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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 272607 times)


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9900 on: April 14, 2012, 03:19:10 am »

Charity frowns, she was afraid of this. "Starkey, I'm afraid that will be a problem. Not your loyalty to your homeland. I understand that, and that is acceptable. However, you say not above your family, and yet...your fiance is also asking to join my guard." Charity looks back and forth between the two ponies. "You want to join my bodyguard, but it is entirely possible that if you both do, then one day, you may be forced to choose between helping your spouse, or  protecting me. What would you do in such a situation?" she looks to both ponies awaiting their answers.

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9901 on: April 14, 2012, 03:23:14 am »

"...I know Stars c'n handle himself. I'd protect ye, miss Charity."


Starkey hesitates for a moment.

"...I-I would do my duty, ma'am"

Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9902 on: April 14, 2012, 03:29:19 am »

Charity nods, "You are both honest and loyal soldiers, and I know you would not say that if you did not mean it. Very well then, I ask you once more, please, kneel and swear whatever oath you can to me, and then we will be done here, my friends."

Impending Doom

  • Bay Watcher
  • has gone stark raving mad!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9903 on: April 14, 2012, 03:35:56 am »

The two ponies draw their weapons, planting them on the floor and kneeling before Charity.

"I do solemly swear..."

"That I will serve Lady Charity Conventtulip, Dutchess of Glitterglen..."

"Above princess Dizesh Hugwax, Princess of the Shells of Dance."
Quote from: Robert A.Heinlein
Violence, naked force, has settled more issues in history than has any other factor, and the contrary opinion, that violence has never solved anything, is wishful thinking at its worst.


  • Bay Watcher
  • By Celestia's Beard!
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9904 on: April 14, 2012, 03:44:37 am »

Charity smiles as they swear their oaths to her. They weren't as binding as she had hoped, but they would do. "Very good my friends. Please rise."

After a bit of business about their work schedules, pay, and benefits is discussed, they exchange parting words and Charity is once again alone in her office, looking up at the statue of Khenal killing the Diomedian.

'Let Hugwax come. I'm not afraid. Nopony can touch me so long as my friends are there to help me....If only I could make myself believe that.' Charity sighs to herself and sadly returns to her desk and gets back to work.

(End Scene)


  • Bay Watcher
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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9905 on: April 18, 2012, 02:18:10 am »

Friesden smiled at the two young ponies.

“Thank you so much for agreeing to look after little Celly and Luna and Terrus! We haven’t had a night to ourselves since I had them. This is going to be so exciting!” She ducks herself under Khenal’s wing with a grin.

Khenal smiles as well, gently squeezing his love with the wing she’s hiding under.

“You two are sure you’ll be able to handle them?“

Adamant looks at the Captain. “Sir, you know I’ve helped raise my siblings, none of them were alicorns, that’s true, but I’ve dealt with magical foals, and a flying filly before, and that was without Kris to help me. It’ll all be okay. You have my word.”

Kris smiles and offers a small nod.  “I’m sure everything will be fine.”  She hadn’t helped care for a foal ever, but she felt confident with Addy there with her.

“Come on, Khenal, or we’re going to run out of time to ourselves!” says Friesden with a small smile on her face.

Khenal smiles, knowing their foals are in good hooves.

“Heh, alright Friesden.  Take care you two!  Behave, you three!”

Adamant walks with the couple to the door and sees them out, “Have a pleasant night Mister Khenal, Dr. Friesden, and don’t you worry, we have everything under control.”

Kris nods them off and turns to look at the foals that were now under their care.  This couldn’t be so hard.  She looks over to Adamant and says, “Well, I’m not quite sure where to start.  I assume there’s a specific time to feed them?”

Adamant facehooves, “Ah, should have asked the parents when they last ate. Oh well, don’t worry, they’ll let us know when they are hungry.”

As if on cue, little Celly starts to cry.  It starts as a high-pitched whine, then quickly shifts to the sobs of a foal who needs something, and needs it right now!

Kris gives the filly a concerned glance before floundering and looking to Adamant.  “Um...”

Adamant give Kris a reassuring look, “She’s either hungry, needs a new diaper, or just wants some attention. I’ll go get a bottle for her, we’ll need one soon enough at least, and you check if it’s one of the other two things.”

She nods and cautiously approaches the filly.  She gives the air a similarly cautious sniff to hopefully rule out the less palatable of the two options.

She smells fine, though she continues to bawl.  She doesn’t seem interested in any food, either.  She seems to just miss her mommy and daddy.

Kris breathes a small sigh of relief and picks her up.  “Oh, what’s the matter Celly?  It’s okay, we’re here.”

She continues to bawl, her poor little filly heart breaking.

Kris continues to hold her and tries to give her a reassuring cradling in a foreleg as she turns to Adamant.  “Well, she doesn’t need a new diaper.  She’s just upset I think...”

As if Celestia was the trigger, Terrus wakes up with another bawl.

Adamant rushes over to pick up Terrus, he rocks him a bit and tries to calm the colt, shhing him quietly, turning to Kris again, “Celly, is upset her parents left. Try to cheer her up, make her laugh.”

