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Author Topic: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.  (Read 272609 times)


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9915 on: May 03, 2012, 01:08:57 am »

"I'm sorry..." she says, looking down a bit.  "If anypony deserved it, it was that Demora.  I can't believe her nerve..."  She furrows her brow a bit in thought.  "Or the princess's for that matter.  I don't understand... didn't she see what happened?"
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9916 on: May 03, 2012, 01:13:11 am »

"Of course she did!  She just doesn't give a flying feather about justice!  All she cares about is her own petty position and flaunting her power!"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9917 on: May 03, 2012, 01:22:40 am »

Her eyes widen a bit as she takes that in.  "I... didn't realize she was like that.  I admit I know little about her... I've lived here almost all of my life."  She thinks for a moment.  "You... sound like you've heard of her doing this sort of thing before."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9918 on: May 03, 2012, 01:27:24 am »

"I've seen her do this kind of thing before!"

I hang my head, deflating.  "I've helped her do this kind of thing before..."  I pause for a moment, thinking.  "...You haven't read my book, have you, Kris?"
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9919 on: May 03, 2012, 01:28:59 am »

"Your... book?" she asks.  She shakes her head, "No, I wasn't aware you'd written anything."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9920 on: May 03, 2012, 01:35:50 am »

I chuckle a bit at that.

"Heh, nothing published.  It's my Journal.  Well, my first Journal.  I called it simply My Book.  If you want, you could ask Friesden to borrow it... or get it straight from the horse's mouth, as it were."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9921 on: May 03, 2012, 01:38:32 am »

She smiles a bit and sits in front of the bars.  "Well... if you're willing to talk about it, I'm willing to listen."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9922 on: May 03, 2012, 01:41:24 am »

"Well, I certainly have time."

I lay on my cot, wanting to be relatively comfortable as I relate my life story, or close enough.

"I was... a different pony in my past, Kris.  Let me tell you about the Asylum..."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9923 on: May 03, 2012, 01:51:23 am »

Kris listens intently to the story as he tells her all of the details.  She'd have never guessed that Khenal would have been involved in anything like that... much less personally responsible for so much.  It was a sobering thought... that somepony as upstanding as he was could have done things like that.  Like her mother... although she knew Khenal had done far more than her mother ever did.  She began to wonder what everypony else in Glitterglen might have done... but it was none of her business.

As Khenal finishes his tale, she has gained a completely new perspective on the princess, as well as Khenal himself.  She looks up from the floor to meet his eyes again and says,
"Khenal... I'm sorry to hear all of that.  But... the past is behind us I suppose."  She sighs.  "If only the princess had learned from her past like you clearly have..."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9924 on: May 03, 2012, 01:58:18 am »

I sigh and shake my head sadly.

"If only... and if only I had learned it before I made that mistake..."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9925 on: May 03, 2012, 02:01:59 am »

Kris felt a bit more down now after seeing Khenal like this, but she wasn't going to let him be alone in this.  She raises a hoof to the bars.  "It's... okay.  Everypony makes mistakes... sometimes big ones.  Are... are you okay?  I don't have anywhere to be.  I can stay a little while if you'd like."
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9926 on: May 03, 2012, 05:22:41 pm »

I sigh, not really 'okay', but not terrible, either.  I then smiles a bit when Kris offers to stay.

"That'd... be nice if you could stay, Kris.  I've mostly come to terms with my past, but... it's hard to keep control when Hugwax is here, flaunting my mistakes and... just being Hugwax."
Slave traders occasionally bring feral ghouls for trade. I haven't decided if this is a bug or feature yet.

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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9927 on: May 04, 2012, 01:53:47 am »

Kris , smiles, nods and finds a slightly more comfortable position to get in.  She wasn't too sure what she was going to talk about now, but being here with Khenal was more than she would be doing otherwise.  Come to think of it, she never really had spoken with him all that much.  Maybe just taking a little time to get to know him would be the best thing to do.  It might help take his mind off of things anyway, although after what he'd told her maybe not.  She'd find out anyway.

She settles down on the floor near the bars and prepares to stay for a little while.  Maybe somepony else would come by and visit Khenal soon.
Through pain, I find wisdom.


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9928 on: May 11, 2012, 10:40:34 pm »

((Big update incoming, and it only covers 5 months in game time.))

