I'm not a fan of politics in general, so naturally I wasn't aware. But this guy is all kinds of awesome for giving our government a Reason You Suck Speech and What The Hell Hero at them. All the more awesome this guy is an Independent as well. Why don't we have one as our president yet? Why are they always "wasted votes"?
I hate to burst your bubble but he votes Democratic 98% of the time.
As long as he gave our government the swift kick in the butt they needed, seeing as they weren't willing to listen to the people they should be responsible for, but instead their wallets and those that hold them hostage, he's alright in my books. If he was heard, and motivates them to change for the better, and start taking risks that will be guaranteed to improve things, then more power to him for that one.
And opinion-wise, background and political position notwithstanding, as long as they (any political figure(head)) do the right thing more than the wrong thing by a sufficient margin, that's what matters to me. I have no interest in politics, but it was reassuring to hear someone verbally beat the crap out of everyone within the high ranks with common sense.
A disturbing thought came to mind regarding how our infrastructure is crumbling, and an oil pipeline is still being worked on that crosses our country. What puzzles me is, although it's on land, have they not learned from the BP oil disaster? Let's not forget, we have a water table/aquifer under where it crosses. Repeat BP, and bust a valve or few "by accident" and that's a rather effective way of taking care of citizens you're having a hard time with, and use plausible deniability of it being an accident, bad engineering, or whatever. No matter what, the damage is done, and an environment as well as an entire water supply would be screwed.
Maybe I'm not up to scratch on the geology and whatnot there, but that was something about this plan, and how much they've been enforcing it more than our infrastructure, that has got me a little concerned. And when things go ass-end-up caused by a leak; it can always be blamed on TERRORISTS!!!, or our failing infrastructure, and wondering why we haven't patched things up in the areas affected yet; as they did about the job market; no support for making jobs, asks why we have no jobs, or more like, why don't we get a job?
Maybe I'm paranoid, or maybe I've watched Die Hard a few too many times to think of how this method of oil collecting can be weaponized ecologically against political opponents at macrological scales, especially the populous, than the politicians (at least thinking as if I were writing another episode to the Die Hard movies, or a Tom Clancy novel). It seems too easy to abuse; especially if you can repeat the BP oil spill on land, and especially on top of a main water supply (holding it hostage to millions of innocent people), except make an intention look like an accident or terror strike,
??, Profit whats left of a dying country, and escape before you're arrested for crimes against humanity.
At least, if I were a major backer to this project, which also happens to be 'devil in the flesh' evil supervillain bastard level; that's exactly what I would do. Hell, if I could do such a thing in a Sim game or Civ, I can play Kefka, and kill millions by poisoning an entire water supply this way, and just say "Oops." and apologize, and avoid a shitstorm from an angry nation that wants me given the Rasputin treatment.
I mean, is this to supply oil to us, or to be used as a weapon against a nation of people that can no longer be swayed? I gotta become a supervillain, I've got the creativity to be effective. I mean, I found a way to weaponize that, although I'll admit, that wasn't too hard to weaponize. To hide involvement, now that's the challenge. Unfortunately, I'm not rich enough to buy a government.