Celly keeps bawling like she’ll never smile again, tears gushing from her eyes.

Kris nods and sits with the filly in her hooves. Alright, now how would she do that? She tries rocking her gently and offers what she hopes are reassuring “shhs” of her own. “It’s okay Celly, your parents will be back soon.”

She continues crying, knowing that they are gone forever!

Adamant, still trying to deal with Terrus and praying to the Sisters that Luna didn’t wake up and start crying too, tries to give his fiance some advice, “You need to distract her, make funny faces, or tickle her, or lift her above your head, or I don’t know, do something with your magic.”

Terrus continues crying, his little stomach empty and in need of food.

Adamant carries the colt over to where he put the bottle and sits and offers it to the foal, hoping that that would be the answer he was looking for.

Kris thinks for a moment.  How could she distract her like Addy said?  She did have magic, not that she knew many spells.  She tries simple like he suggested, giving her a few rough attempts at humorous faces

Gone!  Gone forev- oohh, funny face!  Celly pauses in her bawling to look at the funny faces that Kris is making and starting to giggle..

Terrus takes the bottle and begins to feed, the bawling silenced at once.

Kris grins a bit as she realizes that her feeble attempts were making some progress. She was usually content to just leave well enough alone, but she tries giving the filly a little tickle too. Maybe after this was over she’d go see somepony about learning some illusion magic. That would have been extremely useful right about now.

As Terrus finishes the bottle Adamant begins to burp the foal, when a knock is heard at the door.

Faces and tickling?  This is fun!  Celly burbles and laughs, a happy filly once more.

Adamant makes his way over the door and opens it seeing Granite standing there covered in mud and dirt, his pick on his back.  “Adamant, we got a problem up in sector 3B. Hit that damnable aquifer. The whole cobatite vein is flooding. We need every hoof up there to help contain the breach. Your dad told me to fetch you.”

Adamant shakes his head and turns to Kris, “I’m sorry, but I’ve got to go.” He hands Terrus over her and says, “Make sure they all get fed, Terrus still needs to be burped, and give them a bath in the shower in the back before they go to bed. They shouldn’t give you too much trouble. Trust your instincts, you’ll be fine.” and Adamant and the other miner are off, leaving Kris alone with three newborn foals.

“Oh, alright. Go help however you can.  I... I think I can handle this.”  She was going to have to one way or another anyway.  She hopes she has some instinct in her somewhere.  She really wished her mom was here right now too.

Celestia keeps giggling and burbling... oh wait, that’s not burbling.  That’s spit-up.  She’s still giggling, at least.

Terrus’ bottle falls from his mouth, and after a short time, the crying starts coming again.

Kris’ eyes go wide momentarily at the realization that Celly had deposited something unpleasant on the two of them before she is distracted by Terrus crying.  She stands and fetches a cloth with her magic before stepping over to Terrus.  As she starts to gently wipe Celly and herself off, she picks Terrus up with her remaining free forehoof and tries to return the bottle to his mouth.  Juggling the two was difficult, to say the least.  At least she had magic to hold the cloth... or the bottle.  But not both.  Hmm... this was getting complicated already.

Terrus continues to cry for a bit, before stopping as Celly continues to giggle.

Celly keeps giggling as Krys wipes at her.  Thinking it’s a game, her cute little horn glows as she grabs the sopping cloth and holds it close to herself.

Kris pauses for a moment as the filly takes the cloth from her, but she was mostly clean now and if she was happy, that was alright with her.  She smiles at Celly and turns her attention to Terrus, holding the bottle with her magic for him to nurse at it as long as he wanted to.

Krys can hear a small *splat* as Celly plops the cloth upon her own head, showing a cute smile as the cloth and it’s liquid entangle with her adorable pink mane.

Terrus continues to suck on the bottle, drinking it dry and dropping it out. Without another second, he starts crying again.

Kris cringes mentally at the sight of Celly wearing the soaked cloth and gently tries to take it from her.  “Come on, let’s get that washed out for you.”  As Terrus begins crying, she notes the empty bottle.  “Oh, um... let’s see...”  He probably need to be burped now.  Maybe?

She steps over to the shower to hopefully have a moment to rinse out the cloth as she also gently places Terrus over her shoulder and gives him a few gentle pats.  She kind of knew how that worked.  Kind of.

Celly pouts at the cloth is taken away.  That was her favorite hat, and she worked hard on it!  The empty bottle on the floor reminds her that she is also empty now, and she starts to cry again.

Kris frowns as Celestia starts crying.  “It’s okay, hang on just a second.”  She rinses the cloth out as best she can and wrings most of the water out.  She gently wipes the remaining liquid from her face and mane.  “Oh, is something else wrong?”

Terrus burps loudly as Kris pats him, and stops crying for a second.

‘Of course something is wrong, I’m crying!’  Her tears seem to say as she slumps onto the floor.

Kris breathes a sigh of relief as Terrus stops crying.  What to do about Celly though?  “Are you hungry?” she asks, reaching out for another bottle with her magic.  She brings the two foals into the best cradling position she can with her hooves and offers the bottle to Celly with her magic.