Charity's Journal 22nd Slate 102

My son is married today. Kris and Adamant finally tied the knot. However, there was an incident at the reception. Captain Demora and Captain Khenal got into a fight. No pony was hurt, but both are in jail for the night. Friesden was very upset. I managed to gather that Demora had been unpleasant to her, but I did not witness the event myself. Isos only wants to hold them overnight so they can cool down, so hopefully this be behind us soon.

Charity's Journal 23rd Slate 102

I went down with Friesden to see Khenal's release this morning, and was enraged to discover that Princess Hugwax had been here last night and pardoned Captain Demora after less than an hour of confinement, and to top it off she has ordered Isos to give Khenal the maximum sentence. My guard captain. The pony I trust both mine and my family's lives to is being held for the next two months! And I can't do anything about it, her orders supersede mine and prevent me from pardoning him. Friesden was inconsolable. I promised Khenal I'd visit him when I could and he had me bring a few books from his home down for him to read.

Charity's Journal 13th Felsite 102

I went out to stand on the wall today. The ponies were working hard on the road and in the small surface fields inside the walls. I was surprised to see the Princess standing up there as well next to her guard Captain Demora. I bowed and then we watched the workers together.

Up there on the wall, out of earshot of the others, she said some things to me about the workers. I won't repeat what words she used, but she has absolutely no respect for our laborers. I was so shocked I didn't even know what to say, I just nodded along with whatever she said. After nearly half an hour of this, I saw an old earthpony stallion, with the name of Groveflower one of our haulers, carrying an entire Elephant pony corpse on his back, alone. It was quite a feat of strength, even for an earthpony. There was enough meat on that animal to feed the whole fort for a month. But the Princess just wrinkled her nose in disgust and ordered that that “disgusting thing” be drug back into the jungle and left there. I and Groveflower tried to explain why we were bringing it inside, but...she got angry, she had Groveflower whipped, by Demora with her silver lash, (He is okay, she told Demora to “cut but don't kill”) for arguing with her and had somepony else throw the food away.

Charity's Journal 19th Felsite 102

The Ducal Guard and I went on another hunting trip, this time into the caverns, we took down 3 Elk Birds, it was a good time, we were out there for a week or so but it was good to be away from work for awhile. It was a shame that Khenal couldn't accompany us this time though.

Charity's Journal 9th Hematite 102

I have stained my hooves with blood today. We had a prisoner, a lone tentacle pony thief. Naturally I sentenced him to death, but, I carried out the execution myself. There was a mistake though. The prisoner was chained down and I was to kill him with my Large Adamantine Knife, but he managed to slip free. He ran. I chased him. I grabbed him, and slashed off his right rear leg with two swings, and then I stabbed him, multiple times, but he just wouldn't die, and I pulled back his screaming head and cut it from his body, only then did he stop. I don't know what to think. He was just a Diomedian, I shouldn't feel anything for his death, but the way he screamed and begged for his life and called out to his unholy god to save him. Sisters give me strength, I don't think I will ever forget it. I'm going to go talk to Khenal about this, maybe he can help ease my conscious.

((9th Hematite 102 Afternoon after Charity cleans most of the blood from her robe and changes her clothes.))

Charity walks slowly down the hall toward the cell where her guard captain Khenal is being held. As she reaches it she looks through the bars at him, “Khenal, I...can we talk for a bit?” she asks. As Khenal looks to her he sees that she looks quite disheveled, her mane a mess, her cloak on crooked and...blood on the bottom edge of her cloak.

Khenal quickly stands when he notices the blood at the edge of her cloak, again wishing he wasn’t behind bars.  “Of course, Charity.  What’s happened?”

Charity looks Khenal in the eyes, hers are slightly red, ‘Had she been crying?’ “There, there was an accident Khenal. No...nopony from Glitterglen was hurt, but I had to kill him...The way he screamed, the look on his face...I...” Charity begins to tear up again and chokes back a sob.

Khenal bites back asking who, letting Charity decide when and what to tell him.  Instead, he approaches the bars and reaches a hoof through to try to rest it on her shoulder in a small gesture of assurance.

