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Author Topic: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort: Reclaimed, Again! (And Again)  (Read 176796 times)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #465 on: December 14, 2011, 02:26:48 pm »

Journal of Siverix Autumn 197

It has been nice and peaceful for quite some time now. Most dwarves would be happy in such a time but I am a soaper afterall and soap isn't very high on the list of dwarven priorities unless someone is injured. I have requested work a few times from the overseer but he seemed rather irritated the last time i asked. It is at times like this what I think about the greatest dwarven invention of then all pickaxes and wonder why I didn't become a Miner.

OCC: does this make any sense? and does it add anything to the story or am i just grafitying your story with my bablings?


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #466 on: December 14, 2011, 02:50:48 pm »

It makes perfect sense to me. I quite like the contributions, so no need for you to worry about that. It's good!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #467 on: December 14, 2011, 03:31:31 pm »

Peregar was thinking of proper tribute to Peacespray.

"Let it be a huge statue! That sprays it's... well... peace... no, that sucks. Spitting magma? Magma is the solution to everything! And a slogan - Need some peace? Pour it with magma! That's quite a project... Shit, the ocean. It'll turn to obsidian, that's not intended... huh huh...

Ah well... Yaks are peacemakers! We breed yaks, and we use them to peace invaders... Ho ho... Look, a bridge, with yak pasture under it! When bridge retracts, invaders fall on yak's horns!!! Brilliant!!!! Hey guys, I have an idea!!!

What? Tomb of pants? Yep, I'd call that my cabinet, it's an eternal tomb of pants. And socks. Whatever, you see - here are yaks, and here are...

What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #468 on: December 14, 2011, 05:09:43 pm »

What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #469 on: December 14, 2011, 08:59:52 pm »

((Ok, this started out as a short update.))

Winter 197: Ghosts

“Excuse me, Wilberforce, I need to talk to you.”

“Remalle! Come in, my friend. Always a pleasure to speak with you.”

Remalle stepped into Wilberforce’s office, and stopped. There were piles of paper everywhere, so it took him a moment to find the man he was talking to.

Wilberforce was at his desk, looking over a small basalt statue of a yak that stood in front of him. “I’ve been looking over the plans from Peregar for the Peacespray memorial. Tell me, do you think it should be anatomically correct? The old boy was a bull, after all. I just wonder if we have enough basalt to do him justice. We could use that new scepter, I suppose.”

Remalle kept staring, then shook his head. “I don’t know about that. And I wanted to ask you about something that I think is more important than, er... that. It’s about the ghosts, and so on.”

“Ah yes! You’ve done splendid work there, let me say. No one has lost a limb in months, which is a great comfort to all of us. An excellent job of spirit-busting, as I believe they call it.”

“Well, yes. But there’s something else. I’m not really sure if those spirits are really gone, and,” he paused, then went ahead, “It’s Neo and Derm that have me worried.”

Wilberforce stopped smiling. “They do, do they? Tell all, Remalle. Tell me why.”

“Well, Neo I don’t know about. But there was a Derm back in the old days, and he went by the title Soulchopper. Now we’ve got someone with the same name, the same title... What was he like before he came here? And we’re getting rid of the ghosts, but where are they going? Rakust is meant to guide spirits over the veil. It shouldn’t be up to us.” He stopped, sure he was sounding slightly crazy.

Wilberforce nodded “You’re telling me we might have spirits wandering about, possessing folks willy-nilly, turning right thinking dwarfs into... other right thinking dwarfs, but ones who are dead? Something’s gone all wrong in the spirit world?”

“I think it’s possible is all. It’s not something I would have ever thought possible before, but-“

“Hold that thought.” Wilberforce put down the statue, which he’d been toying with. “I hear shouts from the bridge!” He got out of his chair and ran past Remalle to the door. “Come with me, my friend! I sense a good old fashioned disaster!”

Puzzled, as he usually was around Wilberforce, Remalle followed.

They made to the bridge, joined by Ishar and Kogut on the way. In the distance, they could see two dwarfs on the outer span, as well as a strange, shifting misty shape. Whatever the shape was, it was chasing the dwarfs.

Balnash was on guard by the walls, and called down to them. “It’s G and some other soap maker, or somethin’ like that. They’re bein’ chased by the ghost of a murderer from the old days! Asob is his name!”

Wilberforce nodded. “Right! Remalle and Ishar! Get a slab, and memorialize that ghost!"

"Balnash, keep both eyes on those poor devils, and see if there’s any way to help them!”