Terrus looks greedily at the bottle and his tentacles glow as he tries to take it for himself.

Little Celly will not stand for this indignity!  Her little horn glows as well, fighting for the bottle.

Kris gives the two a concerned look as they fight for the bottle.  Maybe letting Terrus have a bit more to eat wouldn’t matter, but she wasn’t so sure that was a good idea either.  She scans the room for something to let him occupying himself with.  Something harmless to suck on instead of a bottle.  She forgets about the rag in her possession as things begin to unravel a bit, and gently lays it on Terrus as she continues to search the room with her eyes.

The cloth glows as Terrus’ magic drops the fight over the bottle with the new toy in hand. In hoof, at least. Or in magic. Whatever.

Celly smiles in triumph, and happily stuffs the spoils of her victory into her mouth.  The wrong end of her spoils.  After sucking a few moments, she frowns and spits out the bottle, sending it to the floor as she starts to well up with tears again.

Terrus spots the fallen bottle, and his magic glows over it again as his final victory commences in the Milk Bottle War.

Kris waffles for a moment, trying to decide how to bring peace to the Milk Bottle War.  Well, he seemed happy enough with the rag a moment ago.  She dangles it in front of him, trying to break his view of the bottle.  “Come on Terrus, isn’t this a lot more fun than the bottle?” she says in the sweetest voice she can muster.

Terrus lets the bottle drop from his mouth as he grabs for the rag with his magic.

That’s better.  She returns the bottle to Celly, right side down this time.  “Here you go honey,” she says to her in the same voice.

I’m gonna starve to death and be without my hat!  Oh woe is- oohh, bottle!  Celly happily suckles at the bottle, holding it in her little forehooves.

Kris sighs again and gently sits, holding the two gently in her hooves.  Well, this was turning out to be more work than she’d expected, but it seemed to be alright now.  She smiles at the two and hopes it stays that way.  Against her better judgment.

Mmm, bottle!  So tasty... wait a tic.  Celly gives a few more suckles before realizing the bottle is empty already.  She gives the bottle her best set of little pony eyes, hoping it will magically refill itself like it does when the grown ponies do whatever it is they do to fill it back up.

Kris sees that the bottle is empty and gently takes it from her.  “All gone?”  She probably needed burping now too... she takes her and places her over her shoulder and repeats the same motions she did for Terrus, hoping she knew what in blazes she was doing.

‘Nnnooo, I’m still hungry!’ her eyes seem to say as Kris gently pats her.  Her little horn glows as she bops Kris on the head with the empty bottle, an unhappy expression on her face.
Uh oh, looks like this wasn’t quite the mechanical process she’d hoped for it to be.  Kris wonders for a moment what to do.  There were only three bottles of milk, one per foal, so she took that to mean that she shouldn’t be giving them more than that each.  But that face... what was she supposed to say to that?

Celly pours on the charm, really wanting the bottle to be full again.  Her bottom lip trembles slightly as her little filly eyes go as wide and as moist as she can make them.

Kris hesitates at the face, but she’d had just as much as Terrus, and she didn’t think it was a good idea to give her more right now.  “Come on, give it a minute to settle...” she says in a low voice and trying to offer a reassuring smile.

The bottle again bonks Kris on the head as Celly tries to assert herself for more food.

Terrus sees his sister having fun and decides to join in the great new game, his tentacles glowing as he bonks Kris on the head with the bottle himself with a giggle.

Kris can’t quite decide what to do about that.  Her first instinct is to grab the bottle with her magic and try to hold it still, which she attempts.  What she was going to do after that though, she wasn’t quite sure.

Terrus’ giggles slow and then finally stop as the bottle stops moving. No more fun.

“That’s right, it’s not nice to hit ponies,” she says, but using a tone to hopefully not convey anything close to anger.  She wasn’t mad.  She smiles at the two as she places the bottle away on a nearby shelf.

Terrus just sits still as she puts the bottle away, and when her magic fades, he grabs the bottle once more and starts to bonk her head with it again.

She sighs and tries to think of a better way to solve that problem.  She gently takes the bottle in her magic again and hides it in a cupboard as she turns her back, hopefully blocking the colt’s view of where she hid it.

Celly is still a bit hungry, but Terrus’ idea of the game is starting to distract her.  She scrunches up her face as she slowly levitates the cabinet.  Thankfully for Kris, she can’t seem to get a good swing with it... yet.

Terrus joins in with his sister, helping her swing the cabinet with a gurgly giggle.

Kris’ eyes go wide as she sees the two lift what should be an impossibly heavy thing for foals.  Things just got real.  She backs away from the clumsy swing and uses her own magic to fight for control.  “No, no, that’s not nice either!” she says with a bit more urgency in her voice than she wanted.

Terrus continues to try and swing the cabinet, continuing to giggle at the great new game his sister made up.

Kris uses all of her magical might to keep the cabinet anchored to the ground, hoping she could outlast the superfoals.  Maybe if they got bored they’d give up.  She hoped.