Charity nuzzles Khenal’s hoof, before continuing. “It, it was that blasted thief, that we caught a month or two back, that caused this. That tentacle pony. I...I sentenced him to death, but I...I decided to do it myself, but when I was getting ready to do it...he slipped through the chains and tried to run.”

Khenal stays quiet, trying to give Charity the shoulder to cry on and the ear to listen like she needs.

Charity continues her story, “When...when he tried to run, I swung my knife at him and the blue metal blade cut through his rear leg like a knife through butter. The leg flew off and his blood flew everywhere. He was screaming. He begged for mercy. Calling to his unholy god to save him. I was afraid. I just wanted him to stop... I stabbed him. Again and again but he wouldn't stop...and, and I cut his neck and the blade just went right through, through muscle and arteries and even bone, his head just just came right off, and I was soaked in his blood. He finally had stopped, but it was terrible. I just....He was a diomedian, a monster. I shouldn’t care about him...but when I close my eyes. I can still see him clutching his stump of a leg. I can still hear his screams...Still see his face as my blade severs his head from his body. What do I do Khenal?”

“I... I don’t know, Charity.  The faces... fade with time, but never go away.  Taking a life is never easy.  All you can do is to try to be better... try to avoid more death, or... or give it swiftly if it’s needed.”

After several minutes of quiet in which Charity just sits there holding onto Khenal’s hoof she adds, “I’m, sorry to burden you with this Khenal...I’m sorry you have to see me getting so upset over this. I’m...I’m supposed to be the leader of these lands and here I am, blubbering over a worthless thief. I’m not cut out to rule...I’m sorry.”

Khenal gently grips her jaw, pointing her to be able to look into his eyes as he gives a soft smile.  “You are, by far, the most fit to rule I have ever seen, Charity.  Only somepony like Hugwax would treat life like nothing.  You rule with compassion and give fair punishment, and wish you didn’t have to.  It’s your burden, but you’re strong, Charity.  And you have friends and family to help you, and to remind you to stay compassionate.”

Charity nods, and wipes away a tear, “Thank you Khenal. Thank you for listening, and...for being my friend. You are among the best of us. Thank you.”

Khenal’s smile slips only slighty at that, but quickly recovers.  The first death was always hard... but all the other lives he’s cost other ponies hurt just as much.
((End Scene))
((New Scene Starts))
9th Hematite, 102 Evening

A few hours after her talk with Khenal, feeling a bit better, Charity, with Osal in tow, makes her way to the cabin of Starkey and Otik. It was late and she hoped she would not be interrupting them. As she reaches the door, she raises her hoof and knocks.

After only a few moments, the door opens a crack, and Starkey peeks out. “Hello? Oh, Miss Charity! Please, come in.”

Charity makes a forced smile at Starkey before telling Osal to wait outside, and making her way in. Without speaking she sits herself by the table. Charity appears to have been crying earlier, though she seems calm now, her mane is all messed up, and there is a bit of blood on the edges of her cloak. Otik is seated at the table, with a cup of hot tea in her hooves. She stands as Charity enters, taking a moment to look her over.

“G’d evenin’ Miss Charity. Beggin yer pardon, but... is everythin’ alright? Ye dunnae look too well.”

Charity hangs her head, “I, am sorry for bothering you two at such a late hour, but there incident earlier, nopony from Glitterglen was hurt, but I needed, to apologize to you. Especially to you Starkey. I should have listened to you.”

Starkey takes his seat beside Otik, taking his own cup. “Should have listened to me when? What’s happened?”

Charity looks up them and looks from one face to another, “About the prisoners. We had a tentacle pony taken prisoner. He was caught trying to take a foal. I had sentenced him to death, but instead of having him duel a member of the militia, like we usually do...I...was going to execute him myself. Just a quick cut across the neck to end his life...but there was an accident and it turned bad.”

Otik pours a cup of tea and passes it to Charity, scooting a little closer to her. “Go on...”