“G!” He turned to shout towards the bridge. “Run! Keep running as long as you can!”


G didn‘t need any encouragement. He could feel the damn things icy hands, or tendrils or whatever they were on his back. He ran, and hoped the bridge was long enough to get him away.


Remalle raced to the furniture storeroom, tripping over a discarded bucket on the way. He found a decent basalt slab that hadn’t been carved yet. It would do. He settled down with his chisel, and looked at the name that Balnash had given him.

“Oh my god, not that one...”


G and Siverix (who had also been on the bridge) reached the end. The sea was far below them, looking forbidding and immense and merciless, as seas do at times like this.

G looked down, and then looked at the ghostly figure, who was closer than ever. The thing was holding a knife, he noticed, which also shimmered oddly. A ghost knife, maybe, which didn’t mean it looked like it would just pass right through them. Or rather it would, but not in a ghostly way. It looked too sharp for that.

 He whispered to Siverix “Want to jump? Probably ain’t going to be a worse way to die than what that thing’s gonna do to us.”

“We don’t have to jump! We could...”

“Die horribly at the hands of that ghost, or die in the water. That’s th’ choice we got here.”


Remalle carved as quickly as he could. Let’s see... Asob had liked the color maroon, and gauntlets, and of course she’d murdered someone and made them into a gauntlet, that probably should be mentioned.

Ishar was waiting at the door. “Have you finished that thing yet?”

“Almost... just got to get the dates down.”

“What are you doing that for?”

“It has to be done right!”

He worked a few minutes more, as Ishar started tapping her foot.

“Do you really need to smooth it?”


He chipped away at the thing, then leaned back and said “There! It’s done. Not my best work, really, but-“

“Just give it to me!” Remalle tried to, and there was a short uncomfortable moment as she tried to carry the heavy slab in one hand. Eventually they got it out of the room together. With as much ceremony as they could manage, (not much, under the circumstances,) they shoved it against a wall. It stayed up.


G was inching towards the edge, keeping his eye on the vengeful spirit, which wasn’t easy.  The thing kept drifting in and out of vision, but when he could see it, it was closer, and still holding that sharp, jagged, and very physical looking knife. This was it.

His boots were edging over the rim when the ghost shimmered and vanished, like mist over a waterfall.

The knife fell with a clatter onto the floor, before it went the same way. G breathed again. Siverix sobbed with relief. They were alive.


Back in the fort, the carved slab glowed for a second, or at least seemed to. Remalle stared at it, then shrugged.

To Ishar he said, “Yeah, I’m going to go get drunk.”

It was a good idea, so she joined him.

In the general chaos, Remalle's questions about Derm and Neo and the other "renamed" dwarfs were almost forgotten. Almost.


Next: Goblins, Really

((Out of curiousity, does anyone know how long the longest bridge built on these forums was?))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #470 on: December 14, 2011, 09:32:22 pm »

I'm pretty sure there is no record for the longest bridge in DF.
Ho Ho Ho! I'm going to be sticking economic stone so far up your stockings, you'll be coughing up gemstone windows!
You see, when the devil comes on to your forums and begins dropping F bombs and shouts 'GIVE ALL YOUR WOMEN!', he's in a happy mood.
if there's lots of g's and z's, it's gobbo. If you don't really recognize it, it's human. if it's called Urist, it's dwarf.


  • Bay Watcher
  • Гномовержец Enjoyed throwing someone recently
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #471 on: December 15, 2011, 06:57:18 am »

Baaaaah... That was an action movie scene!

Uh. We have statues set at the bridge itself? I always meant the traffic place should be clear, and statues are at the walls...
anyway, lets finish it, and encrust it with pieces of art later.
Did you know that the Russian word for "sock" is "no sock"?
I just saw a guy with two broken legs push a minecart with a corpse in it. Yeah.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #472 on: December 15, 2011, 08:12:34 am »

Sounds all grand man. Love the fact you managed something so nail bitting x)
Have i been redorfed yet?

I am Dyslexic. No its not going to change any time soon.
Bolts of Exsanguination THE terrifying glacier export, get yours today!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #473 on: December 15, 2011, 11:26:00 am »

Haven't read this in a long time (last time I checked it was something around 11 pages or so), is Jacen the soapmaker dead?
As it turns out, the pen was in fact a poor choice for melee combat in comparison to the sword.
So I just started playing this game and I accidentally nuked the moon.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #474 on: December 15, 2011, 12:18:12 pm »

Haven't read this in a long time (last time I checked it was something around 11 pages or so), is Jacen the soapmaker dead?