Celly’s eyelids slowly start to droop as a combination of boredom, fully belly and simple sleepiness start to affect her.  She yawns wide and stops levitating the cabinet, sucking at a hoof.

Terrus tries swinging the cabinet a couple more times before eventually giving up as well.

Kris relaxes a bit as they give in, and notices that Celly looked sleepy. Good, one less foal to deal with! Adamant said something about giving them a bath before bed, but she didn’t think it was a good idea to keep her awake if she was sleepy. Sounded like a recipe for a cranky baby. So she steps over to the crib and starts to tuck her in for a nap.

Terrus, seeing his carer was distracted, starts crawling towards the door and with a glow on the handle of the door, tries to open it and crawl out.

Celly tucks in easily, soon quietly sleeping.  Little Luna, though, yawns awake and blearily looks around.  When she spied Kris, she tilts her head to the side, as if to say ‘You aren’t my Mommy.’  At least she isn’t crying.

Kris relaxes notably as Celly tucks in and nods off to sleep without a bit of trouble.  She gives Luna a warm smile and says in a sweet voice, “Oh, you’re awake.  Your mommy and daddy are gone for a little while, but I’m here.”  All the while, she hasn’t noticed that Terrus escaped her grip and attention.

Luna pokes at Celly with a hoof, as if wanting to ask her sister what was going on.  Celly, though, is sound asleep and doesn’t look to be waking up any time soon.  Luna turns back to Kris, putting a hoof in her mouth to suck on as she considers this not-Mommy.

Kris simply smiles at Luna, who at least was sitting contently.  Then she realizes Terrus wasn’t with her.  Where did he... she turns to see the little colt fiddling with the door.  She scoops him up with her magic and brings him back over.  “No, no Terrus, we can’t go out there right now.”

As Kris turns back to where Luna was, she notices a distinct lack of dark alicorn filly.

Terrus starts to cry as Kris takes him away from the door.

“I’m sorry Terrus, it’s just not safe for a little foal out there,” she whispers to him as she brings him close and cradles him.  Then she turns back to the crib and discovers with a small amount of distress that Luna was no longer present.  She searches the room with her eyes.  “Luna?  Where...”

Kris can just barely hear a dull *thump* from the next room, followed shortly by another *thump*, following a slow and steady rhythm.

She raises an eyebrow at the curious noise.  What was... oh.  “Hang on,” she says to Terrus as she cradles him again and heads into the adjoining room, hoping she found Luna and that she wasn’t doing anything particularly disastrous.

Luna is slowly but surely emptying one of Khenal’s bookshelves, dropping the tomes on the floor and efficiently reaching for new books as each falls.  She quietly looks at the not-Momma, still pulling and dropping books at a steady pace.

Oh, Khenal probably wouldn’t like that... at least she wasn’t doing something like destroying them. She calmly approaches the filly and scoops her up. “Daddy wouldn’t like that,” she says in a soothing tone. With that, she makes her way back into the adjoining room. She’d clean up that mess later when the foals were all asleep.

Terrus looks around for anything else particularly destructive for him to be doing, but can find nothing for the moment.

Well, Terrus wasn’t complaining at the moment and she had both of the awake foals in her care, so that was an improvement.  Damages were minimal too.  She just might pull this off.  But... what next?  Luna hadn’t been fed yet, she’d probably be wanting that soon.

Kris notices she is suddenly one foal shy again, as Luna has managed to disappear again, the slippery filly.  “Luna?” she questions, cautiously making her way back to the library.  Maybe she just wanted to be in there?

Kris doesn’t see the filly, though she can hear the distinctive sounds of a foal drinking from a bottle in the room.  Looking up, she can see Luna upside down on the ceiling, suckling at the bottle as her little wings flap to keep her there, and still giving the not-Mommy an analyzing look.

“Oh, there you are,” she says, looking up to her.  She wasn’t really causing any trouble by being up there, but she wasn’t happy about the filly being out of her reach.  Now, what could she do about that?  She reaches up with her magic and tries to dislodge Luna from the ceiling.

Terrus, with his watcher away, flaps out of the cradle and hurries to the door again. He doesn’t bother with turning the doorknob, instead pulling the door from the wall in a loud crack.

Kris’ eyes snap open as she hears what sounds like a very expensive repair job happen.  For a moment she forgets completely about Luna and dashes back into main room to see Terrus wielding the door.  Alarmed, she trots over to him and scoops him up with her hooves.

Terrus drops the door and pouts in Kris’ hooves.

“Come on, let’s go find your sister...” she says to him, more to calm herself than anything. The foal just ripped a door from its hinges. What could he do to her if he wanted to? She returns to the room Luna was previously defying the laws of physics in and searches for the filly.

The ceiling in the library is devoid of any alicorn fillies, though there are adorable little hoofprints on it... leading out the room... and out the apartment!  A discarded bottle lay on the floor just outside in the hall, additional testament to the filly’s departure.

“Uh oh... not good...”  She trots after the hoofprints on the ceiling, hoping little Luna hadn’t gone far.  She’d have to leave Celly alone while she searched for her, but Luna was clearly in more danger than Celly at this point.