Charity takes the tea and begins to sip at it. “Thank you.” She pauses for a moment before she continues. “When...when I went to execute him, he slipped through the chains. Madush hadn’t restrained him properly. I...I lashed out at him. I swung my blue metal knife as he tried to run past me toward the door. It cut through his leg with hardly any resistance. He fell one way, the leg fell another. He was on the ground, rolling in pain, blood squirting everywhere, he was screaming, and begging for mercy, and calling on his unholy god to save him. I...I didn’t know what to do. I was afraid. I was angry. I just wanted it to stop. I stabbed him and cut him, but he wouldn’t stop, not until...I cut his head from his body. I was soaked in his blood. And and....I just...I wish it hadn’t...I’m sorry...It wasn’t supposed to happen like that.”

Otik slides over,putting a hoof on Charity’s withers. “There... I know ye never meant f’r this t’happen...”

Charity looks to Starkey, “Starkey...I don’t know if you can forgive me, but I would hate to lose you as a friend, and I’m sorry it happened like it did.”

Starkey sighs, meeting her eyes form across the table. “I’m not angry,Charity. And I do forgive
you. But... now do you understand?”

Charity nods, “I...think I do, and I won’t let it happen like this again.”

“I... I suppose that’s the best I can ask for..”

“Wos there anytihn’ else ye wanted t’talk about? We were jus’ about t’start dinner, if ye’d like t’stay a while.”

Charity shakes her head in agreement, “Yes, I...I would like to stay for dinner, if you are okay with that Otik, I don’t want to impose.”

Otik shakes her head. “not at all. Th’evenin’ is always best shared with friends.”

Charity invites Osal to join them inside, and the four ponies sit together and take dinner together.

((End Scene))

Charity's Journal 16th Hematite 102

Work on the southern road is coming along well, we are nearing completion, we have run low on our colbatite supplies, but I have requested the construction of more and at our current rate we should no run out. The works find it difficult to work with the annual parasprite swarms harassing them, the militia is doing it's part in dealing with the pests, but they are difficult to catch and many in number. Captain Jaxler is having the Skyguard use them as target practice, Otik did the same when she was captain and the newer recruits can use the practice at hitting moving targets.

Charity’s Journal 23th Hematite 102

Khenal was released today. I also had something to show him. It was a bit awkward to explain, but we have finished construction on a proper tomb for him and Friesden. It is carved into the marble layer across from Falcata's tomb. It has twin bismuth bronze sarcophagi for them, separated by a statue of the bronze colossus (should have been in bronze, but I asked for a steel statue for the tomb without specifying a form so Mr. Forgefire is responsible for that decision.) being slain by our militia in steel. On both sides of the door we have rose gold statues as added decoration. The walls are unengraved, and will remain as such until the unfortunate day when the tomb is no longer empty. I'm not exactly sure how Khenal felt about the prospect of having such a space set aside for him and his wife, but I didn't want to risk them ending up like Falcata, without us being prepared.

Charity's Journal 24th Hematite 102

Not much progress was made on the roads yet, but the parasprite swarm has been dealt with. Their numbers are greatly reduced or they have flown away back into the deep jungle. This should speed our progress.

Charity's Journal 10th Malachite 102

One of our stonecarvers was exploring the caverns searching for new resourses, when he spotted the largest cave spider (by his reports) that any of us have ever seen. He said it was with a group of rodent men in the southern expanse of the cavern. If we could use that creature to harvest silk...but that would be incredibly dangerous to attempt. Still I will talk with my military advisers.

Charity's Journal 12th Malachite 102

Ramol went out to scout the rodent man tribe himself yesterday. He thought going alone would allow him to be undetected. We should have sent somepony with actual stealth training such as Schmutz or Traphe, but hindsight is 20/20.  His scent was picked up by a blind giant mole rat. He could have killed them, but we still have hopes of taking their spider alive so he made a tactical retreat.

Charity's Journal 13th Malachite 102

We have our first blood in this endeavor, a craftspony was ambushed by a rodent man. It bit his wing, but he managed to break free and escape, he is not badly hurt and will fly again. The rodent man then swerved off and killed a tamed cougar cub, no real loss. However do to this attack we are putting the fort in high alert, until this is dealt with.

Charity's Journal 17th Malachite, 102

Scouts have told us the the rodent men are scattered and disorganized, and most importantly that they are far from their cave spider. We are beginning two separate actions. To the south, Granite is carving out a new tunnel to come up under the GCS to try and get it to follow him into a preset cage trap. Meanwhile Ramol and his squad of spear ponies are trying to deal with our Rat problem to the north, they have orders to avoid the GCS however.