Everyone is dead, we're past-reclaim. that's why the ghosts are such a problem, there are dozens of them.

Varnish, great writing as always.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #475 on: December 15, 2011, 05:46:37 pm »

Im a force o' nature.


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #476 on: December 15, 2011, 08:49:22 pm »

Winter 197

Siverix was exhausted. Running all the way down the length of the bridge wasn’t easy, doing it while being chased by a murderous ghost was, well, also not easy. But he was almost back to the fort. A few drinks, a nice wash up with some crundle soap, and he’d feel like a new dwarf.

That’s what he was thinking when the goblin, who had been hiding behind some driftwood on the beach, shot him in the left leg.

He let out a cry of “ambush”! Actually, he didn’t quite say “ambush”, he screamed and cursed and fell onto the floor of the bridge. But the meaning got across, just the same.


Wilberforce went over the plan again. It hadn’t changed much since the last attack.

“We draw them into the traps. Anyone who is left among the living, we stab to death. We built those traps, and I’m damn well going to see them get used, if my name isn’t George Y. Wells.”

The Scout raised his hand. “It isn’t!”

“Exactly. They have to work this time.”

And to everyone’s amazement, they did. The goblins who weren’t trapped in cages were eviscerated by the various weapon traps.

Only one goblin lasher survived, and he was crushed into a fine paste when Peregar let the drawbridge come crashing down on his head.

It was a victory, and victory at the cost of only one slightly wounded dwarf. No stabbings were required, to the disappointment of a number of people in the military.


Dr. Killpatient was upset. He hadn't had a chance to practice his art on the goblins outside, as all of them were irrevocably dead by the time he got to them. Lucky for him that Siverix had been wounded, really. He didn't want to lose his skills.

“Ah, there’s the patient! Don’t worry, a good hammering will have that arrow and your knee out of your leg in no time!”

Siverix tried to scuttle away, not something you should so when there is an arrow in one of your legs. “Get away from me! I don’t want some inexperienced quack operating on my leg.”

“An insult!". Dr Killpatient smiled. "I, my friend, am one of the most experienced quacks around.”


Meanwhile: Somewhere Else (Again)

From the New Journals of Aban Brothertreaties, Bookkeeper

(written in charcoal on a piece of birch bark)

Well, I’ve learned something new since arriving in human lands. (And by arriving I mean washing up half drowned on the shore). What I learned is that they allow the country to be infested by all sorts of hideous creatures who cackle at you and will stop at nothing to kill you dead. And don’t get me started on the things they call bogeymen.

Why am I writing this? Well, it’s better than going mad. Of course, I’m saying it out loud while I write it, so maybe I am losing something of my mind. Earlier I fell into a lake of rum. At least, I thought the lake was made of rum. Or I thought it thought it was made of rum. It might have been my imagination.

There’s a shape in the distance that looks like a mountain. We’re going to try to reach it. And by “we”, I mean me. Yes.

(Continued? Maybe.)


Next: A Short Lecture on Gods

Im a force o' nature.

((Oh references. Perhaps I'll start peppering this thing with references to things that I like. In fact, maybe I already began?*

Jacen, your guy is long dead. You can be re-dwarfed if you want. Karakzon, I think your dwarf survived the fall, so you could be re-dwarfed as a new him, or as someone else. Your call.))


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #477 on: December 15, 2011, 11:01:52 pm »

I want to be redorfed as a similar dwarf.

In fact, I want to be Dr. Killpatient's arch nemisis or, in other words, an unbearably cheery person.

Just to say, I've been reading this thread constantly, but I wasn't sure if the reclaim had advanced enough to need 2 doctors.

EDIT: I forgot to say that the dwarf's name should be "scientist mk II" and his title should be "certified-practitioner" if titles can go that long
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 11:04:57 pm by +!!scientist!!+ »
"what are all these shapes? Why are they moving around. What do they want from me?"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #478 on: December 16, 2011, 01:03:55 am »

Crap, Remalle is on to me...
What again? Iron scepter - Lovehealing? Oh, I almost shed a tear... Put it in your ass, I'm talking about importans artistic defences!!! You see, yaks and bridge... Stop polishing that scepter! You're disgusting me!"


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: Oceanbridge - A Fortress Defense Community Fort Thing
« Reply #479 on: December 16, 2011, 02:18:51 am »

I'm not sure if I should do one of the arrow to the knee jokes that are popular (read: despised) these days. Probably I shouldn't.
Shadytorments, a Masterwork DF community fort - RESTARTED as Newtorments!
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