Luna is calmly walking along the ceiling, not too far from the home, her little wings still flapping to keep her aloft.  She looks around curiously, studying everything from this unique angle.

“There you are,” Kris says with clear relief in her voice. She reaches up with her magic and plucks the filly from the ceiling. “It’s dangerous out here Luna, let’s go back home where it’s safe, okay?” She starts back in that direction.

Luna sticks her hoof in her mouth to suck on it again, still unsure what to make of the not-Momma.

Kris returns to the room with the foal in tow.  She isn’t quite sure what to do now... she thought babies were supposed to get tired quickly.  And yet, Terrus had dislodged an entire door from its hinges!  This was going to be a long night...

Terrus looks around the room, and seeing nothing else to do that looks fun, decides to go to sleep.

With only Luna to worry about Kris find it far easier to handle foalsitting.  Little Luna is quiet, almost disturbingly so as she simply sucks at her hoof and watches Kris.  She occasionally walks up the walls with the aid of her little wings, but Kris is free to clean up for the most part.  The books go back, more or less where they were supposed to go.  The door was far more difficult, but she at least got it back in it’s hinges.  Kinda.  It opened and closed, at least? 

After a couple hours Adamant returned. He knocked gently on the door before letting himself in, he appeared to be sweaty and his hooves had mud on them. He looks around and the house appears to be still in one piece, ‘That’s good.’ he thinks, seeing Kris he just simply says, “Hey, I’m back, the foals give you any trouble?”

Kris looks over to him through groggy eyes and offers a small smile.  “Oh, Addy, you’re back.”  She gives a quick glance to the sleeping or otherwise content foals and decides to gloss over the worst of the details.  “No, they weren’t much trouble.  Just like any other babies, I would imagine.”  Well, she hoped not.  “Did you get the breach sealed?”

Luna quietly watches, laying on her side to suck on a rear hoof instead of a front one.  Those hooves had long lost any flavor.

Adamant nods, “Yeah, the problem is solved, the miners dug a channel away from town to slow the flooding while the mason’s guild set up a wall to contain it. The breach wasn’t as bad as Granite implied, they really didn’t need my help at all, but we don’t have to worry about the aquifer flooding the town tonight at least.”  Adamant looks over the foals each in turn and sees that they all seem to be just fine.

“Oh, that’s good to hear at least,” she says, standing to nuzzle Adamant.  “Their parents should be home soon I think.”

As if on cue, a knock comes on the door.

Kris opens what used to be a fine door, but had been put back in place by her less than stellar repair skills.  She wasn’t quite sure how she’d explain that...

Khenal and Friesden stand on the other side of the door, obviously having enjoyed their night together.  Khenal speaks up first, smiling wide as Friesden enjoys her favorite place under his wing.

“Kris!  How were the foals?”

She gives a sincere smile.  “Oh, they were no trouble,” she says, mostly sincerely.  She’d have to explain the door somehow.  Maybe she broke it?  That would be hard to feign...

“That’s good to hear! Thank you so much, I had a fantastic night with Khenal!” Friesden says as she pokes her head up from his wing.

Khenal softly nuzzles Friesden, then heads inside.  He spots Luna, laying on her side and sucking on a hoof, and gently levitates her up to give her a little kiss.

“That’s great, I’m glad you had a good night,” she tells the two.  Maybe she and Addy could go relax somewhere now.  “All three have been fed, but it might be time to feed them again soon,” she adds with a hint of a questioning tone to her voice.

Khenal levitates Luna to have her rest on his head, her little legs wrapping around his horn for balance.  “They should be good ‘till morning then.  Did Luna give you any trouble?  It’s so hard to get her to sleep some times.”

“No, no, she was a little angel,” Kris replies.  Well, she stressed her out just a pinch, but compared to Celly and Terrus she was a little angel.  “Well, she’s been up for a while, but no trouble out of her.”

Khenal nods slightly, careful of the filly on his head.  Said filly keeps looking at Kris with her usual analysing look.  “Ya, Luna is always so quiet.  She almost never cries, which is nice, but she also never laughs.  She’ll smile occasionally, but never a laugh like little Celestia or Terrus.”

Kris cocks her head slightly.  “You know, now that you mention it, she hasn’t laughed or giggled at all.  Celly and Terrus did...”

“Well...Thank you for watching our foals. If you want to go home now...?”

She smiles in return and looks to Adamant.  “Well, you’ve had a long night, maybe we should get out of your manes?”  Then she and Addy could go cuddle someplace and she could tell him all about how crazy her night really was.

“It was our pleasure to look after them for you, if you need us again, please feel free to ask.” Adamant begins to move toward the door.

Kris follows Adamant to the door and very carefully opens it. As they step outside she shuts the door with a bit more force than she reasonably should, and the poorly repaired hinges violently fail, sending bolts sailing off in arcs and the door collapsing noisily to the ground. Kris freezes in place, eyes wide as she stares through the new opening into Khenal and Friesden’s room.