Charity's Journal 19th Malachite, 102

Another pony has been taken by one of these curious moods. She has taken claim of the craftshop on the forge level which we usually just use for decorating metal work. This time it's an earthpony mare that was taken, she has no real skills, so I wonder what she will make.

Charity's Journal 21st Malachite 102

When Granite broke the surface the spider was no longer where reports had placed it. It was spotted a bit east of there again. Grifen is setting out to dig another tunnel closer to it's new position, he is volunteering to act as bait. Our prayers are with him that he will be swift.

Charity's Journal 22nd? Malachite, 102

A migrant arrived today, a lone unicorn mare. She says she's a doctor, family name Fancyguises. I don't know why or how she crossed the jungle to reach us, but more doctors can't hurt. I introduced her to Dr. Bubbles and they seemed to get along.

Charity's Journal 25th Malachite, 102

We have, suffered a set back. The giant cave spider is dead, as is mister Firstsong, our Master Blacksmith. He was always a loner, but many of the tools we use everyday were crafted by his hooves. Hugwax is livid. She had taken a personal interest in this endeavor and when she heard that Ramol's squad rushed in to fight the spider to try and save Firstsong, she was not happy. Hopefully she will let this go with time.

Charity's Journal 26th Malachite, 102

For his disregarding the orders the capture the GCS alive, Hugwax is placing Demora as his direct superior. Meaning he will take orders from her instead of from me. And if that wasn't bad enough she is having his whole squad beaten as an example. I argued his case but she would not listen. Hugwax and her followers have taken away my ability to command the military, and I fear she won't stop there.

Commander Ramol suffered a broken left front leg and sever bruising elsewhere.

Private 2nd Class Umil had his left front hoof broken and bruises all along that leg.

Private 1st Class Kussad, he was punished by Captain Demora personally and he got the worst of it, sever cuts along his upper and lower body, his left wing, and left front leg, and a gash across his right check where she ended her lashing. He is currently having trouble breathing, Friesden is looking over the wounded she thinks his lung is bruised.

Charity’s Journal 1st Galena, 102

The earthpony mare that was taken by a mood finished her work. It is a beautiful bracelet, made of tunnel tube wood. It is very nice and worth more than she is paid in two years, but still, I wish it had been something we could use.

Charity's Journal 4th Galena, 102

My eldest daughter Belle has become a mare today, there was a small party for friends and family only. She will be making a living as a singer/musician in the dinning hall from this day on.

Charity's Journal 13th Galena, 102

A zebra caravan has been spotted coming from the south-west. Demora has put 1st Lieutenant Kris in charge of providing an escort for them.

Charity's Journal 18th Galena, 102

Today, I am a grandmother. Kris had her foal at long last, a little unicorn filly. Adamant was so happy. And Cyptson was ecstatic. I wish Falcata was here to see this. Well I'm sure she was, but I wish she had been here physically, you know. The filly's name is Lorica, she has her mother's rainbow hair and a coat just a bit lighter than Adamant's, and she is a beautiful little filly.

Charity's Journal 20th Galena, 102

The Zebra traders have all but finished setting up the market in the soil layer, and our broker Adamant was looking over our collection of fine silks and cloths that we were going to trade to them, but an order came down from the Princess. No silk or cloth goods are to leave Glitterglen. This is insane. Most of the wealth brought into Glitterglen is from the export of Onol and Noleth's work (not to mention the gemcutters, weavers, farmers, miners, plant processors, dyers, and millers they keep employed with there business), and most of their considerable personal wealth comes from selling their work to ponies all over the world. Without this source of income they are ruined, and without our primary export, so is Glitterglen.

I have pleaded with the Princess to change her mind, I have begged her to remove this pointless ban, she has said that she is trying to get a new dress and nothing “Those two useless Skewer-headed mules who's horns would be better used as knitting needles,” (this was the nicest thing she called them during the whole talk, I couldn't possible repeat the other things she said) have made was good enough, so she is halting all cloth export until they make something she likes.

Even worse for Onol and Noleth is that she paid them upfront for one dress, but as she throws away completed design after completed design she hasn't give them anything extra at all, and with this new law they can't sell the finished work elsewhere, additionally, they are (rightfully, knowing the Princess) afraid to ask for more compensation.

