Looks like I have to remove mounts from beastmen. Centigors riding horses is a bit silly.
....Don't make me picture it.
I think this mod just creates a whole new scale of warfare. There are just so many warring races that ones without allies likely get wiped out fast. Chaos warriors and Norse and Dark Elves all get along really well, so they tend to all make it through. Orcs just may need to be tweaked so they can find some buddies. Or just increase all their starting pop sizes and the like.
Suppose I could. But that would eliminate the challenge! I have almost made the goal of 20, I have 15 right now who have survived on armadillo and kabold thief meat, the armadillos being great training. My new "Camp" mode seems to work a lot better than the tower does, taking up less resources. Only one major injury so far, one of my hunters tackled a kabold thief while the soldiers surrounded him and owned him, earning him a nice little slice on the foot. Now I have a bit of iron, so it is good ah? Wish me luck.
Eh make that 14. The one with the small weakness is going to die. He was resting in his room when a hornbill made it over the wall and kicked his green skin right off. The military managed to save him in plenty of time and make a meal out of the bird, but the damage is done. He is now just sitting in the alleyway, starving and thirsty, and ignored. I have a coffin ready for him. Now the hospital is done, to prevent further things like this. But I will make it....
*EDIT 2*
And now my fortress attracts no migrants. Aww.
**EDIT 3**
And now a high elf siege. Wish me luck. I bet they taste good.
*(**)EDIT 4*(**)
We got slaughtered. Rushing bowman is a bad idea. The doors are now locked, that should keep them out. 5 left, the ten fighter are dead.
$$EDIT 5$$
4 left. The leader, the one most effected by the deaths, went berserk. He was a soldier and started attacking the few people who where left. Killing one. 3. Two of them are kids. The last adult was going to attack, but then one of the young ling's pet cold one bit him in the head and killed him when he went after the kid.
I decided the situation would not change and abandoned the fort. I then quickly reclaimed it. Some Asari are still here, but we should be able to start again without any casualties. 7 left.