Khenal stares at the destruction.  He didn’t even know a door could do that!  As the dust settles, high-pitched, giggling laughter can be clearly heard from his direction.  Atop his head, little Luna is laughing her adorable little flank off, clinging to her father’s horn as she laughs like never before.  Literally.

Friesden, who was just about to lean in for another kiss with Khenal, stops in amazement. Luna? Little Luna? Laughing? The door falling off? That...Neither of those had happened before.

Kris is speechless for a moment, letting Luna’s giggling fill the room completely.  “I... I... um... I-I’ll um... the door... I mean...”

“It...It...It...It fell off,” Friesden says in a shocked tone of voice.

Adamant just stares in confusion at the door, ‘it shouldn’t just fall off like that? What happened while I was gone?’

The looks on everypony’s faces, combined with Luna’s continuing giggling proves infectious as Khenal starts laughing as well.

Friesden didn’t pretend to understand what happened or was happening, but she decided to join in the laughter as well.

As all the other ponies begin to laugh, Adamant tries to contain himself, and fails sputtering out a laugh that quickly joins in with the others.

Even Kris can’t resist the laughter, and despite the fact that she was a bit mortified at destroying the door, she starts chuckling and breaks into light laughter herself.  This had been a night unlike any other she’d ever experienced.  If and when she had a foal of her own, she was hoping for an earth pony.


Later that night, Kris is back in her room after spending a brief time with her fiance. She was pretty tired, and after catching a bite to eat with him she just decided to head home and go to bed. As she sinks down into the bed, she sees her hammer hanging from its stand and notices the light glinting from it in a strange manner.

Intrigued, she sits up and takes the hammer with her magic and brings it close. Something was written on it... “Laughter.” Laughter? What was that supposed to mean? The word Loyalty had been written on it when her mother wielded it, that certainly seemed like a more fitting inscription for a weapon than Laughter.

But this must have been the result of magic of some kind. She wasn’t quite sure she understood, but she was beyond tired and simply returns the weapon to its stand. She’d try to figure that one out in the morning.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9906 on: April 26, 2012, 02:53:45 am »

“Woo, I love Cake!  Omnomnomnom!”  Ponies dance and eat, generally having a good time at the reception for the double wedding.  The chefs had gone all out, and the ponies invited were having a great time all together.

Friesden was too busy tickling Khenal under his wing to dance, but she was laughing too.  Khenal was trying to enjoy a cupcake and not spit it across the room as Friesden tickles him, taking bites around the giggles.

Kris is likewise too busy showing her husband affection to really eat much of anything or even consider dancing.  The last thing she was going to do was get out on the dance floor and make a foal of herself.  Maybe if she kept nuzzling Addy he wouldn’t think to try it.

All of a sudden, Friesden stops her tickling and emerges from her berth in Khenal’s wing. “Khenal,” she starts, “would you want to dance with me?” She smiles brightly and hopefully.

“Of course!”  He downs the remains of the cupcake, then leads her to the floor to dance.  Friesden was always a better dancer, but she loved having him dance with her. Friesden led him in a slow dance, a smile constantly on her face.  He could handle a slow dance at least, happily following his Only Light’s lead, even managing to not step on her hooves. In the middle of the dance, Friesden leaned in for a kiss from her only love. Khenal eagerly obliges, always ready to kiss his wife, continuing to dance as their lips touch.

With a large sound the doors to the dinning hall fly open. The Royal Guard looks around and clears a path for Princess Hugwax as she makes her way inside. Captain Demora looks around at the ponies and spits on the floor, before making her way to the refreshment table. Tor and Pound keep close the Princess a crudely wrapped present on Pound's back and another smaller one in Tor’s mouth. Meanwhile Thrash slams the door behind them, as they enter.

Friesden held tight to Khenal, not particularly favourable to the appearance of the princess and her rudeness. Especially her interrupting Friesden and Khenal’s kiss. Khenal tries to hide his glare at Hugwax and her retinue, only partially succeeding. Friesden buries her head in Khenal’s wing, wanting not to have to pay attention to the princess ruining everything.

Kris huddles up next to Adamant, unsure of why the princess would enter so forcefully and boisterously.  She nervously nibbles on a cupcake of her own as she watches Hugwax, hoping this wasn’t going where she feared it was.  She was only going to get this day once!  She wasn’t going to let the princess ruin it for her.

The Princess and two of her guards, Tor and Pound, make their way directly towards the younger pair of newlyweds.

Kris braces herself internally as Hugwax approaches her.  It was clear from her demeanor that what was to come probably wasn’t going to be pleasant.  She gives the princess the best smile she can and a small bow.  “Hello, your highness.  I’m glad you could make it.”

Adamant too bows before the Princess, “It is a pleasure to see you, Princess.”

Hugwax looks down at the mare. “Yes, I’m glad I could make it too.” she says with a tone suggesting that she didn’t really care, “It seems that my invitation had gotten misplaced. I’ll make sure that the peasant in charge of delivering the mail around here is properly punished. Regardless here is your gift.” Tor moves forward and places the present from his mouth before the couple.