Charity's Journal 22nd Galena, 102

I have thought it over, and I can't stand to see all these ponies suffer from this, but I know what I am  going to. I'm in charge of the bookkeeping, in her months here she has not once had my work checked, I'm also the mayor and in charge of work orders, and with my authority as Duchess, and my eldest sons as our broker and work manager I think we can cover up our actions. Now we just need some ponies I can trust...

Khenal...I trust him more than anypony, when I told him my plan he was more than willing to lend his magic to help.

Otik and Starkey...As loyal as Otik is to Glitterglen it was no surprise that she would want to help. Starkey told me honestly that he had his reservations about it, but when I explained the depth of the situation and how many ponies it would affect he signed on.

Kris...When I told her that I needed Adamant's help for this to work and that it would put him in danger, I was worried she would be upset with me, especially so soon after they just had their first foal, but she just laughed and told me she just wanted to help, no matter what the risk.

Friesden...She is a kind soul and wanted to help, but I didn't know what role she could take in this. She has no training in stealth or combat, and while a medic might help if fighting with the guard breaks out, if we do have to fight, it would likely mean we've been found out, and I don't want her to be involved if it comes to that, but she'll be helping us, by watching the foals when needed, and helping us look over the forged paperwork and making sure it all looks legit.

Together we will be able to make sure Glitterglen's business remains open, even if it must be from the shadows.
« Last Edit: May 11, 2012, 10:43:39 pm by KingStrongbeard »


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Re: My Little Fortress. Glitterglen.
« Reply #9929 on: May 13, 2012, 09:23:44 pm »

Kris' Diary - 22nd Slate, 102

Today was probably the happiest day of my life.  Today Addy and I finally got married!  I've been looking forward to this day for a long time, but to finally have it come felt almost surreal.  The stallion I love so much is now my husband!  It really has been the happiest day of my life.  Even if it wasn't perfect like every little filly dreams their wedding will be.

First and foremost, my mom and dad weren't there to see it.  Well, I suppose they really were, out of sight but watching over us.  I still wish they could have been there in person.  All of Addy's family was there of course, so I wasn't short on family, but I couldn't help but feel a bit upset that my parents weren't there.

Things went a bit poorly at the reception though.  I'll admit I didn't know much about Princess Hugwax, but I assumed she was a reasonable pony.  After what her royal guard did though, I can't help but wonder.  Her captain, whose name I gather is Demora, was very rude to Friesden and Khenal.  That actually escalated to the point where Captain Isos had to step in and break them up.  Both were given a night in jail for the disturbance.

I don't blame Khenal at all.  I just can't believe that Demora.  She deserves a night in jail, but Khenal was only doing what was right.

I'm pretty angry about the whole situation, but Addy told me it was best to drop it.  They'll both be out in the morning, and this will all be a memory soon enough.

And besides, I've got the rest of my life together with Addy to look forward to.  I'm going to stop writing now before I get too upset.

23rd Slate, 102

I was pretty angry at Demora last night, but I don't think that compares to how furious I am at Princess Hugwax today.  I admit I didn't know much about her before she came to Glitterglen, but I assumed she was a reasonable pony.  After all, she's the ruler of our principality.  You'd have to be pretty reasonable to do that sort of thing, I thought.

I was wrong.

She had the nerve to pardon her lecherous captain and force Khenal to remain in jail for two months!  For protecting his wife!

I talked with Khenal for a while today, both to give him some company and to help keep his mind off of things.  What he told me was pretty mind blowing.  I won't repeat everything he said to me here, but he's done a lot of things in the past... some of them pretty bad.  I'd have never guessed that somepony like him could be responsible for that sort of thing.

But... for as long as I've known him he's been a kind and caring pony.  Mom always told me he was a good pony, and I believe her.  I believe he is a good pony.  He's learned from his mistakes.

But not Hugwax.  I... I don't know how to describe it.  She's... well, Khenal thinks she is evil.  After what he told me... I'm not sure I disagree.

I'm scared.  She's here, and she has authority over Charity.  I fear what she might do now.

