. “Dug it out myself, mostly. Escaped after the fall, went back to find some dwarfs and raise and army, and came back to storm it by force!” He frowned. “I admit it took longer than I planned, on account of I couldn’t find the mountainhomes. But I got an army just the same.” He pointed at Wilberforce. “And then you had the damn nerve to come and do it before me!”

“Terribly sorry about that.”

“I... what?”

“Well, we weren’t to know! We were just migrants ourselves, hoping to find a new home. Still, why don’t you and your friends come on in anyway. We’ll throw a celebration party. We’ve got plenty to eat and drink here, and I’m sure you and yours are hungry and thirsty. We’ll welcome you back in as a hero; after all, with one of the founders back among us, I think we can call this fort truly reclaimed!”

Karakzon thought it over, then nodded. “Yeah, all right. Come on boys! The fortress is ours!”

One of the soldiers paused in mid weapon wave “We won?”

“More or less.”



There was one more encounter as the new migrants mingled with the general population. Several doctors had joined Karakzon’s mob, much to the relief of anyone who had been treated by Dr. Killpatient. One of those doctors was surprised himself by the presence of the good doctor.

“That... that man! I saw him years back for a mild cold! Barely escaped with my life, and I’ve still got scars all over my back!”

“Doctor? He’s no doctor, he’s one of our best hammerdwarfs. Does spend a lot of time in the hospital, but I always put that down to a generous and helpful nature.”


From the Memoirs of Wilberforce Amber Ropenourished, Late Spring 198

There’s something about this fortress, I have learned in my tenure as its leader. It draws in disaster like a ... what is that thing, starts with an l? Exceptionally good at drawing in bits of metal. Anyway, disaster likes to find this place.

Those many armed apes came back, and, from what I can see of the fellow, it appears that their leader is with them.

 I’ve no fear of these animals, as we’ve defeated them several times over, though admittedly with the aid of a valiant yak. This time, one of our resident friendly goblins seems to want to take up the mantle of local hero. He’s slain two of the things so far, and is leading the rest of them on a merry dance through the fields.

Easy enough to deal with, had it not been for the arrival of some unfriendly looking elves shortly after.

The gates are closed, and a council of war called for.  We’ve got to figure this thing out.


Next: Elves, Elves, Elves.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #488 on: December 19, 2011, 01:12:50 pm »

Hmm, a siege. I suppose the stranglers are no threat, but their alligators are deadly. The ferric elf bowmen will pose a huge problem as well. If we can lure the bowmen into an enclosed space and attack them there, we should stand a good chance. What's the size of our militia now?

Have you by any chance breached the caverns yet? If there are some flesh balls in there, you can send the hammer- and mace- dwarves to pound them into pulp. Flesh balls are basically immune to blunt attacks, so the dwarves who are sent to beat them to death will level up in weapon and wrestling skill very quickly. Just make sure you monitor the dwarves so that they don't starve while fighting.
"Frankly, if you're hanging out with people who tell you to use v.begin() instead of &v[0], you need to rethink your social circle."
    Scott Meyers, Effective STL

I've written bash scripts to make using DF easier under Linux!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #489 on: December 19, 2011, 02:09:50 pm »

Hm, a battle. Wonder how many limbs I'll lose. I'll need at least one good hand to beat ape-men.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #490 on: December 19, 2011, 02:54:01 pm »

realy need to work on a killing system that sweeps our foes into the sea -and then moves the loot into collection ports-
I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #491 on: December 19, 2011, 03:02:44 pm »

Journal of Siverix, Spring 198

Our fortress is being sieged right now and while i hope our boys do great on the battle field I also can't stop thinking about all the work I would get if a couple of them got there toes smashed open. Alas such is the life of a soaper.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #492 on: December 20, 2011, 07:52:16 pm »

((Shortest update. Why? Because tired. Sleep needed. For words. Also for pictures.))

Report of Bayar Shotrust, Militia Captain, on the Siege, to Wilberforce, Expedition Leader

I'm not going to waste words.

Dark Stranglers* attacked a goblin axeman. Fight went on for a long, long, long time.

I mean it. Stranglers outnumbered axeman twenty to one and somehow got themselves killed. The general caught in a cage near the arena. Axeman died too, but that part of siege otherwise broken. Nice.

Elves were drawn into traps, killing some, trapping others. Elves standing on bridge were launched into sky by closing drawbridge**.

Drawbridge then opened again, crushing them. A good trick, worth repeating. Tell that to Peregar. Others fled. That part of siege broken.

That’s it. I’d complain about not fighting, but wait, the hell I'll complain. I like my limbs.

We fought off another siege with no casualties. Feast time? Feast time.

*That’s what that pompous Featherlog calls em, Wilberforce. He’s the expert, I’m told.

** Goddamn most hilarious thing I’ve ever seen.


Next: A Nice Arena Fight



  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #493 on: December 21, 2011, 01:41:28 am »

Hah. Look at me puzzling over complex military strategies, too busy to notice the invaders tear one another apart, then file their survivors under a drawbridge in an orderly fashion. WHAM, WHAM, WHAM. Siege broken.

It's that easy.
"Frankly, if you're hanging out with people who tell you to use v.begin() instead of &v[0], you need to rethink your social circle."
    Scott Meyers, Effective STL

I've written bash scripts to make using DF easier under Linux!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #494 on: December 21, 2011, 05:03:08 am »

You should name one of your dwarfs Rorschach for updates like this.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!
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