Kris felt a pang of discomfort about the prospect of somepony being punished... maybe the princess would just yell at them.  Maybe she could believe that.  Regardless, she simply nods and responds, “Thank you, your highness.”  With a bit of trepidation, she unwraps the gift.

Inside the package is a small undecorated tin figurine of Princess Hugwax.

A simple little figurine?  From who was probably the wealthiest pony in the principality?  There must be some significance to this she missed... but it continues to evade her.  Nevertheless, she wasn’t about to appear ungrateful to the princess.  She gives her a fake smile and says, “Thank you, your highness.”

Adamant examines the figurine, confused about the gift, but not wanting to appear ungrateful adds his thanks as well.

The Princess states with no real feeling whatsoever, “Well, congratulations on the wedding, hope you will be happy. etc. etc.” Before moving on to deliver the present to the other newly wed couple.

The two are hard to miss, surrounded by a small cluster of ponies in neatly tailored dress uniforms, all chatting excitedly.

The Princess and her guards approach the small cluster of ponies, the Princess clears her throat and the ponies fall silent. The small crowd parts to reveal Starkey and Otik sitting together in the center. Both hastily give a bow, before Starkey speaks up.”Your Highness, what a pleasant surprise!”
“Yes, yes, a pleasure to be here.” she says in a bored tone, before gesturing to Pound, who lays a present before the couple. As Starkey and Otik open the package they see a Darkbolt Pony skull totem decorated with only a few of the cheapest most worthless gems in the fortress.

Starkey freezes, his blood turning to ice. He stares at the grotesque effigy in silence for a few moments, before Otik speaks up.
“W-Why, It’s absolutely lovely, thank ye yer highness!”

“I hope you have many happy years together.” says Hugwax in a tone that made it clear that she didn’t care one way or another. “I will take my leave of you know.” Hugwax leaves the cluster of ponies and has Tor and Pound clear a table of ponies for her where she takes a seat.

Starkey does not move for several minutes after Hugwax leaves. Finally, he turns his head away from the totem in the box.

“Otik... P-Please put that... that thing away.”

“O’ course, hun...” She grimaces, picking up the box and shutting the lid, before passing it off to one of the militiaponies. “Take this, do... somethin’ with it, I dunnae care wot.”

“Aye ma’am.” He takes the box and heads for the door, while Otik returns to Starkey’s side.
Meanwhile Captain Demora had been helping herself to all the free drink she could. Some of which now stained the front of her formal uniform. After a while she began to look out onto the dance floor, where she saw the loveliest pegasus mare she'd seen in a long time dancing with that green fool Captain Khenal. 'I could show her a better time than that oaf.' she thinks before shambling her way over to the dancing couple. “Oy, Cap'n,” she says his title with a tone one would usually reserve for an insult, “mind if I cut in?” she says more of a statement than a question in its tone.

“Um...I...I’ll go say hello to mum and dad...You can come and talk to me when you’re done, my love,” says Friesden as she edges away from the drunk guard.

Khenal gives Friesden a small nuzzle as she leaves, then turns to glare a bit at Demora before answering.  “Yes, I would mind.”

“Oy, don't be like that filly. I promise you'll have fun. Just the one dance, and you'll see.” Demora says while obstructing Friesden's exit.

Khenal interposes himself between Friesden and Demora, glaring even harder as he tries to draw on his magic to find nothing there.  It figures Hugwax would have a null in her guard...

Friesden turns away from the pony, and tries to walk to her mother and father. They’d make all the bad things go away while Khenal was busy.

Demora shoves her way past Khenal, and bites Friesden's tail to keep her from leaving, “Aw, come on filly, don't be like that. Come with me and we'll have a good time” she mutters through a mouthful of hair, while trying to pull Friesden back with her.

Friesden squeaks in fright and tries to fly away, the tail the only thing keeping her from running from the room to somewhere, wherever this pony wasn’t.

Khenal was through playing nice, and punches Demora square in her jaw.  He didn’t care if he broke it, knocked her out or worse, he just wanted this drunken mule to leave his love alone!

Demora flies backwards as the blow connects, her grip on Friesden fails and she hits the ground hard. She pulls herself to her feet and curses Khenal. Had she been completely sober she would have reached for the silver whip on her side, but in her altered state she instead jumps toward Khenal in an attempt to take him to the ground.

Khenal smirks slightly as his horn... does nothing, oops.  He was in the wrong stance to take down a flying tackle, and so is bowled over by Demora’s charge.

As the two ponies hit the ground together, Demora begins an assault of blows upon the Alicorn. She was never much of hoof fighter but several blows do manage to connect squarely with Khenal.

As he regains his senses and prepares to remove Demora from himself, he hears a voice raised.  Captain Isos’, to be exact.  “What is going on here?”  She knew very well what was going on here, but there is always protocol to follow.  Captain Isos frowns as Demora ignores both protocol and her admonishment, quickly closing the distance and roughly pulling her off Khenal before she can turn his face into hamburger.

As Demora is pulled off of Khenal she continues to swing wildly, at both Khenal (now out of her reach) and the strange pony behind her. She turns her head and see Isos captain of the fortress guard holding her, after a few more moments she settles down. “That bastard hit me first.” is all she offers up as an explanation.