9th Hematite, 102

Addy told me today that his mom had a pretty serious scare today.  She killed one of the diomedian prisoners.  I know how she feels.  I still remember killing that thief.  The one who foalnapped me and tried to take me from my mom.  That was very hard.  You never forget what that's like.  Ever.  Even now, after serving in the militia and seeing a lot more death than I'd have ever cared to, it's still hard.

I'll never for as long as I live forget what it was like watching grandpa Starkey get killed right before me, or seeing grandma Otik's corpse lying in the caverns... or sisters help me what it was like to see my mother slowly fade from this world in agony.

Killing a prisoner is different, but not as much as you'd think.  Death is hard to watch, no matter how you see it.

23rd Hematite, 102

Khenal was released today, which was good to hear.  Hugwax pushed for a maximum sentence, and she got what she wanted.  I feel like I've been walking on coals around her every time I see her.  If I make the slightest slip, she could do the same to me.

It's wearing on my nerves, but so far it hasn't turned out to be anything but me worrying.  I don't need this stress right now.  I don't think I've written about this yet, but I found out recently that I'm pregnant.

I suspected it for a while, when my armor didn't really fit anymore, and I've been steadily getting bigger.  Faster than would be reasonable for just gaining weight.  Anyway, I stopped by the hospital yesterday to get checked out, and Venture confirmed it's true.

I'm pretty excited, but also worried even more for it.  Bringing a child into this world... Hugwax's world... it's scary.  I wouldn't wish that on my unborn child, but nature decides for itself I suppose.

26th Malachite, 102

I said before I feared what Hugwax might do next, but now I know, and I'm even more afraid.  A giant cave spider was spotted in the caverns below, and Captain Ramol personally oversaw the attempt to claim it.  When he failed and ended up killing the spider, Hugwax placed that horrible Demora above him and had him and his squad beaten as an example.  What madness grips this mare?  I can't believe she'd do something so senseless, even after what Khenal told me.

Worst of all, now that she is giving the militia orders, she can order me to do anything.

I hope she doesn't ask me to do something horrible like that.  I don't think I could go through with it if she did, and I'd just have to take whatever punishment she gave me instead.

And I dare her to do something to my husband.  If she lays a hoof on him, she'll lay a hoof on nopony else ever again.

18th Galena, 102

Today was an extreme surprise, to say the least.  Venture told me I wasn't due for a while yet, but I went into labor early this morning.  I was pretty scared, and I think Addy was too, but everything worked out for the best.  We hurried off to the hospital where everpony dropped what they were doing and started tending to me.

Childbirth is painful in ways I can't really relate on paper, nor could I have imagined it beforehoof.  I was in labor for a few hours, and none of it was pleasant at all.  Regardless, it was worth every moment of it.

Little Lorica entered the world today, and I couldn't be happier.  She's the most beautiful little unicorn filly I've ever seen.  She has my mane, my mother's eyes, and her coat is lavender.  She's just beautiful.

I was worried with her coming prematurely that there would be problems, but she's a strong and healthy little filly nevertheless.

I'm exhausted though.  Giving birth will do that to you.  I'm going to need a while to rest up and to get to know our little foal.  Addy was so happy when he got to hold her, and so am I when I'm holding her.  She's just beautiful.

One more thing I wish mom and dad could be here to see...

22nd Galena, 102

Charity stopped by today to ask me about something very serious, and a bit frightening.  She's planning on trying to subvert Hugwax's cloth ban, due to the overwhelming strain it's putting on our economy and many of the workers.  It's a very risky thing to do, and she needs Addy's help.  I'll admit I'm scared about the possibilities.  If anything happens to either of them I'm going to be crushed.  And righteously vexed with Hugwax.

I'm very worried about it, but I told Charity that I'd help in any way I can.  After what I've come to know of Hugwax, I hate her.  I want her and any influence she has gone.  I'm not going to raise my newborn child under her oppressive rule.  Anything I can do to help get around her is welcome.  And once again, I dare her to harm Addy or his family.  I dare her.

She didn't tell me much more than that, so maybe she hasn't really planned on what to do yet.  But I'll help in any way I can.

For now though, I'm exhausted and I'm going to bed.  Raising a newborn foal is more work than I could have imagined, even if it's a labor of love.  Addy and I will have to take turns feeding her through the night.  It's exhausting, but worth every moment.
Through pain, I find wisdom.
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