“And you continued after he stopped.” she smoothly counters, motioning for Khenal to get up and follow her.  “You both are going to spend the night in the jail, at the very least.  I don’t take kindly to assault, either of you.”

Demora scoffs, “Fine. But the Princess will remember this.”

Khenal glowers a bit at Demora, but says nothing.  Captain Isos is a good and fair pony, she’d get this sorted out right.

“S-s-s-s-she,” is all Friesden can get out before the tears make her speech unintelligible, and she runs over to her parents, ducking under Starkey’s wing.

Kris snaps out of her stupor as the fight ends as abruptly as it starts.  The entire thing was a blur.  She’d never seen Khenal do something like that to somepony, but if Demora had tried to take Addy away from her like that she’d have probably done something similar.  But a night in jail for him?  Well... he did throw the first blow... but Demora was asking for it.  Kris stands and slowly makes her way to get a better view of what had happened.

Starkey pulls Friesden in closer, trying his best to console her. The fight and its outcome had unsettled him, sure, but right now tending to his daughter was more important.

“S-s-s-s-s-she-she-she-she-she-I-I-I-I-I-I-I-I,” stutters Friesden, unable to get the words out, as she cries under Starkey’s wing.

“Shhh... don’t try to talk, hun. It’ll be alright.”

“I-I-I-I-I-I-I want Khenal!” she says, still tearing up.

“We’ll go and see him later, after they clear this whole thing up, aye?”

“O-o-o-o-o-okay,” she says with a sniffle. “C-c-c-can we go and see him soon?”

“As soon as we can.” he grins down at her. “Now, let me see that smile.”

“O-o-o-okay,” Friesden says, trying her best to smile through the tears now slowing.
Quote from: NewsMuffin
Dsarker is the trolliest Catholic
[Dsarker is] a good for nothing troll.
You do not convince me. You rationalize your actions and because the result is favorable you become right.
"There are times, Sember, when I could believe your mother had a secret lover. Looking at you makes me wonder if it was one of my goats."


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9907 on: April 27, 2012, 03:16:41 am »

well i finaly done it.

i finaly have read this entire post.

now if you dont mind i will be starting on this pile of neglected homework, that i believe has starting to rot.

Quote from: Robocorn
what do postdwarvenists do with goblins?

Quote from: Andreus
We slaughter them by the thousands.
But... you know, we do it ironically.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9908 on: April 28, 2012, 10:31:36 am »

What in bloody hell have I missed?
Urgh, too much lovey dovey stuff for me.
When a soldier makes a mistake, one man dies.
When a captain makes a mistake, a dozen men die.
When a commander makes a mistake, a thousand men die.
When an emperor makes a mistake, well, there is a game save for retry.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9909 on: May 03, 2012, 12:21:17 am »

After the horrible incident at her reception the day before, Kris had needed some time to cool down.  She was more than a bit upset about Princess Hugwax's guard and her conduct, and it was only after sleeping it off next to her new husband that she decided she was calm enough to head back into public.

The first thing she intended to do was to go see Khenal and see how he and Friesden were holding up.  He of all ponies didn't deserve to be in jail right now, even if she could sort of understand why Captain Isos detained him along with Demora.  She thought he was supposed to be out by now, but she hadn't seen him yet, so she decides to head down to the jail.  Hopefully he was released already and Captain Isos might have an idea of where he was.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9910 on: May 03, 2012, 12:37:31 am »

I grumble in my cell, in a foul mood this morning.  This was an injustice, and it rankled that I couldn't do anything about it.  I could handle it if Captain Isos had given me two months, she's a fair Captain.  She really was better at this job than I ever was.  No, the injustice came from the fact that Hugwax had been the one to sentence me, while letting Demora off with only an hour.  At least I had a few books to spend my time with...
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9911 on: May 03, 2012, 12:44:15 am »

Kris was somewhat surprised and even more irritated after speaking with Captain Isos, having found out that Khenal was indeed still locked up and would be for some time.  She manages to collect herself a bit before heading into the cell block itself.  She was there to talk to Khenal and hopefully make him feel a little better, not simmer about what had happened.

She slowly steps into the cell block, trying to pick him out.
  "Khenal?" she calls out.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9912 on: May 03, 2012, 12:57:04 am »

My sulk was interrupted by Kris' call, and I can't help but perk up a bit.  Just because I'm in jail doesn't mean my friends will abandon me, after all.

"Kris?  I'm over here!"

I get up and stick a hoof through the bars, waving at Kris though I can't see her.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9913 on: May 03, 2012, 12:59:19 am »

She notices the hoof and trots over to him.  Her expression darkens a bit to a small frown as she sees him.  "So it's true..." she says.  "Did the princess really overrule Captain Isos?"
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9914 on: May 03, 2012, 01:03:50 am »

"Yes she did, that useless excuse for so-called nobility.  Captain Isos was not happy, either, but really had no choice."

I pace a bit as I talk, trying to bleed off a bit of this angry energy.
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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